HomeMy WebLinkAbout868380RELEASE Op /fI I f This Mortgage SEE MORTgACE BOOK PR PAGE 135 WITNESSETH: 868380 MORTGAGE DEED MORTGAGE DEED Page 1 of 5 71) RECF_Iti EXECUTED this 'z' day of September, 2000, LINFORD TAYLOR and DORIS TAYLOR, Husband and Wife, Tenants by Entirities, of Evanston, Wyoming, hereinafter called the MORTGAGOR(S), to VERNAL TAYLOR and WILDA L. TAYLOR Husband and Wife, of Afton, WY 83110, hereinafter called the MORTGAGEE. (Whenever used herein, the term "MORTGAGOR" and "MORTGAGEE" include all the Parties to this instrument and their heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of corporation; and the term "NOTE" includes all the notes herein described if more than one). THAT FOR GOOD and valuable considerations, and also in consideration of the aggregate sum named in the Promissory Note of even date herewith, hereinafter described, the MORTGAGEE hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, conveys, and confirms unto the MORTGAGOR, all the certain land of which the MORTGAGEE is now seized and in possession, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at the Southwest Corner of the NE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 25, T32N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North 40 feet; thence West 396 feet; thence North 510 feet; thence East 314 feet; thence South 328 feet; thence East 324.5 feet; thence North 20 feet; thence East 59 feet; thence South 20 feet; thence East 68.5 feet; thence South 6.25 feet; thence East 75.5 feet; thence South 104.25 feet; thence West 445.5 feet to the place of beginning. SUBJECT TO: A right -of -way easement granted to Mark R. Resig and Kate Resig, as reflected in Lincoln County Public Records, recorded on January 4, 1994, in Book 343PR on Page 485, for ingress and egress, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the NE1/4SE1 /4 of Section 25, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North along the West boundary line of said NE1 /4SE1/4, 1 rod; thence East parallel to the South J;ifi1 S 3o Z aBud QE3Q 3OVO1UIOInI •Xpadoad aqT ul Xn.tnoas pug sTq u SiaRDV DJOIAi am pawn! Hulls 2I09V9I1I0IA1 HILL (INV aTsrm Tluzuzoo JO Miouapp oT Xpadozd am moue .zo XT.tado.td am amp XIipnurlsgns Jo `arturp otTsap Tou Ilmus 2I00VOIIIOIti HILL (INV pion pup Ilnu aq pug aunwa3ap `asuao IIu4S paw= Xgaiaq a rlsa a p pup agp21.1ouz stgT uaq `a2r2TIol^i SHflto pur `loaaat'T Turuanoo pug `uolTipuoo `uoirindijs `Tuauzaaaar Xiang pug flora Xq apigr pun `tlTim ,ildutoo `uzuopad Ilugs pug 'pang Ind apguz pug patlopTTu `Nu g'If1Q3HJS lad sr ZOOZ `ijnrto Xgp Is am uo algrXud pug anp 2uiaq `gag TsaIaTui `00I /ON (INV SIIV'TIOQ 65 IS) QNVSf1OHI NggijAEJo Tunouzr auT ul aToN JCIosstutozd u!rliao am `HROV DIONI plus oTun /cud Timis 2I0DVOI)IOIAi plus li TgtD `SAVAVIV GalIA02Id •saoup.tquznoua Ilr Jo nolo pug aa.il Si purl pigs avail it pug `zanaosotlm suosiad lir .iol sunup Inlmgl auT Tsulrar aUI S auT pualap ilim pug purl plus oT app auT STurnum X gaaat' 2JO9VDflIOI\I am Tem `pazinbai aq a'gruosuai kern su ggovau2Im am puu pug' plus oT ajm a'duns gal all Toalaad oT saourmsst iog1ml tons alum Tilm WM/ODION auT TutlT `pigsaiojr sr pup' plus Xanuoo oT Xniotling lnlmul pug Tg2ua pool sit' 2IOgVOI)IONI all Tem `.a'duzns gal ui pup' plus to pazias X'gisgalapui si 2I0JVrJ.L2IOIAI atTT TmtIT H 9VJ.L}IOJAI 01114 s3upu NOOV012IO1A1 01 41 `puV a'dtuis gal ui 1 IOVOZ2IOIN am own `loaiat'T snjoad pup `sanssi 'swat aqT pup `2ul2uo'aq oToi ji saoupuainddp pup `sTuaturnpa.taq `STuounuaT 0111 t'Tim a0t{Ta201 auzrs 31 11(1/0H Os. (INV