HomeMy WebLinkAbout868373:alElsg "tau aq1 of Wujujul.zad AEm AUE uj Jo `Wuj uojaq saoupuapnddt put `sluauzpljpa.zaq `sluauzaual `saniagjj `sa ajjnjzd `AEm Jo- s10jz Ijp pup `ai sg jtaj aql ujljjauaq .zaupa.zaq .to mou sluauzaspa j[V (E) H.LIAA NSILLSOOJ („aTElsg jpaH„ am se ula1aq 01 pa.uaja.z Ajanjloajjoo'ujaq ITt) Apadoid Teal pits `Jo 11Ed E Wujlnljlsuoo Jo `01 paxjjjE Jo pagotliE .1a13Ea.zaq 10 mou saanlxj3 put Avado zd jo sajojl u Jatlo up put `Apadoid mat plus uo paloa to 1alJEa zag Jo mou sluauzano1durl aag10 put `sa.znpru s `sWujpjjnq up tfl.im .aglaWol :Ajauzpu „Alzadoid paaeWiloY11„ am SE uja.IOt 01 pa.z 10301 1 I0ABOOII0o Wujaq slsaaaluj put `slg j z `sajl tadoid tons jo up) ioE 1.IoY1t Aq pa.zinbou ialjEa zaq zo pjaq Jo paumo mou 1aglagm `sapiado zd tons jo sIaputuuzaI puE `suojs zana z `sluauzaopjda.z up put .zoj suopnljlsgns up pup `slsa.zaluj put `s1g0I.1 `sajl.zadoid pagposap Wujmojjoj at} Jo up `suajssu put s1OSSa00ns sit! `aaTE04.zoY11 olun A AMO3 pup `21SASNWLL `NOISSV `'I'IgS `NIV02IVH LNV2ID `.LNV2I2IVM `gOVJJ,uoy1i Aga.za11 op sluasaid asam Aq pup paluE.1W anpg S10 110JAI `paWpajmou)Iau put passaluoo Aqa zaq a.zE gojgm JO Aouajotjjns ION puE ldjaoaa all `uojlEiapjsuoo ajqunjtn pup pooh 101110 puu (00'01$) sip uaZ Jo uojlu1apjsuoo tut puu `(a u 1zoL11 sup Jo (q)1 uojloaS uj paujpp se) suonpWuqo all jo aouumasgo pup aouEuuo3.zad am pup (aWtWpoY11 sjg1 jo (u) j uO11oaS uj paujpap sp) ssaupalgapuj aql Jo luaUTAEd am °.moos of 1ap.zo uj puv („a1oN„ 0111 pappo 1alJEuja.zaq ujaq `3oaiagl luauzaotjda.z Jo `Wuj0utuj101 `uojlnljlsgns `luauzpuaurs `uoTlpojmjpouz `uojsualxa `jpmaua.I uj panssj salou A.zossjuzoid AuE puE 'pogo uj puE `papuaun 'pompom `papuapxa `pamaua z aq auzjl Auu lE Spuz amps all se `.zo EWl.zoiAl jo alou £zossjuzoid tons) s n o (L) uanas a0j (%6) luao zad auju 3o OIE1 all 1p 1sa1aluj gljm `uto'j 0111 Atda.z 01 U0H1Jjg01jagl aouapjna O1 (00'000`iZ$) s1UO3 o zaZ pup s.zujv (1 puusnou .mod Amami Jo wins judjouj zd 0111 uj 000Z `L 1aquzaldaS jo sE pa1Ep a1ou A.zossjuzoid u aaWpWi.zoL1I 01 patanjjap pup `palnoaxa `pazj.zoglnu Ajnp anpq zo u$1 zoyQ `Sv J5HM puu :(„upoZ„ 0111) (00'000`VZ$) Slua3 OaaZ puu s zEjjou puusnogj .mod Aluamd, 3o wins jtdjoupd aq 10 1100,\1 01 'mot 131 paa.IW 3 stq JO `paupol spq as t 110IAJ `SVg2IIH1W :HZaSS3111ZIAA „aaWEWl.zoY11 00 EWl zouz SE `ZZTE6 EIu_1OJIIED 'amp `ptoJ EUV EluuS 90E0I sI ssa1ppp Wujjj1UZ asogm Vat/WI/NON TIIQ11VD VIOR LVd of io u l.zoY11 z0 u l zoul sE `EZ I E8 ujuzoArn `0 1Ejwj `8EZ xog 'O'd sj ssazppu Wujjj1Ul asogm uogE.zodzo0113o.zd -uou WujuzoAm E 112,LN23 NVIJ SRIHO 23PI Ulo zj sI `000Z `1aquzaldaS jo App 0111 Jo st oluj pa.zalu0 pup appuz „aWE l.zoY11„) gDVO,L2HOIAI SIH.L •a Opoj sjgl jo AIanjjap pup uojlnoaxa 0111 Aq pa.znoas aq pjnogs aloN all jo luatuAEda1 all TE111 uf0Z am Jo Wupjutu am 01 luapaoa rd uolllpuoo E St 11 `SV32IgHM •Joaaaq; 4Bjd mow aq; uo pagposap s8 ,Buituo &j '4i;uno3 ujooujZ 'ssjny AjaatuoJ `90113UBZ Jo umoy aqf 04 Z Noojg Jo £Z ZZ 401 `3HO,4211S .L `MON 3JVJZ?IQ1Ni gDda xa; T xUt�f Aq pallruuad are gorgm JO a unlaoy l srgl jo suual agl of luunsand pa unour .io apuut 0.1U gorgm (aapunauag palujoddp aanraoaa Sup ao) as p laoyAj Aq (lunoatu algpuosua z ur saaj ,sAauaollp ilp `uonplrutrj Inoglrm urpnlour) paaanour slsoo aoj sasuadxa JO paoupnpp sums Aur (m) :aloN agl uo anp IuauIApd luauzjiulsur Sue jo IuautApd agl ur Aouanburiap u Jo aouaaan000 aql uodn Isaaalur ljnupap iced of ao u laoyi jo uornuNgo urpnjour `aloN agl io a�u$laoyAj srgl aapun as u laoj of `anp autooaq of .zo `anp sums aaglo