HomeMy WebLinkAbout868405�twq 4620 VAC) l 3�JVd (176 /L0) 6 LZ 3JVJ1JOW NVO1 1N3WAVd NMOa VaoM °p .'000i jo seoue .'gwnoue i(ue of lOofgns 'spuewep pue sw1elo Ile lsule6e Apedo .'d eql of aim ail Alie.'eue6 pue ep mm pue slueJJVM .'aMOJ .'Og piooei to seouaigwnoue .'ol ldeoxe 'pa .'egwnoueun st Apedold eql legl pue Apadwd eyl Aenuoo pue lue .'6 'e6e6pow of 1g611 ail say pue peAenuoo i(ga.'eq °leis° KR to peztes /llnlMei sl Jenno.' .'og Tail SINVN3A00 H3M01:11:i08 „*Apedo.'d„ ail se luewn.'lsul Amon slyl ut oT pa.' .'ale.' sl 6uto6e .'ol NI Jo lid 'luawn.'lsul ATunoes sigl Aq pa.'enoo eq osle Heys suolllppe pue slueweoeida.' py 'Apedo.'d 941 jo p d e Jellee .'eq .'o MOU sa .'nlxll lie pue ){Dols pue slg6p Je M sod pue slg6p se6 pue Ho 'Ie .'eulw `sep4 Ao.' 'slue.' 'seoueuel.'ndde `slg6t.' 'sluewasee lie pue 'Al.'edo.'d ail uo peloeie .'°ileaieq .'o MOU sluewenowdwt •j.oaaau geed a spew pue olaaay pauoelge ainpauoS aes :6uiwoAM `Aluno0 u I o o u I 1 Li! peleool Apedo.'d pegiiosep 6utnnollol ail 'ales to .'aMOd yllM .'apueq of 40nuoo pue lue.'6 `e6e6uow A(qa .'ay seop .eMOnog 'esodand slyl.od 'eloN ail pue luewn.'lsut Al!Jnoes styl .'spun sluawae .'6e pue slueuanoo s, .'aMO.' .'og to eouew.'olied eyl (o) pue :luewn.'lsul Alpnoes sigl to Mlunoes eyl loelo .'d of g gde.'6e .'ed .'epun peouenpe ';se.'alut yIIM 'swns Jaylo Ile to luewAed ail (q) :suolleolllpow pue suotsuelxe 'slenneue.' Ile pue 'lse .'elu! yIIM `eloN ail Aq paouepine lgep eyl to luewAede.' eyl (e) :.'epue of seinoes luewn .'Tsui Alunoes slgl 8 0 0 Z 'T a ago 3 0 o uo elgeAed pue anp .'ellaee pied lou It `lgap Iinl eyl yllM 'sluawAed AIyluow .'ol sepino.'d yotgM „eloN luewn .'lsul itlunoeg styl se elep ewes eyl pelep elou sdemo .'og i(q paouepine si lgep s!yl 0 0 0 0 i b eie11 Dams I edloul .'de .'a ua 0 ua ou pue sae L00 paapunH aup puesnoyl anoH 1 yl P 1 s aMO.'anno .'.'o 8 '(d� p i„) I00Z8 AM auuaIcau0 'env A'aaej OZOZsl .'ppeesogmpue 6 u l w o A' Mlo sMel ail .'epun 6utlsixe pue peztue6 .'o st (OlyM uolgeaodao3 6uiwo/'M V °e6e64aoW aocel,pl uent6 st luewn .'Tsui i(il.'noes siyl •(„.'anno.' .'o8) 011E8 AM' uol�y °anuany p94 sse .'ppeesogM [A4101 uol4V an.m .pue puegsnH °igosJHH @el 1 pue PJPMP3 @PPM st .'o6e6l .'oW eyl 000? 9 i a e g m a l d a go uent6 st („luewn.'lsui ill .'noes e6e6poW s!yl EJKJS1I0N NVO'I ZNfNXVd NMOa Xa3M a3AL1O3'd 9 9 Z 19 0 :iegwnN ueoi [e ;ea Bulpiooay i•d Gun situ snow eoeds] 3y ZM 'IH3S8I S T z_ aDVd 2 Id`?;�. NOON a r4 C. P•• n G i3 8Q 'I 898 otm TOM AM auuaA'ay0 o env rcaae0 00 Z o a6e6gaoN JOCeW :Ol 11vW JNIad0031:1 d31dd i (,:„.1”; 0 4G „sseappd Apadoad.,) Iieeals1 anuany Pig 1 b9 eql Ile H1IM 1:13H13001 [epo0 d!zl 0 1 1 E 8 6ulwoitm Jo ssa .'ppe eyl say yolgM 77177 5 "g 1 ft MO IN a? e? 1.101A1 40 ase-riv Cr otni ont DNIWOM4 30 EZNI G 0 iwq V620 4dOZ39Yd (176 /1.0) 64Z BOVO1NOW NV01 1N3WAVd NM04 VcOM •olaaeyl petlllue AHe6ei Aue eta o; pled eq Heys luewnalsu! AiunoeS s1ta pue eION eta aapun sseupelgepu! 6ulpuelslno He Aed o; paalnbea lunowe ue aano speeowd sseoxe Auy •sluewAed Lions ;o lunowe eta e6ueyo JO 'g gdea6eaed ul o; paae;ei eae golgM 'sluewAed Alyluow eta ;o elep enp eq euodisod JO pueixe lou Heys ledloulad eql o} speeooad eql ;o uo! }eolidde Auy •ledloulad ;o luewAedead o; ueg3 pue `c ydea6eaed u! papinad aepao eta u! pe dde slunowe luenbullep Aue o; ;sal; 'luewnalsul Awnoes sly; pue eloN eta aapun sseupelgepu! eta ;o uol;onpeJ eta of speaooad Lions )(Icicle )legs aepue •luewnalsul Awnoes sty; pue eloN eta aapun pledun sulewei ley) sseupelgapu! eta lo lunowe Hn; eyl ;o lualxe eta o; aepue o; pled eq is pue peu6lsse Ageaey we `uopeuwepuoo ;o eoeld u! eoUeAanuoo ao; JO 'Apedad eyl ;o laed Aue ;o 6uplel aewlo JO uopeuwepuoo Aue tam uol;oeuuoo u! 