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-j- acrd
squauiAed pup squaur sn Cpe pTes abeaanp AgT3 S n 'suiagT TTp ao;
(n I d 0) saauznsuo0 uegan TTK xapul aoTad aauinsuo0 aq; uT 'Aue
gT 'aseaaOap JO aspaaouT aI4 goaTgaa oq Tpquaa s,aeaA buTpeoaad
etiq jo szspq auq. woag ATTenuue paqsnCpe 'Tequaa 'qOaJ ja uT
sT ase92 sTuq. se buoT os 'aossaq o; Aed TTeus aassaZ 'aaqgpaaaus,
'.aoge7 go quawqapdau so eqs pe un 9144 Aq pauiw to .ep se abeaane
A;iO s n TTe 30 J (fl I d 0) saauznsuo0 upgan ITV xapuI
aoTad aauznsuo0 au3 uT aseaaouT OOOZ aug snTd 00'000Z$ 3o wins
aLiq aq TTegs TOOZ 'T uoapW anp Tequa •asp rI sTgq go uoTgnoaxa
uodn anp urns pTes '9sp97 szu; aeaA qsaT; auq. to 00'OOS'S$ ;o
urns auk 'Tequaa SP 'aossaj oa. Aed TTpus aassaZ 'TequaE 'S
uTaaau suozsTAoad o; quensand papuagxe to pa ;euTwiaaq
aeuoos sseTun 'TOOZ 'uoap4 3o App qsT auq. uo pua TTpus pus 'aeaA
(T) auo 4o poTaad e .xo; enuTquoo TTegs pus 0002 'LIaleN ;o Asp
a ST auq. uo aOUaunuoO TTptis aseaT sTus aseaq go uiaas Z
•spueT pagTaosep anogp uo S9 T TTT0e; uozqonpoad page
pup gTun buTTTTap seb pup TTo up aAOWaa pue azedaa 'a ;eaado
'UTeTUTPui 'gonagsuoo oq aassaZ buzTgeua ;o asodand egq aoj
eouaaa ;aa
sT Aq uTaaau paquaodaoouT Agaaaq pue o -aaaq
pauopqgp VTgTLixa uo pagT.zosap spupT °sous
:sMOTTOJ se pagzaosep ATaeTnoTgaed aaoui pup
'bUIUIOAM Jo agpgs 'Ao uToouIZ uT paqpooT Agaadoad buIMOTTog
auk 'aossar Woai aseaT off. saaabe Ageaau aassaZ pue 'Gesso oq
eseaT oq saaabe Agaaau aossaz •sasTwaad go uoTgaTaosaQ °T
se 0 paaaagaa aaq ;euTaaau 'ZO6Z8 AM
sT ssaappe buTITPUI 9so4M 'uoTgpaodaoO
5 aolsv2io'iaxa 2wais no pue d a ,70 sserin
'aauMO %ZZS9S'6T papznzpun
3HI Pup LE6Z8 AM 'ueu1AZ 1988
'dTMsaauqapd p94zwi1T buTWOAM e
H I a S S H N I I M
'sbuTadS )[00 '8S xog '0'd
s exa J p MNIVIWOO NoIlonamia
se oq peaaagaa aaq ;PUTaaau
u INmmas a r 3O 3IKISs
xog '0•d sT sse ppe buTTTew es04M
%8LbSb'08 P PTATP
'dIHS2IMNI2irdd amIILdIZ aONva ONINOXM NJ1SHM uee ;aq pue Aq
'T uoaPN anT ;oajga eq oq paaabe qnq '000Z r
n up
8.7, p' ;1 sTq 0 uT paaa4ua
I "'f 1 1 1 A 09 S..marg3m SYRI �Z I l l l i d
pue °pew INaKaallOK SIHI
USC8896 821
are to be made on March 1 of each year until this Lease
terminates as provided herein.
In addition to the rental to be paid by Lessee to Lessor as
hereinabove indicated, Lessee likewise shall be responsible for
and pay all damages incurred by Lessor by way of damage to
livestock owned by Lessor, its partners, or their respective
lessees, when said damage occurs on the leased premises, unless
Lessee can affirmatively prove that said damage to livestock or
loss thereof was caused by the actions of Lessor or their agents,
employees or invitees.