jjp pup AuV (n) :aloN aql Jo suumpuoo pup suual aql glrm aauup1oaau ut %6) luaoaad guru JO alua aql TB Isaaalur LII?m ZOOZ L ioqutaldag anp 100'000`Vg$) slua3 oaaZ pup sa1UOQ puusnoUZ ano3 Aluamj, jo wins judrourad aq (r) :Jo luauiApd aqZ (p) :sarlrjrqurj pup `suorlprigo `ssaupalgapur urmojjo3 agl jo aoupuuojiad pup IuatuApd aql aa.zoJua pup amaas of Ja04.101AT Aq paaanrjap pup `papaimou)jop `palnoaxa sr a spij •pamaag suoF ;vOngp pus ssaupa ;gapui •j :smolloj Sp as p laorAj glrm Saaa p pup `Sluuuanoo `slupaaum `sluasaadaa aaglany `su rssp pup saossaaons aragl puu sanjasutagl aoj `aou5'laoy I •aloN agl pup au laoj, j sup ur glao,I las suorsrnoad am gum aoupp.z000p ur pauuojtad AIIn3 aau suorlurjgO alp pup mud Ajnp sr ssaupalgapul agl Irlun glaoj las uraaag sasodand pup sasn aql 10j `su rssu pup saossaaons srg puu `aap01aoJAI own `aq of os papualur ao P10 ul Agaaag sa5bIrnrad pup slum agl pure `Alaadoad paulaoyAj agl Q"IOH OZ QNV AAVH OZ •aopnzoyAI Aq 4ap aaglo ao `luauzu rssu `aouEAanuoo `a�u laout aaglanj Auu Inoglrm uraaaq pagraosap ATIROTJroads pup ao p laorAr Aq paumo mou Onotp se papa puu Alraorad guns agl glrm pure Alalajduzoo pup AgnJ su a.0 1aorAT srgl jo uarj aql of loafgns autooaq hugs pup alplsI Iua� agljo lapd u pautaap ag Ijugs uroaaoJ aql `asuo Bons ur pup `alulsI Ipa2I alp `ol saouuualanddu pup suorlrppu up pup `Jo sluauiaapidaa puu `suorlrt j lsgns `sjpmauaa `sluauuallaq `sluautanoaduzr `suorsualxa Iju of pup ur aou laoyAJ Jo Isaaalur puu 'arm `Tura IIv (I) pup :stump palpprnbrj JO gspo olur agl Jo Auu JO `AaulunIonur JO Aaplunion `uorsaanuoo aql JO spaaooad TTFl (a) :Alaadoad pau laoy\j agl of a puzpp aoj (ma'am noil ur apuut sluautajllas ao) sluaur pnf ao aoupansur Auu jo spaaooad agl Alddu puu anraoa l of lq ra agl urpnjour `Apadoad pau.4aoj j agl uraanoo s aouuansur Aup uo sutnruzaad pauapaun Aup pup jo spaaooad agl pup aouuansur jo sararlod llV (p) :Alaadoad paplaorAr aql JO anjuA OM ut aspaaaap JO of Aanfur 101.140 Auu a03 ao appal Jo a Lugo u aoj ao `Aouau jpluauzuaano Auu jo aamod aorjod aql Jo six aql ao (4g01.1 pips 3o asroaaxa aql jo uorlpdrofup ur JO jo nail ur appal aaJsttual Auu urpnlour) urptuop luauruza JO Ig ra agl jo asroaaxa agl 1.110.1 .101.14011A1 `Alaadoad pap la0IAJ aql of loadsaa glrm appal ag aaljpaaaq pup aaojolaaaq Aput gargm `uoaaagi Isaaalur 'urpniour `sluauhud JO spapmu Iry (o) „sluaN„ agl) alplsa [eau agl Jo slrjoad pup `sanssr `sluaa Ily (q) O8G8373 116 (iv) All costs and expenses paid or incurred by Mortgagee in enforcing or attempting to enforce, foreclose, or realize upon or with respect to the lien of this Mortgage and the security interest created or intended to be created hereby, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees in a reasonable amount, court costs, and expenses of preserving and selling the Mortgaged Property; and (v) All renewals, extensions, modifications, amendments, substitutions, refinancings, or replacements of all such indebtedness described in (i) -(iv) above, whether or not Mortgagor execute any extension, modification, or refinancing agreement or renewal instrument (the items set forth in clauses (i) -(v) hereof being hereinafter and hereinabove collectively called the "Indebtedness and (b) The performance and observance of all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, obligations, and liabilities of Mortgagor (hereinafter and hereinbefore collectively called the "Obligations under the Note and this Mortgage. 