gAVH OZ •areunutaT Hugs Xpm Jo -Tg2l1 slur `X .iadoad paqu.tosap -anoqu amp gull £i punoq Tsug 0141 oT TaaaTS uloourj ssoaop Isom papuaTxa Si uoTIV to umo j amjo anuanV pz£ TguT atuiT dons Tg will `1anamoq Toafgns `Butuut2aglo Tuiod am oT `SSOT JO a.rom `Taal S•Sj7tr `autl (impunoq tlTnos plus 2uolu TsaM aouatp auq izrpunoq i nos pigs oT `ssa' JO aaouz `pal `32pa Tsarn pips 2uoim tfnoS aouat'T `.Xanans onsumos uoTIV alp ul pails uloounJo o pa Isom aqT oT `ssal JO 010111 203j S `b /IgSt/igN prslo gull £gpunoq S ET 13 "r NOT ASSUMABLE NONTRANSFERABLE MORTGAGE, each Party to this mortgage shall be bound individually and severably by the terms therein. If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or transferred without the MORTGAGEE'S prior written consent, the MORTGAGEE may at their option, require immediate payment in full of all sums remaining owed under this Promissory Note and /or Mortgage. The MORTGAGEE shall give the MORTGAGOR notice of acceleration. MORTGAGOR shall be allowed ninety (90) days to complete payment thereof; however, not to extend the payoff date of said note. AND THE MORTGAGOR hereby further covenants and agrees to pay promptly, when due, the principal and interest, and other sums of money provided for in said note and this mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the taxes, assessments, levies, liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature on said property; to permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, or deterioration of said property and/or the improvements thereon at any time; to pay all costs, charges, and expenses including reasonable attorney fees, and title searches, reasonably incurred or paid by the MORTGAGEE because of the failure of the MORTGAGOR to promptly and fully comply with, and abide by each and every agreement, stipulation, condition, and covenant set forth in said Note and this Mortgage, or either. In the event the MORTGAGOR fails to pay, when due, and tax assessment, or other sum of money payable by virtue of said Note and this Mortgage, or either, the MORTGAGEE may pay the same without waiving or affecting the option to foreclose or any other right hereunder, and all such payments shall bear interest from date thereof at the highest lawful rate allowed by law. If the MORTGAGOR defaults in the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, for a period of ninety (90) days after written notice or fails to keep the improvements on said premises insured as herein provided or in case of breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured hereby, both principal and interest, together with all other sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall, at the option of the MORTGAGEE or note holder become immediately due and payable, anything herein or in said note to the MORTGAGE DEED Page 3 of 5 3ET /2I0'IxvI SMOG 4 -iy S3o (Ma IOVO1HOLJ •0002 `Joguntdos Jo ifup 2I0'Ixvi CRI0 p�II I s! t11 OE11VQ •2uttuoiim Jo awls atp jo smui uopdtuaxa pualsauuoq oq jo an tn'q put aapun sl4SLt ppu Butnrem. put Suistop1,igazaq `uafUM anoqu ls1i,I ataii put /Cup atp peas Pug putt! 1T0u1 has °Aril S?IODVrODIOTAI au} `3OE2iaHM SS1NIIM Nl •BuIf1oou aautaaatp JO pomoot a2t2uow Jo NON plus i pun suondo Jo SILIBI1 Are jo zanIrm u o nmsuoo tou pugs papTnozd utaaaq suopdo Jo s1tp2ta atpIo /fur asioaaxa 0. 