HomeMy WebLinkAbout868898O O K P R P A G E GE 8 4 FACILITY LEA SE C EMENT 0 f -I T 1 I
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this a qr r r. ,'dat b `;i,, J
X,tA u4-, 2000, but agreed to be effective March 1,
an undivided 80.43478% owner, a Wyoming limited partnership,
whose mailing address is P.O. Box 336, Lyman, WY 82937; and THE
ESTATE OF J.R. BROADBENT, an undivided 19.56522% owner,
hereinafter referred to as "Lessor and QUESTAR EXPLORATION
PRODUCTION COMPANY, a Texas corporation, whose mailing address is
P.O. Box 458, Rock Springs, WY 82902, hereinafter referred to as
1. Description of Premises. Lessor hereby agrees to lease
to Lessee, and Lessee hereby agrees to lease from Lessor, the
following property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming,
and more particularly described as follows:
Those lands described on Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and hereby incorporated herein by this
for the purpose of enabling Lessee to construct maintain,
operate, repair and remove an oil and gas drilling unit and
associated production facilities on the above described lands.
2. Term of Lease. This lease shall commence on the 1St
day of March, 2000 and shall continue for a period of one (1)
year, and shall end on the 1st day of March, 2001, unless sooner
terminated or extended pursuant to other provisions herein.
3. Rental. Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as rental, the sum
of $3,500.00 for the first year of this Lease, said sum due upon
execution of this Lease. Rental due March 1, 2001 shall bd" the
sum of $2,000.00 plus the 2000 increase in the Consumer Price
Index All Urban Consumers (C.P.I. U) for all items, U.S. City
average as determined by the United States Department of Labor.
Thereafter, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, so long as this Lease is
in effect, rental, adjusted annually from the basis of the
preceding year's rental to reflect the increase or decrease, if
any, in the Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers (C.P.I. U)
for all items, U.S. City average. Said adjustments and payments
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-z- gaud
Lions APd 'uoTi.do sq r qs 'Asui Gasser' 'anp auzooaq 3UIPS alp SP saxPq
Aqaadoad 'Pea AuP Asd oi. sup; aossar' quana 91 44 uI •sesTwaad
pagTaosap -anogs auk uodn pasn ao pagsooT Gas qJTM squauianoadu1T
pue Agaadoad Tsuosaad u.o s,aassaq ao; sexeq Agaadoad
TPUOSaad TTs anp uaur Asd TTTM aassar' 'uoTrTppP uI •aossar'
Aq Gasser' oq papTnoad aaogaaaup suoTgeTnoTso auk Jo buTgun000P
us pus anp qunouzs auk ;o aoTgou uodn Gasser' Aq pzsd aq TTPus
'uoaaagp squawanoadu1T Aus buTpnTouT 'Agaadoad auk ;o asn s,aassar'
Aq pasnso sex Agaadoad Tsaa UT asParouT Aus 'aanaMOq 'papTnoad
'sasTwaad pagTaosap- anogs alp gsuTPbP paTnaT saxPq Aqaadoad 'Pea
TTP 'anp uegr 'APd TTTM aossar' •squaUissassJ pus saxes •9
sasTwaad alp anogs seoTnaas AgTTTgn bu1TT PgsuT ao; AuPdwoo
TTTTn AuP o. sabasuo ao saa3 AuP 'off pagTUITT qou qnq 'buTpnTouT
'aseaT sTlp uiaaa. au; buTanp sesTUiaad passaT auk uodn pausTuan;
saoTnaas Ag1Tign TTs Jog Asd TTsus aassar' sa1TTTTgf S
•pauTjap uTaaaq sasodand
AuP JO; sasTwaad pips ;o asn auk oa. 'subTsse pus saossaoons sqT
'aossar' Jo TubTa TPaauab alp upTM buoTP pauiPiaa sT 'subisse pus
saossaoons sqT 'aossar' Aq panaasaa os qubTa ;Pup. pooqsaapun
buTag qT :,,K, vTgTgx2 uT pagTaosap sasTwaad aLiq uo Gasser' Aq
asn pips (I4 TM aaagaapuT ATgsuossaaun p.ou TTTM se APM s eons uT
pnq) ssoaoP pus aapun 'aano 'sauTT aaTM pus aTod aaMod oTa ;oaTa
pus udsabaTaq 'auoudaTa; pus seuTTedTd 'sAPMubTq 'spsoa uTequTPw
oq pup gonagsuoo oq 4 aLiq- 'oq pa ;TuTT you pnq 'buTpnTouT
'asodand Aus ao; sasTwaad sqr asn oq 'semi; Tip pup GUIT4 Aus
