HomeMy WebLinkAbout868843`s2uiplinq 'slum `sauilmoll `sliun 2uiduind luauidinba puagllam `sham lle `uopelitutl Jo Sum Sq lou lnq `2uipnlout) sainlxi3 puu Sliadojd luuos.zad Jaglo puu sluatuano.iduii luauidtnba `SJautgoeui `sailddns `sleualeui Ile of puu ut saoluez0 Jo slsaimlut puu sal3il `siq a Iid (p) tonoge (q) puu (u) suopoasgns ui paquosap sopiadoid alit of algeingtallu a.ze maim! puu sapp `s10u dons luaixa agl of /quo pug iuolxa 0133 of `anoqu (q) puu (e) suouoosgns ui paquosap sailzadotd am Jo /Cm of alelaa goigm (elep Jo sasuaotl dons aainboe of 9112t.1 am JO ulup ottusias of 2upuia.z sasuaotl Niue ajquaisse lualxa 0133 of 2uipnloui) Sloe.tluoo put sluauiaaAu Jaglo Jo Sluau100a2e asn aoelit's `sivatuaaae 2utla)lautu `Sluautaa.12e Euissaooid `slu0tuaaa$e uoi3el1odsuu.il `sluauiaaz$e 2uiundo `sloe.i3uoo salt's uoponpoJd men puu 2ugsixa Xl3uasa1d llu 03 puu ui s.iolu mo JO sisamiui puu s0l3ii puu :anoge (u) uopoasgns ui paquosap sapiadoad a 03 algeingtJl3u aau sls0aalut puu Sapp `s1g2!.z pons lualxa am 03 Sluo pug wawa am of `anoge (u) uopoasgns ui paquosap sat3aadoid atp of &utlelaz (suope1uloap ao /pue suopeuBisap `sivatuaaa$u uopuzpiun iie3unlon puu `uopotps!inf .&utneg iiluoglne 1ag3o JO `alels 'mom /Cue JO sloe Ieioilw° aa133o JO `suoileln2aa `saTru `sJopio aapun patu.zoj shun lle `uopuliunl lnogiim &uipnloui) saopao ao /pue suotleauloap `sluatuaaafe uotiuzptunuiutoo ao /pue `Iutlood `uotluzptun luJouitu Jo/puu Sep 'Ho pilun puu 2upstxa CI3uasaId Hu `tuo.i3 paniaap astmJagio 10 `03 puu ui stoluemo Jo s3saJalui puu sailp `s31321.1 JJV (q) lugigxg uo paquosap sgldap pug spuel aill aanoo (sluatupuatuu puu suopuoi3Tea dons puu) SaSeal pons se most!! (v *viva uo paquosap O.ie sivatupuatue .to suoileo3Ji3RI pons lou .io 10glagm `saseol lions of sluauipuauie Jo/pug Suoileo1JURJ Niue puu) o301a13 y Iigigxg uo paquosap spuul Jo/puu sham am 2410n00 SOWN runup.' Jo/puu seh `lio puu S3Saaalui X3juSoz 2uipuzan0 `SISOIalui SijECoi `s3sOJ031.1i luaauttu 0133 o3 puu ui saoimo Jo Isaaalu! puu 0I3i3 slsazalut puu si4u `saIJado id pagposap 2uimollo3 all Jo Sti0 L6 papinipun 1111 „saalut'a9„ palluo Sputof U!01013) •d•'I `uopisinboy 'mpg Igo own puu %SS67 papinipun ue •O•Z•Z `130 IecJedmID Nun IIHAI"IHQ Pue `2IIAO L1S `2IgdSNVILL `NOISSV `AaANOO `"I'IgS `NIVD VH `.LNVUD Xgazag op `(pa palmouloe Sgoiag 0.111 goigm Jo Souatoglns puu ldiaoaa 0143) uot3eaapisuoo algunlun puu pooh Jaglo puu sJulloU uas Jol `(«iino0 Soidn-z)iuug„ 0133) uoisin!Q IisIJg0 sndzoo 'mu Jo lou3s!Q uiag3noS 0113 coJ llnoo Soldnnlueg Sams paliun alp ut &uipuad „saoiuEJ0„ p0l1e0 iilanpo0lloo uia1ag) i T IZ 00 •oN asu0 paialsiuiuipu SIluiof ui uotssassod- u!- s1olgaQ se `•O•Z•Z `Suedtuo0 uoi3onpoid sao.inosau lolsizg puu •d•'I `uoilisinboy 1766T saoznosau 'mpg `uoi3u1odio0 Saamosau 'mpg 3 1Odd lid pry xooU E) 11 1 V10 tr.::SUI7:11111113‘A N., p 4 1 ‘r! i0ON (.33A1333. g3NVAHANOD `999 `siu2p 'iv IId (e) N'IOONI'I do A,LNf10D •ss ONINIOAM d0 aIvis 0 S43 64 4 injection facilities, saltwater disposal facilities, compression facilities, gathering systems (including, without limitation, the Colorado Gas Gathering System, the Morales Gas System and the Tocito Dome Gathering System), and other equipment) located on the properties described in subsections (a) and (b) above and used in connection with the exploration, development, operation, gathering, transportation or maintenance thereof (or with respect to production therefrom), and in and to all permits, licenses, rights of way, easements, and other rights of surface use used in connection with the exploration, development, operation, gathering, transportation or maintenance of the properties described in subsections (a), (b) and (c) above, to the extent and only to the extent such rights, titles and interests are attributable to the properties described in subsections (a), (b) and (c) above; and (e) To the extent transferable, all representations, warranties and indemnities made by third parties in favor of Grantors with respect to the properties described in subsections (a) through (d) above. The properties, rights and interests specified in the foregoing subsections (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) exclusive of the properties, rights and interests excluded below, are herein sometimes collectively called the "Properties." Except for gas imbalances, the Properties do not include, and there are hereby expressly excepted and excluded therefrom and reserved to Grantors all rights and choses in action, arising, occurring or existing in favor of any Grantor prior to the Effective Date or arising out of the operation of or production from the Properties prior to the Effective Date, including, but not limited to, any and all contract rights, claims, receivables, revenues, recoupment rights, recovery rights, claims arising under Chapter 5 of Title 11 of the U.S. Code, accounting adjustments, mispayments, erroneous payments or other claims of any nature in favor of any Grantor and relating and accruing to any time period prior to the Effective Date (the "Retained Rights All costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Retained Rights shall be the responsibility of Grantors. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Properties unto Grantees, their successors and assigns, forever. This Conveyance is made without representation or warranty of any kind (including, without limitation, any warranty of title), all representations and warranties being expressly disclaimed. Grantors intend, through this Agreement, to sell to Grantees (and Grantees intend to purchase from Grantors) all right, title and interest of Grantors in Grantors' exploration. and production assets of the kind and character described in subparagraphs (a) through (e) above (other than the Retained Rights), to the extent the same relate to the lands, leases, wells and units set forth in Exhibit A, whether or not the decimal interests, wells, leases or lands are fully or accurately described in Exhibit A. Grantors agree that they shall execute and deliver, and shall otherwise cause to be executed and delivered, from time to time, such further instruments, notices, division orders, transfer orders and other documents, and to do such other and further acts and things, as may be 2 NOI1 V IOdZi00 SaO?IIlOSau 'IOZSRIEI uotstniQ ilsiltl0 sndao0 `suxas ;o loials1Q ulatilnos alp 10; lano0 ioldnniusg salrls paliun atp ui &unpuad IT 00 'oN asEO ui palalsiuIUJpU XIluiof ut uoissassod- ui- s1o3gaQ ss «S?IO NIVIIO E KIEL RumPPIO 3i0 gtUOtt3PI0 *PAM