HomeMy WebLinkAbout8689021 RECEIVED BOOK_ �R PAGE_. FACILITY LEAS `ACIREEMENT .F THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 7 44y of 2000, but agreed to be effectiv4 :41 oh 2000(/ by and between WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an undivided 80.43478% owner, a Wyoming limited partnership, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 336, Lyman, WY 82937; and THE ESTATE OF J.R. BROADBENT, an undivided 19.56522% owner, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor and QUESTAR EXPLORATION PRODUCTION COMPANY, a Texas corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 458, Rock Springs, WY 82902, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee W I T N E S S E T H 1. Description of Premises. Lessor hereby agrees to lease to Lessee, and Lessee hereby agrees to lease from Lessor, the following property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Those lands described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein by this reference. for the purpose of enabling Lessee to construct, maintain, operate, repair and remove an oil and gas drilling unit and associated production facilities on the above described lands. 2. Term of Lease. This lease shall commence on the 1st day of March, 2000 and shall continue for a period of one (1) year, and shall end on the 1st day of March, 2001, unless sooner terminated or extended pursuant to other provisions herein. 3. Rental. Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as rental, the sum of $3,500.00 for the first year of this Lease, said sum due upon execution of this Lease. Rental due March 1, 2001 shall be the sum of $2,000.00 plus the 2000 increase in the Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers (0.2.1. U) for all items, U.S. City average as determined by the United States Department of Labor. Thereafter, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, so long as this Lease is in effect, rental, adjusted annually from the basis of the preceding year's rental to reflect the increase or decrease, if any, in the Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers (C.P.I. U) for all items, U.S. City average. Said adjustments and payments Page -1- -Z- affed Lions Aed 'uoTgdo sqT qe 'Aeuz aassaZ 'anp auiooaq awes agq. se saxeq Agaadoad Tea[ Aue Aed oq sTTpg aossaq 4uana age uI •sasTwaad pagT[osap -anoge agq uodn pasn to paqeooT a[p goTgt squaweAoadwT pue Aq[adoad Teuosaad uMo s,aassaq [oi saxeq ATIadoad Teuosaad TTe anp uagM Aed TTTM aassaZ 'uoTgTppe uI aosseq Aq aassaZ oq papTnoad a.zogaaauq suoTgeTnoTeo aqa. go buTqun000p UP pup anp qunouze agq. go aoTgou uodn aassaZ Aq pTed aq TTeus 'uoaaagq. squauzaaoadu1T Aue buTpnTouT 'Agaado[d au; go asn s,aassar Aq pasneo saxeq Agaadoad Tea[ uT aspaaouT Aup '[anaMOq 'papTnoad 'sesTuiaad pagTaosap -anoge agq. gsuTebe paTnaT saxeq Agaadoad Tea[ TTe 'anp uagr 'Aed TTTM toss •squawssassv pue saxes •9 •sasTwaad anogp saoTnaes AgTTT4n buTTTegsuT ao Auedwoo A;TTTgn Aup:oq sabaego ao saag AU 'oq pa4TuITT 40u qnq 'buTpnTouT 'aseaT sTgq. go waaq aqa. buTanp sasTwaad paseaT egg uodn pagsTu[ng saoTnaas ATTTT4n TTp Jog