qs 'qgbTa aup. ansu TTsus 'subTsss pus saossaoons sqT 'aossaq
buTTTTap ssb pus uo UP 9AOU13a pus aTsdaa 'ap.saado 'uTequTSUz
';onagsuoo og Gasser' ao; pagTaosap -anogs Ap.aadoad Tsaa alp
asn oq Gasser' moue TTsus assaT sTLiS sasTwaad Jo asn •ti
saagTAUT ao saaAoTduia
'squabs aTaua ao aossaq Jo suoTpos aq; Aq pasnso ssM goaaaup ssoT
ao xooasanTT oq burp ps gelp anoad ATeATgpwaT ;P use Gasser'
ssaTun 'sasTwaad passaT au. uo san000 absuisp piss ua4M 'saasseT
aATpoadsaa aiaup to 'saeugtPd sqT 'aossar' Aq pauMo 3{oo4sanTT
oq abPUisp go APM Aq aossar' Aq paaanouT sabPUiep TTP APd pus
JO; aTgTsuodsaa aq TTsus asTMaxTT Gasser' 'papsoipuT GAogPUTaaaq
se aossaq Gasser' Aq pzsd aq op. TPquaa auq. oq uoTgTppP uI
sear' sTq. TTqun
•uiaaau papTnoad SP sapPUTUiaaq
asaA Lippe ;o T uoaPN uo apeuz aq op Gas
delinquent taxes and reduce the rental payments due to Lessor by
the amount paid, or Lessee, at its option, upon 30 days' written
notice to Lessor may terminate this lease because of the failure
to pay such property taxes, if during said 30 days Lessor has not
cured this default and paid said property taxes.
7. Condition of Leased Premises. Lessee has examined and
knows the condition of the above described premises and shall not
hold Lessor liable for any latent defect unknown to Lessor at the
time of execution of this lease. Lessor makes no warranty as to
the condition of said leased premises and Lessee acknowledges
that at the termination of this lease for any reason, Lessee
shall comply with all requirements of all federal, state and
local governmental agencies regarding the cleanup and reclamation
of the above described property for any use that Lessee has made
of the property.
8. Indemnification. Lessee, for itself, its successors
or assigns, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor, its
officers, agents, employees, successors or assigns, against and
from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demand actions,
cause of action, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature,
including Court costs and attorney's fees, which may result from
property damage and personal injury to or death or persons
whomsoever, including the pipeline of Lessee, when such personal
injury, death, loss, destruction, or damage, howsoever caused,
grows out of or arises from the use of the premises by Lessee.
9. Maintenance. During the term of this lease Lessee
shall be responsible for all maintenance of the leased premises
and shall maintain the premises in good order and repair.
Further, Lessee shall comply in every respect with all federal,
state and local laws, regulations and ordinances regarding its
operations. Lessee shall, at its expense, protect the surface of
the leased premises from surface erosion and will control all
noxious weeds and poisonous plants within the disturbed area of
the leased premises. More specifically, any surface area
disturbed by Lessee hereunder shall be rehabilitated by filling
and leveling the leased premises to the existing contour of the
land and then reseeded at the rate of 15 lbs /acre when drilled
and 30 lbs. /acre when broadcast with the following mixture:
Lbs. Seed /Acre
3 lbs. /acre
3 lbs. /acre
Common Name
Western Wheatgrass
Indian Ricegrass
Page -3-
Scientific Name
Agropyron smithii
Oryzopsis hymenoides
-1 aged
os op 0 aossaz TTUraad oq saaabp aassaZ
pup Uragq goadsuT oq saWT; e geuoseaa TTp 4P sasTUraad aaqua
0 qgbTa ag; san.zase.z aossaq •uoT;oactsul 30 ;gbTi 'TT
'“V. 1T uT pagTaosep
spueT aq4 buTATaapun 30 UT sTeaauTW aagpo Aup ao TP00 Jo Tenouraa
aqg UIOag AeM aagpo Aup UT buT ;Tnsaa ao GUMS auk gpeauaapun
buTuTUI To TTnsaa p Se spueT pTes go aoe3ans alp To aouepTsgns
Aq pauoTse000 aanaosgeuM abeuiep aagpo Aus ao; ao pagTaosep