oXu'I 1uP03 TOL 0''I "I `ii0 rsusdrt10 :O.L r nin Lg2i ISV 'Id '0002 I iCinr 110 `iCrani30ads0l `sar310dold 0111 JO Su0t3E30j NI 311011111 Ig00I 'U'E 00:L ;o SE sasodind 1atpo rrs 10; pus sa ;o sagantiap pus Ho jo sum 03 SE anr330JJa 000Z ?iagtualdas 110 palnoaxa uaaq suit opus/co/mop siip d0E IaHA, SSINIIAA NI 'a0usiCanuo0 sttp ;o uopnoaxa ;o am atp 03 sia ;a1 $uiso10 uua3 alp pus `0002 `I Inr 110 `AIaniloadsal `satlladold am ;o uo13ROoi aril 311 `mug iu3ot •ut' u 00:L suratu also ani300Jg uual aril `1ap10 ar?s atp ui pasn sr `1ati31n3 'uialatt saaIuslp su &qusa it muss alp sett nag uua3 atp pus uia104 saolusl0 su 2uiuEatu auras am suit siolqaci mum am `1ap10 airs atp to pasn sy g ligngxg sg o3alaq patinas si 1apmp airs atp jo Adoo alaiduroo pus ITT v airs„ am) 0002 `8I 1agtnoldoS palaluo puu 0002 'ST 10gtu01dos pop saouslgtunoug pus 5350101114 `suai'I 'stui1110 IId 1Ea10 pus aa1d sauladold sup 2 8 Ii0 ,sio3ga j 3o tip' Ciisi3us3sgns ;o ores 2urnoiddy aapr0 us 01 luunsand 11no0 Soldnnrusg atp iiq pa/width sum luauraaad airs ata '(„luatuaalgy atus„ atp) 0002 I laquraldas ;o sr palup is pus amain jo luatuaaav ur ut pauis3uo0 suotstno.d pus sum aatpo pus &I mus10 ;o .tons; ui pus 5001111119 ;o suoilaiigo uoildtunssu pus sapluuzapur uiu3.zao pus satltEd atp jo suoils3uasaJdal uts31a0 0l lOafgns aprtu si a0u1Ianuo0 sitij 5003111110 01 sapaadold 041 u8iss11 pug ICanuoo `3trra ICIanil0a; ;a pus Aim; aloum o3 i111ssa0011 JIg11uos11al TANSIRO By: gelidea Name: }-A M a\aAtyr. vim* Title: (+es CGIe -r4 By: 411 Name: 1.4 Ack,l cal l')%- �o Title: fir -es By: Name: ark A. Fischer Title: Manager By: dp Name: ark A. Fischer Title: Manager 4 BRISTOL RESOURCES PRODUCTION COMPANY, L.L.C. by its Managing Member, Bristol Resources Corporation BRISTOL RESOURCES 1994 ACQUISITION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By its General Partner, Bristol Resources Corporation "GRANTEES" CHAPARRAL OIL, L.L.C. CEI BRISTOL ACQUISITION, L.P. By its General Partner, Chaparral Oil, L.L.C. •uaaatznn °nogg zgaii pug /cgp acid aogjo Jo pas pug pugq Am iopun uant0 113 S coo-oc-01. sandx3 uolssIwwoO fyunoo esInj MO8ONHOf '8 NOEIWHS 1t13S IVI :JIddU ewoyep10 ougnd tieloN :saztdxg uotssituutoJ ,AIN •tpzoj los uiazatp. sasodznd pug sasn aua zoj `Augdwo0 uofonpozd saoznosa)i io1sug Jo ioquioN 2u!SgugN atpa sg uoggzodzo3 Lions Jo poop pug lag Xzgaunion pug aaij a111. s1 pug poop pug aog &minion pug aazl sits sg °urns aria po noax° ati }mid ow poSpainnouxag pug `uoggzodzoJ saoznosag imstzg Jo auaptsazd SR luaumIIsut 2utoazol alp atugu stti paquosgns otinn uosiod igotauapi alp gig oa UMou)i ow o} "If `mono' wiooigJAI •H pazgaddg Xiiguoszad `0002 `zaqu aidag Jo /Cup r- stti� uo `awls pug C.juno0 pigs zoJ pug ut `otignd kzgaoN g `pauBiszapun aria. `our azojag) v5711.L 30 A.LNI100 ss VIAIOHV'I?IO dO MINIS £OOZ -oe-ot sondx3 uoissiww03 fqunoo esini MOHO "1V3S 11/101t4O ewoquNo oijgnd tieloN •uaa1iznn °nogg 1sgi zga& pug X.t p atii. aotjjo Jo pas pug pugti Xw iopun uant0 •tpiol a.os utazatia sasodznd pug sasn alp zoj `uo11gzodzop saoznosag ioastzg Jo poop pug log izgwnion pug aazl aria sg pug poop pug log ii1 11fnion pug aazl sit[ sg °wigs aua polnoaxa ati 1gtia ow oa poSpainnourg pug `auaptsazd SI! sg waunuasut ButoSazol aria o} outuu sits paquosgns otjM uosiod igoRuap! 041 ag 01 unnou)i ow 01 "If `IIano'I utioop •H pazeaddg Xiiguosiod `0002 `zagtualdaS Jo Sup,.. s uo `awls pug Alunop pies zoj pug ut `otignd £.tgaoN g `pauStszapun ati1 `ow azolag VS'If1.L dO A.LNl103 VIAIOHV'TO dO RIVIS 08"8S413 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ss. C48 COUNTY OF TULSA Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this day of September, 2000, personally appeared H. Malcolm Lovett, Jr., to me known to be the identical person who subscribed his name to the foregoing instrument as President of Bristol Resources Corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such Corporation as the General Partner of Bristol Resources 1994 Acquisition Limited Partnership for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: e IN AND FOR STATE 0 O ''QA HO Notary Public Oklahoma L SHARON B. JOHNDROW Tulsa County Commission Expires 10-30-2003 7 ,3 O CGr 6 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ss. COUNTY OF TULSA Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this day of September, 2000, personally appeared Mark A. Fischer, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed his name to the foregoing instrument as Manager of Chaparral Oil, L.L.C., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the day an p lf i ar last above 'tten. Notary Public oHcind An lox L vs \P. .N6 a gOlf i 40 "k'op :s0.10! 0 os .uou lss! o pus Arp otp aoujo jo Teas pus puuti /Cul Jopun uonID u!oiolp sosoclind pug sosn ioj d q `uou!sulboy unspiE! io jo Joupu iriouop AlIovdeo sl! u! iiuudwoo Aug!! poluu!! Lions jo poop pus lau Amunion pup ooij s pus poop puu log Axelunion pus oo.ij spq S1 cures alp poutooxo all Imp ow O po2poTmoulas pus "D '110 iRuscluLD jo JoSpurN s1 uounulsu! SuloSoioj atp oultu sp.! pogposqns tyin uosiod popuop alp q oi umouN oi.0 of 'ioq3si y 1.1sw poivaddu AlTruosJod '000Z `JactwoldaS Jo kuP sup uo 'owls pus Alunop pis ioj pug u! `ollcind kreioN ‘pouIsiopun alp 'ow olojag VS'IfLL dO AINf1OJ ..ss VINOHYDIO dO aivis rAlFi S IN 0 Property Name County State Sec Twnshp Rnge Svy (TX) BIk /Abs (TX) SHUTE CREEK UNIT LINCOLN WY 32 23N 112W LABARGE #1 LINCOLN WY 04 26N' 113W SOUTH HOGSBACK #4 -12 LINCOLN WY 04 26N 113W HOGSBACK, S #12 -4 LINCOLN WY 04 26N 113W OS 88113 EXHIBIT A 650 c6 f- Fri 2 X w w w N W 0 N w H Q w J 0 O IO o tsq W �fl z s N 0 Q N 0 z O 0 8 z TRUE COPY 1 CERTIFY ATTEST: MILBY, Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk MICHAEL By EXHIBIT B IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI DIVISION Mich United Stntes bent ruatcy Court Southern tliletict of TIM'S ENTEWZD 1 E 2000 Ie C52 IN RE: ;.1:i Cc id BRISTOL RESOURCES 1994 Case No. 00-21156-C-11 i%X.6 ACQUISITION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP n BRISTOL RESOURCES CORPORATION Case No. 00- 21157 -C -11a /�f`�` BRISTOL RESOURCES PRODUCTION Case No. 00-21169-C-11 COMPANY, L.L.C. p w K c p W 1 JOINTLY ADMINISTERED DEBTORS WC UNDER CASE NO.00- 21156 -C -11 ORDER APPROVING: (I) SALE OF SUBSTANTIALLY ALL OF DEBTORS' OIL GAS PROPERTIES FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL CLAIMS, LIENS, INTERESTS AND ENCUMBRANCES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 105 AND 363 OF THE BANKRUPTCY