HomeMy WebLinkAbout868895oh* t aged salted aql uaawaaq pue Rq paa.i2e pue poolsiapun Ag3213H SI it '3110131131-1.1. MON :passaidxa as eulaaag suoplpuoa pue natal aq1 iapun Jelsanb gpjM 1uauaaaa2e ssaaae pue luauaasea pew e olul ialua pue alnaaxa of 2uilliM ale luagpeo.ig pue 2u!WoJM walsaM 'S`d3113HM 'pue peg.' JO spoa 1 0'£9 Alaleualxoadde asJansueal Minn ssaaae galgM'luagpeoag pue ZuluaoAM uaalsaM Aq pauMO spuel }o aaeJJns aql ssoaae pue aano suopeaado pies Ol ssaaae spaau .Ielsanb 'SV3113HM 'pue '2uluaoAM Rhino) *nun '1saM l I aitue)t "TRW 61 dlgsuMol 'LZ uollaaS ul paleaol suolleaado set pue llo ul lsaaalul ue seq aelsanb 'Sd3213HM 1SaM 1 1 a2ue21 VAN 61 digsuMol 'LZ uollaaS :11M ol '2uluaoiM 'Rlunoj uloaul1 ul awn* spuel page sap ZulMOpoJ alp Ol pue Ul slg21a aaeJJns pue aaeJ.ins amp saauMO agl aie luagpeon pue 2uluaoi(M UaalsaM'SV3213HM :H13SS3N11M aelsanb„ pallea aalJeulaaaq `Z06Z8 AM 's2uladS )laO)l '8St x0g 'O'd sl ssaappe asogM 'uopeJodaoa sexal a 'RuedmoD uopanpoad 19 uopeJoldx3 Jelsanb pUe 801178 111 `AI!D 'LZ98 xog •O•d sl ssaappe asogM luagpeoag„ aal}eulaaag 'aauMO %ZZS9S'6I papinlpun UP '1N3gGVO21g '211 AO 31d1S3 3H1 pUe `L£6Z8 AM'ueuakl `9££ X0g 'O'd sl ssaJppe asogM' „2U1LU0i(M walsaM„ papea aalJeulaaag 'digsaaul.ied pawl!! 2uluaoiM e'.iauMO %8L11£ '08 papin►pun ue'dIHS213N121b'd 0311141/ 3 NVII JNILAIOAM N2131S3M uaaMlaq pue Aq '000Z '1 gaaeN anilaaJJa aq of paai2e lnq 1 1 1 1 '10 nn Jo Aep slgl olul paaalua pue apeua '1N3L13321DV SIH! 1N3W332IDV SS3DDV 4NV 1N31A13S`d3 db'eilg -HOW r” xoog 56;90 as follows: 811 That for and in consideration of the cash payment to be made by Questar to Western Wyoming and Broadbent as hereinafter set forth and the other covenants and agreements of Questar hereinafter stated, Western Wyoming and Broadbent do hereby grant and convey to Questar a private easement across the lands described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference for the purpose of enabling Questar to construct and maintain an access road to its oil and gas exploration operations located in Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Such road to be maintained at the sole cost and expense of Questar. The considerations herein recited shall cover all damages caused by said access road to growing crops located upon the above ground when the easement was originally granted. 11. It is understood that Questar agrees to pay Western Wyoming and Broadbent the consideration hereinafter provided for a private easement to be used by Questar, its agents, servants, employees, and successors in interest for access to said facilities. Questar agrees to install cattle guards at its expense at any point that said access road should cross an existing fence line; provided however, Western Wyoming and Broadbent agree that Questar shall not have to fence the sides of said access road, and it is understood that the sides of said access road shall not be fenced at any time without the written consent of Western Wyoming and Broadbent first had and obtained. Page -2- °Bud of arum) pies iem anoad Ala/Trundle uea aelsanb ssaiun pew ssaaae 2uole sanaao aeuaep pies uagm saassa! anpadsaa Jiaqp Jo luagpeoas 'siauiJed