4. Use of Premises. This lease shall allow Lessee to use
the real property above described for Lessee to construct,
maintain, operate, repair and remove an oil and gas drilling
Lessor, its successors and assigns, shall have the right, at
any time and all times, to use its premises for any purpose,
including, but not limited to, the right to construct and to
maintain roads, highways, pipelines and telephone, telegraph and
electric power pole and wire lines, over, under and across (but
in such a way as will not unreasonably interfere with) said use
by Lessee on the premises described in Exhibit "A it being
understood that the right so reserved by Lessor, its successors
and assigns, is retained along with the general right of Lessor,
its successors and assigns, to the use of said premises for any
purposes herein defined.
5. Utilities. Lessee shall pay for all utility services
furnished upon the leased premises during the term of this lease,
including, but not limited to, any fees or charges to any utility
company for installing utility services above the premises.
6. Taxes and Assessments. Lessor will pay, when due, all
real property taxes levied against the above described premises,
provided, however, any increase in real property taxes caused by
Lessee's use of the property, including any improvements thereon,
shall be paid by Lessee upon notice of the amount due and an
accounting of the calculations therefore provided to Lessee by
Lessor. In addition, Lessee will pay when due all personal
property taxes for. Lessee's own personal property and
improvements which are located or used upon the above described
premises. In the event Lessor fails to pay any real property
taxes as the same become due, Lessee may, at its option, pay such
Page -2-
sapTouauiAU sTsdozAap
TTLmuts uoaAdoabv
euzsN OT ;TqueTOS
-E- aud
sssabaOTi usTpuI
sssabgeagM uaogsa4
96" SIB O
aaos/•sgT S
aaos /•sqT E
Gw N uounuoJ aaov /paaS sq'I
:aangxTw buTMOTTO.4 oqq. I4TM gseopsoaq ua1M aaos /•sqT 0£ pus
PaTTTaP uauM ea0S /•sqT ST go agsa auq ge papaasaa uauq pus pusT
agq Jo ono ;uoo buT4sTxa auk oq sasTUiaad passaT aT4 buTTanaT pus
buTTTT; Aq pogegTTTqsuaa aq TTsus aapunaaau Besse Aq pegangsTp
Pals ooegans AUs 'ATTsOT4TOadS aaoN •s passaT auq
;o seas pagangsTp auq_ uTugTM squsTd snouosTod pus spaet snoTxou
TTs Toaquoo TTTM pus uoTsoaa eaS ;ens woe; sasTwoad passaT auq.
go aoegens auq. boo old 'asuadxe sqT qs 'TTsus aassaZ suoTZsaado
sqT buTpasbaa saousuTpao pus suoTZsTnbaa 'sMST Tso°T pus aZsgs
'TsaaPeJ TTs Lj 4TM goadsaa Aaana UT ATdwoo TTsus aassaZ 'aau;.and
•aTsdaa pus aapao poob uT sesTuiaad auq uTequTew TTsus pus
sasTuzaad passaT aua. ;o aousu4uTsuz TIP Bog aTgTsuodsaa aq TTsus
aassaZ assaT sTtiq go =ea. auk buTanU •aousuequTSN °6
•aassa7 Aq sasTuzaad auZ go asn auZ woe; sasTas ao go ;no sMOab
'pasnso aanaosMO4 'ab2UZSp ao 'uoTqonagsap 'ssoT '4Zsap 'AanCuT
Tsuosaad eons uegM ;o auTTadTd auk. buTpnTouT 'aanaoSUIOgM
suosaad ao i;sap ao oq AanCuT Tsuosaad pus absuisp AZaedoad
UioJJ ZTnsaa Asuz uoTIM 'se; S,A01/104Js pus SZsoo gano3 buTpnTouT
'eangeu aanaosgsIM go sasuadxa pus sgsoo 'uoTgos go asnso
'suoTqos pusuzap 'SUZTSTo 'absuzsp 'ssoT 'AgTTTgsTT TTs Pus Aus uioag
pus qsuTsbs 'subTsss ao saossaoons 'saaAoIduia 's4uabs 'saaoT 4;o
S4T aassaZ SsaTuiasu mmou pus AgTuuzapuT oq seaabs 'subTsss ao
saoss000ns sqT ;TasgT Bog 'aassaZ •uoTgszTJTuuzapuI •8
•Agaadoad auq go
epsui ssq aassaZ gsgq asn Aus a04 ATaadoad pagTaosep -Bnogs eqq. go
uoTqsuisToaa pus dnusaTo auk buTpasbaa saTouabs Tuquauivaanob TsooT
pus aq-sqs 'TsaP TTs ;o sq.uuia TIP I4TTM ATdtuoo TTsus
