HomeMy WebLinkAbout868897RECEIVED ROAD EASEMENT AN C 't kGREEMENT Gu OCT I I I,. I B O O K I P R PAGE 8 3 3 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this al sir day of 200 but agreed to be effective March 1, 2000, by and between WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an undivided 80.43478% owner, a Wyoming limited partnership, hereinafter called "Western Wyoming whose address is P.O. Box 336, Lyman, WY 82937; and THE ESTATE OF J.R. BROADBENT, an undivided 19.56522% owner, hereinafter "Broadbent whose address is P.O. Box 8627, Salt Lake City, UT 84108; and Questar Exploration Production Company, a Texas corporation, whose address is P.O. Box 458, Rock Springs, WY 82902, hereinafter called "Questar WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Western Wyoming and Broadbent are the owners of the surface and surface rights in and to the following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit: Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 113 West WHEREAS, Questar has an interest in oil and gas operations located in Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, Lincoln County Wyoming, and, WHEREAS, Questar needs access to said operations over and across the surface of lands owned by Western Wyoming and Broadbent, which access will transverse approximately 164.82 rods of 'road and, WHEREAS, Western Wyoming and Broadbent are willing to execute and enter into a road easement and access agreement with Questar under the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed; NOW THEREFORE, IT 1S HEREBY understood and agreed by and between the parties Page -1- -Z- aced •paulelgo pue peg lull luagpeotg pue 2ulm/cm uta1saM Jo 2uasuoa ay3 3noy1iM awn Rue ie paauaJ aq you 11eys peat ssaaae pies Jo sapis aIf 2ey2 poo2saapun s121 pue 'peon ssaaae pies Jo sapls alp aauaJ 02 aneg Iou Keys ae1sanb aaaZe luagpeoig pue 2uluaoAM uaa1saM 'aanaMoy papinotd 'awl aauaJ 2upslxa ue ssotn pinogs peon ssaaae pies 1ey2 3ulod Aue asuadxa sue sp i en2 alien 11e3sw o� saaa2e ae2sanb •saPillaeJ pies o2 ssaaae ao3 3saaa2ui ul saossannns pue 'saaAolduaa 'sluentas 'slua2e sal `aelsanb Aq pasn aq O2 2uauaasea ale/gad a toj papinotd aalleulatay uopeaapisuoa aye luagpeoa8 pue 2uluaoKM uaa2saM Aed O2 saaa2e ae2sanb 2ey3 poo2saapun sl 21 •11 •paluea2 Apeul2lao seM 2uauaasea ay3 uaLM punoa2 anoge aye uodn palm' sdon 2u!MOa2 o2 peat ssaaae pies i(q pasnea saaeuaep lie aanOD Heys pa2lnat ulaaaq suopeaapisuoa ayl •ae2san0 Jo asuadxa pue 2soa alas aI2 3e paule3uleut aq o2 peat Inns iuluaoAM 'A2unoJ uioaun '2saM 1 1 a2uedl '42J 61 dlysuMol Z uolnas ul palm' suonetado uopetoldxa seZ pue po sil 02 peon ssaaae ue uleluleua pue Pnt2suon O3 aelsanb 2ullgeua Jo asodand aqi aoJ aauaaaJaa slq Aq ulaaay paieaodaonul pue many payae23e „y„ 2iglyx3 uo pagp sap spuel alp ssaaae 3uawasea a2enlad a aelsanb o� Aanuoa pue tuea2 Agatay op luagpeoa8 pue ZuluaoAM utatsaM 'pate3s aa1eulatay ae3san0 Jo s3uauaaaaZe pue s3ueuanoa Jaywo alp pue y2t0J las aaijeulataq se luagpeoag pue 2uluaoAM uta3saM O3 telsanb Rq apew aq O3 3uauaied ysea a 1i Jo uopetaplsuoa w pue aoj 2eyl 1 :sMOlio; se O &ThSSa3 835 It is expressly understood that said roadway shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in width plus barrow pit, and that Questar shall use the roadway as now designated and that said roadway shall not be changed without written permission of Western Wyoming and Broadbent first had and obtained. IV. In consideration of the grant of the easement aforesaid, Questar agrees as follows: (1) For the road constructed or used under or across the lands of Western Wyoming and Broadbent as described on Exhibit "A" in connection with Questar's rights hereunder, on the above described Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, Questar agrees to pay for said easement, commencing March 1, 2000, the sum of $9.00 per rod annually. For the year commencing March 1, 2001, Questar agrees to pay the sum of $4.50 per rod plus the 2000 increase in the Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers (C.F.I. U) for all items, U.S. City average as determined by the United States Department of Labor. After the 2001 year, the fee shall be adjusted annually from the basis of the preceding year's annual fee to reflect the increase or decrease, if any, in the Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers (C.P.1. U) for all items, U.S. City average. Said adjustments and payments to be made on March 1 of each year until this easement terminates as provided herein. (2) In addition to the cash consideration to be paid by Questar to Western Wyoming and Broadbent as hereinabove indicated, Questar likewise shall be responsible for and pay all damages incurred by Western Wyoming and Broadbent by way of damage to livestock owned by Western Wyoming's partners, Broadbent or their respective lessees when said damage occurs along the access road unless Questar can affirmatively prove that said damage to Page -3- aeisanb Jo aoneJ uI )(No luauaasea alenpd a aq Heys luauaasea poolsaapun •uopeaado 2ulpaas aye aolad ivagpeoa8 pue ZuRuoi/ uaalsaM uopeaypaaa ay1 ysluanJ IIIM ae3sanb •pasn aq IIIM 2uaaaad Sg jo a2eivaaaad uopeuRwa2 a yijM pue sand luaaaad S6 aq pagpaaa pass Rlup luauaasea aapua alp lnoyZnoap sassea2 anpeu Jo pueIs injssaaans e uleigo se os paalnbaa se sawp Ruew se luawasea aye pass saaa2e aeisanb suaasauea xaidp laauapae2 xaidpv uaniyaelsAsep uoiidoa8d saplouawAq slsdozAap !!qij US uoaAdoiThj 9C8 a well DIPua!PS j a gsrumieS 2u!Manod as �IeS ssea2lea4M a)ildsiia!yl ssea2aapj uelpui sseagleagM uaaasaM aweN :uouauaoJ aaae /•sql E aaae /•sql E aaae /•sql E aaae/•sgl aaae/•sgi aaad /PaaS •sqq :aan1xlw 8ulMoiloJ aye wIM lseapeoaq uayM aaae /•sqi OE pue palllap uayM aaae /•sqi S I Jo area aye papaasaa uaLp pue puei aye Jo anoluoa 2upslxa aye luawasea aye 2ullanal pue seam Moaaeq ayp Bum Rq paiejlllgeyaa aq Heys luauaasea pies ao uopipuoa Zupslxa uayp alatp ul tai aq `wagpeoa8 pue 2uluaof/ uaalsaM jo uopdo aye i 'Heys peon atp jo uopiod Rue JO lie'pauopuege sl pagiaasap anogeulaaay peon aye Juana ay1 ui 'spew ulew ayf way pue ianezjo asanoa Raeulpao aye ul awes aye asn Rena saialyan aolow lap aauuew a vans ul paPnalsuoa aq sayaeoadde yanS •woJJaaaw 2ulpeal spew Heal lie of peon ssaaae aye wag sayaeoadde panalsuoa asuadxa Heys aeisanb (0,) luauaasea aye Jo eaae paganIslp ayp ulyfIM meld snouoslod pue spaaM snolxou He