Aed TTegs aassaZ •saT4TTT4II •S •pauTgap uTaaaq sasod[nd Aue JO; sasTuiaad pies go asn agq_ og 'subTsse pue saossaoons s ;T '[ossaq go ;Libra Teaauab alp ggTM buoTe pauTegaa sT 'subTsse pue s[ossaoons sgT 'aossa7 Aq panaasaa os ;gbTa eq; ;egg poogsaapun buTaq ;T :,,v„ ;TgTgx2 uT pagTaosap sasTwaad aqa. uo aass Aq asn pTes (q ;TM aaagaa ;uT ATgeuoseaaun ;.ou [TM se Aet e Lions uT qnq) ssoaoe pue aapun 'aaio 'sauTT a[TM pue aTod aaMod oTagoaTa pue gde[baTaq 'auogdaTa; pue sauTTadTd 'sAeMgbTq 'speo[ uTequTeuz 0 4 pue qonagsuoo 04 446T• aq4 '04 pa4TuzTT 4.0u qnq 'buTpnTouT 'asod[nd Aue aog sasTuia[d s ;T asn o; 'saurt; Tie pup au1Ti. Aue �e ;gbTt agT anpu TTegs 'subTsse pup s[ossaoons sqT '[ossaZ .Tun buTITTap seb pup TTo up anouiaa pue aTedea 'ageaado 'uTequTpui ;ona ;suoo 0; aassaZ aog pagTaosap -anoge A ;aado[d Teal aqq asn oq aassaZ Moue TTegs aspaT sTUS •sasTura[d Jo asn •f •sae ;TAUT [o saaAoTduia 'squabe .Tagq [o aossal go suoTgoe aq; Aq pasneo seM goaaaq; SSOT [o xoo ;sanTT oq abeuiep pTes qeu; aAo[d ATaAT ;puzaTgge upO aassaZ ssaTun 'sasTuiaad paseaT aq; uo san000 abeuiep pies uagM 'saassOT anTI_oadsa[ aTaq; [o 's.au ;[ed s ;T 'aossaq Aq pauMO )foo;saATT o� burp go Aet Aq .ossaq Aq paaanouT sabewep TTe Aed pue [og aTgTsuodsaa act TTegs asTMa3TT aass 'pageoTpuT anogeuTaaau SP .ossaz o; a Aq pTed aq og Tequaa au; o; uoT ;Tppe uI •uTaaaq papTnoad se sageuTui[aq aseaZ sT TTqun aeGA goea go T goaej uo apeui aq og aae 060 USC890r delinquent taxes and reduce the rental payments due to Lessor by the amount paid, or Lessee, at its option, upon 30 days' written notice to Lessor may terminate this lease because of the failure to pay such property taxes, if during said 30 days Lessor has not cured this default and paid said property taxes. 7. Condition of Leased Premises. Lessee has examined and knows the condition of the above described premises and shall not hold Lessor liable for any latent defect unknown to Lessor at the time of execution of this lease. Lessor makes no warranty as to the condition of said leased premises and Lessee acknowledges that at the termination of this lease for any reason, Lessee shall comply with all requirements of all federal, state and local governmental agencies regarding the cleanup and reclamation of the above described property for any use that Lessee has made of the property. 8. Indemnification. Lessee, for itself, its successors or assigns, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor, its officers, agents, employees, successors or assigns, against and from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demand actions, cause of action, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including Court costs and attorney's fees, which may result from property damage and personal injury to or death or persons whomsoever, including the pipeline of Lessee, when such personal injury, death, loss, destruction, or damage, howsoever caused, grows out of or arises from the use of the premises by Lessee. 