1 33DVOIHOI^I 01 .11 aanitud •uopou aznsop oloj /cut Butanp uotssassod aniaoaz pugs HHOV01,1101A1 oq 02g5 otu sUll Jo }uo uT atp sT 1p •alou atpIo aouupuq ptudun oq Jo uonu.iapaoot Jo/pug a1nsoioazol Jo aoiou sXgp (06)'inutu .zaut pasToaaxa aq /Cum puttuap pits `339vo aaOIAi alp oT aopou put putuzap uodn uotssassod pnjoouad zantpap o3 SaaH9v uoDvartio T •papuatuu oq zautaaaq /tutu JO swstxa ,ipuasa.id aunts alp sr `sonutlS BuItuo/ip `j aa3dutp3 `ti; api j o� Outpa000t tpsuo aoj `uoponu otpgnd `utaioq `su2tsst Jo sggag ita111 `1100VOINOLAi amp uopdulopaa jo Xvtnba put `ljouag `slq u pit pun /i3zadoJd anogt atp `Io pasodstp ao ppos ag osnuo Jo JO asodstp pug !pas put Xpadoid Pegs uo asopOOIol iiutu suBissu pug shat! at `3 EOVDJ'IOLAt `apes JO Jomod bons o� tuunsind pug `anogt paquosap st untjap eons Jo asuo uT suOIssu pug snag Itatp3 JO 33od pastoioxa ag /itui goTgm anoqu paquosap /ipadoad atp JOAO OIUS Jo aaMod u `suStsst put `sztati ziau1 `33OVO.L?IOJ' 01 slut,12 Xgazati 1100VOI110YAi atpi lintjap Juanbasgns /Cur Jo Juana uT aunts atp. astoaaxa 11.141 agp} JO aantunn Nmpsuoo lou pugs uoi2do pats asTozaxa aanptuj put `Sutpuu3sgpMtou uajuoo ObibS STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this etzday of September 2000, personally appeared Linford Taylor and Doris Taylor, to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing MORTGAGE DEED, after by me first being duly sworn, acknowledged that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: MORTGAGE DEED Page 5 of 5 NOTARY PUBLIC 13S 1;d 7NQ z J° 1 abed 2IO'IAV1/2IO 1AYI 11ON AHOSSI JOHId `Xljruad InotgliM k unlztu of loud atuil ut 111 aloN stq 3o uoilIod km .io JJu did OAV4J IIaTS aaN`HS2Iauwf1 1H1 •loogjo JuatuaOiojua MrJ /cq panaas kJJruos.iad JO `piuda.id amsod 'prat 'S'n a uT panm mum paniaoa1 pa1apisuoo aq !pus aopou Grp /Claim aqj you JO Ig2no.iq oq .Tins .Iatpogm. `,Cauaollr s,.rapjoq auI of of Xau.TOIJr aJquuosua.i r 2uipnnoui uoilooJJoo jo slsoo krd of aa.T5r `auo ui q aaotu3T XJgvianas pue /CJluiof `pau2isiapun atp jo Juana 041 uJ 'JJnrjop luanbasgns Cur jo Juana atp ui atues VCR asioiaxa of 14ST.i atp jo JATM alnmsuoo Jou JJi?11S uoildo pies osto.Iox OI oIn1TLj pui `2uTpu1 sgI!MJou XrniJuoo atJ2 of o2r231otu plus uT .io uiaiau 2umul/cui; `o qm td pur anp kiampauiuii among Japlotj aloe .to 339n 3 any) uoido of 'pais 'pang suoisInoId atp of Jurnsjnd ajgi'kad stuns .Iatpo IT 4TM .T T4 O of `JSaaalu! pup lud!otuld q oq `Xga.iaq pa.inoas ssaupalgapui tram atJJ Jo oiouM atp `paur uoo uloiou luatuaa.I2u JO lut'uanoo Cur Jo tJO1aiq Jo asuo uT JO papTnold uiaiatj sr paznsui sasituaid plus uo sluatuano1duii atJJ dao)J of sITUJ .io oopou uall!1M taur sleep (06) 'claim! jo popod 1 aoj paan0as kgaJou ssaupalgapur atp jo luatukrd atp uT slJnujap 2I0 JI"Ig0 01 11.II *Iola I '"I rPITA PUI jeu.zaA kg palvu2Tsap as!M.iatpo se Jo `01 I £8 5uTuiokA tow uT .ioikui .1 uPITA pur IttuaA OI ICpOa ITp aputu oq Bugs (s)JuaT.ukud ••1 :.Tauurw Ou!MOJJoJ atp uT anp oq !pus .LMaJ JAvd 7002 `kinf jo 'cup Isj oq uo ajgiked pur anp 2uiaq aa.ij Isamu!! 00 I/ON Puy SIIVTIOQ (55000`S I QNVSf1OH.L NIHHIJI3 3o tuns Jtdiou1.id atJJ `aJTA pur purgsn13 `2f0'IXVI "J VQ'IIA Puv 1101XVI IVNEIIA dud oI asuuoid `auo ump amtujT ,CJquionias pur `QaMOIS' J uM9 LH1 2uiuioiCA, `uouT '0002 .Iagtualdag Timm A OSS1PIOIM u 000`SI$ PRESENTMENT, protest, notice of protest, and notice of dishonor are hereby waived. DATED this day of September, 2000. LINFORD TAYLOR DORIS TAYLOR STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1 The foregoing Promissory Note was acknowledged before me by Linford Taylor and Doris Taylor on this day of September, 2000, declaring it an act of their free will and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC PROMISSORY NOTE- TAYLOR/TAYLOR Page 2 of 2 GettEtILE N P9