HomeMy WebLinkAbout868912ONI O kf *H383M3A 1.1.731'49 ?NNV31' CO 1 Wd 1 1 130 00 ij NHOJ N100141 Q3At:i338 'OOOZ 19go4o0 go App qqs sTgq. 'upuiaTeg •Q Axoag Aq 'aiPis pup Aqunoo pTPS JO; pup uT ozTgnd Aapqou P 'aut aao ;aq pabpaTMouxop SPM 3uawnagsuz buTOba.zoJ aqs "0002 ZOOZ 'SZ goaPW 216888 saazdx3 UOTSSTwwo0 AW i7`ii'NI�gP#�•��s►w¢.f v k '.�..1'+N^'�'dY' "pJr�d�'YFR'�"W saa ualsspun pw DNIViOAM N1O3Nf1 A031b1S 40,onOD N 'NV NVM •TPas TPT0T330 puP puPq Am SS2NZIM N'IOONI'I 30 AZNnOO •ss ONIWOAM 30 3ZVZS aago4o0 30 APP 144S sz Pa4PQ •upoT pips buzx2UI uT sggbza ppagsawoq go aanTPM pup aspaTaa szgq. uodn Pa-Taa sPq uoTquaodao0 eoupgdaooy pooMxpO Tegq. abpaTMouxoP Agaaaq I PUP 'A419doad pTPs aagwnoue TTpgs goTgM uPOT P JO; uozmPaodao0 eoupgdaooV pooMxpO o; paTTddP spq 'upwegPg -a uana4s 'puegsnq Aui qugq. azzTPaa I 11PagpP441l ees11 o 66 aOda za -Noon PCD buzuioAM go agp3.S uTooui'I go AqunoD u a. p uT aPngTS 'a3pgsa TPaa pagtaosap buTMOTToJ eq4 04 papbaa uT bUTUIOIM Jo agpiS agq. Jo SHPT ppagsawog age Jo anmain Aq pup aapun sqgbza TTP OATEM pup espe as Agaaaq op 'uPma4Pg •Q Axoag 'I 'pabpaTMouxop Agaaaq sT gozgM go AouazoTJ ;ns pup gdTaoaa eqq 'NOISVH;[QISNOO a'IavnrvA QNV 000D V 2IO3 S1LHDIU uvaIsaWOH 30 U2AIKM QNV 3SV2Z32I That part of the NEiSW- of Section 10, T35N, R119W, Linco1.1 County, Wyoming, being part of a tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, in Book 234 of photostatic Records on• page 256, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north line of said NE4SW4, S89 39 39 W, 28.08 feet from the northeast corner of said NE4SWj•; thence S00 42'42 "E, 421.68 feet, along an exis''ing fence line, to a point; thence S89 39'39 "W, 208.38 feet, along a lin parallel with said north line, to a point; thence N00 09'19 "W, 168.43 feet to the southeas point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 229 of pho ostatic Records on page 535; thence continuing N00 °09' 1 9 "W, 253.24 feet, alo g the east line of said tract, to a point on said north line; thence N89 39'39 "E, 204.28 feet, along said nor h line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING Together with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land thirty (30) fegt in width with the northerly line described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the NE +SW,'+; thence S89 39'39 "W, 28.08 feet to the northea t point of the above described parcel o3912 92 .i