uTaaag spueT aq; uodn aassaZ Aq apeui aq o4 ao apeuz suoT4PTTp4sUT
@Lig oq buTaan000 abeuiep Aup ao; 'subTsse zo saossaoons
sqT 04 aTgeTT aq qou TTegs 'subTsse pue saossaoons
sqT 'aossa7 gegp uoT4Tpuoo ssaadxa au4 uo pue a4e4sa TeaauTui aqq
go saauMO aq4 go sggbTa TTp 0 4 4oaCgns sT epeur.si esea' sTi
JO papaooaa aaggauM 'pueT pTes aqp goa4T? ApUI goTgM uosaad
Aue To sgsaaaquT ao suoTgenaasaa 'saoupaqurnoue 'suoTqoTagsaa
'SUOT4p4TUITT 'suoT4Tpuoo TTp 04 0STe qoaCgns pue 'GUMS eqq
TO suoTsuo4xa pue sT2Maua3 40 TubTJ el-14 pup G eJ[TM pue aTod
'saUTTedTd 'sagogTp U0TgebTaaT 303 SAPM- 30-44bT3 pup SAeMpe0a
aaupo pup sAeMg5TU ao; asoup 'o4 pa4TUITT 4ou gnq 'buTpnTouT
'squbTa buTpuegsgno aagpo pue saseaT buTpue sgno Tie o goaCgns
apsuz ST ese 5TUS, •3oaaau uoTlnoaxa go GUrT; qe paooaa
To sAeM- 30-qubTa pup s4uauraspe 'suoT4enaasaa 'suoTgdaoxa IT oq,
goaCgns aq 'aanarog 'TTeus 'sasTUraad alp 30 asn s,aassa7 •3oss97
aq; aapun buTWTeTo auoAue ao aossaq ma; uoT124saTow ao aoueapuTu
gnogpTM sasTuraad paseaT auk AOCua pue Adn000 'aneq ATgaTnb
pup ATTngeoead '3oaaaq surge aq oq goaCgns 'Aeur aassaZ 'esPeT
sTgq 30 SuoTqTpuoo pup S UPUanoo 'sUZaa; aaqqo Tie buTUrao3aad pue
buTnaasgo uodn pup uTaaaq paaTnbaa sTequaa au To quawAed uodn
Teup saaabe Agaaau aosse •quaw oLu2 4eTnO 3o queuanop 'OT
•uoTgpaado buTpaas auT oq aoTad
aossa7 0 uoTTpoT3T ;ago eq4 gsTuan4 TTTM aassaZ •pasn aq TTTM
quaoaad 58 To abs uaoaad uoT4euTuraab p 144TM pue aand quaoaad S6
aq oq peTTT4aao peas ATup 'seep pagan.sTp aaTqua aq; .nogbnoagq.
sesseab aAT4PU go pue4s Tn3ssaoons P uTe4go or SP OS paaTnbaa
su sauiT4 Aueuz ss weep pagan4sTp aqq peas saaabe aassaZ
su xaTdT34V gsnagpTPS buTMano3
Taauepaeb xeTdTI ;y ebeS 4TeS
urnAgoe sAssp uoaAdoabj sseabTeagM efTdsxoTgj
egos /•sqT S
aaoe /•sqT 8
aaos /•sqT S
O bty8S J8
12. Sublease or Assignment. Lessee shall not assign nor
sublet this Lease agreement in whole or in part, without the
prior written consent of Lessor first had and obtained.
13. Liens and Encumbrances. Lessee shall keep the above
described property free and clear of any and all liens and
encumbrances of any kind or nature.
14. Default. In the case of default in any of the
covenants contained herein to be performed by Lessee, including
the covenant to pay rent, the Lessor may enforce the performance
of this Lease in any manner provided by law, including, but not
limited to, an action for specific performance of the Lease. At
their option, Lessor may terminate the lease if such default
continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Lessor notifies
Lessee of such default and of their intention to declare the
lease forfeited. Such notice shall be sent by certified U.S.
Mail, return receipt requested, to the Lessee at the mailing
address as hereinafter specified. After such thirty (30) day
period shall have expired, unless such default is of such nature
that it is incapable of being remedied within such thirty (30)
day period, and provided that the Lessee diligently prosecutes
the remedy of such default until the same is completely
corrected, this Lease shall cease and come to an end as if it
were the day originally fixed herein for the expiration of the
term. If the Lessee defaults under the terms and conditions of
this lease, the Lessor's agent or attorney shall have the right,
without further notice or demand, to reenter the premises or any
portion thereof and remove all persons and property therefrom
without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass and without
prejudice to any other remedy for arrearage or rent or breach of
covenant and Lessor's agent or attorney may rent or lease the
premises for any rent obtainable for the account of Lessee.