aassaZ 'uossaa AUs ao; assaT ST144 40 uoTqeuTwaoq BIZ qs Zsuq
sabpaTMOUxos aassaZ pus sasTUZaad passaT piss go uoTgTpuoO aT4
oZ ss A4usaa2M ou sa)suz .OSSaZ •assaT sT4 go uoTgnoaxa go auwTq
9I4 4s aOSS9q oq uMOUxun goagap quageT Aus 30 aTgsTT aossaZ p1ou
qou TTsus pus sesTwoad pegTaosap anogs auZ go uoTgTpuoo auq. sMOU){
pus pauTUZSxa Ssu aassaZ •SasTUZaad Passe go uoTVTpuo3
sex Agaadoad pTss pTsd pus qTnsgap sT14 paano
qou set' aossaZ sAsp OE pTss buTanp ;T 'saxsq Agaedoad eons Asd oZ
aanTTs; Bug go esnsoaq assaT sTtp equuTuiaaq Asuz toss oZ aoTZou
uoggTar ,sAsp 0E uodn 'uoTgdo sqT Zs 'aassaZ ao 'pTsd qunouts auq
Aq toss oZ anp squawAsd Ts4ua3 alp aonpaa pus sex ZuanbuTTap
3 lbs. /acre
3 lbs. /acre
3 lbs. /acre
Thickspike Wheatgrass Agropyron dasystachyum
Salt Sage Atriplex gardeneri
Fourwing Saltbrush Atriplex canescens
Lessee agrees to seed the disturbed areas as many times as
required so as to obtain a successful stand of native grasses
throughout the entire disturbed area. Only seed certified to be
95 percent pure and with a germination percentage of 85 percent
will be used. Lessee will furnish the certification to Lessor
prior to the seeding operation.
10. Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment. Lessor hereby agrees that
upon payment of the rentals required herein and upon observing
and performing all other terms, covenants and conditions of this
lease, Lessee may, subject to the terms hereof, peacefully and
quietly have, occupy and enjoy the leased premises without
hindrance or molestation from Lessor or anyone claiming under the
Lessor. Lessee's use of the premises, shall, however, be subject
to all exceptions, reservations, easements and right -of -ways of
record at the time of execution hereof. This Lease is made
subject to all outstanding leases and other outstanding rights,
including, but not limited to, those for highways and other
roadways and right -of -ways for irrigation ditches, pipelines,
pole and wire lines and the right of renewals and extensions of
the same, and subject also to all conditions, limitations,
restrictions, encumbrances, reservations or interests of any
person which may affect the said land, whether recorded or
This Lease is made is subject to all rights of the owners of
the mineral estate and on the express condition that Lessor, its
successors and assigns, shall not be liable to Lessee, its
successors or assigns, for any damage occurring to the
installations made or to be made by Lessee upon the lands herein
described or for any other damage whatsoever occasioned by
subsidence of the surface of said lands as a result of mining
underneath the same or resulting in any other way from the
removal of coal or any other minerals in or underlying the lands
described in Exhibit "A
11. Right of Inspection. Lessor reserves the right to
enter the premises at all reasonable times to inspect them and
Lessee agrees to permit Lessor to do so.
Page -4-
-S- acrd
ao @Seal sTuq go uoTOeaTdxa °tn. De aossar' aLiq oq sasTwaad paseaT
egg- •apuaaans TTeus aass@r' °uoTqeuTwaeL uoan aepueaans °ST
awes aLiq go uoT euTwaaq aLiq ao aseaT szuq go swam. @Liq
go ;uaw@ato .4ua ao; seG; AGUaogge 914 buzpnTouT 'sqsoo aTagq go
TTe a@nooaa oq paTVT1ua aq TTeus JOSSerl aLiI. 'gInegep go queue Gqq
uI °aapuneaaq sazpewaa pup sq.LibTa aeq o Aue go nail uT qou pue
go anTqeinwno aq TTeLis 'aanaMOLi 'Apawaa sTgL ;oaaau; uoTSSGSSOd
aanoOaa oq uoTgounCuz Aaogepuew e canoes oq paTgTqua eq
TTpus aossar' 'aseeT sTgq go uopaaq ao 1- Tnegap 10j ao @sear' sTqq.
