HomeMy WebLinkAbout868824SOUTHWEST TITLE CO. Fax :1 -307 877 -9602 STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BANNOCK Dated this day of October, 2000. State of Idaho County of Bannock My Commission Expires: 8' /a' Q g 6' Q AVIT BOOK 4� PAGE Oct 4 '00 8:51 F18 r RECEIVED 00 OCT -u ATBOV \900 P. 02/02 {:;'x'4 `t I, Karen Badten, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That i am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Pocatello, Idaho. That 1 was well and personally acquainted with Elmer Thurman as described in that certain Deed of Gift dated August 23, 1985 and recorded August 26, 1985 in Book 230PR on page 122 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk_ That 1 know of my own knowledge that Elmer Thurman in the above described Gift of Deed and mentioned in the attached Certified copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person.. This affidavit is intended to terminate the life estate of said Elmer Thurman in the following described property: Lot 2 of Block 1 to the Town of Grover, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof_ Karen Badten The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Karen Badten this 'day of October, 2000. Notary Public Yod DECEASED C Tr DECADENT, r A 4153 E First Middle Last 3 r Elmer THURMAN SEX 2 M DATE OF DEATH (mo, day, yr) 3 .February 27, 1990 DATE OF BIRTH (mo, day, yr) 4. Oct 2, 1902 AGE -last birthday 5a. 87 UNDER 1 YEAR UNDER 1 DAY RACE Specify White, Black, Native American, etc. Whit 6a. IF NATIVE AMERICAN, Specify Tribal Affiliation (e.g. Zia, Jicardla, Navajo. etc.) 6b. MOS. DAYS 5b. HOURS MINS. 5c. DECEDENT HISPANIC? U.S. Southwest Mexican Cuban Puerto Rican Other 6c. X No Yes Specify: Specify EDUCATION OF DECEDENT Indicate highest grade competed 7. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (XIK HOSPITAL OR OTHER INSTITUTION Name (If neither, give street and number) 6a. 5708 Aztec, N.E. HOSPITAL: OTHER: IN Inpatient I me Nursing Home 1 Residence Other (Specify) II Bb. STATE OR COUNTRY OF BIRTH 9. Wyoming CITIZEN OF WHAT COUNTRY 10. U .S. A MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED, WIDOWED, DIVORCED Specify 11. Widowed SURVIVING SPOUSE (If wife, give birth name) 12. N/A WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? 13 YES (X] NO SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 14 520 09 4550 USUAL OCCUPATION (Kind of work done during most of working Ide, even if retired) 15a. Barber KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY Cutting RESIDENCE State 16a. Idaho County 16b. Bingham CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION 16c. Blackfoot INSIDE CITY LIMITS? 18d r YES NO STREET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION 16e. 262 South Shilling ZIP CODE 16f. 83221 UNMAN FATHER NAME First Middle Last 17. Edward Clarence Thurman MOTHER BIRTH NAME First Middle Last 18 Mary Anna Johnson INFORMANT NAME (Type or print) ,..Georgia T. Argyle MAILING ADDRESS Street/RFD No City/Town State Zip 1 5708 Aztec, N.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 DIS METHOD OF DISPOSITION X Burial Cremation A Removal 20a. from State Donation Entombment Other (Specify) CEMETERY CREMATORY Name 20b. Grove City Cemetery LOCATION City/Town State 20c. Blackfoot Idaho SON ACTING AS S �I Sifyre FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSEE or P LICENSE NUMBER 21b. 4-'"'"i ER 21a. ON' FACILITY NAME 21c. Fitzgerald and Son FACIL TY ADDRESS Stree "FD No. City/Town State 21d. P.0. Box 36690 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176 womolo— CERTIFICATION CERTIFIER'S SIGNATURE On the basis of examination and /or Office of Medical Investigator �4(zila,, ■i: roy uNirtion uoeilt ut,GUiteu et lire time, date Tribar/Miiitary Authority and place and r ue to the cause(s) stated. i Certified Physician ix 22a. PP N4 �J;ikfiaile-* TYPE/PRINT NAME n- 4 46145-fat 22b. ADDRESS Ja /9 /L41 %fal7,V 1/ DATE.IIGNED (mo, day, yr) sr-� 22c. 2 V HOUR OF DEATH 22d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (mo, day, yr) 22e. 2-Z7-4 0 PRONOUNCED DEAD (hour) 22f. 1600 MANNER OF DEATH NATURAL II ACCIDENT 226. SUICIDE IN HOMICIDE R UNDETERMINED REGISTRAR' SIGNATU 23a. a-4,--1.-.4-4--40.--- DATE FILED (Mo., Day, Yr.) 23b.- .2 as^� sr___ C A SE OF DEATH WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 24a. YES NO If yes, were findings considered in determining cause of death? 24b. YES NO LOCATION WHERE AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED (CITY, STATE) 24c. WAS RECENT SURGICAL PROCEDURE PERFORMED? 25a. (III YES NO IF YES, SPECIFY TYPE OF PROCEDURE 25b. DATE OF PROCEDURE 25c. WAS DECEDENT PREGNANT WITHIN LAST 6 WEEKS? 26a. it YES NO If yes, estimated length of pregnancy 26b. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (COMPLETE FOR ACCIDENT, SUICIDE, HOMICIDE, UNDETERMINED) 27a. HOUR OF INJURY 27b. DATE OF INJURY -(MO, DAY, YR) 27c. INJURY AT WORK 27d YES NO PLACE OF INJURY Specify home. farm, street, etc. 27e. LOCATION Street/RFD No. City/Town State 27f. 28. PART I. Enter t e diseases, injuries, w arrest, shock, or heart O it a IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final Q disease or condition y J 2 Z resulting in death or complications which caused the death. Do not enter the mode of dying, such as cardiac or respiratory Approximate Interval failure. List only one cause per each line. Between Onset and �a Death J1y7 '�j 111 tilt l id t§6 fi"�i7CJlG,- /V i) t 4747L'& O (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE 09: f c.Lt t& (36 X7) z N Cr) Sequentially list =talons, N w if any, leading to Immediate w a cause. Enter UNDERLYING a. CEO CAUSE (Disease or In)ury CC U which Initiated events O N resulting in death) LAST Q a w �1 DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): c 1 DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE On: d. a PART II. Other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. F- 2 United States of America State of New Mexico Vital Statistics CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Certified by Medical Investigator i yy (NOTE: If death due to accident, suicide, homicide, trauma, Certified by Physician lJ or unknown causes. refer case to Medical Investigator) STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANTA FE 22368M CERTIFIED COPY OF VITAL RECORD This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially registered and filed with Vital Records and Statistics, Public Health Division, Department of Health. 01573 Bernalillo County of Death 307941 A Yb4 erque City, Town, Location etty L. Rieman State Registrar DATE ISSUED 111111FER 1991