CODE, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT; (II) ASSUMPTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF CERTAIN EXECUTORY CONTRACTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 365 OF THE BANKRUPTCY CODE AND RULE 6006 OF THE BANKRUPTCY RULES AND FIXING CURE AMOUNTS THEREUNDER; AND (III) REJECTION OF CERTAIN EXECUTORY CONTRACTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 365 OF THE BANKRUPTCY CODE AND RULE 6006 OF THE BANKRUPTCY RULES AND ESTABLISHING A BAR DATE FOR THE FILING OF CLAIMS FOR REJECTION DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE REJECTION OF SUCH CONTRACTS The Court has considered the motion of Bristol Resources Corporation "Bristol Corp. Bristol Resources 1994 Acquisition Limited Partnership ("Bristol L.P.") and Bristol Resources Production Company, L.L.C. "Bristol L.L.C. (collectively, the "Debtors seelcing entry of an at-der (i) authasizing the Debtors to sell substantially all of their oil and gas properties free and clear of liens, cjaicrts, interests and encumbrances to Chaparral Oil, L.L.C. and CEl Bristol Acquisition, L.P. (collectively, "Buyer subject to the terms of a purchase and sale agreement; /UC 'ZSOL 'd 'ixueg 1! •pa3 aaS •ajeudoidde ua pegs ',AEU() suorsnlauoo pug Me1 Jo suocsniouo se p a s8uc u P s parulsuoa aq g ibis iaeJ ,10 sBlrtpurdr 1adoad sc anuaA LSI .3'S•n 9Z C J 3 '6017i Pue 80171 '3 S'n 8Z of luensmd i.mo3 '(NLS I y 1-1 gZ of luensmd 8ur1322001d woo a sI uoI o of liensmd uotio a ales ate' L11 leS alp iaptsuoo of uoiloipsunf seq lmo3 sni.L puB log,I s8urpu3 8ut,�o :Amp suorsniouoa Iioj aqi SID= 111103 aril `8uusadde asneo =pains pue uor e.ra anP save Pus `uant8 wag sett aagou luaror ns Pug pod' �l g!1aP real 8uusadde lr pue `Cuotlow a las,. aqi) .IapunaiaKl Bulsue saBeuleP ioNoafar io,I $u scarp pug sines uoa stump 1 O3 amp Ie a 8utgstigels i '�oinaaxa uieiaao Jo uopoafar arp 8urnoidde rtr Dino ma 8u?xy pus sin lapunalagl slunou�e erluoo tiolnaaxa utei,aaJo luaulu8tss pus uoildumsse a 8urno,rdde (tt) srtli aaojaq '17EEI Pie pug uuo a •8uugax ales atp Jo aoriou jo iauueui 3 ql (m) pup suorloalord 8urpprq pasodotd aql (Ir) `saln noon 8 utnordde „Iapip sampaaoi a P d ButPP!g pasodord a d,. ql) 0002 I iaquiaidas uolapjo us !mama 0) P lua uno� aqZ 'slsaialur fie Jo aeaia pus aa.g sonar pandxaun pue s30e111103 kolnoaxa utel,rad 30 luawugrsse pug uopdurrrssp s.Io pup! ICe,Io suol a lq alp 0!) pus „slsataluI„ `tianriaalloa) i ulsai pug es as i 1 s g o slg8u'suogdo 'sisa.Ialur iflunoas 'sloajap 'saousi `saBJego `sluauiasea `spueuraP 'sluaur$ Pn( qumoua sunela `suatl 'saBpald `sivaruaaige uorluala.r alltl =no so ales leuoritpuoo `slsa.Ialut it*m3as our Iraqi �o e e i Pue.aa Re I[eiluelsgnsjo I ,I o.rea o „slassd„ ay) slasse „aieS„ alp) ales ,s.IOlgou arp (r) 8 urzuoglne Pue `17Q09 'Zan Psi 1 1 S„ aqi) 9009 d 'pa3 Pie OE 'OE '(e)S0I 'n'S71 I I zap= sa �ro s.rolgaQ agl,io uotloyq ores a us) P pio ie3o �lua TN ql �rno� aql aso3aq amoo 8u rnelirallew sttly r 7 0 SNOISII73 03 GAT Z3V3 AO SO I QNI ..0M;8843 C54 4. Notice of the Sale Motion, the Sale Hearin assi gnment of the Assigned Contracts is sufficie nt and Hearing thereon, and the assumption and proper and complies with all applicable provisions and requirements of chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code de (the "Bankruptc Federal Rules ofBankruptcy Procedure, and the Local Rules ofB (i) has been provided in accordance with 11 U.S.C. 102(1), anlar'uptcy procedure, and 2002, 6004, 6006, 9014 and 9019 and in 363 and 365 and Fed. R. B�, P. in compliance with the Procedures Order, (ii) such notice was good and sufficient, and appropriate under the particular circumstances no of the Sale Motion or Sale Hearing, 'and (iii) no other or further g, or the assumption and assignment of the Assigned Contracts is or shall be required. 5. As demonstrated by (i the testimony and other evidence proffered or adduced at the Sale Hearing and (ii) the representations of counsel made on Debtors have marketed the Assets and conducted he record at the Sale Hearing, the cted the sale process in compliance with the Procedures Order. 6. Each Debtor (i) has full corporate power and authority to execute the Sale and all other documents contem fated thereb and p thereby, and the sale of the Assets by the Debtors has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action of each of the Debtors, the corporate power and authority necessary (ix) has all of ary to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Sale Agreement, (iii) has taken all corporate action necessary to authorize and approve the Sale Agreement and the consummation by such Debtors of the transactions contemplated consents or approvals, other than those expressly p ted thereby. No P y provided for in the Sale Agreement, are required for the Debtors to consummate such transactions. 7. On April 18, 2000, Wells Fargo Bank (Texas), N.A. "Wells" and CIBC, inc. "CIBC filed involuntary petitions under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code against Bnstol L.P. 3 'ssaupaigapui uoppad -aid auO Nara aq; jo 2U U1 rdaz amoas loisug jo sapiadoid sE8 puE Ilo otp 3 nu klittluElsgns lrgl SLUM3 QUO Nara „ssaupalgapui uotltlaaozd auc Nurg„ alp) suopeStlgo iagio purl saa3'isazalut ptedun lnq panzoor snld lydtouud ptedun ur 00'000 XIa;EUZtxozddr o; lrnba iunouis a;E$a1SSe uu ut `000Z '81 VAN/Jo se 'apoj Soldnz°peg atp jo 101 ut pauyap sr ''O'Z•Z l°1sug lsulESE SLUWI3 algeMOiit pus `aigEaozojua'ptlEn sploq It sunEjo au0 )IUEg 'Zi •ssaupo ;gapuI uoppad -old slip& atp jo itrotu Edaz amoas c m lolsufl jo sagtadozd set pus Ito aql jo IIe Aliepuelsgns lEgl tuyelo 3g113 puE mom „ssaupalgapui uotlpa j -ora sllam„ am) suogEStlgo zaglo put sag; 'lsazalut ptedun lnq paruooe sntd ledtouud ptedun ut 08'0S8`£19`LES Ism' ;r of tEnba lunotuE a;E8az88E ue ut 000Z `81 i1zdyjo 'apo0 1(oldtmuEa aqua 101 ut pup se "drop lolsug pue •d•Z lolsug lsurSe stutslo algr&o11E Pue `aigraazojua 'ptlen ploq Atop urtelo 3m3 Pug s11aM •szaq ;o puE 'O•Z•l [mug 10 ;sug';un000E uMO su zo3 sag1adozd set pus Ito saloodo imp! •dzo3 to ;sag •sar;.tadozd ssS pus lto SuMMO Jo ssaursnq atp ur ois sio ;qaQ atu. 0 -meet+ •apo0 i(o;diu uga ago 3 8011 PR L0I 1 of ;umnsmd uorssassod ut szo ;qap sE Apodoid ztacp aSsuetu 0; anuquoo pue slam naq; 3o uotssassod ur uirwaz szo ;qaQ at11, •6 •apO3 Xoldn1Nusg agl jo (q)Z01 pus (s)Z0i i o; luensmd Sgseol(o ;dru u'g ,szo ;qaQ atp ut „aa ;twutoj sioitpaz0„ alp) szolipaz0 pamoasun jo aai ;tunuo0 lstotgp aq; pa;utoddE Apuanbasgns oo)sni i, sa;e ;s po ;tun au, 'szo ;qa ai 3o gaea isut5BE mar Io3 tropic) pozolua uno3 21 11'000Z `b iC 11 0 'zO ;qaQ g3Ea lsut28E;atlaz 103 szapzopo AIM alp o; Sut;izasuoo 9131ASUE poly szo ;qaQ otp j0 gaEa 000Z N u0 8 'ail longrg rsuTESE apoD Ao ;dnzalurg atp 30 11 ia;dsto zapun uoppad XIElunTOAUI um poly (.,au0 lueg,,) b Ii .c., 1 II 1'.. au0 )tuEg `000Z `81 iudy u0 'cii0j 1 PUB O8b8S43 56 13. On June 9, 2000, the Debtors reopened its data room at the offices Lee Keeling and Associates, Inc. "Keeling in Tulsa, Oklahoma, its Court retained petroleum consultants under the direction of John Houser, Vice President of Engineering at Bristol Corp. The Debtors' properties have been re- marketed, the Debtors' reserve reports have been updated by Keeling and offers have been considered from all potential buyers who have submitted offers as of the date of the Sale Hearing. 