HomeMy WebLinkAbout868892`.gg£ oS2d uo splooag oIlglsolotid JO L91 )ioog ut anjO plus ayl ui plooal Jo LI I ON Qv02I AINf103 DNI2IIS AQGaw 041 lod Io211 plus jo Iaaj (p£) AI-IItjI Isom am .IOj luawas2a ug 03 'Dams „98£SSIII OAM NOIdV GrISS„ `pagi.Iasui d20 mnuiuznig glint Suoi «Z I x «8 /S pal Suiolojuioi pals 2 Act pav2ui „luiod„ tiara `ssai to wow `S0102 0 S JO 2012 u2 DMSSVVd AIO3Ng `DNINNIDgg 30 2Ig1\RI00 043 01 1 00'0£ `M,£'81 068S Su!nutluoo 0011041 `auii i2M Jo -I4Sp pyres aqp uo luiod 2 03 IaaJ 85 `M,£'8I aoual{1 `•Z lo'I plus alildo auq q nos alit uo iuiod 2 o11 08'ZLS `glnos aouati1 `Iu!od 2 01100J 8S `a,£'81 Sulnuiluoo aouati1 `L I i Z I oN p2og ifiuno3 SuIIIS Iippnyuo atm i2M Jo -1q u 1s2a aril uo luiod 2 03 10J 0'0£ ‘a, 068N 0011041 `.alids pals «Zix„8 2 01 L uoiloas plES Jo auii Isom 041 Su012 I00J 8Z'ZLS `Aanlils si4l 10J Suu2aq as2g aul `tploN aouagl `aoiiy0 plus 041 ui paig N201111103 uollgplooag 1au1o3 purl pail9103 041 ui paquosap s2 punoj Z 30"I plus J0 1011100 IsaMglnos 04112 Sutuu!Sag :sMOiio3 s2 paquosap `ifluno3 uioounjo )i1ai3 ati3 Jo aolJO 041 ui LOL 052d uo splooag otl2lsologddo 8LI Moog ui plooa. Jo luownllsui 12ti1 Jo Il2d pug Sutuio,CM `iiluno3 uioour] `mg I I2I `Nt'£ L `L uoiloaS jo (t I /MNti /tMS) z to I3o 312d 1 :1!m-ol 'Sulam/cm `&luno0 uiooui7 'au/cutup `aa82Slloul 'lamas -IwO of 1u2112M pug as2sl1OUi icgolaq `0002 `laqu 01das JO "P 111L sail p022p `alou kIossimold UI211ao 1241 jo suoisinold aril q1!M aougpl000g ut oig21C2d `(ssaupalgopui aril s2 01 pallaJal Suiaq '11001041 Isalalui 041 pug ums pigs) 12aI lad %9) Iuaolad xis J0 0121 0 41 1 110010th Isamu! 44M anp (£ti'81 I `Zit's) swap as na -I11od pug s12imma uaaltiSig palpunH au() pu2snou aniaM j, palpunH mod jo luaua2d aril alnoas 03 `Sutulo1CM `1iluno3 ui0oui7 `auA24 Jo `loE25210m 'Nougat' 'A ?IORI 03A1333Li nh p t'°y ���)'i aOV9 L IOIN 0 r r} t;. 3 t �v #f�ns 7 3 f; All in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the said Office titled, "VIRL E. HEBDON PLAT OF TRACT IN LOT 2 SECTION 7 T34N R118W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING If default occurs in the payment of the indebtedness or in the payment of any installment thereof beyond Thirty (3 0) days, or if default occurs in any of the covenants and agreements hereof, then the whole indebtedness shall, at mortgagee's option, become due and payable forthwith, and mortgagee may foreclose this mortgage either by advertisement and sale of the premises as provided by statute, or by an action in equity. Out of the proceeds of any foreclosure sale, mortgagee shall retain or receive all sums due to it hereunder, and costs of foreclosure and sale, including attorney fees in an amount equal to ten percent of the indebtedness remaining unpaid at the time of such sale, the same to be taxed as costs in any equitable action brought to foreclose this mortgage. To fully assure mortgagee the benefit of the security interests in the premises granted to it hereunder, mortgagors hereby assign to mortgagee all rents hereafter payable for the use and occupancy of the premises by any person in possession thereof with mortgagors' consent. If default occurs in any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, whether or not mortgagee elects to foreclose this mortgage on account thereof, mortgagee shall at once be entitled, and is hereby authorized, to collect the rents from the premises and to apply the same to the payment of the indebtedness secured hereby until such default is remedied. In the event of foreclosure of this mortgage upon default, mortgagee shall be entitled to the possession and enjoyment of the premises and the incident rents, issues, and profits thereof from the time of such default and for and during the pendency of foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, if any. If mortgagors should fail to surrender such possession to mortgagee promptly upon its request therefor, mortgagee may compel delivery thereof by an ejectment action or other civil J.:gL Co/9 /IL P COOS '91. Apr tv =3 i o uiu.uo J f 6UIWOAf J ems :sandxg uoissnutuop AIN Jo rhino ;)I 18fldA:1d1.C1lV".; "1 n�r�r nP•.f�,es: days �s sm`:,tan, na x',:- �"::7fi@:. 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