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TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, unto the MORTGAGEE in fee simple. And, the MORTGAGOR covenants with the MORTGAGEE that the MORTGAGOR is indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that the MORTGAGOR has good right and lawful authority to convey said land as aforesaid; that the MORTGAGOR will make such further assurances to perfect the fee simple title to said land and the MORTGAGEE as may reasonable be required; that the MORTGAGOR hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims for all persons whosoever; and that the said land is free and clear of all encumbrances. PROVIDED ALWAYS, that if said MORTGAGOR shall pay unto said MORTGAGEE, the certain Promissory Note in the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND ($50,000) DOLLARS AND NO /100 in yearly payments of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,861) DOLLARS AND 18/100 with a final payment of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,861 DOLLARS AND 19/100, plus interest at TEN PERCENT (10 per annum on the unpaid balance as per SCHEDULE "A attached and made a part hereof, and shall perform, comply with, and abide by each and every agreement, stipulation, condition, and covenant thereof, and of this Mortgage, then this mortgage and the estate hereby created shall cease, determine and be null and void. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall not destroy, damage, or substantially change the property or allow the property to deteriorate or commit waste. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall protect the MORTGAGEE'S rights and security in the property. MORTGAGOR shall insure, with extended coverage, the property and improvements against loss, naming the MORTGAGEE as beneficial interest holders. MORTGAGE DEED Page 2 of 5 IMO SJO£ and QddQ d9VO.L2IOI1I alp of mu plus uT JO want' 2up piiure `aigreicred pure anp JClapretpatutu1 atonal aapioq apou JO ggr,JVo i,2ipw agp jo uoipdo alp pre `Iiregs pant! suoIstnoad agp op purensmd aiquArd sums aagpo iire gpinn aagpa2oi Isamu!! pure Irediouud Tog gatati pamoas ssaupapgaput uagi agp jo aiotim aqp `paurepuoo uTaaag ivatuaaagre ao pureuanoo /cure jo goreaag jo asreo ut ao papinozd want! sre patnsut sastutaad pyres uo spuauzanoadutt agp daal op slluj ao aZTpou uafUUMM roue sip (0£) ij.ttgp jo poTaad re aoj `pamoas Agaaaq ssaupapgaput alp jo puauared agp ui silnrejap 2iOJVDDIOIAI agp3I mrel Aq paMollre aprea IfJnnrel ague joaaagi apt p tuoaj psaaaiu! nag Iiregs spuauzicred lions ilre pure `aapuna1aq 11.12F 10410 Xure JO asojoatoj 01 uotpdo alp 211t100JJre JO 21.lnlIM inotium atures agi,fired /ct?LU gam /DJ IOw alp 'lagpva JO `aare5paow sup pure apoM plus Jo anlatn Ag aigrekred /Wow Jo tuns aagpo JO `ivauzssassre xrei pure `anp ua4M `i d of sJTreJ 2HOJVaLHOYN an um/kg alp ui °ragmpa JO `08reBpaoyAi stgp pure apoM plus ut giaoj pas pureuanoo pure `uoTp!puoo `uopuindtps `puautaaa2re Anna pure gores Aq apmgre pure `gptm XIdutoa iiinj pure Xipdwoad op 2IODVtDI1101AI alp jo aanilum gip jo asnreoaq aggv ixoJA agi kg mud JO pa unout iflgreuosuaa `sagoareas app pure `saaj Aauaout algreuosreaa 2utpniou! sasuadxa pure tango 'spsoo lire /fired op `°anti Xure ire uoaaagp spuatuanoadutt alp ao/pure Auadoad plus jo uogeroUapap JO `puatuuludutt 'apsEM ou nips JO `ittuutoo `TTUtxad op `°,ivadoid pyres uo aanpreu )(Jana jo saoureagwnoua put? `suotpatigo `soijgiq q `satnai `spuautssassre taxer alp arein2uts put? iire /fired op `aaqua JO `aaregpaotu sup pure apou pyres ut IT pap!noad /callow Jo sums raw pure `psaaaiu! pure Iredtouiad agp `anp uatim `Xjidutoad /fired op saaa& pure spureuanoo aagpanJ iigaaaq 1109V9Z1I0IAI IH1 QNV •aiou plus jo amp jjokred agp puma op you `aanannoq `.poaaagi puatuiired apaidwoo op skrep (0£) 44 Pomoiire aq Hugs 2IODV JJ IOIAI •uoUreaaiaoare jo aoTpou ?IODVDJJHOYAI gip ants Hugs gaDvanow a LL •a2re51a01A1 Jo/pure apoNI Xaosstutoad sup aapun pamo 2UTureutaa stuns IIre jo Ilr1J uT puaut1ired ampaww! aambat `uotpdo aTagi ire iCreut aaDVD.LHIOJAI agp `puasuoo uai4Unn aoTud SaaDVOJJ 1OJAI atli pnogpLM pa.uajsut?.zp JO pins sT p! ut Isaaapu! lure JO Aiaadoad agp Jo pared Xure JO IIre jI •utaaagp suuap agp Cigreaanas pure Xilrenp!ATpur punoq aq Hulls a2u2uotu sup or ICIared gore° `a9V9 DIObSI go UadS JVll1MOM-a'IgvI I11SSv 1Ot I TOT 6i91;N9RO ti 8 3 contrary notwithstanding, and failure to exercise said option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent default. The MORTGAGOR hereby grants to MORTGAGEE, their heirs, and assigns, a Power of Sale over the property described above which may be exercised by MORTGAGEE or their heirs and assigns in case of such default as described above, and pursuant to such Power of Sale, MORTGAGEE, their heirs and assigns may foreclose on said property and sell and dispose of or cause to be sold or disposed of, the above property and all rights, title, benefit, and equity of redemption of the MORTGAGOR, their heirs or assigns, therein, at public auction, for cash according to Title 34, Chapter 4, Wyoming Statutes, as the same presently exists or may hereafter be amended. MORTGAGOR AGREES to deliver peaceful possession upon demand and notice to the MORTGAGEE, said demand may be exercised after ten (10) days notice of foreclosure and /or acceleration of the unpaid balance of the note. It is the intent of this mortgage that the MORTGAGEE shall receive possession during any foreclosure action. Failure by the MORTGAGEE to exercise any of the rights or options herein provided shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the MORTGAGORS have set their hand and seal the day and year first above written, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this t, day of August, 2000. MORTGAGE DEED Page 4 of 5 WAYNE HESSON 1.17 lear �d y s2Jidxi uQlp$IIULLID'3 4W 3 JMOAM JO 31VIS 3fl Nfl0� ins i pup pug p e SSIN LIM 3I18fd QFIION NVWM3N •N yam •paap pure log aaau uMo sui st? auras alp pamaxa ati mil papainnouxag 'MOMS ifinp 2utaq 1sJU atu iiq nip OENQ aDVrDIIIOJ'1 Buiaaao3 alp poinoaxa otinn pug ut paquosap (s)uosiod alp aq o1 `uossaH j auict?m pareaddd Aiit?uoszad `OOOZ lsanv Jo /it'p TT sail uo ?.zotpng pau2?slapun NT `ahi m o i i i Ir a),, DI'Ig11d X TVION S 3o S a��d uaiu a9V911101II :saiidxg uo?sstututo3 XJAJ NI'IO3NI'I £LN IOD 'SS ONII'IOAM ,IO was G 491 obuis PROMISSORY NOTE $50,00011Q August 4, 2000. Afton, Wyoming THE UNDERSIGNED, jointly and serverably if more than one, promise to pay VAL DEE PENDLETON and SHELLEY J. PENDLETON, Husband and Wife, the principal sum of FIFTY THOUSAND ($50,000) DOLLARS and NO /100 and interest of TEN (10 PERCENT in yearly amortized payments over TEN (10) YEARS, of SEVEN TI- IOUSAND EIGI -IT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,86111) DOLLARS and 18/100 and a final payment of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,861 