s uaa1saM Aq paunno >iaoisan!! a2euaep Jo inn Aq luagpeoa8 pue 2u!uaoAM uaalsaM Aq pa.unaui sa2ewep iie Red pue aoj alglsuodsai aq pegs asima)liI =sanb 'palea!pui anogeulaaaq se luagpeoag pue 2uiwoAM uaalsaM of aelsanb Aq pled aq uopeaapisuoa gsea of uoplppe ul (z) •ulaaaq papinoad se sa1euluaaal luauaasea sign !pun JeaA pea jo l gaaey l uo apew aq sluawAed pue sivawlsnlpe pies •a2eaane AND •s•n 'swal! Ile aoj (n Tao) saauansuoD ueq.in Ilb' xapul salad aauansuoD ul 'Aue 3! 'aseaJDap ao aseaiaui age pap.' o� aaj lenuue yeaA 2ulpaaaid age jo siseq age woJj Allenuue palsnfpe aq Ilegs aaj 'ieaA 100Z am Jay •aoge jo luauuaedao sawn pawn aqa Aq pauluuaiap se aeaane Aijj •s•n 'swam lie JoJ (n •1•dD) saawnsuoj uegan lib' xapul salad JawnsuoD aqp u! aseaaau! 000Z age snld poi iad 051 jo cans age Aed oa saaa2e aelsanb l ooz l gaaey4 2uiauauauaoa ieaA age. Jod •Apenuue poJ iad 00.6$ jo wns '000z' 1 gaieyl 2ulauauawoa'ivauaasea pies Joj Aed saaae aelsanb''saM 1 l aZue)l'glaoN 61 digsunnol'LZ uopas pagiaasap -anoge aqp uo 'aapunaaag su2p s,ae1sanb gpinn uopDauuoa ul'' uo pagiaasap se luagpeoa8 pue ZuiwoAM uaalsaM Jo spuel age ssoaae ao Japan pasn Jo pa2afJUsuoa peal age Jod (1) :snnolloj se saaa2e Jelsanb 'piesaaoje luauaasea age Jo luea8 am jo uoppeaaplsuoa u1 •pauleigo pue peg lug ivagpeoa8 pue ZuiwoAM uaalsaM Jo uo!ssiwiad uau1JM lnominn pa2uega aq iou iiegs Aennpeoi pies leggy pue paieu2isap MOU se AempeoJ aqi asn !legs ae2sanb pue nnoJJeq snid gipim u! laaj (oz) AluaMM paaaxa Iota pegs AempeoJ pies leggy pooisaapun Alssa:idxa Z18 •A1 livestock or loss thereof was caused by the actions of Western Wyoming, Broadbent or their agents, employees or invitees. (3) Questar shall, at its expense, protect the roadway from surface erosion and will control all noxious weeds and poisonous plants within the disturbed area of the easement. (4) Questar shall at its expense construct approaches from the access road to all trail roads leading therefrom. Such approaches to be constructed in such a manner that motor vehicles may use the same in the ordinary course of travel to and from the main roads. In the event the road hereinabove described is abandoned, all or any portion of the road shall, at the option of Western Wyoming and Broadbent, be left in their then existing condition or said easement shall be rehabilitated by filling the barrow areas and leveling the easement to the existing contour of the land and then reseeded at the rate of 15 lbs. /acre when drilled and 30 lbs. /acre when broadcast with the following mixture: Lbs. Seed /Acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre Common Name Western Wheatgrass Indian Ricegrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Salt Sage Fourwing Saltbrush Scientific Name Agropyron smithii Oryzopsis hymenoides Agropyron dasystachyum Atriplex gardeners Atriplex canescens 813 Questar agrees to seed the easement as many times as required so as to obtain a successful stand of native grasses throughout the entire easement. Only seed certified to be 95 percent pure and with a germination percentage of 85 percent will be used. Questar will furnish the certification to Western Wyoming and Broadbent