go uoTgeuTwaaq aLiq qe aogeaauq puewap a94 4e saszwead egq. pToq
oq anuTquoo TTeus Gasser' gegq queue etq. uT gegq paeabe ATsseadxa
sT qI °AOUGTOT ;Gp AUP ao; aossaZ o; aTgezT uTeuzat TTp1s eassar'
Gasser" go qun000e ei cog eTgeuTeqgo qua@ Aue aoj sesTwaad
aTq GSeaT ao '1191 Aeuz AGUaoT4e JO Tuabe s,aossar' pue qU U A0O
go goeaaq ao ivaa ao Gbeaeoaae cog Apewaa aaugo Aue o; aozpnC@ad
gnoLigTM pue ssedsaa. ;o 1ODUU1 AUe JO AqTTnb peweep buzaq gnoLigTM
uzoageaegq Agaadoad pue suosaad TTe anowat pue goaaaLiq uoTgGod
Aue ao sGeTwead agq. a Og 'puew@p ao aoTgou aegian; gnogqTM
'4ubTa 0144 aneLi TTeus AGUJOT4P ao quabe s,aossar' GLiq 'ase3T sTLiq
go suoTgTpuoO pue swam. oqq aapun sgTnegap @assail etq II °waaq
aqq. go uoTgeaTdxe @Liq ao; uTaaaq pexTg ATTeUTbTao Aep aqq aaaM
4T gT se pua Up oq auzoO pup aseao TTeus @spar' sTLiT 'pa;oaaaoo
AIe eTduioo sT awes aIq. TTqun gIne4ap Lions go Apauiaa eLiq
sagnOasoad ATquabTTTp @SSar' aTq geg papTnoad pue 'poTaad Aep
(0E) A1.aTuq. Lions uTggTM paTpewea buzaq go aTqudeouT sT qT gegq
Gangeu Lions Jo sr' qTnegap Lions ssaTun 'paaTdxe anpu TTeus pOTled
App (00 A4JT eons a94Pd °paTgToads aaqgeuTaaaq SP sseappe
5uTTTPw 9 4 4 Gasser @Lig off. 'pagsanbea gdTGoaa uangaa 'TTPW
s n P T T.aaa Aq 1uas aq TTeus GoTgou Lions °pagTa ;ao; aseaT
aLiq aaeToep off. U0TTU quT aTaI. 3o pup gTnegap Lions go Gasser'
saTgT ou aossar' aagge sAep (0s) Aqazuq go poTaad P cog senuT;uoo
gTnegap Lions gT aseaT eLiq ageuTwaaq Aew aossar' 'UOT do aTa14
qv 'Spar' aLiq go eouewaoJaad oTgToads cog uoTgou Up 'oq pagTwTT
qou qnq 'buzpnTouT 'MPT Aq papTAoad aauuew Aue uT @sear' sTLiq 3o
aouewaogaed GLiq 9010JUa Aew aossar' '1uaa Aed O. queuanoo 914
buzpnTouT 'eessar' Aq pewaogaad eq oq uzeaaq peuzeiuoo squeuanoo
a1q ;o Aue uT ginegap go 3Sp0 91 4 III °1TTnegaU °f7T
°aanqeu ao pup{ AUe go seoueagwnOU@
pup SuGIT TTe pue Aue go JPGT0 pup a@ag Aga@doad pegTaosap
-anogp aLi; dean{ TTeus Gasser' °seoupagwnou3 pup suazr' ET
°pauze;go pue peq gsaTg aossar' go qu@suoo uaggTaM aoTad
fl014TM 'geed uT ao aTo.M UT quawaaabe spar' efLiq gaTgns
JOU ubTSSP qou TTeus Gasser' °quewubTSSV ao GseaTgns °ZT
P Z8
termination of the lease as provided herein. Lessee shall make
no claim on the leased premises against the interest of Lessor
and if Lessee holds the leased premises after the termination of
this lease, a tenancy by sufferance shall be created thereby and
the same rental per month as set out herein.
It is expressly made a condition of this Lease that if
Lessee, its successors or assigns, shall abandon the premises of
Lessor in the locations described in Exhibit "A or any portion
of said premises, for the purposes of this Lease, then and in
that event, all the rights herein granted shall cease and
terminate with respect to the premises so abandoned and it is
further agreed that nonuse of the premises described in Exhibit
"A" or any portion thereof for the purposes of this Lease for a
period of one (1) year shall be deemed an abandonment of the
premises or portion thereof not used.