2. Payment and Performance of Indebtedness and Obligations. Mortgagor shall duly and punctually pay, or cause the due and punctual payment of, the Indebtedness, including each and every obligation owing on account of the Note in accordance with the terms thereof, and shall faithfully and punctually perform and observe each and every covenant, agreement, and undertaking by it made in this Mortgage. 3. Warranty of Title. Mortgagor warrant that it has good and marketable fee simple absolute title to the Real Estate, and that it has the right to grant a mortgage lien on and security interest in the Mortgaged Property in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Mortgage; that this Mortgage is a valid and enforceable lien upon and security interest in such Real Estate, subject only to the exceptions to title more particularly described in the Owners Title Insurance Policy issued by "r ft c. to Mortgagor, effective as of even date herewith (hereina ter ollectively called the "Permitted Encumbrances that except for the Permitted Encumbrances, the Mortgaged Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; and, that there are no unpaid contractors, laborers, or materialmen who have, or may have, a right to assert a lien against the Mortgaged Property. Mortgagor shall preserve and maintain its title to the Mortgaged Property and the validity and priority of the lien of the Mortgage and shall forever warrant and defend the same unto Mortgagee against the claims of all and every person or persons, corporation or corporations, and parties whomsoever. 4. Taxes and Assessments: Insurance. So long as the Indebtedness or any part thereof remains unpaid, Mortgagor (a) shall pay, or cause to be paid, promptly and in all events prior to delinquency (or as to any thereof which are being contesi.ed in good faith promptly after the final determination of such contest), all taxes, assessments, levies, and other governmental charges that may be lawfully levied or assessed or imposed upon Mortgagor or upon the Mortgaged Property, and (b) shall keep, at its own cost and expense, the buildings or other improvements now or hereafter situate on the Real Estate insured against loss or damage by fire and such other and additional hazards of whatever kind or nature as are now or hereafter may be covered by standard "all risk" endorsements, as Mortgagee may reasonably require, with insurance companies which are financially sound, reputable, and authorized to do business in the State of Wyoming and in such amounts as shall be reasonably satisfactory to Mortgagee, with loss payable endorsements in favor of Mortgagee as his interest may appear. If Mortgagor fail to pay such taxes, assessments, levies, or other 3 °Apado1d paVu nroTAT oq uo aout4sgns ojxos, Aut jo aouasgt io aouasa rd ujrtojpuj `30t0p.poJAJ o4 ajgt4daoou uuju uj jnsuoo remauruoajnua _To VuuaauTVua ut Aq Apado zd paVuViioTAT am jo sjjpnt put suolloadsuj `..robtenToTAT jo asuadxa a'os aqp Tt put isanba r s,a0VtVpow uodn `aaVEnrow 04 apinoid Hugs s zoVvVpoyAT `smtj remauruo°rinu2 Aut jo uoj }tiojA jtnualod JO uojItjojn t Jo 0oj1ou jo JOVEV1 roW Aq idiaoa.z uodn (q) •aoutlsgns oixos Bons Aut jo £zanoosip uodn Anduzo rd `asuadxa ajos s,aoVubpoy j :p `A4i rogint remauruzanoV Aut Jo smut Itluauzuoijnug Aq paijnba r sj uogot 1ana1.uge1 WW1 Jo 0out1sgns apron gons anoura.z Tregs I0VPV1101A1 `Ai.r0do1d paVtVpoW uo slsjxa aouu4sgns oixoZ Aut 3i •uoaaagi Afinjlot Jo ssaujsnq Aut glum uopoauuoo uj .zo Apado1d paVeVpoTAT o!p .rapun Jo uo jo pasodsjp Jo `pastaiai aq paualtaim `pasuaja z uaaq sug aout4sgns ojxoZ ou auiuua ap o A.russaoau sda4s