DOLLARS AND 19/100 and unpaid interest at ten (10 percent, the first payment being due on April 15, 2001, and each year thereafter, and the final payment of principal and accrued interest with the full and complete note to be paid by April 15, 2010. Interest to start on August 30, 2000. PAYMENT shall be due in the following manner: 1. SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,861 DOLLARS and 18/100 on or before April 15, 2001, and every year thereafter, with a final payment of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY -ONE ($7,861) DOLLARS and 19/100, plus interest at TEN PERCENT (10 on unpaid balance thereafter for TEN (10) YEARS, with the principal and interest to be paid in full by April 15, 2010, as amortized over ten (10) years. 2. 'In the event any payment is not received by the required date, a late charge of TWENTY ($20Q) DOLLARS per day shall be assessed after the third day of non payment. 3. Payments shall be payable to Val Dee Pendleton and Shelley J. Pendleton at 1620 Muddy String Road, Thayne, WY 83127, or as otherwise designated by the Pendletons. PROMISSORY NOTE PENDLETON /HESSON Page 1 of 3 3cHsD.E *4 pt 104 v 4c 10 z aged NOSSIH /NO1 rIuN3d-d.LON A2IOSSIY�IO2Id '000Z `lsn5ny Jo keITT SIT U L pATM Xgoi q azu louogstp Jo aoilou put? `lsalozd jo aollou `Isalozd `.LsmAI.LI\ aszad •Xlp uad lnoglim Xltznluw of zotud otup iCuu lu owN stgl jo uoilzod Xuu JO lIu ,Cudaid of 101,1 agI anuq hugs aaNMISUIHUNIII aH.L •zao!Jo Iuatuaatojua mul pgnzas AIieuoszad zo `ptudazd at?lsod `Iiutu •s•n alp ut paltuuz uatlm paniaoaz paiapisuoo oq Bugs aoilou Cup Xltitll aqy •lou JO 142nozq aq pns zaglatlm `Xauzollu s,Loploq alp of aaj Xauzollu ajquuosuaz u 3utpnloul uopoglloo Jo slsoo IIu ,Cud of aaz2u `auo uugl atom jt iClquzanas puu Xpulof `paugiszapun aql `Ilnujap Jo luana alp ui •llnujop luanbasgns Auu Jo luana alp ut autus a4I astozaxa GI Lipp aql Jo zantum u alnlilsuoo lou pugs uotldo plus astozaxa of aznlu?j puu ulput?Ist.Ilimlou £rnnuoo gill of a50izout plus ul JO want' 2utgliCuu `oiquiCud puu anp Xlaluipautuu auzooaq zaploq alou zo ggongO alp Jo uotldo aim `pugs `joazaq suotsinozd aql of luunsznd oiqu,Cud sums za Ilu glim =Dam Isazalui puu ludtoutud gloq `Xgazaq paznoas ssaupalgaput uotp aql jo alotlm aqI `pawn uoo utazag lugtuaaau JO Iuuuanoo Xuu Jo gnaw' Jo asuo ul JO papinozd uiazaq su paznsui sastutazd plus uo swoutanozdun otp dgal of sprj JO 0390u uallizm zalJu siCup (0£) ,Clzigl Jo pougd u zoj paznoas Xgazaq ssaupalgaput ow Jo IualuXud ow ui sllnt?Ia p 2IODI'IgO agl3I •uotlonpaz 1pdiouud of loud pu d oq Isnul sa ngo am put? lsazalut pu dun IId •sluaul,Cudoid se palou ,fJIEogioads ssalun sluauIXud Xlzua pazapisuoo oq pugs sluaut/cud Iuuotlippy llluugd lnogllm auzil Xuu lu lunoure Xuu ,Cudaid Xutu too I io 'O I OZ `S T Iizdd uugl zalul ou lin3 ut pled oq of alou pins •ludtouud of uotp puu tamp owl Isazalut ptudun of pailddu oq lszg hugs sluaulkud Iid G9r.s5'" STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Promissory Note was acknowledged before me by Wayne K. Hesson on this ,_Q_ay of August 2000, declaring it an act of his free will and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal. WANDA N. NEWMAN NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF 4 STATE OF LINCOLN U�'3�' WYOMING My Commission ExpiresJ� My Commission Expires: 1 SS NO Y PUBLIC PROMISSORY NOTE PENDLETON /HESSON Page 3 of 3 SC HS DIALS A pq3 1e