If the facilities or any portion thereof are abandoned, and
Lessee fails to commence good faith efforts to remove the
facilities so abandoned and restore the portion of the land
described in Exhibit "A" to which the abandoned facilities are
appurtenant to its original condition within ninety (90) days
after receipt of written notice from Lessor to Lessee, Lessor may
remove the facilities for the account Lessee, and Lessee shall
reimburse the Lessor for all expense incurred in the removal of
the facilities within thirty (30) days from receipt of the proper
amount thereof.
16. Renewal. Lessor hereby grants to Lessee the exclusive
option to renew this lease for a total of twenty (20) additional
terms of one (1) year each. In order to exercise said renewal
option, Lessee shall notify Lessor within thirty (30) days of the
expiration of the original term hereof of Lessee's intent to
renew this lease. So long as Lessee is current upon and not in
default upon any term of this lease, said renewal will not be
denied by Lessor.
17. Early Termination. This lease agreement is expressly
conditioned upon Lessee obtaining and keeping all required
permits and licenses from all governmental agencies regarding the
operations described herein. If at any time during the term
hereof such permits or licenses are for any reason canceled or
revoked or for any other reason not made available to Lessee,
this lease shall automatically terminate.
Page -6-
-L- abed
•uTaaaq saTgnp TTs ;o aoueuiaojaad aq4
uT aouassa auk ;o sT au1T geg4 aaabe saTgaed au •u
•o 4aaaq saTgied alp Aq paubTs buTgTaM uT quauznagsuT
ue Aq gdaoxa paT ;Tpow aq -ou Asui queweaabs sTgz 5
•MpT Aq pros A.TaoTad to Apemaa ;gbTa aalpo
Aus (4o UOT geqTUITT 30 neTT uT ao) go aATsnTOxa aq TTsgs uiagq.
Jo auou pue aATgpTnuino se panggsuoo aq TTsgs MpT aapun saTgapd
auk ;0 uoea ;o saTpauzaa pue sqg5T1 Tsaanas au 3
•Agasd aaqpo aqq jo gasd age uo quauaaabs
sTgq go goeaaq ;uanbasgns Aus oq quesuoo ao ;o aaATeM buTnuT ;uoo
P se panagsuoo aq qou TTsgs 'paTTdwT ao goagTp eq 3aAT2M
Bons aag4agt 'Agasd aaupo aqq Aq aanaosgpgM aagopasgo ao pup Aug
;o gopaaq Aus jo oqaaaq Agapd aalpTa Aq IGATSM Auy •e
quauznagsuT our s aqq uodn aaaM qapdaaqunoo
Aus oq aangpubTs aqq. ;T SP Hoag ;a euzps aqq 144TM sgaedaaqunoo
go aagmnu Aus uodn paubTs aq Asuz quauiaaabs sTu •p
;oaaaq aaggsw goaCgns age
oq buTqsTaa saT1asd aup uaaMgaq sbuTpupgsaapun ao suoT42;uasaadaa
'squamaaabs aoTad TTs sapasaadns pus ioaaaq aaggeuz goaCgns
age. 04 buTgpTaa saTgaed alp uaaigaq quauiaaabs pus buTpupgsaapun
aaTqua aq4 sagngTqsuoo quamaaabs sTgs •o
•quauiaaabe sT144 go suoTsTnoad
ao suzaaq Aus go uoTgeqaadaaquT Jo buTueauz ago AeM Aue uT goa ;e
ao -TUITT oq pauzaap aq you TTsgs pus ATuo sasodand aouaaaJaa ao;
pagaasuT GIP quaivaaabe sTgi uT pasn sbuTpsaq au •q
•4oaaagq Agasd aaggTa ;0 aabaauz 10 uoTqepTTosuoa 'uoTTpzTusbaoaa
age WOJJ buTqTnsaa s3T4T4ua Aup pus 'o1aaau saTgaed eATqOadsaa
alp Jo subTsse pus saossaoons 81 44 go sqT ;auaq alp o:. aanuT TTsgs
pus uodn buTpuTq aq TTsgs quauiaaabe aspaT sTgs •s
:Tueuiaaabp aseaT sTq4 go sqasd TpabaquT osTp
Gap suoTsTnoad buTMoTTo3 au •suoTsTnoad snoauSTTaosTW •6T
•pauT2qgo pup peq gsaT; aossaZ Jo uoTssTmaad uaggTaM
fl0qTTM pabupgo aq qou TTegs uoTgsooT aqq gsgT pus pagTaosap
anogsuTaaaq SP sasTuraad paspa' ago asn TTsgs G 42q;
poogsaapun ATssaadxa sT -I •aassa7 Aq asn ;0 uoTqeooTad •8T
Otiki8S9tio 8 2 7
i. This agreement shall be interpreted, construed and
enforced according to the laws of the State of Wyoming.