TTt a3res, (jjj) put :kpado zd pabt ioj, j aqj put smti I uauruo.zinuI Aire o Vuiltjai suojiuzj zoq nu put suuuad jt1.uauzuzan0 jo aaVvVpoy j sajdoo apjno1d put `grim Aiduzoo loajja uj claw( `ujt4gp (ij) :sapuognnt Tt4uauruzano Ire jo srap.m put smt-j muauzuo1inug tie gjjm Aiduioo 4 Apadoid paVub'pow age asntj (j) 'TT :bu .40 eVp O (u) •smBZ j8;uauiuoa1AUL q ;pa aousVuzo3 G •aVuVpoJAJ sjgj o paigns joalam djgsiaumo am aujuuaaap put saVturup uontuuzapuoo jo p1tmt ut 1an030.1 o} sVuipaaoo rd aouauzuzoo 01 aum ALM T1 11.011 aq1 antq Hugs s1oVtVpoy%j `aanamoq `papinoia :aavV4.1o1/v o} pau jsst Aga raq are spaaooid gons Tit put `ssaupo gapuj age jo 4uaurAtd am o pajjddt put aaVvVpoy j o pjtd aq iitgs `ufi zm uj auTturajap Atut uofa.zosip aios siq ui aaVuVilO T SP `joa rage spaaoo rd 10 p.ztmt Auu jo pud gons Jo Hu `sVujpaaoo1d uiuumop 4uauiura tOnaup ua)tti .10 pauuiapuoo sj Apadoad pa tVpoj j ag1jjo Aut .zo jjt 3j jsaluoo gons jo Aouapuad Vuunp Aluomnu Tematuu.lana Aut Aq A4.1adoad paVEVpoT T aq1 Jo arts ou sj warn put `aouaVjjip anp IT1jm 1saluoo gons sans rnd `q;jt3 pooV ui slat }i st VuoT os uoftinVa z Jo `aoutujp10 `mtI gons Aut aauajp qo 01. 11.01 r age antq Tregs 1oVtV1.10JAJ `1an3moq `papino rd :asn s1j Jo Apado1d paVub'poyAT aqo Vujpajjt suoftinVa1 put `saoutuipJo `smut tit gpim ATduroo'Tugs .zoV 3 poysj •uonsumapuo3 :suonsjnsag pus 'saousugpip 'sew' top» aousuU moo •g •a4t1sg [tali aq} o 1oadsa z gum papjururoo aq Aq Jo AiinJitjM _Tamp) a1sum .rajjns Jo 'ijuuad `motIu lou Hugs put :s}uauzanoadtui zo sVuip'jng gons Aut 04t4sa reams uro rj `panoura l Jo pagsjjourap aq 4 moire JO `anoura z JO gsjjourap 4ou'regs :saurjl tit it ajud u pooV uj aunts age da [tugs inq `01uisa isa i uo aTtnus are attp s1uaurano1du4 put sVujp'jnq Are jo .zo `Apado rd pab'eViloyv age jo anpA am. TIT uoilupaadap ajquuostazun Aut `poa0au Aq .zo Atinjiiim .zagfja `1juuad 10 moire }ou TTtgs 1ob •d;°tacto paos?poynt ;o aousualuisw •g aaVunlow o maul r dar jo aitp am o aabtT ioj, j Aq 4uauIAtd 'ions Are Jo 01up am luau uznuut .zad %6) 1uao.zad auiu Jo 31E1 am 4u uoa rag1 }salami g }im 1atua o} `putunap uo `aigtAud put anp Aja1tipaununt aq Timis (q) put `ab'tnrow sim jo uaij Aq pampas ssaupa4gapui oq jo j.rud st parapisuoo put 4 pappu aq Hugs (t) sasodznd gons ioj aaVtV 1oyAT Aq ptd sums Tit put `aunts am Atd in aa5t poj, j `pitsa loft st pamsuj a111sa'tau age uo a1tn }js `Aut ji `surauranardunj aagTo put sVujpjinq aiT daa)j o1 sijtj Jo 'Aut ji `sa rtgo't1uauzurano$ 8. Indemnification Covenants of Mortgagors. 11b (c) For purposes of this Mortgage, the term "Environmental Laws" shall mean all federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and ordinances in effect at any time during the term of this Mortgage relating to the protection of the environment or the health of any organism; and the term "Toxic Substance" shall mean anything defined as a hazardous substance by any Environmental Laws and any other hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic waste, toxic substance, pollutant, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, oil and petroleum product, contaminant, carcinogen, and any substance, solid waste, or chemical that presents a risk of injury to the environment or the health of any organism. All of the environmental terms used in this Mortgage not otherwise specifically defined herein, including, without limitation, "release "threatened and "disposal will have the meaning given to such terms in or as construed in connection with the Environmental Laws. (a) Mortgagor hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Mortgagee from and against, and to reimburse Mortgagee from and against, any and all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, causes of action, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) of any and every kind or character, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, asserted against or incurred by Mortgagee at any time and from time to time by reason of or arising out of: (i) Any investigatory or remedial action involving the Mortgaged Property, operations conducted on the Mortgaged Property, or any other operations of Mortgagor and required by any Environmental Laws or by order of any governmental authority having jurisdiction under any Environmental Laws; or (ii) Injury to any person or damage to any property arising out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to (A) the breach of any covenant contained in this Mortgage, (B) the violation of any Environmental Laws, (C) the use, treatment, storage, generation, manufacture, transport, release, spill, disposal, or other handling of any Toxic Substance on the Mortgaged Property or in connection with any of the businesses or activities of Mortgagor, (D) the contamination of the Mortgaged Property by any Toxic Substance by any means whatsoever, or (E) any costs incurred by Mortgagee pursuant to this Mortgage whether or not related to environmental issues. (b) The foregoing indemnity shall not apply with respect to matters caused by or arising out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Mortgagee. (c) The provisions of this Section 10 shall be a recourse obligation of Mortgagor and shall survive any termination or satisfaction of this Mortgage. 9. Liens. Mortgagor shall not in any manner further encumber or permit a lien to attach to all or any part of the Mortgaged Property (excluding Permitted Encumbrances) without the prior, written consent of Mortgagee. 10. Sale of Mortgaged Property. If all or any part of the Mortgaged Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred by Mortgagor without the prior, written consent of Mortgagee, excluding a transfer by devise or descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant, Mortgagee may, at Mortgagee's option, declare all sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. 5 9 •a znoasui si &pado zd paE 4.royu age sanaitaq mina pooh ui Jo p quduri st jo suoiTEIigO age xo ssaupalgapui age jo aouumasgo Jo `aouiuuojiad IuauriEd jo poadsozd age sanaiiaq tflp J poo Jo :a u sit} pappload ki rnoas age jo ssoi .zo luauuiuduri ienuu4sgns ui 1insa.z uofEuiuuaaap iuuii uodn `uoiuido saa�E4�aoy�I ui `ij101u1 Jo pinom goigm jo 1anEUr pa[gns age aurooag Hugs joaiam pid IEnuulsgns AIM .zo Apadoad pa u poIAI age of Jo Tsa.zalui .io aim arid, (i) :A.pua JO uosiad Aire 4.suje sE a nroIAT sigj jo ki roud puE uai( age umutuur o4 iiui hugs 10 1 nroiAl (q) rado rd pa OLD JO ATE oT 4oadsa z tp.im `pasio zaxa aq oT paaduranu .zo 'pasio xaxa aq hugs &paura r s,1oiipaao 1m/we' 1amo Auu 10 `panssi aq hugs 4.i rm injAvei .zamo .zo luaurgsju..n `4uaurgou}PE Jo .zap.zo AuE .ro `/f}i rogf}nu .zuiiuris 10 WiUauru xano Arm &q uaNui. .zo pazias aq hugs i rado zd pa unrow age jo Auy :joaiag uoTpod /Cue 10 .radozd paE poiAl age jo uoiliiourap Jo `iunoura z `04sum pauaTua im Jo iumou arid, (i) (ii TsuiE u paouaururoo uipaaoo .id Jo asEO tons Arm UI aosainbou Jo 04 411381103 uo) mei Aouaniosui Jo Ao }dn njuEq Sue iapun uipaaooad .ro asEo aagTo JO `Tuaurauu.uE 4gap `uogezur 1oa r `/foadn ntuuq Auu aouauruUoo (in) .zo `Apadoad ski Jo &rE .zoJ uuipolsno .zagoo .zo `Janiaoa l `aalsnxi E `jo ivaul utoddu age ui aosainbou .zo '04 4uasuoo `1oj Aiddu (A) `s rolipaio jo 4ijauaq age .zoj luauru issu iu zaua� u 03iEUr (A!) `anp aurooaq /fags su s4gap &ed iiiquui ski �ui��rm ui 4iurpu .ro `jfEd o: IIE3 /CIiu zaua (m) Iuaniosui auroa q (ii) `aouaisixa ski aTEUiuual..10 aniossip (I) `aiquoiiddi sE 'hugs io 1nzoJAJ (a) sigh aapun suoiiOiigo puu `sTuauraa1 `s}uuuanoo ski &iiunpund puu XIinjqniEJ a asgo Io uuojiad o ItEj tints 10 unroyAI (p) :ioadsaa iui raiuur Ifuu ut anilun aq o avoid hugs mima rag uomauuoo ui Jo 004.10M1 sigp ui 1Ou roy\[ &q apuur uonuluasaida i Jo uE.r rum Auv (o) :a4oN age Jo suorupuoo puu age .zapun 1inujap E Jo M flj G Jo 4113n2 uu Jo aoua un000 ag,L (q) :uia1ag pauiuluoo .zo aioN at1 ui pauiE1U00 0 E.raiao0U 04 Iamod Auu o 4uEnsind paTE.zaiaoou .rag }atm JO kjunTEUr �E 1amagm `aiqu/cud Rue anp aurooaq hugs aurEs ate su `joa zam pud Xuu .zo `Xgaaag pampas ssaupamapui aamo Au1.zo `ssaupamapui ate jo ivauufud iunTound puE anp axuur 410 u }.royq 3o a zniit3 ag,L (E) („linuPP„ u 10 „jjnEja J JO 1uans„ 1113 paijEO aaoJaguia1ag puE 1aljuuia1ag) a unroy J sigh jo sasodznd .zoj iinujap u a4n4nsuoo hugs swana uimoiio3 am Jo a.rour .zo auo Arm Jo aoua.un000 arid, ;In1 JaU ;o s;uaAA •I I IT 12. Remedies. (a) Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, and at any time thereafter, the whole Indebtedness shall, at Mortgagee's option, become due and payable forthwith, and Mortgagee may foreclose this Mortgage either by advertisement and sale of the Mortgaged Property as provided by statute (the power of sale provided for by statute being hereby expressly granted to Mortgagee by Mortgagors) or by an action in equity. Subject to Section 15 of this Mortgage, out of the proceeds of any foreclosure sale, Mortgagee shall retain or receive all sums due to him under this Mortgage, and the costs of foreclosure and sale, including attorneys' fees in a reasonable amount, the same to be taxed as costs also in any equitable action brought to foreclose this Mortgage. (b) Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Mortgagee may, at any time without notice, either in person, by an agent, or by a receiver appointed by a court, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the Indebtedness, enter upon and take possession of the Mortgaged Property, or any portion thereof, and, with or without taking possession of the Mortgaged Property, or any portion thereof. in his own name sue for or otherwise collect the Rents, including those past flue and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of collection (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees in a reasonable amount) upon any of the Indebtedness, with default interest as provided in the Note, and to the performance of the other Obligations, in such manner and order of priority or preference as Mortgagee may, in his sole dis- cretion, determine (notwithstanding that such Indebtedness or Obligations may not be due according to the terms thereof). If Mortgagors should fail to surrender such possession to Mortgagee promptly upon his request therefor, Mortgagee may compel delivery thereof by an ejectment action or by summary or other available proceedings or action appropriate to that purpose. The collection of the Rents, or the entering upon and taking possession of the Mortgaged Property, or the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any Event of Default or notice of default under this Mortgage or invalidate any act done