9. Maintenance. During the term of this lease Lessee shall be responsible for all maintenance of the leased premises and shall maintain the premises in good order and repair. Further, Lessee shall comply in every respect with all federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances regarding its operations. Lessee shall, at its expense, protect the surface of the leased premises from surface erosion and will control all noxious weeds and poisonous plants within the disturbed area of the leased premises. More specifically, any surface area disturbed by Lessee hereunder shall be rehabilitated by filling and leveling the leased premises to the existing contour of the land and then reseeded at the rate of 15 lbs /acre when drilled and 30 lbs. /acre when broadcast with the following mixture: Lbs. Seed /Acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre Common Name Western Wheatgrass Indian Ricegrass Page Scientific Name 8 91. Agropyron smithii Oryzopsis hymenoides 26g aaed -os op oq aossa7 gTUlaad oq saaabe Gasser' pue uzagq goadsuT oq sewTq aTgeuoseaa Tip ;.e sesTuzaad agq. aaqua oq ggbTa age SGAJGSaa aossa7 •uoTTOactsul go 4T-lbT2i 'TT gTgTqxE uT pagTaosap spueT agq. buTATaapun ao uT sTeaauiw aaggo Aue JO Taoo go Tenouzaa aq; woaq APM aaugo AUe UT buTgTnsaa to aUles ggeauaapun buTUTUI go q[nsaa e se spUPT pTes go aoegans aqn. go GouGpTsgns Aq pauoTse000 JOAGOS4egM abetuep aaggo Aue aoi ao pagTaosap uTaaaq SpueT agq uodn Gasser' Aq apew aq oq ao apeul suoT4eTTe4suT Gtiq oq buTaan000 Gbeulep Aue aog 'subTsse ao saossaoons sqT 'Gasser' oq aTgeTT aq qou TTegs 'subTsse pue saossaOons sqT '3oss qeqp uoT4Tpuoo ssaadxa aqq uo pue agegsa TeaeuTU1 age go S3GUMO alp go s4gbTa TTe oq goaCgns sT apEUl sT asear' sTgs •papaooaaun ao papaooaa aaggaqM 'pueT pis aqq 40agJP Aeul gcTgM uosaad Aue JO sgsaaaguT JO SUOTgeAtOSaa 'saoueaquznoua 'suoTgoTagsaa SuoT4PgTUITT 'suoTTTpuoO TTe oq osie qoa Cgns pue 'aides agq. go suoTSUaqxa pue sTeMauaa go ggbTa aqq. pue sEUTT aaTM pue GTod 'sauTTadTd 'segovTp UOT4ebT3aT 30J SAeM- ;o -g145Tt pue SAEMpeoa aagpo pue sAeMgbTq aog asogq suGOSauEO xaTdTagv gsnagqTeg buTMano3 Taauapaeb xaTdTagv abES TES uznAgOegsAsep uoaAdoabv sseabgeagM avTdsNoTgs 'o1 paqTUITT qou qnq 'buTpnTOUT 'sggbTa buTpuegsquo aagpo pue saseaT buTpuegsgno TTe oq goaCgns apeU1 sT asea7 STgs •Joaaaq uoTgnoexa go aw agq. Pe paooaa go sAeM- go -ggbTa pue Squeulasea 'suoTgenaasaa 'suoTqdaoxa TTe o; goaCgns aq 'JanaMoq 'TTegs 'sesTUZaad agp go asn s,aesseq •aossaq aq4 aapun buTuITeTO auoAue ao aossa7 woag uoTgegsaToui ao aoueapuTq lnoqmM sasTUlaad paseaT 314 AoCua pue Adn000 'Gneq ATaTnb pue ATTngaDead 'goaaag suiaaq aqq oq goaCgns 'Aeul aassa7 'aseaT sT go suoTTTpuoo pue squeuanoo 'suz304 aaqqo TTe buTuzaogaad pue buTnaasgo uodn pue uTeaaq paaTnbaa sTequaa aqq go ;uauiAed uodn qe4 saaabe Agaaaq aossa7 ;uaulAo gaTno go queuanoD 'OT •uoTgeaado buTpaas agq. oq aoTad aossa7 oq uoTgeoTTT4aa aq4 gsTuan; TTTM Gasser' •pasn aq TTTM quaoaad c8 go abequaoaad uoT ;euTulaab e 1.14TM pue aand quaoaad S6 aq 0 4 paTgIg3a0 peas ATup 'eaae pagangsTp aaTqua agq gnogbnoaqp sasseab eAT4eu go pueqs Tngssaoons e uTeggo oq se os paaTnbaa SP sew Aueul Se seaae pagans sTp aqq. peas oq saaabe aassa7 aaOPp SqT S aaOPp SqT S aaoe/•sgT E U CS',J0. 