Lessee shall remain liable to Lessor for any deficiency. It is
expressly agreed that in the event that Lessee shall continue to
hold the premises after demand therefor at the termination of
this Lease or for default or breach of this lease, Lessor shall
be entitled to secure a mandatory injunction to recover
possession thereof. This remedy, however, shall be cumulative of
and not in lieu of any other rights and remedies hereunder. In
the event of default, the Lessor shall be entitled to recover all
of their costs, including the attorney fees for enforcement of
the terms of this lease or the termination of the same.
15. Surrender Upon Termination. Lessee shall surrender the
leased premises to the Lessor at the expiration of this lease or
Page -5-
-9- affud
•a4PUZUZaaq ATTPOZgptuognp TTPgs ospaT sT1-14
'aassar' oq GTgPTT AP appuz qou uospal taq;o AuP ao; 10 poxonaa
ao pGTaoupo UOSPGI AuP Iog G .TP sasuaozT Io s;Tui.Iad Lions goaaaq
uzaa1 auk buTtnp owT4 AUP qp gI °uTaaaq pagzaosap suoTgeaado
aq; buTpapbea saTouabe Tequewuaanob Tie tuna; sasuaozT pue sgTwaad
paaznba.T TTe buTdaax pue bUTUTP ;qo aassar' uodn pauoT rpuoo
ATssaadxa sT quauzaaabe asPaT sTgi •uoTTpuTwaas A Taea 'LT
.Tosser' Aq paTuap
aq qou TTTM TeMauaa pies 'aseaT sTq4 go tUIG4 AuP uodn gTnpgap
UT qou pup uodn quatrno sT eosser' se buoT os •aseaT sTgq. Mauaa
o� quaquT s,aassar' go goaaau Uiaaq TeuTbTao ain. go uoT4eaTdxa
agq. go sAep (0E) A1ITq� uTtflTM aossar' A3Tgou TTpgs aassor' 'uoT do
TPMGUal pTes asTOaaxa og aapao uI top apaA (T) auo go suit
uoT TppP (0Z) Aquatq go TP404 P aoj aseaT sTgq. Mauaa uoTgdo
anTSnToxa agq. Gass97 oq squeab Aqa .Taq aossaz •TPMauGj 09T
•3oaaaqq. qunoure
aadoad agq. go 4dTooaa wo13 sApp (0E) A ;azg4 uTga.TM seT4TTT0e3 Gqi
go Teaouzat auq. uT paaanouz asuadxa TTe ao3 aossar' aLq. Gsanqurraa
TTPgs Gassa," pup 'Gesso qun000P aq3 ao3 saT3TTToe3 aq3 GAotuGJ
Aeui .Tosser' 'aassar' .Tosser' woag Gor;ou uaggTaM go gdTeoaa aajjP
sAPp (06) Aiauzu uTqq.Tm U0T Tpuoo TpuTbTt0 sqT off. queuagandde
GIP sGT4TIT pauopuPqe agq. gozgj oq. y qTgTuxE uT pagzaosap
pup" aq; go uoTgaod agq. aaogsaa pup pauopuPge os seT 4TTToeg
otp anotuaa oT s3ao33a 1.13TP3 pooh aouaunuoo 0 sTTe3 ease,"
pue 'pauopuPge a .TP Joaaaq; uoTgaod Aue ao saz3TTToe; aq;. JI
•pasn qou goaaagq. uoTgaod ao sasTUiaad
ago. Jo quauzuopuege UP pauzaep aq TTeus apeA (T) auo Jo poTaad
P aog asPar' STgq. go sasodand agq. .Tog 3oaaagq uoTgaod AuP .To „Nar„
3TgTLix3 Liz pagzaosap SasTUiaad aLiq. go asnuou 4P1.4 paaabp aau4an3
sT 4T pue pauopuPgP os sasTwead goadsa.T qqTM a4PUTUZaaq
PUP asPao TTPgs pG4uP36 uTaaaq s4 aqq TIP 'quana DpLip
uT puP uei 'aspaq sTLi go sasodand agq. ao; 'saszwaad pTPs go
uoTgaod AuP Io '„V„ gTgTqxa uT pagzaosap suoTTPooT agq. UT .Tosser'
go sasTwead aqa. uopuege TTPgs 'subTsse ao saossaoons Syr 'GassG,"
3T gptiq asPa," sTgq. go uoTTTpuoo P apeuz ATssaadxe sT �I
uTaaaq 3no has SP uquoui lad TPquax auIPS agq.