in response to such Event of Default or pursuant to such notice of default. (c) Mortgagor agree that, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default and in addition to all other remedies provided for in this Mortgage and by law, and as a matter of right, without regard to the solvency or insolvency of Mortgagor, the value of the Mortgaged Property, or the sufficiency thereof to discharge the Indebtedness and costs of foreclosure and sale, Mortgagee shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver of Mortgagee's choice for all or any part of the Mortgaged Property and the Rents from the time of the occurrence of such Event of Default to the expiration of any redemption period as provided by law. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the right of Mortgagee to the appointment of a receiver under this Section 14(c) shall not be conditioned upon such receivership being incident to a proposed foreclosure sale of the Mortgaged Property. Mortgagor hereby consent to the ex parte appointment of such receiver by any court of competent jurisdiction, without notice (notice being hereby expressly waived by Mortgagors), and hereby agrees that it shall not oppose any application made therefor by Mortgagee in the event of default. 13. Application of Proceeds. The proceeds of any sale of the Mortgaged Property, or any part thereof, whether under the power of advertisement and sale herein granted to Mortgagee or by virtue of judicial proceedings, together with any other sums that then may be held by Mortgagee or any receiver appointed in any judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Mortgage, or otherwise, shall be applied as follows: 7 8 pup `su lsse pawuuad pup `saossaoons `soAfl }uasaadaa r al anfoadsaa s i pup `.zo p0-1.zow pulq iings pup psi am Timm uru Ilpgs ale poj, sim jo s}upuanoo agZ Aq pauis ullj.zm Aq idaoxa aaud uI JO alogm rI panlem JO `pa apgoslp `papuauzp 'pompom aq you Anuz a�n aaoyAI sites •suoinvongO ougpum :suonvompow '61 •pouauzu Jo sa1p1S pOlIun age jo smut aiquoiiddp Aue pup aap4s Bons TIT pauuojiad pup appal spau.xxuoo algpoltddp uluxoAM Jo alpis agp jo smut age aoupp000u uI parulsuoo pup `Aq pauaano aq Bugs aapunaaag ulsup suonejtgo ages puu a�paaoyAI sigp `aounuuoJaad pup `Aupien `uolion r.Isuoo jo saappur Iip �ulpnto -ul `spadsaa IIp uI pup `uluzoAM jo aTpis ul aa5'u pois Aq pai.daoon puu Aq apuur sI aeaaoyAI sigl •m8Z ouquaanoo •gj ul�um uI aagTo aq} Ajnou hugs Aaaed'Tons sn Aaand Auu o� 1oadsa z mIm ssaappu Jam° lions JO `a e aaojAI uofonpoqui am ui Ino las sassa1ppu age 4e salaand annoadsaa of passaappe uagm `pallnur gamm uo Aup atp aaajp App ssaulsnq palm. agp uo `Ilpui Aq Tuas 3i JO `paaanipp ragm appal .zo uan0 uaaq aneq pauxaap aq Iings pup ul�pm uI aq llpgs ola raq sapaed anlloadsa1 ages uodn JO 01. suonuoluntu -moo aamo puu `spupurap `sTsanbaa `saonou IIK •saofoN 'L,j ao�paaoy�I Aq pauuojaad aq a aaoyAI slm jo suolslnoad pup `suolllpuoo `s4upuanoo `suual Ile pun Auu Jo aop a roIAI Aq aoueuuolaad fouls am. uodn lsisul of aaljuaaagl lg p aql aneg iiegs `aanlleJ gans Aup ripuplsglimlou `aa OliojAI pue `joa.zag suolslnoad pup `suollipuoo `s}ueuanoo `suual alit jo Aue jo .xanlem n aq of pauraap aq 'Tugs a n4aow sup jo suolslnoad pup suual am jo Aun jo 1o5'e roIAI Aq aoupuuojiad lours alit uodn 4slsul Aq aani pj oN on •91 •olaaagl pafgns Aaaadoad alit ulspapa Aum Aue uI lnoglim Iip `Allanoas aamo 01 ppaaa .10 aaosaa lnogpm `papnoad ulaaag sp dlgsaantaow JO `aansotoaaoj `atps Aq paupjgo spaaooad alit Jo ITs .ro laud Aup ssaupalgapul