'telluenbesuoo ao loaalp `se6ewep ao; wlelo JO paeMe Aue lo speeooad eyi •uoneuwepuop •1 •elgeAed pue enp Alelelpeww! eq Heys `aepue ey ;o uolldo eta le pue `elea lseaalul line;ep eta ao 'elea eloN eta le 'luewesangslp ;o elep eyl woa; lseaelu! aeeq !legs slunowe esegl •lueww sut Awnoes s!y} Aq peanoes eq pue JOMOJJOB ;o lgep leuoplppe ue ewooeq Heys gdea6eaed sly; aapun aepuei Aq pesangslp slunowe Auy •Z gdea6eaed u! peuoguew swell aeylo pue eoueansu! paezeq 'sexel ;o luewAed 6u!pnioul 'Apedad eta u! sig6p sdepuei pue Apedad eyl ;o enien eta loeload o} Aaesseoeu s! aenelegM Aed pue op Aew iepuai uegl '(suolleln6aa JO sMel eoao ;ue o; JO uolleuwepuoo JO; 'Aoldnn{ueq u! 6u!peeoad e se Lions) Apedad eta u! sly6la sdepue loa; ;e Atlueol ;Iu6ls Aew ley) 6uipeeoad le6el e s! aaeal ao 'luewnalsul Awnoes slgl u1 peuleluoo slueweei6e pue slueuenoo aoq o Aue waoped o; site; JO 'Z ydea6eaed Aq paalnbea sluewAed eta ao siuewAed esegl amew o; s11e; Jentoaaog ;1 •sluewAed eseq 6ulouepine sld!eoaa aepuei o; gsluan; Alldwad )legs aeMaaog isenbel s,aepuei uodn 'Apedad eta u1 #seas ;ul s,.Jepue1 loop Alesaenpe pinoM Aed o; einie; •luewAed eta penno s! gown Amue eta o; Alloealp awl; uo suolle6Hgo esagl Aed Heys aeMOJJO9 •Z ydea6eaed ul pepnloul lou eae ;eyi suo13lsodw! pue said; 'se6aego ledtoiunw JO leluewweno6 He i d Heys JOMOJJO9 •ALaadaad eyi u! s;4611a s,aapUe1 UOR3eload pue Jemoaaos 01 sa6.iey0 •9 •6ullpM ul ae6aew eta of sewbe aepua sselun pe6aew eq lou Heys apt; eel pue ployeseal eyi 'Apedoad eta of app eel saalnboe aaMOaaog ;I •eseej 811 ;o suo!s!noad eql y31M Aldwoo Heys JeMoaaog 'ployeseal a uo sl luewnalsui Awnoes sly; 11 •eouepisei ledloulad e se Alaedad eta ;o Aouedn000 sdemo aog 6ulweouoo suopelueseidoa 'ol pallWH lou lnq `6ulpnlou! `eloN eta Aq peouepine ueo) eta tam uol;oeuuoo u1 (uol;ewao ;u! lepelew Aue tmm aepue- epinoad o; pep; ao) aepuei o; slueweiels JO notlewa0!U! eleanooeu! JO awl I I.1elew ene6 'sseoad uopeoHdde ueo! eql 6uunp 'aeMaaog ;Ina ;ep u1 eq asp Heys aeMaaog •Apedoad peuopuege ao )ueoen Lions enaesead pue loelad o} uolloe elgeuoseaa ejel Aew Jepua ;lne ;ep u! s1 ueo! eta JO peuopuege ao ;ueoen s! Apedad eta Apedad eta loedsul Aew aepuei •pldeoxe weal pue aeeM eigeuoseea 'eleaopelep o; Alaedoad ay; Mop ao Alaedad eyl e6ueyo AHepuelsgns ao e6ewep 'Aoa ;sap ao 9lseM 31wwoo lou Heys a9Maaog •seouelswnwp 6upenuelxe Aue ;o sJepuei A ;lloU Heys aaMOaaog •laluoo sdemo Jog puoAeq aae gORLiM lslxe saoue ;swnoalo 6upenuelxe sselun ao `JOMOaaog ao; d1gspaey enpun esneo 1p luewealnbeJ sly; seulwaelep aepue- eql sselun 'Aouedn000 ;o eiep eta aa3 ;e aeeA euo }seal le ao; eoueplseJ ledloulad sdeMoaaog se A;aedoad eta Adn000 01 enupuoO !legs pue luewnalsut Awnoes sly) ;o uo!ln3exe eyl ae3 ;e sAep Alxls ulyliM eoueplsaa ledloulad s,aennopas se Apedad eyi esn pue 'ysligelse 'Adn000 Heys aeM01109 •spiogessei :uolleollddy uecri s,aaMOaa08 `Apedoad ay; Jo uoppeload pue eoueuelEuleW 'uollenaasead `Aouedn3OO •9 •Jesegoand ayl o; ssed !legs eoao; u1 semod OOUeansul 01 pue u1 10Maaog 10 ;selew! pue ellll '1g6ia tie 'sseupelgepu! 0111 segsln6upxe leg) Alaedad ay; 01 elm ;O aa;sueal aeglo JO luewnalsul A3lanOeS spa ;o eansopeJo; ;o luene eta ul •oleaeyl pappue Alle6el Alllue 8111 of pied eq Heys luewnalsul Awnoes s!q1 pue al°N eql aapun sseupelgepu! 