pup Ag9191.14 paqeaao Gq TTP aoueaaggns Aq AouPuo4 'asPaT sT1.14
go uoT4euTUZaog G43 aa4JP sasTUiaad paspeT eq4 spToq easseq 3T pue
.Tosser' go gsaaaquT au3 gsuTpbe sosTwoad paseo" agq. uo WTPTo ou
a3ptu TTPgs GGSSar' •uTaaaq papTAoad SP asPaT aq3 go uoTgpuTuiaa3
SS 3
18. Relocation of Use by Lessee. It is expressly understood
that Lessee shall use the Leased premises as hereinabove
described and that the location shall not be changed without
written permission of Lessor first had and obtained.
19. Miscellaneous Provisions. The following provisions are
also integral parts of this lease agreement:
a. This lease agreement shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefits of the successors and assigns of the
respective parties hereto, and any entities resulting from the
reorganization, consolidation or merger of either party thereof.
b. The headings used in this agreement are inserted
for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed to limit or
affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of any terms or
provisions of this agreement.
c. This agreement constitutes the entire
understanding and agreement between the parties relating to the
subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements,
representations or understandings between the parties relating to
the subject matter hereof.
d. This agreement may be signed upon any number of
counterparts with the same effect as if the signature to any
counterpart were upon the same instrument.
e. Any waiver by either party hereto of any breach of
any kind or character whatsoever by the other party, whether such
waiver be direct or implied, shall not be construed as a
continuing waiver of or consent to any subsequent breach of this
agreement on the part of the other party.
f. The several rights and remedies of each of the
parties under law shall be construed as cumulative; and none of
them shall be exclusive of (or in lieu or limitation of) any
other right, remedy or priority allowed by law.
g. This agreement may not be modified except by an
instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.
h. The parties agree that time is of the essence in
the performance of all duties herein.
Page -7-
-8- aced
°P@TTeui .10 paaaATTap
agep auq. go Se uanTb uaaq anew oq pauzaap aq TTeus aapunaaaq uanTb
aoTJou Auk °uanTb aq TTeus Agaed Mons oq SbuTTTJtM JO SGOTgOU
quanbasgns uoTgM oq ssaappe aau ;oue 'papTnoad anoge aauueuz auk.
uT bUTgTaM uT kg oq qubTa auq. anew TTeus Agaed aau ;TE
0 8
ZO6Z8 AM 'sbuTads xooqj
8S6 xog '0'd
/ueduio0 uoTgonpoad 5) uoTgeaoTdxa aegsann
LE6Z8 AM 'ueulAr
98E xog 'O'd
dTUsaau1.aed pagTwT'I abueE buTuroAM uaagsaM
:buTMoTToJ auq oq passaappe 'pTedaad abegsod
'TTeuz p9TJT4.3a0 ao paaaqsTbaa Aq paiTeui 'T ao paaanTTap 3T uanTb
ATnp pauiaap aq TTeus aapunaaaq uanTb aq ol paggTuiaad ao paaTnbaa
SbuT;TaM aaugo pue sgsanbaa 'spueuiap 'sapT .4ou TTK °ur
*aapuab pup aaquinu paaTnbaa auq uT uaggTaM ATaadoad
pue ATTn; uaaq peg SpaoM gong gT se awes auq. 'aaTnbaa keuz uTaaau
asneTo ao udeabeaed Age ao quauiaaabe sTU1. o BSU3S ao gxaquoo auk
Se 'aagnau ao 'auTuTwag 'auTTnoseuz 'aapuab aaugo Age pue 'TeanTd
ao aeTnbuTs 'aaquinu aaugo Aue apnTouT oq panagsuoo pue pauiaap aq
TTeus 'pasn aae Aauq. uoTUM uT aapuab pue aaquinu au; go ssaTpaebaa
'quauzaaabv auk uT pasn spaoM pue suiaaq ITV T
°s;soo uoT ;oaTToo pup ;anon
i14TM aaqqaboa. 'saaJ s,jauaoqqe aTgeuoseaa Aue aanooaa oq paTgTqua
eq TTeuS Agaed buTTTenaad auq ';uauiaaabv sTgq. aapun suoT ;ebTTgo
auk. aoaogua o. A aed aaggTa Aq ggbnoaq sT buTpaaooad ganoo
ao UOT4oe Age 1.uana auq. uT qeuq_ aaabe saTgaed aq1, '31
°saTgaed auq go spaooaa ao sxooq egg woag eTgeTTene
aae auzPS egg qeu pooq.saapun buTaq qT 'quauiaaabe sTuq. agepTTenuT
you TTeus aapunaaaq s1TgTpxa Cue you ge oa. aanTTe3 °uTaaaq ggaog
has 1 TTng 3T se uTaaaq pageaodaoouT pue quauzaaabe sTqq. go Tied
pauzaap aq TTeus quauzaaabe 5 TUq. oq s 1TgTgxa ITV *C
buTuzoJM go amegs aun go sMeT atiq oq buTpaooae paoao ;ua
pue pana;suoo 'pagaadaa ;uT aq TTeus quauzaaabe s ?us 'T
Continuation Page 9 of Facility Lease Agreement dated June 21, 2000.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
agreement in duplicate the day and year first above written.
