HomeMy WebLinkAbout973403k This document shall constitute a formal acknowledgment by the Star Valley Conservation District that the following easement, (see descriptions of each below and Attachment A for reference) have been reviewed by their board members and deemed null and void and is hereby terminated. Easement: Lyman F. Crook and Newell F. Crook of Freedom and Star Valley District, signed and executed on June 7, 1978, in Lincoln County Wyoming in Book 146PR, Page 459, document number 509276. Effecting lands described in the easement as, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec 10; SE and E 1/2 SW and E 1/2 W Sec 3 all in R -119W, T 34N The undersigned hereby agrees that this document will effectively terminate and extinguish this easement at the date of signing and they will be no longer in force and effect. Agreed and Accepted: Star Valley Conservation District loay co 4, Board 141ember Printed Name G c?- date Board/(ember Board/ Signature TER SA BRUCE NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires May 7, 2017 i .:A4 Release of Easements date 01 0109 RECEIVED 9 /23/2013 at 3:45 PM RECEIVING 973403 BOOK: 821 PAGE: 109 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY $4.00 r s 000 _June 7, 197$ it len; 4 Neve I F.-, 092'7 1..F.r For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and-6th r•g000..& considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, 459 .2 'of ger STATE OF WOMINO SS COUNTY OF LigJOIS r e t r f 1• ATTACti MEN t A EASEMENT Lyman F. Canaok a Neeavell Ornelr of Freedom Wyoming Grantor, does horebt grant, bargain, sell, convey elease unto the Star Valley Di or Afton e ;:.7:".n• Wyorning 'Grantee, its auccessors and asaigna, an easement in 64er, and upon the followiig deacribed land situated in tbe County or Lincoln l'iMaing. to wit:. '1•11§alfg1/4 Sao 10 ,SE1/4, ied ess5W1/4 an. .9AT1/4.sec. 3 all d •Ct 'i:•••• .:P:.-1,19i1j..:T-301 for the purpose of: 1 For and in connection with the inetallation•and construction Of measures to stabilize eroding berets of the Salt River looated on the above described lands, such measures to include grass and tree planting; fences, rock jetties, tree revet--„--..e„. •s'e''' vents, and grazing barriers; and for tile operetien maintepance nnd inspectiOn 1 e-.1 of such measures. V q;‘:!_ i This easement shall terminate and po of no further force and effect 10 'yin's •,.".i...,:. ''':Agiwlafter the date of completion and acceptance of all measures in the Middle Salt L: Critical Area Treatment ECU Measure Flan.. In.the event construotion of the .above dederihed works of improvement la not commenced Within 24 months from the date hereof,, the rights and privileges herein granted ihal/ at once revert to and beeome.the property of the Grantor, his heirs and assigns. ..;:f::: •.3.• This easement includes the right Of ingress and egress over and upon the above .described land of the Grantor and any:other landof, the Grantor,adjoining said land.. .21re location for ingress and egress and the routete be taken through grantor's 7 4 lands will be agreed to by the Grantor•and Grantee.rior to entry. Timing sf ingrea and egress be arranged so an not te iaterefere with regular irrigation and farming schedules. There is reserved to the Grantor, his heirs an Assigns, the right and privi- ,44d%', lege to use the above described land of the Grantor at any time, in any manner and •";q:: L' for any purpose not inconsistent with the full and enjoyment by the Grantee its successors and assigns, of the rights and privileges herein granted, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 above thet.grantep shall only use those points --.:i• ingreSs and egress and routing through- the de'scribed lands as agreed upon by .Grantors and Grantee, prior to entry by the Grantee, :4 4 I l i Grantor is responsible for operating and maintaining the above described works improvement in accordance with an appropriate agreement with the Grantee, a copy cf said agreement being attached hereto and by the referent made a part hereof. The Grantor and Grantee agree that is the Tsar market value of f landright and the Granter accepts. the consideration listed above of his on a.- free will•anc3. election as f ull payment'. I 11TiEHEOF the Grantor has executed this instrument 0.11 the 31st. day foregoing j.stritmenttaa ecknowl.eilged befor Witneep y .hand .ate-4,. official seal this v p day of me by mvitt pag 2_z/e4.Y1 Pk" p; 4. 7' eorealseion expires -c ie? f ...sr... ...'5.: .2.'777 .1", i. J,..& r•''. 7, ..i.;;; .4 1 A4 44- .1 1 .4--