6u!puelslno tle Aed of pealnboa lunowe ue aano speaooad eoueansul sseoxe Auy •sluewAed Lions lo lunowe 8111 e6ueyo JO 'g ydea6eaed U! 01 peaae;aa 815 L43 M sluewAed Alyluow eta lo amp enp eta euodlsod ao puepxa lou !legs ledloulad eta Ol speaooad 043 ;o uolleo!ldde Auy •Apedad pe6ewep 8111 ;o aledea ao u0peaolsaa 8111 of (q) to ledlouad ;o luewAedead of uayl pus ydea6eaed u! aepao eta u! pelldde slunowe luenbultep Aue of ism 'luewnalsul Alun0OS slgl pue eloN eta aapun sseupelgepu! eta lo uollOnpea 8111 of (e) aeylle 'uolldo Si! l5 'aepuei Aq pendde eq Aew speaooad eoueansu! 8113 ;o laed Aue ao Hy •Allulof aapue1 01 pue 19Moaaog 0110 peelsul 'aapue1 01 A,Oealp ssol Lions ao; lu0wAed eilew of peloaalp pue pezpoglne Agaaey s! 0911a80000 Auedwoo e0UeansU! 11053 •J8Maaog Aq Alldwoad epew iou ssol ;o ;ooad eNew Aew aepue "Hew Aq e3poU elelpww! aepu0 en!6 !legs aaMaaog `ssOI ;o wane 941 ul •aepue e4a Aq lsenbea uodn aapue1 ayl of eoueansu! 10 selollod ao AOltod eta 10 Adoo a yslwn; Heys a0MOa.Og =aapue '01 elgeldeooe um); e u! pue ;o crone; u! sesnep elquAed no! epnloul is sleMeuea Aue pus seloHod OOUeansu! ayl •aapue Aq penoadde seiuedwoo yljM pepJeo eq Heys eoueansu! Hy •Jepua eta Aq pannbel IUalxa ayl 01 spool; Aq no! lsule6e 'pelOaa0 Apuenbesgns ao e0Ualslxe u! Mou aeylegM 'Alaedoad 8111 uo sluewenadw! He eansul oste Begs JBMOJJOG •se nbea aapua ley) spotted eta ao; pue slunowe eta u1 peulelulew eq Hugs e0ueansul sly •e0Ueansu! saalnbe1 Jepue- LiOIgM ao; '91! 6ulpnlou) `se10Ue U!1Uoo pue 'selllenseO 'spaezeq Aue isule6e 'pel09ae Apuenbesgns ao eOU9ls!xe u! Mou JeweLiM 'Alaedad eta uo sluewenadwl He elnsul !legs JOMOaaog •e3Ueansui paezeH atop pue poold 'eau 'b eta aapun enp sa6aeyo 015101 a I> i Hl :810N 811110 ledloulad 0113 10 UOpezpaowe 01 aN0 3S :010N eta aapun enp lsOaeIU! 01 1S I» :sMoHo; se aepua Aq pa!ldde eq !legs Z pus l sydea6eaed aapun sluewAed Hy •sluawAed Jo uoleo11ddy •l; •aepuel 0111 Aq lsenbea uodn aepue ol.luawAed ;0 paid 11slwn; Heys aeMaaog aql ti ydea6eaed Aq paalnbea eoueinsu! JO; swnlwead (0) pus 'Apedoad 8111 uo s1Uea puna6 10 siUeWi ed ployeseal (q) 'Alaedad eta lsule6e pe!ne! eq of 10 pine! sIUewssesse leloeds pus sexel (5) AUe ;o luawAed Alewil emew Heys aeMOaaog •se6aeyp 191110 pue aoueansu! 'sexel ,!o s;uewAed 'Z •910N eta aapun enp sa6aeyo ale) pus 'e geolldde 'iseJelU! ltne;ap 'eloN 841 Aq peOUepine lgep eta 'uo ls pue ;o !ed!oulad 8111 enp Ua1M iced Heys aeMOaaog •e6aeyp O1e1 pus Imam 'iedlaulad jo 1uawAed •I. T9f •fNNNn'l aV 1CNTN HIRSC(rr, AF OSCS 405 LOAN NO. 061cuo 8. Grounds for Acceleration of Debt. (a) Default. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: (i) Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instrument prior to or on the due date of the next monthly payment, or (H) Borrower defaults by failing, for a period of thirty days, to perform any other obligations contained in this Security Instrument. (b) Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall, if permitted by applicable law, require immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Instrument if: (i) All or part of the Property, or a beneficial interest in a trust owning all or part of the Property, is sold or otherwise transferred (other than by devise or descent) by the Borrower, and (ii) The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence, or the purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property