agl jo luauIAnd am of Aldde JO `riaaagl saoua jnpul .10 stpmauaa `suolsualxa luea5' `Alunoas aag ;o aseataa ao aNul `Alaadoad paEnaoy\I agl ul lsaaalul unulnpq uosaad Are Jo ao `aaenaoW jo lsanbaa aql lu aaglta `aced uI JO atogm uI jo suolllpuoo JO slupuanoo alit Jo ATM an[nm `Joaaagl lied Aue .10 ssaupalgapul agl Jo 1uau1Aed a03 amp alit puaaxa `a p aaoyAI slgl mauaa auzll Aim lu Apuz aa�p aaoy�I 1P111. as p aaoyAI 1..111m pup of lueuanoo •A;lmoag zau ;p Pus •s ;uauIpuauIy 'suopBOnpow 'siBmauag •lit •a pnzoyAI spy. Jo g t uoHoaS rI ga.xoj las su Alaadoad pa p0aaow alit Jo ales Aue jo spaaooad aql jo uollpollddp aalpp aa5 a.zow of uimo Aouap13ap Arm aoj amen uleuxaa Tipgs saon aaoyAI •AouamLJ3Q zoj ;FIigBy •tt paalp Aeux uollolpsunf lualaduzoo jo ianoo n sp .10 auzes agl anlaoaa of pallllua Aunjmui aq Amu aanauxogm of `Aue 3l 'midi am jo luaurAed am. of `paigj :loofa Anus aa se aapao lions uI `Agaaaq pampas JO aapunaaaq aiquApd sums aaglo Aun of puu `pndioupd ao'saaaiul linEJap aoj aloN aql uo uimo uagl lunouzp ajogm aql jo luauxApd am of `puooaS :saarego puu saaj ulpaooaa pup `saiollod aalupaen `sAoiuns pup sagoapas ail1 `sa aego oigdeaouals `slsoo uonpollgnd pup luauxasiaaanpu rlpntoul `ales Bons Aup jo sasuadxa lie pup `saaj s,aanlaoaa `sluatuasangslp pup `slsoo `saaj ,sAauaollu atgpuoseaa `ulaaaoj agl jo AIIleaaua agl �ullluzlt lnog1Im `Aaaadoad pa04ao1AT agl jo ams Bons Are pup `aapunaaaq aa jo salpauma pup sl41.1 aql jo Aun jo aspaaxa am. `aapunaaag llnujap ao llneJOQ Jo luan2 Aue grim uoiloauuoo uI as paaaoyAI Aq paaanoul sasuadxa pup `saaaego `saaj `slsoo Itn jo luauIAud alit of is ra 4 r all present or subsequent encumbrances, lessees, and sublessees of any of the Mortgaged Property and shall inure to the benefit of Mortgagee and his respective heirs, personal representatives, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 20. Rights Cumulative. The rights, powers, privileges, and discretions to which Mortgagee may be entitled herein shall inure to the benefit of his successors and assigns, are cumulative and not alternative, may be enforced successively or concurrently, and failure to exercise any of them shall not be deemed a waiver thereof, and no waiver of any one shall be deemed to apply to any other nor shall it be effective unless in writing and signed by Mortgagee. 21. Unenforceable Provisions. Whenever possible, each provision of this Mortgage shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Mortgage shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Mortgage. 22. Release of Homestead. To the extent applicable to Mortgagor, Mortgagor hereby relinquish and waive all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. 23. Section Headings. The section headings in this Mortgage are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered as a part of this Mortgage or used in its interpretation. 24. Survival of Representations and Warranties. All rep- resentations and warranties of Mortgagor contained in this Mortgage shall survive the execution and delivery of this Mortgage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor have caused this Mortgage to be duly executed and acknowledged as of the day and year first above written. L.I.F.E. CHRISTIAN CENTER BY: ,Afz,:/; PASTOR LARRY JE PRESIDENT 9 orIgnd £zuloN OT :sa.Ijdx'g uOTSsiumfoo EIjT 60 40 1 Z1.4 7ull ia N$1NOYH '3 SINN30 °Ipas moTJo puu pueu Am ssauTlm 000Z o /Cep siu� uasuap i iolspd �fq am a.zopaq pa paimounio13 Sum a u l_zoyA aijJ 2IaLVAA.Laarns AO A Ll\moO °ss ONHAIOAM 3O IJNLS 17; *rgNO