ioanuoa HIM pue uoisoaa aaeJans way ReMpeoa alp paaoad 'asuadxa 'Heys aelsanb (E) •saal!nul JO saaioidwa 'slua2e alayp JO luagpeoas '2ulwoIM uaalsaM Jo suopae alp Rq pasnea seM joaaa "ssoi ao Naolsanll U8t;883 837 and its servants, employees and agents, and that Questar shall not have the right to enter into any agreement with third parties relative to the use of said road without the prior written, mutual consent of Western Wyoming and Broadbent. VI. Western Wyoming and Broadbent reserve the right for themselves and their employees, servants, partners, lessees and agents to use said roadway without charge. VII. Questar agrees to use its best efforts to control the speed over said access road so as to protect the livestock that may be in the area, and to keep the roadway and the approaches thereto reasonably free from litter and debris. VIII. Questar, its successors or assigns, shall indemnify and hold harmless the Western and Broadbent, their directors, officers, agents, partners, lessees and employees against and from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demands, costs, and expenses of whatsoever nature, including court costs and attorney's fees, which may result from injury to or death of persons whomsoever, or against and from damage to or loss or destruction of property whatsoever, when such injury, death, Toss, destruction or damage is due or arises because of the use or occupancy of the premises by Questar. IX. Questar shall give Western and Broadbent prior written notice of any archeological and /or historical surveys which Questar or its agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcontractors complete and /or perform on the premises identified on Exhibit "A" any results Page -5- .iau ed leaauaD s,1! 'DNI1d213dO DNIIAIOAM N1131S3M :AS dIHS213N121Vd 4311LAi13 3ONV'd ONIWOAM N2131S3M '000Z Jo Cep is sitl1 painaaxa si luauaaaa8d '1O3213HM SS3NIIM NI •aapunaaaq aamanj ou anal 'legs suZisse JO lsaaalui ul saossaaans sit pue aewsanb pue aleuluaaaj Ilegs luauaaaa2e uam'peoa ssaaae pies aye 2ulsn ui aZe2ua o2 smuoua ani2naasuoa (9) xis jo poiaad a aoJ IIe3 nap Jo 'peal pies uopuege uopualui s2i jo &uppM Lit luagpeoas pue 2UIWOi/h uaa1saM kjflou 'legs ae1sanb 3uana aIl2 ui lap 'aanaMoq 'papinoad :su2isse pue 'saossaaans anpaadsaa ap p 'pau2isaapun uodn 2uipulq aq 'legs pue 'pang uuaa aoj anoge pagiaasap spuel am Tim Zuiuuna lueuanoa a aq peels luauaaaa2e qui 'X luagpeoas pue uaalsam o2 paaanilap pue panaasaad Rlaleipauauai aq penis saomnuoagns ao saolaeanuoa 'saaAolduaa's2uenaas'ssua2e sii'aelsanb Aq punoj Maadoad .iamo ao saeJpae Ruy luagpeoas pue uaa1sa/ pa22luagns aq pegs Aanans Mans ui pauleago B£8 -9- acrd 2uagpeoas Tf Jo a2e2s3 aye JO anneluasaadall leuos iad Continuation Page 7 of Road Easement and Access Agreement dated June 21, 2000. U ,SS STATE OF WYOMING )ss. COUNTY OF UINTA My Commission Expires: STATE OF 71 )ss. COUNTY OF. M WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 3- y-- b 3 QUESTAR EXPLORATION 8z PRODUCTION COMPANY V By: Page -7- B ?fore me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this 2 day of 2000, personally appeared G. Grant Redden and Carl Larson to me personally known to be the President and Secretary of Western Wyoming Operating, Inc., a Wyoming corporation and the said G. Grant Redden and Carl Larson acknowledged to me that they executed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation under the authority of its Board of Directors for the uses and purposes therein set forth. