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Parcel 1 Home Place:
Parcel 2 37 -Acre Tract:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That LeRoy L. Heiner aka R. L. Heiner
and Mary S. Heiner aka Mary Heiner, husband and wife, of Bedford Lincoln County,
Wyoming (mailing address: 994 County Road 123, Bedford, WY 83112) in consideration
of the trust created herein and for the other covenants contained herein convey and
quitclaim unto LeRoy L. Heiner and Mary S. Heiner and their successors, Trustees, for
the uses and purposes set forth in the R. L. and Mary Heiner Family Trust between
Grantors and Trustee, dated the 31 day of May, 2000, LeRoy L. Heiner and Mary S.
Heiner, beneficiaries, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand
as they have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County
of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to -wit:
A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the
SE1 /4 of Section 32, in T34N, R118W of the 6 P.M., thence West 45 rods,
thence North 10 rods, thence East 45 rods, thence South 10 rods to the point
of beginning, containing 2.81 acres, more or less, in Lincoln County,
Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Section 35, T34N, R119W of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming, and running thence N 89 °20'18" W, along the North
boundary line of said Section 35, 924 feet, more or less, to the East boundary
line of U.S. Highway 89, thence S 7 °04'19" E, along said highway right of
way, 2652.622 feet, more or less, to the South boundary line of the NE1 /4 of
said Section 35, thence N 89°53'27" E, 577.50 feet, more or less, along said
South boundary line to the E1/4 corner of said Section, thence N 0 °26'03" E,
along the East boundary line of said section, 2628.459 feet, more or less, to
the point of beginning, containing 37 acres, more or less.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LeRoy L. Heiner and Mary S. Heiner, husband and wife,
have hereunto set their hands as of the 31 day of May, 2000.
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by LeRoy L. Heiner
aka R. L. Heiner and Mary S. Heiner aka Mary Heiner, husband and wife, this 7 day
of September 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
County of State of
Lincoln =yk.' Wyoming
My Commission Expires 2/26/2004
My commission expires: February 26, 2004.
•;uawasea AeMpeoz aqj 8utzegs s.xaq ;o q ;tM astMZag ;o paaa2e
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A portion of the S; of Section 26 and the NI, of Section 35, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M.,
located South from the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly
described as follows;
Beginning at a point 31.30 feet S18 °14'11 "E from a BLM type monument found marking
the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 26, said'point also being in the center line
of a 60 foot wide road; thence running S0 °08'11 "W, 1571.52 feet; thence S88 °36'24 "E,
1008.71 feet; thence S88 °37'02 "E, 528.21 feet to a point in the Westerly line of
U.S. Highway 89; thence S1 °52 "W, along last said Westerly line, 294.12 feet to
a concrete highway marker; thence N88 °03'37 "W, 15.00 feet to a concrete highway marker
being the Northerly termini; of a curve in said Right of-way, concave to the East
having a radius of 5804.58 feet; thence Southerly, along last said curve, through
a central angle of 6 °46'42" an arc distance of 686.706 feet to a concrete highway
marker being the Southerly terminis of said curve; thence S85 09'41 "W, radially from
said curve, 50.00 feet to an Iron Pipe set marking the Northerly termini; of a curve
in said Right-of -way, concave to the East having a radius of 5854.58 feet; thence
Southerly, along last said curve, through a central angle of 0 °05'25" an arc distance
of 9.225 feet; thence N89 °47'01 "W, 166.06 feet to a BLM type monument marking the
East 1/16 between said Sections 26 and 35; thence S0 °20'57 "W, 1322.18 feet to an
Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast 1/16 of said Section 35; thence N89 °45'53 "W,
1320.13 feet to a point lying in a canal witnessed by a BLM type monument 11.00 feet
NO °22'25 "E; thence N89 °47'15 "W, 537.77 feet; thence N6 °12'06 "W, 412.27 feet; thence
N83 °47'54 "E, 30.00 feet to a point marking the Southerly terminis of the center line
of before said 60 foot wide road; thence along said center line the following courses
and distances: N6 °05'17 "W, 1081.98 feet, N29 °30'20 "E; 378.90 feet, Nl5 °20'53 "W,
325.43 feet, N18 °14'41 "E, 356.93 feet, N2 °12'17 "W, 1291.86 feet, N32 °16'35 "E, 180.91
feet and N89 °56 "E, 425.88 feet to the Point of Begining.
Together with a non exclusive Right -of -way for ingress and egress over a 60 foot
wide road extending from U.S. highway 89 to and along the Northerly and Westerly
boundaries of the above described property. Center lino of said road being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Westerly Right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 89, said point
being Sl °40'22 "W, 93.81 feet from a Right -of -way marker located at the Northerly
terminis of a 60 foot Westerly tangent from the center line 3of said8U.S.feeghwahence
89 and near highway Station 1354 +32; thence running erg°
N3 °06'59 "W 657.7) feet; thence S89 °56'27 "W, 1170.i3 feet; thence S89 °56'27 "W, 425.88
feet; thence S32 °16'35 "E, 180.91 feet; thence S2 °1:'17 "E, 1291.86 feet; thence
S18 °14'41 "W, 356.93 feet; thence S15 "E, 325.4) feet; thence 529 °)0'20 "W,
378.90 feet; thence S6 °05'17 "E, 1081.98 feet to the Southerly terminis of said road.