prior to the seeding operation. V. It is understood that this easement shall be a private easement only in favor of Questar Page -4- -S- aged s�lnsaa Rue „y„ 11g1yx3 uo paypuapl sasluaaad ay1 uo w oj.ad aoipue alaldtuoa s.olaealuoagns pue saopealuoa `saaiolduaa 's3uen.as 'slua2e sal a0 ae3sanb yp►4M sianans leplaolsly aotpue leai2oloaya.e Rue Jo aallou uaf1JM mid luagpeoag pue uaalsaM a /q2 ins aeisanb •aelsanb Rq sasluaa.d a43 jo Rauednaao Jo asn a43 Jo asneaaq saspe .o anp si a2euaep JO uoptulsap 'ssol 'yleap `Ran(ul vans uaIM '.anaos3egM Avadoad jo uo11Dn.1sap a0 ssOJ .o 03 a2euaep Wag pue 1sule2e ao '.anaosuao1M suosaad jo yleap.o 01 Ran(u! wag llnsaa Rew ya!4M'saaj s,RaWolle pue slsoa lino) 2ulpnlaul 'aanleu aanaoslelM 3o sasuadxa pue 'mop 'spueuaap 'swim 'a2etuep 'ssol 'killgell Ile pue Rue uaoij pue lsuie2e saaAoldwa pue saassal 'slaulaed 's3ua2e 'saaauJo 'saolaaalp a1ay1 'luagpeo.g pue u.alsaM ay1 ssalu.aey ploy pue Ajluwapul Heys 'su2lsse ao saossaaans sat `aelsanb •111A •sl.gap pue aa11H wo.J aaJJ Rlgeuoseaa olaaay3 sayaeoadde ay1 pue ReMpew ay1 daal 01 pue 'eaae a41 u1 aq Rena 1ey1 polsanll alp 1aa3oad o1 se os pew ssaaae pies aano paads a41 loaluoa 01 swop lsaq asn o1 saaille .elsanb •11A *alley) 1no41jM ReMpeoa pies asn o1 slue &e pue saassal 'saaulaed 'sluenaas 'saaiolduaa a1a41 pue sanlasuaayl aoj 14211 a41 anaasa.luagpeoa8 pue 8Lgwoi/ uaalsaM 1A •luagpeoa8 pue 2uluuoAM uaalsaM Jo luasuoa len= 'uaalUM .o!ad a41 lnoyl!M peon pies jo asn ay1 01 anpelaa sallied pa143 411M luatuaaa2e Rue 0 .a1ua 011421.1 a43 am! 1ou Heys aelsanb Rip pue 'slua2e pue saaRolduaa 'sluenaas s4 pue PIS •X1 iATYEST: OSCSS obtained in such survey shall be submitted to Western and Broadbent. Any artifacts or other property found by Questar, its agents, servants, employees, contractors or subcontractors shall be immediately preserved and delivered to Western and Broadbent. X. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the lands described above for the term hereof, and shall be binding upon the undersigned, their respective heirs, successors, and assigns; provided, however, that in the event Questar shall notify Western Wyoming and Broadbent in writing of its intention to abandon said road, or shall fail for a period of six (6) consecutive months to engage in using the said access road, then this agreement shall terminate and Questar and its successors in interest or assigns shall have no further rights hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed this 52. day of 2000. WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: WESTERN WYOMING OPERATING, INC., it's General Partner Persbnal Representative of the Estate of J.R. Broadbent Page -6- 815 x r wn msa a �v«;. m— R— ooz U'J ey'�ii ewe. send.