14. The Debtors continued their marketing efforts by, among other things, (a) contacting potential buyers including certain buyers identified pre petition byPetrie, Parkman Co. "Petrie (b) distributing further information to qualified prospective buyers who, contacted the Debtors on request whether or not previously identified pre petition by Petrie, (c) contacting other qualified prospective buyers, (d) overseeing and assisting with due diligence investigations, and (e) re- establishing the data room for the Debtors' properties for due diligence and continued to do so until this Court approved the sale of the Debtors' assets. 15. The Debtors received offers prior to September 1, 2000 from numerous bidders for either some or all of the Debtors' properties, including an offer from Chaparral Oil, L.L.C. and CEI Bristol Acquisition, L.P. (collectively, "Chaparral). After a process of analyzing the various offers, the Debtors, determined that Chaparral's offer as of September 1, 2000, constituted the best offer for the Debtors' oil and gas properties, contained the most favorable terms, and provided the greatest likelihood ofbeing consummated. The Buyer's offer is memorialized in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated as of September 1, 2000 among the Debtors and Buyer (the "Sale Agreement 16. The Sale Agreement provides for the Debtors to sell and transfer substantially all of their oil and gas properties (more particularly set forth at Exhibit A of the Sale Agreement) and certain other assets including the Assigned Contracts (as hereafter defined) (collectively, the "Properties to Buyer free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances pursuant to 363(b) of 3 9 •anilstuant algeltens leorioe" aagio ,Cue Kq paptno.td aq mom lip sallied palsaaaiut iagio pus mum `,saolgaQ aql ao3 Xaanooaa IsaieazS alp saptnoid pus saoltpm Ytattl pus salElsa atp "o3 gassy ,saieisa am 3o anise agl amosald of kaessaoau st puu stoltpato o3 uotlnqulstp ao3 gassy ,saieisa aq1 Jo amen umugxew al; azgeaa of Xitunuoddo isoq alp sivasa.zd Iuawaaa8y is atti 3o suual at{; of luensmd aaKng of soivadoad aqi ;o Bias aqi '"aqun3 •stoitpaio sit pue alBisa atp Jo ;swam! ;sag attl lit st pue saoueistunap aqi 3o IgStl ut uotstoap ssautsnq aigsuoseai a st Iuawaaa v ales alp Jo staual alp of iuensmd aaAng of sacuadoid ag; Jo ales agi sngi pue ivatuaaav is ;q; jo suual agi of luensmd iaAng o} sapaadoad agl Jo algs agl Sut tisnf suoseat ssautsnq luatot3,ins pue pool paletnotue anti sioigau aql •satuadoad alp ao3 as o ;sag pus lsag8itt agl sauasoidoi uo3Eiapisuo3Ielo1 arid, '6I „uoietaptsuoj tepi Bgl `iPAiloaiioo) 'v'14 `etuogixj 3o Tree quit paltsodap SEM IEttl (aoud asegoand am Jo %0I $utioal;ai) 00'000`05V`L$ Jo mama iCauow;sauaea tie glt■n (saouelegwi ss2 Sutpnlout'sivatulsnfps lisp;Apolla -Isod uteuao of loa[gns) 00'000`005 %7 3o aoud asego"nd B iol saptnoid ivawaai$d BIBS Btu 81 '(„slosiluo3 paloafag„ ago) S9£ '3'S'f 11 of iugnsmd loofa” of Aluogine Maas siolga j atp leg; (saiiadoid Supeaado -uou pUB Supytado ao3 sivatuaaa$e Sut ;E "ado Rol Sutpnlout) saseal pa"idxaun pus siosaiuoo fuolnoaxa Jo 1st' a pug `(„sloe"iuo3 pauStssd„ agl 'JClanpoottoo) "Bang of uStsse aaijeaiagi pare 59£ .3.s .n it of luensmd awnsse of ifipottins Maas saolgaQ alp iegl (satuadoad Supeiado uou puE Supe "ado aoj sivautaa22E Sutieaado iutof sutpntout) soseal pondxoun pus SY3E"iuoo ktoinoaxa Jo lsq E sapnlout iaatuaa"Sy is aqi L1 •salelsa ,siolgaQ aqi of SutSuolaq uotioE 3o sasneo pus st111E10 iaglo pus suopoe aotteptons .to quo apnlout loll op luoutoaay ales agl "aptm Nos Bq of satuado"d agl 'uopeittuil inoqum puE iflEOgtoads •ivawaa.a2y ales agl lit quo3 las iCissa"dxa SE idaoxa stoigaQ aq2 Jo slasse ICuE apnlout loll op satuado"d aqj •luatuaaa2y ales aqi g aoUEpa000e ut `apoD ItoidnnluEg agl 20, The Total Consideration to be paid and/or assumed by Buyer is fair and constitutes reasonably equivalent value and reasonable market value for the Properties under the Bankruptcy Code and the laws of the United States, any State, territory or possession or the District of Columbia. 21. The earnest money escrow (plus accrued interest) is only refundable to Buyer in the event a material breach of the Sale Agreement by the Debtors in the absence of a material breach by Buyer, or in the event the Sale Agreement is terminated by the Debtors or Buyer in the event certain conditions precedent are not met. 22. Unless otherwise provided in the Sale Agreement, Buyer shall not assume or become liable for any liens, claims, interests and/or encumbrances relating to the Properties. Any such liens, claims, interests, and/or encumbrances shall attach to the proceeds of the sale. Moreover, the parties agree that all accrued but unpaid lessors' royalties, overriding royalties and/or payables to working interest owners as of the Effective Date not the subject of suspense (excluding those subject to the Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction entered by the Court on August 21, 2000 in Adversary Proceeding No. 00 -2100) shall be paid by the Debtors as soon as practicable after closing from the purchase price tendered by Buyer. 23. The Debtors' and Buyer's obligations to consummate the Sale Agreement are subject to the conditions set forth in the Sale Agreement. The sale of the Properties must be approved and consummated promptly in order to preserve the value of the Properties. 