893 12. Sublease or Assignment. Lessee shall not assign nor sublet this Lease agreement in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Lessor first had and obtained. 13. Liens and Encumbrances. Lessee shall keep the above described property free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances of any kind or nature. 14. Default. In the case of default in any of the covenants contained herein to be performed by Lessee, including the covenant to pay rent, the Lessor may enforce the performance of this Lease in any manner provided by law, including, but not limited to, an action for specific performance of the Lease. At their option, Lessor may terminate the lease if such default continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Lessor notifies Lessee of such default and of their intention to declare the lease forfeited. Such notice shall be sent by certified U.S. Mail, return receipt requested, to the Lessee at the mailing address as hereinafter specified. After such thirty (30) day period shall have expired, unless such default is of such nature that it is incapable of being remedied within such thirty (30) day period, and provided that the Lessee diligently prosecutes the remedy of such default until the same is completely corrected, this Lease shall cease and come to an end as if it were the day originally fixed herein for the expiration of the term. If the Lessee defaults under the terms and conditions of this lease, the Lessor's agent or attorney shall have the right, without further notice or demand, to reenter the premises or any portion thereof and remove all persons and property therefrom without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass and without prejudice to any other remedy for arrearage or rent or breach of covenant and Lessor's agent or attorney may rent or lease the premises for any rent obtainable for the account of Lessee. Lessee shall remain liable to Lessor for any deficiency. It is expressly agreed that in the event that Lessee shall continue to hold the premises after demand therefor at the termination of this Lease or for default or breach of this lease, Lessor shall be entitled to secure a mandatory injunction to recover possession thereof. This remedy, however, shall be cumulative of and not in lieu of any other rights and remedies hereunder. In the event of default, the Lessor shall be entitled to recover all of their costs, including the attorney fees for enforcement of the terms of this lease or the termination of the same. 15. Surrender Upon Termination. Lessee shall surrender the leased premises to the Lessor at the expiration of this lease or Page-5- -9- aged 4eUTUi3a1 'TTe TTegs aspaT sT1-13 'aassaZ oc aTgeTTene epeuz 40U uoseaa aaggo iue 3o3 .zo pe onaa JO paTaoueo uoseaa AUP 303 aae sasuaoTT ao s3TUiaad eons 3oa3914 UIaa1 auk- buTanp aUITq /up 3e 3I °uTaaau pagTaosap suoT3eaado au3 buTpaebaa saTouabe Tequawuaanob ITe Uzoa3 sasuaoTT pue syTuiaad paaTnbaa TT buTda pup buTuTeggo aassa7 uodn pauoTgTpuoo ATssaadxa sT 3uauzaaabe aspaT sTI{ °uoT3euTUiaas ATae3 LT •aossag Aq paTuap aq 3ou TTTM TeMauaa pies 'aspaT sTU3 ;o