- uo!ss!wwo /4 it l'8 pin 'NI0 own 1125 N too ei!ls 'woos OOV isej cue gy u d earns nom, �6N 918 000Z 3o Rep slga '1uagpeoa8 •21•[ jo alels3 ag1 Jo annewasaada21 leuosaad '1uagpeoaa euao Rq aw aaojaq pa2palnnou)lae seen 1uaWn.fsu12ulo2aaoj aql J13and A21VION D13and Al wag' gas ulaaag1 sasodand pug sasn aw aoj &imam jo pieoa sal jo Rilaog1ne age aapun uopeaodaoa Bans Jo paap pue 1)e Rae1union pue aaaj age se awes aw pa1naaxa Rags aua o1 pa2palnnou)lae uosae-i 1aeJ pue uappa212ue.D •0 pies pue uopeaodaoa 2uiwokM e "Dui '2upeaad0 2uiwoIM uaa1saM Jo Rne1aaaaS pue 1uaplsaad a J1 aq of unnou)i Rpeu saad aw oa uosae pe-j pue uappaji luear •0 paaeadde R11euosaad '000Z Jo Rep /r sigl uo 'alms pue R1unoD pies aoj pue ul alignd Rae1oN a 'aLU aaojaa 4 C OHO N, L °O>;d F Q :saaidx3 uoissluauaoD Ra •ieas 1e1JJ3o pue pueq Rua SS3NIIM fVfir30 A1P1110D ss( JO 31V1S 4, :saaldx3 uolssluauao) R AO All\IfOD •ss( DNIVIOAM AO 31VIS ANVdNOD 1�t011�n4021d 153 NOI1V I01dX3 2IViS3nb '000Z `TZ aunr pagep quaulaa1 y ssaooy pue 3uamasea peon 3o L aged uoilenuTluo0 068895 STATE OF )ss. COUNTY OF 1 »4- B ore me, a Notary Public in and for said County id State, on this ay of 2000, personally appeared L. /V o r aC (n to p rsonally known to be the p i /l51�PtE' D E Exploration 8L Production Company, and the said 6.c. jV O r I (d fA acknowledged to me that he executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation under the authority of its Board of Directors for the uses and purposes therein set forth. My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires Feb. 26, 2002 \\data \W W R\questar2.Acc Page -8- of 817 Questar cPS',? H17'1SSI1 b •a0d QHHIVd3Hd QvOH v Hod .LN3PUSVH DNIrM OHS d VJV Y 00/Z1/00 03S1/1 3a1 96/91/9 3.1V0 9995 ON 901' 106Z9 ON /IVOAM 'SONI21dS )10021 9ZOg- 79£'(LO£') 133815 )173 tilt '3NI 531 O'IOOSS O' ONO' NI.E1dO '210 .'9 paJodaJd spat/ 10'£9 179' 6£01 'au!pa; uao Jo OaJy M 0JJO8 sn/d ;aad OZ UilD!M M -0 -21 /0101 N700NI7 JO .(1 N1700 ONIVVOAM JO 31 V1 S dow sit} uodn pauasa ao s XanJns Lions ;DL/4 puo °9661 }sn5ny 10 /op LOZI ay} uo buiouawwo. /4/Jou ;no Japun aw lq pow sDM S>}JOM piDs Jo KanJns 444 4014 :dDw sILi4 UO UMO1S SD 01O8 S/L/, jo Ufa /Jns D a4ow 04 d'P3 2Iv S3no Xq paXoidwa Jofanjns pu07 peJ9;s6ag 0 uo14odn000 ;044 a 40,5 •sagJo3 '7 uOogy 3S3S 3S3N 3N� ,Ob Ib8 8I,6I.8IN ,06'Eb2 M„617,OS.Ot7N L8'I6i N3N N bL'90b M„ 2,22.ESN 3SM S 3SMN 1 —L M S3S MS3N MN3S 3NMS 77�11� ON LLINfl X T1VA HN2I2A M N3N MSMS MSMN MNMS MNMN IV d X1 /9 aril JO :ISL?J I'll 1901 Ii?ION 61 QINSNINOI 2Z NOOSE 1 N31N31 VI S S, X10.(3/1 d1AS 3ONb'b' ON /WORM Nt'31S3M •d1HSd3NMO 1 Nab'VddV 3NMN 8 ,10ES92 M .,Sb,9S.68 S (c/V0 SS O'215) 1 N3VVf NOVV 0Nn0d ,0001 ,0001 0 ,00s I ,371 N LEGAL DESCRIPTION 819 AN EASEMENT 20.00 FEET WIDE PLUS A BORROW AREA OF 5.00 FEET OFF EACH SIDE OF THE DESCRIBED CENTER LINE FOR A ROAD LYING WITHIN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 113 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING, LYING 10.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27, THENCE NORTH 18'19'18" WEST, 841.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 40 °50'49" WEST, 243.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52 °34'29" WEST, 191.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 53 °19'32" WEST, 197.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 53 °22'21" WEST, 406.74 FEET TO THE PAD OF VERNE VALLEY UNIT No. 3 WELL, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 41°27'14" WEST, 1586.27 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27. JOB No. 5868 DATE 8/18/98 REVISED 02/17/00 CONTAINING 63.01 RODS.