24. The Sale Agreement requires the Debtors to pay Chaparral a termination fee in an amount of S400,000.00 if, and only if (i) all conditions precedent set forth in the Sale Agreement have been met or waived in writing before the date of the hearing on this Motion, and (ii) the Sale Agreement is riot approved by the Court at the hearing because the Debtors have received offer(s) to purchase all or a substantial portion of the Properties, which are approved by the Court and such offer(s) result in an actual sale of the Propertics to a buyer other than Chaparral or its affiliates. The •s)assy aq)3o aigs alp wog spaaoord mil or pens imp soured eons 3o sugvio iie pus Ally •apoD AoldruluEg aq)3o (I) £9£ uotloas of luensmd suati lions Jo nolo pus aar3 sapiradord aql Has use srolgaQ Bq j •satuadord aqi Jo uiepoo uo suati pairasse anti (uolloyi ales aq) ut pagpuapt sound raq)o pus auO 3ing 'pap 'Rpm `ol paltwti lou Inc! `Sutpniout) sabred utelrap '8Z •iapip stgl3o Arlua ail zags sawtl He le pUE )uamaaiSy ales aqi Aq paieldwa)uoo suogoesum) aql Sutsop ut (w)£9£ 'D'S'fl 113o Sutusour atp utt)!M gue3_ pooS ut Sutioe aq IItM taAna •Xgaragl pimps suotpalord alp Jo iie of palitlua arg siapual sit pug raAng `tons `pus (w)£9£ 'p'S'n i I ram rasEgomd tite3 pooS E s! raAng 'LZ (u)£9£ "O'S' fl I i Japun paptone oq o) )uatuaar2y aies aql lluuad Jo asneo pinoM lEgl lonpuoo Aug ut paSeSua anti roAng rou siolq Q aqi ratnta1l suotitsod Suttne2rsq giSuai- s,urre wog pug `tllte3 poo2 ut 'uotsnlloo )not itt raAng pus srolgaa agl iCq oiut paralua pus pasodord'paleio2au ssM luawaai2y 21ES aq.L '(1861 qiS) L 'u 88£I PZ'3y£9 ouj aute)uoJnaig aJ ul Sutito `(686 1 'xa L •a'rI) Z176 `8£6 'X'S 901 ')iugg atlgnaax isnd -n =warp parnoasun rotuas 30 •ucwop Ieto93O •apoD JCoidn nitceg ati 30 (tu)£9£ uot)oas 3o uogoalord atl o) pal)pua Si ra,Cng iSutpJ000y •uotsnlloo lnoq)cne pug tpuai s, wre le palonpuoo araM leg) suogetioSou girgj pool pus antsualxa'letiuelsgns Jo lonpord atli st ivawaai2V ales aq,I, 'WET pooS trt sapradord aq) 8utsegornd st i Cna '9Z •srotgaQ aql o) alquitsne (uotleturoJui anaudoid ueq) iatp)) sleuannu aoua2tlep anp stt aputu set raAng •satlradord alp 3o uot)aadsut umo s)t uodn Aialos Suti(lai'stseq „st aragmn„ „`st se„ ue uo sourodord aql Sutsegomd st raAng .5z loppO sampaoord alp w tp.io3 las so `ssautsnq Jo asmoo Asutpro aqi ut pted asogl usgi .iaglo asuadxa angerxstuturpe iluoudradns e se palsari aq hells aa3 uotleutuua) at{L •saouelswnarto otp Japun aigeuosear pus _us st luawaarSy ales aql ut paisldwaluoo aa3 uotleutuuai atp isti spug mop !3 8 ttISFinf. 0 ObCtS611` 0 6 0 29. Requirements of section 363(b) and section 363(1) of the Bankruptcy Code and any other applicable law relating to the sale of the Properties have been satisfied. 30. Any and all liens, claims, interests and encumbrances attaching to the Debtors' interests in the Properties not expressly assumed by Buyer, including, but not limited to, any and all mechanic's and materialmen's claims and operator's liens and the claims of parties who assert working interests and/or overriding royalty interests in the Properties, not paid as set forth in this Order, shall be transferred from. the Debtors' interests in the Properties and shall attach to the proceeds of the sale. 31. The assumption and assignment to Buyer of the Assigned Contracts is in the Debtors' economic best interest because the assumption and assignment of such executory contracts is an integral part of the sale of the Properties. 32. The Debtors and Buyer have provided adequate assurance of Buyer's future performance of and under the Assigned Contracts, within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. 365(b)(1)(C) and 365(0(2)(B). 33. Payment of amounts to cure defaults pursuant to section 365(b) of the Bankruptcy Code will be made by the Debtors in connection with the assumption and assignment of the Assigned Contracts under the Sale Agreement. All accrued but unpaid lessors' royalties, overriding royalties and/or payables to working interest owners as of the Effective Date not the subject of suspense (excluding those subject to the Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction entered by the Court on August 21, 2000 in Adversary Proceeding No. 00 -2100) shall be paid by the Debtors as soon as practicable after closing from the purchase price tendered by Buyer. 34. Buyer has provided adequate assurance of future performance of the Assumed Contracts sufficient to satisfy section 365(f)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code. 9 of 'S9E§ lapun apetu aq lou pino3 slorlluoJ pau8tssy atop luauruStsss all 3! pue slsalalui agl Jo,tuE 103 ajgeq aq'pjnoo am1n3 agl ui 10'pinoM laAng jr 1o'lanaosaegM alnleu 10 pupr Itue Jo ma'am IIe30 nap puz aalj lou aiaM 1a4ng Ol satlladold alp 30 ales air; 3['S10 ;rpalO atagl puE salelsa Iraq;'slolgaQ aty 2utl3aJE XjaslanpE sngl'Xgalagl palEiduwaluoo suotaoEsuE.z aql aletuwnsuoa lou monk pue luatuaal2y aIeS aql owl palalua anti 1ou pjnoM laJ{ng :Ob •luautaaiSy airs alp ui pasposap slgSu aseg3lnd jEtlualaJa1d;o luatuleall aril 13;3311 lou saop gdergund srgL Sutso13„ alp) luatuaal2y aiEs agl jo uoystutunsuoo ag13o „aleQ Sutsoo„ aq1) alsp ag101 loud sassautsnq ,siolgaQ atp 3o uotlelado atp of Butler;; 4v /in ,fue ui .10 'g)IM uOfOaW03 ut'3o ;no 101aptm SutsUE saxE; 0l SU1)Eia1(g) puE s)g&u leituns Aus 10'sa1liado1d my Ur ;sarong maAng 10 ,`S10lgaQ ag130 UOr ;EUrtwal l0 LESnJa1 lug 301g81 `uoiwompour `aln1ra31o3 ,Cue 13233; o1 uopdo so 1118111 X.)led AuE 0) ants 0) llodmd MI) (V) slsalalui (t) HE 30111213 put; oar; satuadold alp 0; siolgau 914) JO 1S319)U1 pus arm 1143u us glun lar(ng;san rpm pus `sailladold attl JO 13JSUE1) antlaaija pus pgen'je$aj E aq rumJaAng o1 satlaadold 94133 1ajsuell 04.1, '6C •satlpua puu suoslad palsalalut ne of papiojjj uaaq seq tnalagl palsanba13a1jas aq1 pue uoilow ales alp 01 loads;; tptM pleat! aq 10 loafgo o; i(ljunlloddo aigeuossal y •g£ •uotlsztuW81oa13o mid a ‘Jo apcslno pie b1 loud (q)£9£ 'Z'ST1 it 0 1 laensmdajes ag110J saauslsumolno 8utIIaduro3 (u) pue uotlsoupsn f puE asodlnd ssaursnq punos pus luatowns `poo8 (t) gloq palellsuourap aim{ slolg9Q atu 'L£ •lsalalut ut saflEd laglo puE sa;rlsa Iraq; 'slolipal3ltaq; `slolgaQ ag) Jo slsalalut;sail a111 ut ale atuj; S11j1 le ales ag13o uopstutunsuo3 pus ltrawaal8y airs ag) J0 jUnoiddy •9£ lalels* atll 01 anjen 3133 2111 Sl3rrlio3 pal3af3J ag1 pue 11131113133 paloafaN agl 103 asn atgetn Ajjeoauouo32 tre 3Aril 138001 ou sa)E1S3 ag3 'sl3E1luoo £loln3axa Irons 3o luauru21sse puE uopdtunsse aq1 ;OSnos lou seq 13i t1 aSne3aq lsalalut ;Sag 3rur0u03a ,S10 ;gaQ Ut sr Sl3ellu03 pal°afaU 24130 uop3a far ag,I, 'S£ T99 o ;SS43 66 9 41. The Debtors may sell the Properties free and clear of all Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever because, in each case, one or more of the standards set forth in 11 U.S.C. 363(0(1) (5) has been satisfied. Those (i) holders of Interests and (ii) non debtor parties 10 Assigned Contracts who did not object, or who withdrew their objections, to the sale or the Sale Motion are deemed to have consented pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 363(0(2). Those (i) holders of Interests and (ii) non debtor parties to Assigned Contracts who did object fall within one or more of the other subsections of 11 U.S.C. 363(0 and are adequately protected by having their Interests, if any, attach to the proceeds of the sale ultimately attributable to the property against or in which they claim or may claim an Interest. 