but his or her credit has not been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Secretary. (c) Default Interest. If Lender has not received the full monthly payment required by the Security Instrument by the end of the thirty calendar days after the payment is due, Lender may increase the interest rate as described in Paragraph 2 of the Note to twelve percent (12 Lender may choose not to exercise this option without waiving its right in the event of any subsequent default. (d) No Waiver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in full, but Lender does not require such payments, Lender does not waive its rights with respect to subsequent events. 9. Reinstatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in full because of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument. This right applies even after foreclosure proceedings are instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all amounts required to bring Borrower's account current including, to the extent they are obligations of Borrower under this Security Instrument, foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and expenses properly associated with the foreclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However, Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings within two years immediately preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the future, or (iii) reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument. 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise. modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- Signers. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8.b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co -signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co- signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. 12. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. 13. Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In thwevent that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. 14. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instrument. 15. Assignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues of the Property. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument, Borrower shall collect and receive all rents and revenues of the Property as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only. If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (a) all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (b) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Property; and (c) each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that would prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this Paragraph 15. Lender shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of breach to Borrower. However, Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. Any application of rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.. This assignment of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. The Lender or a judicially appointed receiver shall not be required to post any bond or other security to enter upon, take control of or maintain the property. WCDA DOWN PAYMENT LOAN MORTGAGE MPP -219 (01/94) OF 4 02/94 bmy Awq P620 JOMOJJO (I�esY JemOJJOg (IEeS) JBMa1J0 (lees )8M0)10 11 li Z a�LM pue puegsnH •LyasJLH 883 000 2 u a g w a l d a S 4 0 Jc e p y 1 5 T sly; aw aao }eq pa6palMoure seM;uawna ;su! 6u1o6aao} eql :ss A;uno3 u L O u L 1 dO 31d1S Ly WSJ L [A }loads] Jay ;O Japll:i i(;inb3 6u!MoiO n �T 90'ONNbO1 LvsLJi3 Lq�SJLH pJPMP3 a tidOti3OVd (b6 /1.0) 61Z 3JVJ1F10W NV01 1N3INAVd NMOa VOOM i700Z T1 A enus :saJldxe uolsslwwoo �W L -S1JL3 PUP I-LDS.11-H pueMP3 @PPM Aq :sasseu ;iM Li }!M papaooei pue JaMoJJog Aq pa;noexe (s)Japu Aue u! pue ;uawni sul Al!inoe sly; lob g6noay se6ed ul paule ;uoo swag; ay; o; seei6e pue s;deooe JaMoJJog 'MOUS ONINDIS A9 [/lloedS] Jaq ;O C Japlii ;uawdolenea ;!un peuueld aap!