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lorna Broadbent, Personal Representative of the Estate of J.R. Broadbent, this 7 day of u 2000. NOTARY PUBLIC 839 Notary PUbHIC 11AHRIET CHRISTENSEN 37G East 400 South, Suite 304 Salt lake City, Ut *h 84111 'Y Commission Expires March 24, 2003 9 ans, M nnc n ,.,re y'ia st u MAW d Utah .z.; 0V8 -8- abed gas ula.iagl sasodand pue sasn alp aoj saoPaald jo moo sij Jo kipotpne aapun uopeaodaoD gpns jo paap pue 13e kiewnion pue aaaJ se awes aqI pa1n)axa aq aW o1 paZpaimowpe \n/ cP.A QCY 7.9 pies pue'Ruedwoj uopnpoad i uopeaoidx3 aeisanj jo O J cry--6 ffl9 da aq� aq o� unnou)J A��euosa d ay�b1 7.9 pane dde Rpeuosaad'OOOZ }o Aep sg2 uo 'alms pue /clump pies aoj pue ui )ugnd a 'am aaoja dO AIMIOD •ss( AO 31VIS 33 y17. 1 e 1 Sanb \NMM \VI ZOOZ'9Z'clad sandx3 kry :saaidx3 uotssivauaoj ,cy,� SCALE' 500' 0 N 1" 1000' 1000' f I •FOUND MONUMENT (BRASS CAP) APPARENT OWNERSHIP: WESTERN WYOMING RANGE NSW STA TE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN JOB No. 6053 DA 10/20/98 z ZD L Q 4 CO L- 0 �n oc Prepared By 0 R. GRIFFIN AND ASSOC /A TES, INC P 0. BOX 1059 (307)362 -5028 ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82901 In M N 841 SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 113 ##S'T, of the 6th PAL NWNW NENW SWNW SENW N22'26'27 "E S WS W N52' 503.88' ti N 89'56'15" E 2579.89' Total R —O —W Width 20, Feet, 10_Left, _1Q _Right of Centerline, plus borrow area 2719.50 Feet, 164.82 Rods, 1.25 Acres. SESW 2073.61' NESW NWNE NENE SWNE SENE NWSE I NESS a W o 1 VERNE VALLEY 50 14 "E UNIT No. 4 142.01' N89'56'06 "E SESE S 89'58'08" W 2588.66' SURVEYOR'S S TA TEMEN T 1, Dick R. Griffin, state that am by occupation o Registered Land Surveyor employed by CELSIUS ENERGY COMPANY, to make o survey of this ROAD as shown on this map; that the survey of said works was made by me under authority, commencing on the 20th day of October, 1998, and thot such survey is accurately represented upon this mop. A MAP G EASEMENT FOR A ROAD PREPARED FOR: CELSIUS ENERGY COMPANY 1331 17TH STREET SUITE 800 DENVER, CO 80202 1-303-296-8945 zps 'Sa02j Z8'+79i 9NINI`d1NO3 NOLLOS OIVS JO 2J3Nd00 1Sd3H1flOS 31-11 NOW 133J 8l'CSSZ '1S1M „t7Z,I7S.ZS H12jON NI39 lNMOd OIvS 'b '°N 11Nl ..3T1VA 3N 13A JO add 31-11 01 133J OZ. '68C '1Sv3 „10,S029 H1flOS 33N3H1 '133J t>8' '1SVJ „i7Z,8S.68 HifOS 30N31-11 :ONINNI038 d0 1NI0d 3H1 01 133J 8C '1SV3 „9b,S L.0'b H1eION 33N3H1 'CZ N01103S CIYS JO 63N2100 1S3MH1f1OS 31-11 1e ONION3010103 3N11d31N30 039183S30 ONIMOTOJ 31 JO 30IS H0d3 NO 133J 0001 ONI,I1 '9NI1 JO 31V.I:S N103Nf1 JO JliNfl03 3H1 NI Nd14I1301 1dd13Nlbd HIXIS 3H1 JO 1S3M L l l 3ONd2j 'H12ION 61 dIHSNM01 'CZ N01133S JO J IVH Hil0S 3H1 NIH11M ONI) 1 aVO] V ZIOJ 3Nf1 2j31N33 039I 3H1 JO 301S HOb'3 JJO 133J O0'S JO V3?Jb' M062108 Sflld JOIM 133J 00 1N31N]SV3 NV NOLI cI I3S5CI 7V D f7 0O /7,0/!0 rl_?;In_;•& '6 /0z /O1 rc09 aor