42. The sale of the Properties to Buyer is a prerequisite to the Debtors' ability to confirm and consummate a plan or plans of liquidation. 43. Notwithstanding anything herein or in the Sale Agreement to the contrary, the Debtors are not selling any compressors owned by El Reno Oil Field Services, Inc. nor are the Debtors assuming, rejecting or assigning any leases of such compressors pursuant to the Sale Agreement. IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND BASED ON THE FOREGOING, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT: 44. The relief requested in the Sale Motion is GRANTED in all respects. The terms and conditions of the Sale Agreement are APPROVED in all respects. The sale process employed by Debtors has established the fair market value for the Properties. In re Abbotts Dairies of Pennsylvania. Inc., 788 F.2d 143, 149 (3r Cir. 1986) 45. Any objections .to the Sale Motion not resolved by the terms of this Order or withdrawn, waived or settled and all reservations of rights included therein are hereby overruled and 'denied. 11 Zl lug Sutsoi3 le pled aq lou hers sanuanaj Aura pitgi jo;unowe gans `Sucsoi3 at; uoileutuua;ap of loafgns loin ro alndsip ut st sanuanal d mu, Aug ,lo lunotue alp ji •Jaifng £q paiapual aoud aseg3ind alp wog (luawaaiSy asetpind ag; ut paugap se) SutsoD lap algeoilorid se uoos se a ;ndstp apg euoq of ;oafgns ro (00I Z 'oN BuiPaaoo cd kresianpy ut 000Z `i Z lsnSny uo lmoJ OLD iCq imam uopounful AJeutunlazd pup rapip SuiuiEJlsox £r 1oducal all of loafgns asogl Suipnloxa) asuadsns jo log fgns agl;ou (luamaai8y alts am ut paugap se) algQ antloa3,;g aqua se „sanuanag wed p1igy„ `4Cpnt;oaiio3) slaunno ;samalut Sap.tonn of saigeked JO/FIE sat;jEAol Sulpusano `saiiEXo1 ,srossai ptedun lug pancaou iig ,{ed of paloa1tp Aga.taq are siolgaQ GL '0S •luatuaaJSy a;Es agl 3o suotstno.td lie tptnn iCidmoo hers pug pa ;aanp Xgatag are in pup sro ;qoa aqi 6b •raprp .to/pue luawaaa2y is alp 'Cq pa ;eidwa;uoo uotlou Awe awl of pug satl1adord agp,io gigs alp alewtunsuoo of faussaaau pup alquuoseai aq Amu se sluautnoop ieuotltppe gans pug 2u2uta2.12y is aq; a ;eudoidde se proaai put ai3 `iantiap `alnoaxa `ansst o; pug JapJO SR) pug luatuaa.av gigs amp suoistnoid agauo jig ino r(JJg, o; parantodwa pug pazuotung Agaiaq 01E sAatuol ;e pue sans ;pluasaidar anpoadsax nags pug slolgaQ atii '80 .ales ag; a ;etumnsuoa of kressaaau pug aiquuoseai aq Amu se s;uatunaop leuoptppe gans alnoaxa o; pug Lapp satnpaaora agl pug luatuaa1Sy aieS at m) stun; aril ol;aafgns Jakng o; sat;ladoid aq ;3o aces alp a ;ewmnsuoo 0; pus '.ta/Cng q;tMM luamaa1SV ales alit alnoaxa of pup o ;ut ra ;ua of pazpotiinu r(gaiaq are srolgaa aq; `£9£ o; luunsmd 'LP •JapJo sup pug ;uawaaJSy ales aq; Jo suual aql o; ;oafgns `raAng of (;uawaaav ales aq; ut paquosap suati pal ;iuuad alp ;daaxa) saouergmnoua pug s;saralut `swteio `suaii LW 3o JEaio put aa.3 sapadord aq; Has o; pazuoti ;ne Agaiaq are sro ;qa0 aq ;'apoo Xoldn.niutg aqp jo £9£ uol ;gas o; lugnsmd '93 '9b shall be paid as soon as reasonably possible after resolution of the dispute or final determination. No Third Party Revenues that are subject to setoff by the Debtors shall be paid at Closing. 51. At closing of the sale and in accordance with the Sale Agreement, all of the Debtors' right, title and interest in and to the Properties shall immediately vest in Buyer free and clear of all liens, claims, interests and encumbrances of any type whatsoever (except the permitted liens described in the Sale Agreement) pursuant to section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. 52. Except as expressly permitted or otherwise specifically provided for in the Sale Agreement or this Order, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 105(a) and 363(f), the Properties shall be transferred to Buyer, and as of the Closing Date, shall be free and clear of all Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever, with all such Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever to attach to the net proceeds of the sale in the order of their priority, with the same validity, force and effect which they now have as against the Properties, subject to any claims and defenses the Debtors may possess with respect thereto. 53. The transfer of the Properties to Buyer pursuant to the Sale Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and effective transfer of the Properties and shall vest Buyer with all right, title and interest of the Debtors in and to the Properties free and clear of all interests of any kind or nature whatsoever, other than any liabilities assumed under the Sale Agreement. 54. Except as otherwise provided herein, any and all liens, claims, interests or encumbrances of any type or nature whatsoever attaching to the Debtors' interests in the Properties and that are being sold pursuant to the Sale Agreement shall attach to the proceeds of the sale in the order of their priority to the same extent and with the same validity, force and effect as if the Properties had not been sold. 55. The clerk of the court of the respective parishes and counties in which any liens, encumbrances and/or disputed working interests shall have been filed on Debtors' interests in the 13 bt a)e j Sutsojj at) uo JaXng Aq uot3dwnsse puu o) 3uauruStsse gans ialle s)aer3uo pauStssy ,Cue ;o goealq Joi A3tjiggrj ,Cu t wag panatlat aq liE satetsa nag) pue saotgaQ at{) `())S9€ 'D'SY1 11 o) 3usnsind `pue .tajsueil Jo )uauzu2[sse tons suorupuoa Jo `s33u3s3r `s)rgitgoid Imp 0) pue (Z)(q)S9£ apoj ut pagtiasap odic) alp 3o asog3 Sutpnlout) s3osr3uo3 pauStssy tons i(ue ut uotstnoid /Cue Sutpue3sg)tnn3ou suua3 ani)aadsar Jtat) gptnn aauepr000e ur sarfng'3o )ijauaq at) 103 330330 pue 0.10) 1111j ut urgwar pus '03 pauajsumJ3 aq!legs sper3uo3 pau2tssy atZ '09 •S9£ '3'S'n 11 Japun'3uatuu2tsse pue uot)dwnsse o) )oargns'saseaj