uiaa3 Rue uodn 3Tne3ap uT 3ou pup uodn 3uaaano sT aassa7 se buoT OS •aspaT sT41. Mauaa oq quaquT s,aassa7 30 3oaaau Ul304 TeuTbTao eq3 3o uoT3eaTdxa alp 3o sAep (0E) AgaTU3 uTg11TM aossaq A3T3ou TTegs aassaZ 'uoT3do TeMauaa pTes asToaaxa o1 aapao uT •goea aeaJ (T) auo 3o suz3a3 TeuoT1Tppe (0Z) AquaM3 3 Tp1o3 P 103 aspaT sTga. Mauaa oq uoT11do anTsnToxa au3 aassaZ 03 squeab Agaaaq aossaq •TPM9ua23 °9T •3oaaau1 3unoure aadoad agq. 3o 3dTaoaa uioa3 step (0E) A3a743 uq4TM saT1TTTOe3 au3 3o Tenouiaa au3 uT paaanouT asuadxa Tie ao; aossaz alp asanquziaa TTegs aassaZ pup 'aassaZ 3un000e au3 ao3 seT1ITToe3 au1- 3AOUla1 aossaq 'aassaZ o1. aossaq UIOa3 a0Tgou uaggTaM 3o 1dTaoaa aa113e sAep (06) A1auTU uTua.TM uoT1Tp TeuTbTao s3T o3 queua1andde a a• saT1ITTop3 pauopuege alp uoTUM o3 „Nii„ 3TgTgx2 uT pagTaosap pueT alp 3o uoi1aod alp aao1saa pue pauopuege os saT1TTT0e3 alp an011I93 o3 sgao33a tpTe3 pooh aouaunuoo o4 sTTe3 aassaZ pue 'pauopuege aae 3oaaag3 uoT3aod Aue ao saT1ITToe3 au3 3T pesn qou 3oaaag3 uoT11aod ao sasTwaad aq3 3o quauzuopuege ue pauiaap aq TTegs aeaA (I) auo 3o poTaad e JO; aseaZ sTg3 3o sasodand agq. 303 3oaaau4 uoT1aod Aue ao „f„ gTgTqx2 uT pagTaosap sasTwaad alp 3o asnuou 3eu11 paaabe aag1an3 sT 11T pup pauopuege os sasTwaad alp 04 1oadsaa 114TM a1.euTUZaa4 pup aseao TTegs pa1ueab uTaaau s1g5Ta au11 TTe '3uana 3eg1. uT pup uagp 'aseaZ sTU3 3o sasodand au3 ao3 'sasTwaad pies 3o uoT1aod Aue ao 1 01„ 1TgTgx2 uT pagTaosap suoT3eooT auk uT aossaq 3o sasTwaad aqp uopuege TTegs 'subTsse ao saossaoons s11T 'aassaZ 3T 3eup aseaZ sTg3 3o uoT1Tpuoo e apeU1 ATssaadxa sT 11I •uTaaaq 1.no 3as se ga.u0UI aad Te1uaa 3UI2S au11 pup Agaaag3 pageaao aq TTegs aoueaa33ns Aq Joueua3 e 'aspaT sTg3 3o uoT1euTuzaa1 Grp aa113e sasTwaad paseal au11 spToq aassaZ 3T pup aossaq 3o 3saaa1uT au3 3suTebe sasTwaad paspaT alp uo WTeTo ou a )1ew TTegs aassaZ uTaaaq papTnoad se aspaT alp 3o uoT1euTUraa3 17 68 8 9 5 18. Relocation of Use by Lessee. It is expressly understood that Lessee shall use the Leased premises as hereinabove described and that the location shall not be changed without written permission of Lessor first had and obtained. 19. Miscellaneous Provisions. The following provisions are also integral parts of this lease agreement: a. This lease agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefits of the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, and any entities resulting from the reorganization, consolidation or merger of either party thereof. b. The headings used in this agreement are inserted for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed to limit or affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of any terms or provisions of this agreement. c. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, representations or understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. d. This agreement may be signed upon any number of counterparts with the same effect as if the signature to any counterpart were upon the same instrument. e. Any waiver by either party•hereto of any breach of any kind or character whatsoever by the other party, whether such waiver be direct or implied, shall not be construed as a continuing waiver of or consent to any subsequent breach of this agreement on the part of the other party. f. The several rights and remedies of each of the parties under law shall be construed as cumulative; and none of them shall be exclusive of (or in lieu or limitation of) any other right, remedy or priority allowed by law. g. This agreement may not be modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. h. The parties agree that time is of the essence in the performance of all duties herein. Page -7- •paITetu .zo paaaATTap agep auq. go se uanTb uaaq aneq pauzaap act TTeus aapunaaaq uanTb aoTgou iuj •uanTb aq TTpus Agaed ions oq sbuT -T.rM ao saoTqou quanbasgns goTLiM oq ssaappe aaugoue 'papTnoad anoge aauueui aUq uT buTgTaM uT A Toads oq qubTa auq. an2U TTegs Agaed aGggT2 :buTMOTToJ aLi; off. passaappe 'pTedaad abegsod 'TTeu paTiT4aao ao paaa;sTbaa Aq paTTeui ;T ao paleATTep 3T uanTb ATnp pauiaap aq TTeus aapuneaaq uanTb aq oq paq Tuzaad ao paaTnbaa SbuTgTaM aaggo pue sqsanbaa 'spueuzap 'saOTgou TTFI 'w •aapuab pue aaquinu paaTnbaa aUq. uT uaggTaM ATaadoad pue 'TTn; uaaq peu spaoM Lions gT se auies eqq 'aaTnbaa feu uTaaaq asneTo ao gdeabeaed Aue ao quauzaaabe sTUT o sus ao gxaquoo aUq. SP 'aainau ao 'auTuTuzag 'auTTnoseuz 'aapuab aau;o Aue pue 'TeanTd ao aeTnbuTs 'aaquznu aaq o Aue apnTouT oq panagsuoo pup paweap aq TTegs 'pasn aae Aagq uoTUM uT aapuab pue aaquznu agq. go ssaTpaebaa 'queuzaaabv auq uT pasn spaoi pup suraaq ITV T •sgeoo uoTgoaTToo pue ganoo UT aaq4ab0; 'S00; s,Jauao4ge aTgeuoseaa AUe aanooaa oq paTVTque aq TT ATaed buTTTenaad e4q- 'quauzaaabv sT14 aapun suoTgebTTgo auq aoao ;ua off. Agaed aaugTa Aq qubnoaq sT buTpaaooad ganoo ao UOT4oe /Cue quana etq. uT geUq eaabe saTgaed au •x •saTqaed agq. go spaooaa ao sxooq aqq. uioa; eTgPTTene ale GUMS auq geuq poogsaapun buTaq qT 'quawaaabe sTUq. aqepTTenuT qou TT eus aapunaaaq s4TgTgxa Aue uoeqqe og aanTTe3 uTaaaq UJ-ao.T 4 ATTn; 3T se uTaaaq pageaodaoouT pue quauiaaabe sTq go gaed pauzaap aq TTeus 4 sT 0. 4 s4TgTUxa TTV c •buTuioJM go agegs auq. go sMPT 3Uq. o; buTpa000e paoaogua pue panagsuoo 'pagaadaaquT aq TTeus quauzaaabe sTUS 'T 962 -8- aff'd ZO6Z8 AM 'sbuTads ){oo21 8St7 xog '0'd Auedwo0 uoTgonpoad uoTgeaoTdx3 aegsan0 :aassaZ LE6Z8 AM 'ueuii7 988 xog '0'd dTLisaauqaed pegTu1T7 ebueg buTwoAM uaagsaM :aossa7 n Continuation Page 9 of Facility Lease Agreement, dated June 21, 2000. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate the day and year first above written. STATE OF WYOMING )ss. COUNTY OF UINTA Before me, a Nota Public in on this ,14 day of L. J �Z t G. Grant Redden and Carl° Larson to President and Secretary of Western Wyoming Operating, Inc., a Wyoming corporation and the said G. Grant Redden and Carl Larson acknowledged to me that they executed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation under the authority of Page LESSOR: WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: WESTERN WYOMING OPERATING, INC., it's General Partner B Y /641-44/,/ v Personal Representative of the Estate of J. R. Broadbent QUESTAR EXPLORATION PRODUCTION COMPANY By: 1.L. NOR LOH PRESIDENT CEO (pp 897 and for said County and State, 2000, personally appeared me personally known to be the o 'y ypd4. egeai\...