HomeMy WebLinkAbout868376BOOK 4 4__PRPAGE 06 3 i6 WARRANTY DEED Parcel 2 The right of access as provided for in instrument recorded page 491 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. The right of access as provided for in instrument recorded page 799 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. RECE1\jE1) Elaine M. Cochran, of Orem, Utah County, Utah, (mailing address: 692 East Cherapplle, Orem, UT 84097), grantor, for and in consideration of TEN AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($10.00), and other valuable considerations receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS and WARRANTS to Gordon W. Jones and Judy E. Jones, Trustees of the Gordon and Judy Jones Family Trust dated December 22, 1997, of-457 2548 W. Desert Springs Rd St. Ge e, T 4770 f(1oasl47�iMileF rapek= 4H grantees, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: Parcel 1 SEYY4NEY/4 of Section 21, T34N, R118W of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, LESS and EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded June 30, 1997, in Book 398 PR on page 798 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. in Book 203 PR on in Book 388 PR on SUBJECT TO all covenants, easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights -of -way of sight or record including without limitation the following: Right of Way Easement recorded July 26, 1983, in Book 203 PR on page 491 of Lincoln County public records. Easement for ingress, egress and utilities and incidental purposes granted to James W. Scott and Claudette M. Scott by instrument recorded July 26, 1983, in Book 203 PR on page 488 of Lincoln County public records. Easements for ingress, egress and utilities and incidental purposes granted to Lester Jepperson and Vickie Jepperson by instrument recorded September 15, 1994, in Book 360 PR on page 581 and by instrument recorded September 3, 1999, in Book 435 PR on page 331 of Lincoln County public records. Easements for ingress, egress and utilities and incidental purposes granted to Darrell L. Ashton and Randy D. Ashton by instrument recorded September Zooz-6Z-Zl 'dx3 'w 1OO ti00ti9 Hdin '3NId1V 'N1 NV1431VS 'S 199 H Yl I 1° 3L VI S• O/ 1 SR d A d 67 O N A0001 'N ViiVN ueayooa '!N a,y!e13 7?) 10 Z -7 :sei!dxe uo!ss!wwoo RW '000Z 'Jegwe4deg lo Aep t4l t s!yi 'ueayooa 'W au!es Aq ew eJoleq pe6pa!nnoure seen peea AiueaaeM 6u!o6aao4 ay1 IS pogo pue puny Aw sseui!M °ss HV±fl dO AiNfOa HV±fl dO 31V.S '0002 'Jegwaidag i(ep L ayi 4o se pueq Aw SS3N1!M 'spaooeJ o!!gnd Aiunoa uioou!1 J0 66L abed uo •id gg£ )008 u! '9661, aagopj papaooaa '9661, 'LZ Jegwaidag poiep ueayooa eu!e13 pue o!!a!an' 'y ken 'o!!a!an1 °r tiaeH uaanniaq pue Aq paaa AiueaaeM pa!iliue ivawnoop u! pau!eiuoo ivawasee io suo!s!noad pue suo!i!puoo `swag} ay1 .spaooaa o!!gnd Aiunoa u!oour! 40 66L abed uo gg£ Noog u! `966i. aagoioO papaooaa iuewnJisu! Aq o!!aun' °y ken pue o!!a!anl T tiueH of panaasaa sesodind !eiuep!ou! pue sali!!!in o!!gnd pue sse 6e `sseJ6u! Jo4 sivawase3 °spJooaa o!!gnd Aiunoa u!ooull 4o £Lg abed uo gay Noog u! '9661, '9 gone j papaooaa ivawnaisu! Aq pue X85 abed uo bd 09£ )j008 u! 1766i, '9I.