paitdxatm .ro/pus s3oex uoa £(Jo3noaxa alrupsuo0 3uatuaa1Sy ales at) ut paauaraJar (saipadord Sut3erado -uou ptre Sut3e1ado Jo3 s3uawaarSe Sugerado )utof Sutpnlout) s)ae1)uo0 pauWrssy at i '6S •patJstles pawaap Xgaraq are o)arat3 )oadsar Tim (Z)(T)S9E puc (I)(q)S9E i 3o s3uatuartnbai at3 pue 'panoidde iCgaraq st s3aer3uo3 pau2tssy at3 3o 'uopdwnsse maXng put: raXng o3 3uautuStsse pue uogduwsse ,sro)ga j ag3'satuadoad alp Jo ales aq)3o Sutsolj atp uodn anpoajjapuepauor rpuoo pug o)3aafgnsPU 'S9E pus (e)SOI as n11 0 33Unsrnd 'SS Xe3 Je jrwrs Jaw ro xe3 dwe3s g Sutsodwr At Japun paxe3 aq 3ou iprgs rapr0 stq) i(q panordde pue )uatuaa1Sy is at3 ur paquasap suot;aesuei3 at) ti31M Uopoauuoa ut JaJsulu Jo 3uawtU3sut Ja Jo 3uatuuursse 'pap Atre JO uot3eprooar at3'( I 'O'S'n 11 3uensrnd 'LS •sat3radord alp palm i(atp se ma'am Sutljront pa3ndstp Joipue saauerqurnaua'suat! tans Jo asealar a a)naaxa 03 parapro Xgaiaq are sat3radord at3 uo pioaar oggnd 3o paw s)sara3ur Sunjronn pa3ndstp .to/pue saouerqum3ua'snarl ICue jo s.apioq Be pus 'Cur '3sanbar s JO ,sro)gaQ uodn '9S •au0 pue `oen sham 3o saauerqurnaua pue suati ag) Jo3 3da,xa sapado1d alp woy s3sara3ut Supponft pa3ndstp pue saouergwnoua'suali tons fe sat3uno3 pue sagsued gans 3o sproaai oggnd aq3 wo.r3 anourai pue jaauea o3 parapro .Cgarag are saurado.d C; 93 08b C66 61. Any provision permitting a party to any of the Assigned Contracts to replace the operator as a result of the Debtors' bankruptcy filing or sale of their interests is null and void and unenforceable pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 365(1)(1). This Order does not affect or modify the enforceability of any provision contained in an Assigned Contract that relates to the removal of an operator and the election of a successor to an operator subsequent to Closing. 62. The Assigned Contracts will be transferred to, and remain in full force and effect for the benefit of, Buyer in accordance with their respective terms notwithstanding any provision in any such Assigned Contract (including those described in sections 365(b)(2) and section 365(f) of the Bankruptcy Code) that prohibits, restricts or conditions such assignment or transfer; provided, however, that such prohibition, restriction or condition of assignment or transfer shall be negated only with respect to transfers and assignments by the Debtors to Buyer effected pursuant to the Sale Agreement and this Order, and that such prohibitions, restrictions and conditions of assignment or transfer shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and a part of the Assigned Contracts so assigned or transferred. 63. Except as otherwise provided herein, all of the Debtors' rights and obligations under the Assigned Contracts are fully assumed as of the Effective Date by Buyer, including without limitation, all of Debtors' monetary and nonmonetary rights and obligations under the Assigned Contracts, and the Debtors shall not be liable or responsible in any way for such Assigned Contracts or any obligations thereunder except as provided in the Sale Agreement. 64. The failure of the Debtors or Buyer to enforce at any time one or more terms or conditions of the Assigned Contracts shall not be a waiver of such terms or conditions or of the Debtors' and Buyer's rights to enforce every term and condition of the Assigned Contracts. 15 91 2utouaptna sauautaa.e ao sluai.unaop iaglo 10 `suapuad sr j'suatj s,otuegaaw `sa21S>iow `sluawalvls 2utousug pal ssq leua auo olueg io parD `sjja j um iaglo i(lpua 10110110d Xue3I IL •luatupsdap ao Aouage Bons Jo suopeln$ai pus vas' ajgeogdde aql gltnn aouetldwoa ajgeuossai ut pus luauiaa.dy "aisS aq) Aq palejdwaluoo suotloesu!r ag1 aleununsuoo of aasudoidde pus i zcssaoau sauawtulsut pus sluatunoop us pus r(ue ldaooe of paloaitp ICgaiau st auaunisdap ao Xoua9s jeluaunuano2 pool pus alsls'Iezapa3 liana pus gosg 0L istxa astmaaglo Xsui.io papiooai uaaq anti hut slsaialul gone se'itue aql ut slsaiaaul sit asealai of LIessaoau oq 4ew se suogos =no Its axe) pus sluawnoop pus alnoaxa of paloa.rtp pus pazpogane st &u ntpan ,sioagaQ an 3o gosa 'ales atn 3o ma SutsojD aql up '69 '(u)£9£ apo3 iapun paptons aq lou Amu am a pus ajgsuoseai pus Its) Si luawaaiSy IS au).tapun sapiodotd all 103 iaAng ifq papuold uotaslapisuoo aqj •slgwnjoD3o pulsIQ aql io uotssassod'i1oltual'awls Aue'salels paltun a }3o sins' aql aapun pus apo3 ag lapun uolleiapisuoo 1153 pus anjen luajentnba ,t'geuossai alnnpsuoo of pawaap aq rats luatuaaLBV is agl aapun sataiadoid aga ao3 iaAng 4Cq papuold uotle1aptsuoa ac{ .gg 'sloadsai i1e tit Japap sup pus sapasd ais siolgaQ aql Jo Aug pupa oa luawaa12E pistol Aug pus'auatua312 ales an oa pampa io Jamul 2utsus saandstp Aug anjos3a 'luauwaa12y ales aqua suotstnoad agl 33103u0 pus laidiaaut oa uotlotpsun f antsnjaxa sutela1 lmo3 Ma 'L9 'ssolg3Q at)) lsuleffs urle'o s Butalasse wog pauusq.Ianalo3 aq Hells iCagl 10 anpoa33a sauiooaq uotlaafal aql asp an wag s sp 0£ io 303134 alsp aqa wog sAsp 0£ 3o Iasi ag1 wtsla 3o 3ooad a ajg lsnw slos1auoD paloafau aql 3o Xue 3o uotaoafai aql uzoi3 8utsus wtejo s smog 1egl Aatlua io uosiad Airy '99 •panoidds Agaiaq Jae luawaaa2y alas agl ut pagtluapt sloesluo3 paloafali agl3o uogoafat an aisS an Jo a1sQ 2 "4 33 334 34130 se anpoa33a 'apo3 itoadtwlueg an Jo 59£ uopoas of lusnsmd 493 '59 Interests in the Debtors or the Properties shall not have delivered to the Debtors prior to the Closing, in proper form for filing and executed by the appropriate parties, termination statements, instruments or satisfaction, releases of all interests which the person or entity has with respect to the Debtors or the Properties or otherwise, then (a) the Debtors are hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such statements, instruments, releases and other documents on behalfof the person or entity with respect to the Properties and (b) Buyer is hereby authorized to file, register, or otherwise record a certified copy of this Order, which, once filed, registered or otherwise recorded, shall constitute conclusive evidence of the release of all Interests in the Properties of any kind or nature whatsoever. 72. All entities who are presently, or on the Closing Date (as defined in the Sale Agreement) may be, in possession of some or all of the Properties are hereby directed to surrender possession of the Properties in accordance with the Sale Agreement. 