„imi \pgpp .a 868 i =lend A ON OT a>?d has uTaaau; sesodand pue sasn aui. aoj saoqoaaTQ go paeog GTE go A Taougne aua. aapun uoTgeaodaoo Lions ;o paap pue qoe AaegunTon pue aaa. au; se @Mes auq. paa.noaxa au 4euq. euz oq. pabpeIMouNoe 9 l 1 Q '7 '9 pies auq. pua 'Auedwo0 uoT onpoad uoT4eaoTdx2 aegsan0 .;o 03 ring proftsaM aq; aq oq uMOU){ ATT>?uosaad aui o; AP 4 II-O Qn/ T ;o Aep paaeadde ATTeuosaed '0002 uo 'aq.egs pup Aguno0 pies ao; pup UT T d Aae4ON e 'auz aao4ag Dizgna A2IVION 'Teas '0002 7 Jo Aep 76 sTgq. 'quagpeoag ''d f ;o agegsg aqq. go aAT equasaadag Teuosaad 'quagpeoag euaoq Aq auz aao;aq pabpaTMOU3loe seM queuznagsuT buTobaao; aqz s 1 0 r) OI Zgnc.:' FLLON 1 Mel hse, w.s. w.w. v yw .rte,. C,Ken a C0071 te gum u 1414 9 Nnin 'A110 mK i m. t'O et1119 '41f9s OOP ise3 Sea f113SN31SIHH313AHHV14 kleloN1 TeTOT .4o pue pueq Auz SSEN,LIM �rZ 30 EIKSS 000 J� 'w� ,a;u:t� Uiss ZOOZ'9Z'gad se dxa uasslww001411 saaTdx3 uOTSSTUILUOD A[, 30 XLNOOD •ss( (y 30 gZKZS saaTdxg uoTSSTwwoD AN •ss( *r30 XZNnOO saaTdxg uoTSSTUnuoO AW szu4 ggao; qas uTaaauq. sesodand pue sasn auq. ao; saoqoaaTc jo paeog s�z o Gs 9114) n ni N M S 89'47'13" W 2599.71' (1299.85') (1299.86') in l iu (Li 1313' —L STATEMENT OF SURVEYOR R. 113 W. 23 NOTES WELL LOCATION FOUND aliMENT (GLO BC) JOB No. 6512 VERN VALLEY UNIT #6 UNGRADED ELEVATION: 6375' Basis of Elevation: Spot elevation located at the SE corner of Sec. 23, T 19 N, R 113 W. Elevation 6401' 1000 500 0 SCALE FEET EXHIBIT 1 E, l//8/ 899 N SCALE 1 =1000' T. 19 N. BASIS OF BEARING GPS OBSERVATI ❑N 1000 LATITUDE NORTH 41'37'04" LONGITUDE WEST 110'08'53" 1, Brion L. Forbes, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, hereby state: This map was made from notes taken during an .actual survey under my direct supervision on October 4, 1999, and it correct/ ruin,r locution of VERN VALLEY UNIT #6. 4.0 L F0 14 5053 IP 2000 PLAT OF DRILLING LOCATION for Q LJ TAR EXPLORATION PRODUCTION 1402' F /NL 1313 F /WL, .SECTION 23, T. 19 N., R. 113 W., 6th P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Prepared By. D. R. GRIFFIN AND ASSOCIATES 1414 ELK STREET (307) 362 -5028 Rock Springs, Wyoming A2 9# ,LIN11 XSTIVA ■2I3A NO110fl008d 'V NO /1 d80 7dX! b d1 SillO Z tS9 'oN Gor 66/8/01 :loo ,O' „l ZYOH TWOS 106Z8 6uiwoAm 's6ulidS >oo i 8ZOS Z9 &(L0c) 1 Nl3 •b 1i' 1 saloiaossy uyl!J0 a O :As paJoda.Jd 1311 3iVDS og og 118IHXI 0 006 ,OZ X X ,Of .lid. V7d 61 1 O rrl ,011 ,011 Qd02i SS3ODY O ,1Lf'9 •NOI1 V/1373 03HSINI3 :NO VA3 11 0VHONfl Z 9 ,oS I szl .l0 Of'l b 111.7 1/d .c0 9LZZ 771J .(0 L*f'f 1170 0bd .(0 £061 7/OSd01 „9 )I2IO44H1dV3 031t0 N rsz TT N 9 O b9O. or Ismoss- irillai imm mw1Egil au INE A -A 1 in:1=1m 111111m 1=EN EmEmEmom E n-lim m -9 1 ,Iiimm III isili M.& ill ;1,1 M I M6371 FRP D -D FINISH LLEVATIM M Prepared By D.R. Griffin Associates 1414 ELK Street (307)362 -5028 Rock Spring ling 82901 SCAL HORZ. 1" 50' VFR T. 1" 10' Date:10 /11 /99 Job No. 6512 901 OUESTAR EXPLORATION PRODUCTION VERN VALLEY UNIT,.