rr flil�f
•2 t2
l J LEI' e
INC., it's General Partner
Personal Representative of the
Estate of J. R. Broadbent
Before me, a Notar Public in and for said County and State,
on this ,v‘f day of 2000, personally appeared
G. Grant Redden and Carl Larson to me personally known to be the
President and Secretary of Western Wyoming Operating, Inc., a
Wyoming corporation and the said G. Grant Redden and Carl Larson
acknowledged to me that they executed the same as the free and
voluntary act and deed of such corporation under the authority of
dr eaT\.xM,ea,ep
aegsan, go
0 I aud
ZOOZ '2 'clad salidx3 uassiwwooitiry
saaTdxE uoTssTuzuioO A
•ugao; gas uTaaaug sasodand pup sasn
aug aog sao4OaJTQ Jo paeog sgT go A Taougne eug aapun uoTgeaodaoo
lions go paap pup goe Aae union pup aaag aug SP amps aqg pagnoaxa
au gpu1- ow og pabpaTMOU )IOp
1 1 °I P QC1/ •7'5'
PTes eqi. pup 'AuedwoO uoTgonpoad '3 uoT4paoTdxE
10.3'd r 4
uMOm[ ATTpuosaad eui og
paaeadde ATTeuosaad '0002
pue AgunoO pips aog pue
ISZN 31 -14
go App
I P Tgnd Aae oN
aq og
S Tu4
GM aaogag
—0 30 X.ZNIIOO
r MRS SM. :saaTdxg uoTSSTWWOJ AW So 01
COOT, '4e tlaaey'p
ssiidxg uaissiwuaco fib':
1 G lb9 quip `NiJ owl l tiv
roe ions '41nQS 001' 1sua
n3 s6�3'islwwl113U V!
'Teas TeToTJJO pup pupa Aw SSENIIM
'OOOZ rev go App /'f' sT'g 'quagpeoag
•E•p go agpgsE aug go anTge ueseadaa Teuosaad 'ivagpeoag
euao7 Aq auI aaogaq pabpaTMOUIou seM guawnagsuT buTobaaog au
ss( YYT
O 'O 1' Scia i G 1J 71LL l bil hd'�
saaTdxE uoTssTUnuoO Apj
ugao3 gas uTalaqg sasodand pup sasn eug aog saogoaaTQ 4o paeog sqT
Basis of Elevation: USGS spot
elevation located at the SE corner
of Sec. 23, T 19 N, R 113 W.
Elevation 6401'
R. 113 W.
1 (1293.67')
S 89 °54'16" W 2587.35'
1000 500 0
//,R >7
T. 19 N.
NORTH 41'36'41"
WEST 110'08'26"
1000 2000
1, Brian L. Forbes, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, hereby state: This map was made from
notes token during an actual survey under my direct supervision on r r 8, 2000,
and it correctly shows the location of VERNE VALLEY UNIT #4.
1414 ELK ST., SUITE 202
(307) 362 -5028
SCALE: 1 1000'
JOB No. 6053
DATE 02/29/00
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Prepared By:
D.R. Griffin Associates
P.O. Box 1059 (307)362 -5028
Rock Springs, Wyorninq 82901
Job No. 6053 Date 2/29/00