HomeMy WebLinkAbout868773BOOK___ _PR PAGE 4 5 5 AGREEMENTcf GSAtiMENT Page 1 of 9 IN Agreement made, effective as of September le 2000, by and between S. Kim Bonnett and Shelley Bonnett, husband and wife, of 270 North Main, Lindon, Utah 84042, (hereafter "first party and Kim E. Eggleston, Raedene Eggleston, Vaidean Eggleston, Sandra Eggleston,Marie Mary Eggleston Lovelady, Kent Lovelady, Aneta Regina Burton, Kay Burton, Julie Ann Harmon, and Robert Harmon of Land Title Co., P.O. Box 651, Jackson, Wyoming 83001 (hereafter "second party The parties recite and declare: A. The second party is selling and conveying to the first party approximately eighty acres (80) near Thayne, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. The Easterly forty acres (40) of the eighty acre (80) parcel shall be conveyed to the first party by the second party in a fee simple conveyance. The remaining Westerly forty acres (40) of the eighty acre (80) parcel will be subject to a note and mortgage due from the payment from the first party to the second party. B. The parties desire to create an easement for utilities above and below the ground from the easement which the first party has received from Kim Eggleston and Raedene Eggleston across the mortgage property in "Exhibit A" hereto attached and made part of by reference. C. The second party currently has a mortgage in place on the real property described in "Exhibit A" and hereby agrees to sign at any time in the future an easement for the first party giving the first party the right to place under ground and above ground utilities across the mortgaged tract. D. At this time the first party has not received the information needed to determine exactly where the utilities easement is to be on the mortgage tract, as such, the parties enter into this agreement with anticipation that once this information is provided to the first party, with a completed description, the second party will then sign any and all necessary documents to effectuate the easement for the first party. Bowers Law Office P.C. Post Office Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 u! paoJOlua pue `peni;suoo `/(q pawano6 aq !legs;uawaaJ6e slyl ley; paaJ6e s!1! Md7 ONINd3/I09 6 Jo Z a8nd 011E8 8ururortAl 1uo00 OSSI xog as sod •d aalgo nw7 s rantog luaweai6e sly; to 6uiuui6aq ay; le yliol;as se Aped yaea to sseippe eniloadsai a of was l! pew paJalsl6ei Jo palliliao Aq luas uayM uani6 Rllualoy}ns pawaap aq pue 6uR;IiM ul aq !legs luawaaJ6e sly! 6u!waouoo JO Jol papinoid aogou f ud S3011ON •suB!sse .10 'sJOSSaoans 's.ilay enllaadsei ilay; 'luawaaa6e sly; of sallied ail to lIauaq a o; emu! !legs pue uo 6ulpulq aq !legs pue pue! ayl il!M um !legs luawasea to luei6 sly! ONV7 H11M Nn21011N3W3SV3 •luawasea paq!iasap upiay ayl Jol uolleiap!suoo pasted Jo panlaaaJ aney stay; leyn awls pue aieioap sallied y ;oq `snyl •sallied au; uaaM;aq uolloesueJi a;elsa leaf ayl Jol uolleiaplsuoo a to lied s! luawasea pagliosap ulaiay a pue ;mimeo sly; Jol peed aq rleys uolleJapisuoo aleiedas oN °Alleau awe° 6 i8 s!II3 1 -1 6 noii '000Z `£Z AInr palep;oei ;uoo e ul ypol las se (09) sane it446ra i(lalewlxoidde Aped pumas all wall Bulseioind sl Aped ;sill ay; yolgM u! 'uol;aesueJ; °!else 189J a o;ul paialua aney Aped pumas pue Aped ;sill ayi NOIIV J30ISNOO wly I(q uasoyo uolleool ay; a ;;uawasea ue wry 6uln!B s ;uawnoop AJessaaau Ile pue Aue u6ls o; aslwoid pue 4181.19A00 !!IM Aped puooes ay; peoeld aq o; s! luawasea sal ;Ill ;n ay; 'Apadoid 96e6pow ay; uodn aJayM aulwia;ap of AJessaoeu uol;eWJOlu! ay; panlaaai sei Aped ;sill ay; Je y 1N3W332JOV 1N3W3SV3 :sMOljOI se aa.6e sallied a41 0868773 457 accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party. In witness whereof, each party to this agreement has caused it to be executed on the date indicated below. DATED this JO day of September, 2000. KIM E. EGGLESTON By: C2il-grcie--/ ANETA REGINBURTON 7' Attomey In -Fact R EDENE EGGLESTON By ,1 -fir'' ;v�' GL_ t 2 t 6 YZ,:? j G c n. ANETA REGINA BURTON Attomey In -Fact VALDEAN WAYNE EGGLE TO Bowers Law Office P.C. Post Office Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 ANETA REGINA BURTON Attorney -In -Fact Page 3 of 9 By: lre ANETA REGIN Attorney -In -Fact MARIE MARY EGGLESTON LOVELADY By: �r ANETA REGINk BURTO Attorney -In -Fact KENT LOVELADY ANETA REGINA I3URTO 0178nd AelVION N012Jn8 AVM NOW?JVH 183902d 61 vd z' y (wig -9 Zunaoef f `uo;ly Off 1 x o g as ;sod 9011.0 1141Y7 sJaMOg J :saaidxe UOlsslwwoo AIN lees lepgjo pue pueq Aw SS3NIIM '000z `Jegweldes Jo ,'ep s!y/ NO1S319O3 3 WI)I uosied Bons Jo pe A& /union pue awj eql se pe5pe/Moure pue palnoaxa seM luewn11su/ tons legl pespelMowloe peg-u/ 4awo1 y lions Jegl pue `NO1S37003 "3 INN `uosied /eanleu Lions