j. All exhibits to this agreement shall be deemed
part of this agreement and incorporated herein as if fully set
forth herein. Failure to attach any exhibits hereunder shall not
invalidate this agreement, it being understood that the same are
available from the books or records of the parties.
k. The parties agree that in the event any action or
court proceeding is brought by either party to enforce the
obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to recover any reasonable attorney's fees, together with
court and collection costs.
1. All terms and words used in the Agreement,
regardless of the number and gender in which they are used, shall
be deemed and construed to include any other number, singular or
plural, and any other gender, masculine, feminine, or neuter, as
the context or sense o this agreement or any paragraph or clause
herein may require, the same as if such words had been fully and
properly written in the required number and gender.
m. All notices, demands, requests and other writings
required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed duly
given if delivered or if mailed by registered or certified mail,
postage prepaid, addressed to the following:
Western Wyoming Range Limited Partnership
P.O. Box 336
Lyman, WY 82937
Questar Exploration Production Company
P.O. Box 458
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Either party shall have the right to specify in writing in
the manner above provided, another address to which subsequent
notices or writings to such party shall be given. Any notice
given hereunder shall be deemed to have been given as of the date
delivered or mailed.
Page -8-
Io AgTaouqne agq aapun uoTgeaodaoo Lions go paap pue qoe AaequnTon
pup aa.z; agq. se awes auk paqnoaxa Aagq gegq. am oq pabpaTMOU3foe
uosaez Tae0 pue uappag que19 •O pies agq. pue uoTgeaodaoo bUTUZOAM
P '•ou] 'buTgeaad0 buTwoAM uaaqsaM go Ale40aJOS pue quapTSaad
au eq oq uMOU3{ ATTeuosaad am og uosaeaTae0 pue uappeE queaO •O
paaeadde ATTeuosaad '000Z i). 1' go Aep /76' szuq. uo
'agegs pue Aqunop pies ao; pue uz o Tgnd aegoN e 'aui aaojag
'3 NOIIV1107dX 2i
quagpeoag •g •r go agegsg
au anTgequasaadaa Teuosaad
r.: /N
aaugaed TeaauaE s,MT '•ONI
d IHS2igNJ Jd
F-1010 iFON 1
-6- aged
'Lle4qT.7M anoge 4saz; .zeaA pue Aep auq. ageozTdnp uT quauiaaabe
sz pagnoaxa anew 049.104 saz4aed eu4 'AOHEH M SSHN1IM MI
000Z `IZ aunf palup quaivaai2y assa7 AlTTT g0 6 a2va uoTTenuTquo0
its Board of Directors for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Broadbent, this 5 day of
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
4,1.0 m:41 abard
Notary Public 1
78 East 400 South, Suite 304 1
''alt Lake City, Utah 84111
4y Commission Expires
March 24, 2003
State of Utah j
MINN MSS amen mW
My Commission Expires:
COUNTY OF I) /Nl4fr t
Before me, a Notary Publ
this of
6 L. Hard /a
to be the
t L. M oyd t o
executed the same as the free
corporation under
uses and purposes
My Commission Expires:
My Commission Expires Feb. 26, 2002
Page 10
My Commission Expires: �r p
p. iss!o'9. pIres ,.!!.P1 20 0 NYC °OGe°mum +'0m
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged
Broadbent, Personal Representative of the
and for said County and State, on
2000, personally appeared
to me personally known
of Questar
Company, and the said
acknowledged to me that he
and voluntary act and deed of such
the authority of its Board of Directors for the
therein set forth.
before me by Lorna
Estate of J.R.
\data' \wwr \lea
106Z9 6uiw0AM 's6u!JdS j008
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D.R. Griffin Associates
P.O. Box 1059 (307)362 -5028
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
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