73. Under no circumstances shall Buyer be deemed a successor of or to the Debtor for any Interest against or in the Debtors or the Properties of any kind or nature whatsoever. Except as expressly permitted or otherwise specifically provided for in the Sale Agreement or this Order, the sale, transfer, assignment and delivery of the Properties shall not be subject to any Interests, and Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever shall remain with, and continue to be obligations of, the Debtors. All persons holding Interests against or in the Debtors or the Properties of any kind or nature whatsoever shall be, and hereby are, forever barred, estopped, and permanently enjoined from asserting, prosecuting, or otherwise pursuing such Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever against Buyer, its property, its successors and assigns, or the Properties with respect to any Interest of any kind or nature whatsoever such person or entity had, has, or may have against or in the Debtors, their estates, officers, directors, shareholders or the Properties. Following the Closing Date, no holder of an Interest in the Debtors shall interfere with Buyer's title to or use and enjoyment o f the Properties 17 81 ail ui paumssg satltltgey at{1 of laadsai tpin‘ suope2ggo 10 sapiligrg iaqun3 ou aneg pegs salelsa 1124) pug s1o1112Q 2111 SutsoiD xi; cage 'luawaaa2y airs alp uT paranoid se ld20x3 6L Talmo ,siolgau aril uo loo, la asianpe leualeW a aneq lou soap luauzalddns so luatupuawe 'uoUeaiTpotu Hans Aug Imp paptnoid'ltn03 agl ;o aapio aaglsn3 2notlltni.'3oaaatp natal alp tram aonepa000e ut pus 'sap.red tpoq pau2ts 2u1luann ue ut'olalagl sawed ail i(q paluawa1ddns so papuatue `patlipow aq i(sw sluaumrisut laglo so sivatunaop `sluatuaasl3r paletas Aug pue maximally airs ata 8L �Clasilua sli u► panoadde pue pazuotpne aq 02 luautaaiSy ales agl leg) ;mop alp 3o lualui atp Sutaq 2! 'uoisinosd lions Jo ssauantlonp atp aredutt ao gsTuitutp lou Hugs iap e, still ui ivausaas2y ales 21113o suoisinosd 1e1nat}ted d(ug apniout of fllrogtoads 2m11e3 arid 'LL '(w)£9£ 'Y s n 1 i (q papio33e suoiloalosd atp jo lie o1 pallilua asr saapual slt pug iaAng pug 'sailsadosd atp Jo tptel pooS ut aaseiaand a si .taAng •SutsolD all aoud leaddg dons Suipuad pai(eis Ainp si uopezuoglne tlons ssalun 'sad{ng 02 ales alp Jo XIlpiign agl 1 l0U tress ales ail a►ewumsuoa of uta•ag papinoid uopezuoglne alp Jo Ieaddg uo uotlgogtpow so testanas at11'diguipaooar pug '(m)£9£ it ut pasn s! tuial Imp sr 'tpmj pool ui aaAng Aq ualepapun ass luausaa v 21ES atp Aq pareidtualuoa suopoesueal aqj '9L .sapsp aleS siiD Jo MUD) ail so luawaailly ales atpuo suotsrnosd ail wo.g amSosap so g1u+n logjuoo pegs mid guns 2uLu11Juoo saseo asagl ut paia1ua lama Aug so sass 282111111 pauinjuoo uotleztue$aoaa Jo mid Cue uT pauteluoo Sumo& 'SL '211103 sn i Jo sapso sagvnl lnoq nn'luawaa1Sy a1!S atp ut paranoid sg .zatnmw pug awp alp ui ssolgaQ alp ,(q pied aq Heys luatuaady ales alp o1 luenssnd &roma atp Aq algEXed atuooaq legs slunoure iCue 'sapap sasnpaoosd alp ui paranoid asinuaglo se ldaoxa pug of loafgns t�L 693 I I saldego aiagl ui a)ie1 J(rtu s1olgaQ atp 1r1p suopoe Aug so 'lsasalui ions 02 polypi so uo passq Sale Agreement and the Assigned Contracts, and all holders of such claims are forever barred and estopped from asserting such claims against the Debtors, their successors or assigns, their property or the Properties. 80. Within five (5) business days after entry of an Order approving the Sale Motion, Debtors shall serve such Order upon all parties to Assigned Contracts and/or unexpired leases (the "Contract Parties along with a schedule of estimated cure costs (listed individually by contract and/or lease) which shall state if such estimated cure costs are disputed, unliquidated, or contingent. 81. The Contract Parties shall have thirty (30) days from the date of service (the "Objection Deadline to object to the estimated cure costs provided by Debtors, or to object to estimated cure costs which are listed as disputed, unliquidated, or contingent. Objections must be filed with the Court and served on the same parties as objections to the Sale Motion. 82. All Contract Parties who fail to timely object to the estimated cure costs provided by Debtors shall be bound by such estimates. 83. All estimated cure costs which are disputed, unliquidated, or contingent shall be disallowed, unless the affected Contract Parties timely object. 84. Debtors shall pay undisputed cure costs to the applicable Contract Parties on the latter of (i) ten (10) business days after the Objection Deadline, or (ii) ten (10) business days after the closing of the sale of substantially all of Debtors' assets. All cure costs which are in dispute, by virtue of a timely filed objection, will be set for hearing by the Court, providing adequate time for discovery. Such disputed cure costs will be paid upon Court order, or by agreement of the parties. 85. Claims and liens for delinquent property taxes, penalties and interest attach to the proceeds of the sale and the ad valorem tax liens for the 2000 tax year are hereby expressly retained against the Properties until the payment by the Buyer of-the year 2000 ad valorem taxes, and any 19 OS (;8 penalties or interest which could ultimately accrue to those year 2000 taxes, in the ordinary denary course of business. 86 As provided by Fed. R. Banks. P. 6004(g) and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 6006(, this shall not be stayed for 10 days after the entry of the Sale Order and shall be tus Sale e effective and enforceable immediately upon entry. 87. The provisions of this Sale Order are nonseverable and mutually dependent. 88. Upon closing, Buyer, together with its successors, assigns and heirs, release discharge the Debtors in these proceedings, their agents, representatives, employ, and to advisors from and against any and all claims, rights, demands, and causes of y attorneys and f action of any kind or nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly, or as a result of, or in connection with, the Agreement or the alleged o performance of any obligation arising under or related to the Sale A ee r r claimed efforts of the Debtors to market and/or sell any of the properties, leases, contracts which are the subject of the Sale Agreement. or assets 89. Debtors agree that the Wells Pre Petition Indebtedness and the Bank One Indebtedness shall be subordinated to the payment of all allowed cure cost amounts from the sales proceeds including (without limitation) the amounts due to Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Dated: September 2000 UNIT Clihmiha D STATES BANKR 20 671 CV' TCY :'GE