HomeMy WebLinkAbout868748I 0 1 f, 00 .1 1i.13 f 03A :J33 r, b C ROW 7�[cT )fOOU aijgnd AaefbN aa2euey�j 'xao oN •S aauaan�eZ r -nom :fig iiuedutoa A}TjtquIT paltuiij 2uTuzoXM '311 aawaj aSuITTA auJiet4Z cg c� b :sandx uo A Teas TePTJIo pup puetq Xw ssau4TM •000Z 'aagopa0 Jo Xep U}a Stlj} Xuedutoa t qe!I pa�tuttj 2uiuzOXM '311 Ja}uaD auXeg13o aaTeueN se VapoN aaua.tMeJ Xq aux aaojaq pa2paIMou'jae sum 4uauzna4suT 2uio2a to3 atjs Nola' JO )UNf1OJ .ss JNI AIOAM dO d1V1S •3oazaq ;Jed e apeuz aauaaajaz spp tiq pue o }aaaq patjae }e v„ 4ignjxg aas :paaaetjasIp pue paJjaauea )(gang sT pue Agaaaij} pampas Nap alp jo }uauiXed alp Xq payspes Ajjn; uaaq ale4sa jean pagInsap 2uTMojjo3 alp uo 'Xuedutoa 'i}mgeti pa1Tuz!I 2uTuzoJiM '311 Ja4ua3 ageT1TA auXegj ZLI, abed 'mom J ££J' >joog uT '666t 'AInl jo Xep pi£Z atj; uo '2upno CM 'k}unoj uIoaun ''PaTJ AkunoJ uIoau!Z atp jo aDT33O atj4 uT papaoaaz pue '6661 'XInf Jo Xep 1 1 Lt alp pawl) '2uTuzoXM 'AlunoJ uToauTZ JO '0661 '8 4sn2nV pa4ep ;saki, ajgeaonau eueQ •H saTae4D alp Jo }sna j uT Siossaaans 11alp JO 'saa4snii 'ru •H auteII pue rum •H saT.zetD Act papnaaxa a2e2pow amsa jean 4etj4 ii3T }aaa 4am if saop 2upuoiiM 'X4uno3 uO1aJ 3o 'Xuedutoa ATTjigeij paTTUUTJ Su!WOXM e '311 aa4uaJ a au�ietj.L aOV911IOI' 30ISVL1f2I TZRfTOT..n EXHIBIT "A" 394 Description Thayne Village Center Lot E 20,566.08 Sq. Ft. or 0.472 Acres A portion of the NW I /4SE1/4 of Section 23, T34N, R1 19W, of the 6th. P.M., located in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: The True Point of Beginning being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the Easterly line of that certain parcel of land described in Deed No. 815012 from Franklin and McGinnis properties, a partnership, to Hugh Gardner Soest and Dona Marie Soest, Trustees filed February 02, 1996 in Book 3' /9PR, Page 643, said point being 879.69 feet East to a Magnetic PK Nail set at a point in the Center Line of the Dana Street Right -of -Way and 319.30 feet S7 2821E from the Knowlton's B,L.M type Monument marking the Northwest corner of said NW1 /4NE1 /4; thence S7 °28'21 "E, continuing along said Easterly line, 100.86 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast corner of Lot D; thence West, along the North line of said Lot D, 212.21 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Northwest corner of said Lot D, said point also being a point in the East Right-of-Way line of Village Parkway; thence North, along said East Right -of -Way line 100.00 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence East 199.09 feet, to the True Point of Beginning,