HomeMy WebLinkAbout868797GIJRLITY BUILDERS 3 R. Fax :307 977 -3300 Oct 3 'CO 12:36 P.10 Affidavit Affecting Title and Terminating Estate of Joint Tenant I, Peter S. Wendell, being duly sworn on oath depose and state as follows-: 1. That under the consideration, Leisure deed was duly filed of clerk, on August 13, on page 532, conveyed husband and wife as property, to -wit: Lot Sixty -Two (62) in Star Valley Ranch Plat Three (3) as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming 2. That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Peter S. Wendell and Lee J. Wendell, husband and wife, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of said conveyance in said deed to the date of death of said Lee J. Wendell, on the 17th day of May, 2000. 3. That Lee J. wendell and Nellie Eva Wendell are one and the same person. 4. That by reason of and upon the death of Lee J. Wendell, also known as Nellie Eva wendell, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Affiant, peter S. Wendell, as surviving spouse. Affiant avers and certifies that Nellie Eva Wendell, also known as Lee J. Wendell, is the identical party named with the Affiant in the, aforementioned deed whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. WITNESS my hand this 3a°o day of State of /Obe f ill county of Vf) r1117ltg' Pr.14:4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Peter S. Wendell this 3/J) day of .rx°7j 200D. WITNESS my hand and official seal. date of August 10, 1976, for valuable Valley, Inc., by deed of that date, which record in the.Office of the Lincoln County 1976, in Book 129 of Photostatic Records to Peter S. wendell and Lee J. Wendell, joint tenants, the following described 1 se. i ZSion Expires: Oak &2 G X Y' t-g CfSrs• /1i,,') of /fit ie" Notary Public S BOOK__ .J __PR PAGE 5 1 4 868797 RECEIVED t,ra a�t W 11� 11G 1. Decedent's Name (First, Middle, Last) 4 4!U Social Security Number 1 43 -26 -666 Usual Residence of Decedent 10a. State 30. fame and address of person who comple 1. Date filed (Month, Day, Year) 32. Registrar' MAY 2 3 2000 Ignature 4)€- 7. Age (In yrs. last birth.: Yrs. 4b. City, Town, or Hours 2. Date of Death Month Day 3. Time of Death 10d. Inside City Limits 1 Maas 2DNo DATE ISSUED: MAY 23 2000 4a Facility Name (/f not instituti.n, g /v: VALID ONLY WITH EAL IMP RESSED S lob. County Broward 10e. Street and Number 8132 N.W. 15th Manor 11. Marital Status 10 Never Married 2a Marred 3 D Widowed 4 D Divorced Elementary/Secondary (0-12) 17. Father's Name (First, Midd le, Last) Edward Johnston 23a. Parts. Enter the disea shock, or heart failure Immediate Cause (Final disease or condition resulting in death) Sequentially list conditions, if any, leading to immediate cause. Enter Underlying Cause (Disease or injury resulting in deh events ast 25. Was case referred to medical frier? 1 Yes 2DNo 27. Maanoer of Death 1 ytt' atural 5 0 Pending 2 Accident Investigation 3 Suicide 6 D Could not be 4 O Homicide determined 12. Was Decedent Ever in U,S. Armed Forces? 1 D Yes 2. No If Yes, Give Year or Dates: 15. Decedent's Education (Specify only highest grade completed) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE COPY OF A RECORD ON FILE IN THE DIVISION OF VITAL RECORDS Please Type or Print in Black indelible Ink. Assure All Copies Are Legible. State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Certificate of Death Reg. No. College (1.4or 5 Own Home 18. Mother's Name (First, Middle, Maiden Surname) Charlotte N o,Y'r is 19a. Informant's Name/Relationship (Type Print) I r Rural Route Number, City or Town, State, Zip Code) Rev Peter 19b. Mailing Address (Street and Number o Wendell /Husband 8132 N.W. 20a. Method of Disposition 1 5th M anor 20b. Place of Disposition (N ame of r Plantation, F j, 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 Burial 2 DCremation 3 Removal from State cemetery, crematory or other plece�T r or t h Ma 21 4 D Donation 5 Date 20c. Location -City or Town, Stale ❑ot (s pec i fy) Forest Y 21. Signature of Funeral ,rvice License L awn M e m Gar I Pompano Beach 22. Name and Address of Facility F L TU Sterling- Ashton Schwab Funeral Home, complications that c 7 3 6 F drn o,o d _sQ r Inc s only one cause a c sad th e death. Do not enter the mode of dying, such as cardiac te r a�� arrest, �.]�t_Q- --M -d 21��f j Interval Betwee V' Onset and Death Due to (or as a consequence of): s� l_f- L P r D /s ,5, f Due to (or as a consequence of): Part II. Other significant conditions s conlribuNng to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. 23b. Did tobacco use contribute to the cause of death? Due to (or as a consequence of): Hospital: 10 Inpatient 2f Ft/Outpatient 30 DOA 28a. ate of I nj u ry 28b. Time of Month, Day Year) Injury 11 1OYes 2DNo 28e. Place of Injury At home, farm, street, factory, office building, eftc. (Specify) 28f. Location (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City or Town, State) i 29a. Certifier a »u Physician: red at the time, date and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner as stated. d and manner staled. 29b. Signature and title of certifier flan, In my opinion, death occurred at the time, date and place, and due to the cause(s) 29c. License number use of death (Item 23a) (Type, Print) 1Oc. City, Town or Location Plantation 10f. Zip Code 33322 13. Was Decedent of Hispanic Origin? (Specify Yes or No- Ii Yes, specify Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, etc.) 1OYes 2 CIANo Specify: 16a. Decedent's Usual Occupation (Give kind of work done during most of working life. DO NOT use retired) Housewife Year �G�ov 4c. County of Death Location of Depth 8. Date of Birth (Month, Day, Year) 9 Birthplace (State or Foreign Country) 109. Citizen of What Country? USA 14. Race American Indian, Black, White, etc. Specify; White 16b. Kind of Business/Industry 10 Yes 2DNo 30 Pr obably Jnkno yn 24a. Was an autopsy performed? 24b. Were autopsy findings available prior to completion of cause of death? 1 OYes 2 .KNo 1OYes 20 No 26. Place of Death Check o one Other: 4D Nursing Home 5 Residence 6 DOfher (Specify) 28c. Injuyy at 28d. Describe how Injury occurred Wo 29d. Date sr,. ed (Mon h, Day, Year) I 03