jo j/egeq uo luewn11su/ clans palnoaxa oqM Aped eta eq ew Xq uMOU)/ seM pue ew aiojeq poieedde {'/leuosied peg-u/ Xawolld pies pue uos ed e ioj Dupe peg-ul -Aenroll y aqj uopng e408 wetly Aq ew awomaq pe5pa/MOUWIoe Mou seM luewnrlsu► 6u/o5eioj eta N700N17 dO AiN1700 'SS( ONIWOAM dO 311/1S NO1 8 VNIO38 V13NV NoWJVH NN 3nnr peg- ul- Xawo11V STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN )SS. The foregoing instrument was now acknowledged before me by Aneta Regina Burton the Attorney -In -Fact acting for a natural person and said Attorney -In -Fact personally appeared before me and was known by me be the party who executed such instrument on behalf of such natural person, RAEDENE EGGLESTON, and that such Attorney -In -Fact acknowledged that such instrument was executed and acknowledged as the free and voluntary act of such natural person RAEDENE EGGLESTON this day of September, 2000. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was now acknowledged before me by Aneta Regina Burton the Attorney-In-Fact acting for a natural person and said Attomey In -Fact personally appeared before me and was known by me be the party who executed such instrument on behalf of such natural person, VALDEAN WAYNE EGGLESTON, and that such Attorney -In -Fact acknowledged that such instrument was executed and acknowledged as the free and voluntary act of such natural person VALDEAN WAYNE EGGLESTON this -10 day of September, 2000. Bowers Law Office P. C. Post ice Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 My commission expires: Page 5 of 9 r NOTARY PUBLIC 459 "0002 egwe ;deg Jo Sep Q sup )OV73A07 N0 L$379O3 X121 b'W 3121 b'W uosied le in ;eu yons jo Joe ke;unlon pue earl eqj se pa6pa /Mowloe pue pa;naexe seM ;uewna ;sui yans ley; paipejMouNoe ;aed -u/ Xawopy yons ley; pue 0073/107 NO1S37003W 3Id VW `uosred iwnieu yans lol/eyaq uo;uewru;sul yans pe;noexe oyM Aped at; eq ew Xq uMOUWI seM pue ew eiojeq peieedde Alleuos ed ;aed -upAewop y pies pue uosied lern;eu e roj 6upoe toed -up-Aawop y ay; uopng eul5e8 e;euyA'q ew erojeq pa6pa /Mouve Mou seM ;uewnr;sul 6uio6arol eyl Ol78nd X121 d10N 1 1 0 91 6 ,1b 9 a vd C. 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The foregoing instrument was now acknowledged before me by Aneta Regina Burton the Attomey -In -Fact acting for a natural person and said Attorney -In -Fact personally appeared before me and was known by me be the party who executed such instrument on behalf of such natural person, KENT LOVELADY, and that such Attomey -ln -Fact acknowledged that such instrument was executed and acknowledged as the free and voluntary act of such natural person KENT LOVELADY this 3<°) day of September, 2000. Bowers Law Office P.C. Post Office Box 1350 Afton, Wyoming 83110 1:t• SANDRA PEAVLER NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commssion Expire q T My commission expires:6.o 6k 4 WO STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN )SS. a WITNESS my hand and official seat SANDRA PEAVLER NOTARY PUBUO County of y` State of Uncoin oming My Commission Expires My commission expires: t to Page 7 of 9 4 61 c/- NOTARY PUBLIC The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ANETA REGINA BURTON thislc2 day of September, 2000. 4 4 L- NOTARYPUBL!C 0179nd AlfVION 6 ft) ga &nd rrir fir- w 1'Z 1? 6 mom u°issLwwoo �tw BulwaM ;r >tA upoun ;o elelS 4 :i l° Alunoo °nand AUVIOM UBlAd3d VUCNVS aa!dxe uo!ss!wwoo yeas maw pue pue y X'w SS3NIIM (HHu8 Swuroagi uoiy off xog aatfk) sod ad aago MIT UMW '0002 `.regwe ;daS Jo lep VIII NOWHVH NNV 31717/' Xq aw eioyaq paBpajMow/oe sem juawni ;sui 5uloBaJoy ayl N700N17 dO A1Nn00 'SS( ONIWOAM dO.31a1S Bu w Beildbp uolssiwwoo Aw o ="f l 10 wain elm jo Aluno3 °Wend AW10N 113 IAd3d daaNvs >sai!dxa uo;ssiwwoo Aky leas leloyjo pue puey Aw SS3NIIM 000z `aagwe;ddr jo step c s!yl NOlwln9 AVM Xq ew arojeq peIpelMoure seM ;uawnJ;sui Buio5oioy ey1 N700■17 dO AINfO0 'SS( ON/WOAM dO 3.LVIS o STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Bowers Law Office P.C. Post Office Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 )SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ROBERT HARMON this day of September, 2000. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SANDRA PEAVLER NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Vin' My Commission Expires My commission expires: ,/0/ Z ac z_ Page 9 of 9 -4 416 NOTARY PUBLIC „JoAenms NI to Al!!!gei! seleuiwiei uoilduosep 6uio6eiol eyl Jo Henn Aue u! uoileoilipon„ OOOZ Joquzalda 'OOOZ AI LZ saRP 4DNILAIOAM `AINf1OD NZODNI'I M8I T I N££.L L V as l /iMSZ /tE VAN /JS HELL NIH LIM S.LOV'LL AO ,LV Id "IV .LH `NO.LSH IJJH HNXVM NVRGIVA„ `PaI iCluno3 uioout7 3o OJ3 auk. 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