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Description Tltiyno Village Center Lot E 20,566.08 Sq. Ft. or 0.472 Acres
A portion of the NWI /4SEI /4 of Section 2 3,134N, RI I9W, of the 6th. P.M., located in
the Town of 7'hayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as
The True Point of 13cgtntling being an Iron Pipe set at a point in the Easterly line of tha
certain parcel of land described in peed No, 815012 from Franklin and McGinnis t
puoperties, a partnership, to 1 high Gardner Soest and Dona Marie Soest, Trustees filed
l'ebruary 02, 1996 in 1]ook 3791'It, Puce 643, said point being 879.69 feet 0 a
Map;nctic PK Nail set at a point in the (:enter I.Ine...of the Dana Street Right -of and
319.30 feet S7 28'21 "E from the K.nuwIIUn's 13.f,.M type Monument marking the
Not thwest corner of said NW 1/.114131/.1, thence 87°28'21"E, continuing Along said
Easterly line, 100.86 feet to an Iron Pipe found 'noticing the Northeast corner of Lot 0;
thence West, along the Nuith line of sgid Lat 0, 212.21 feet to an Iron Pipe found
marking the Northwest cornet of said Lot L a
Right-of-Way line of Village Parkway; thence Nn along said !t a point in the Last
100,00 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence Eust 199,09 feet, to the True lit of t3e g,+