>d ;uawi(ed pelenpeio n Japid wn!ulwopuoO n [(sa)xoq algeolldde rego] ;uawn. ;sul Alpnoe sly; to Ued a u! 010M (s)Jepp eq; i! se;uawni;su! ;lanoe sly; }o s;ueweei6e pue s;ueuanoo ay; ;uewalddns pue puawe !lays pue ow! pa ;eaodaooul eq pegs Jepu Lions pee to s;ueuenoo ey; ';uawnJ;sul ;unoes sly; yip Jay;a6o; papaoom. pue JaMoJJog Aq pelnoexe ere sJepp WOW Jo auo ll luewnj;lsul Awnoes s143 0; sJaply •ApedoJd ey; u! JaMop pue Asepno slg6p !!e segslnbullaa pue ApadoJd ay; u! uol ;dwexe pee;sewoq to s ;q6u Ile sanleM JaMoJJog sae/TM •g i. s;soo uol ;epaooaa Aue !legs JaMoJJog •JaMoJJog o; a6Jey3;noq ;jM ;uawru sul A;lanoes sign asealei !legs aepuei ';uewni;su! A;unoeg sly; Aq paanoes swns !!e }o ;uewAed uodn •asealay 'LL ;I o; pal ;l;ue i(pe6a! suosJad Jo uosied ay; o; ssaoxe itue (o) pue :;uawni ;su! ;*noes sly; Aq peinoes swns !!e o; (q) :seal ,siewo ;e a geuoseei !Delp!! ;ou ;nq '6ulpniou! `ales ey; }o sesuedxe pe o; (e) :Japan 6uIMOpol eql u! palldde eq Heys ales mil to speeooad eql 'ales kue ;e ApedoJd ey; esegoand i(ew eeu6lsep s ;l Jo Jepue Me! algeolldde Aq pequoseid Jeuuew ay; u! plos aq !legs Apedoad eq; pue 'ales }o eol ;ou gs!!gnd pegs Jepuei Z gdeJ6eJed u! pep!noJd Jauuew ay; u! JammJOg o; ales eq; }o eol;ou eAI6 !legs Japual •Mel algeolldde y ;!M eouepa000e u! ;uaaal }!p `AjJedoJd ay; to uoissessod u! uosaad ay; o; pue JaMoJJog o; esoloeaol o ;ua ;u! to eol ;ou anl6 Heys Japua 'ales }o JoMod eq; semonu! Japuai ll •eouepina al ;l; }o s;soo pue SOa} ,sAawo ;e elgeuosee 'o; pip!! ;ou ;nq '6ulpnloul 'g 1, gdeJ6eJed sly; u! pep!noJd se!pewei ey; 6u!nsJnd ul peaanou! sesuedxe lie loeuoo o; pal ;l ;ue eq !legs Jepuen •Mel a geolldde Aq pa ;;lwied se pewe Jay ;o i(ue pue ems to JeMod ay; wpm! i(ew Japuei 'g gdea6eJed Jepun llnl ul;uewked e;elpewwl seilnbei Japuel ll •eanpeooad eansoloaaod •91. :sMoliol se aea6e pue 4Ueuenoo Jaypnl Jepuei pue JeMOaao9 'S1NVN3AOO INEIOIINfl-NON All AV 1"JSHIH C�� ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 WY 06b8405 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: That part of the NEUNE',, of Section 36, T32N R119W, within the Incorporated Limits of the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 210PR on page 205 and in Book 411PR on page 125 described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the West right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 89 identical with an intersection with the South line of Nield Avenue, S 77°18'36" W, 159.77 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 36, found as described in the Corner Record filed in said office; thence S 89 °13'18" W, 185.64 feet, along said South line to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING, on the centerline of that access easement of record in said Office in Book 278PR on page 82; thence S 01 °38'24" W, 120.18 feet, along said centerline, to a spike; thence S 89 °15'29" W, 121.41 feet, along an existing fence line, in part, to a point at a fence corner; thence N 00 °28'09" E, 120.05 feet, along an existing fence line, in part, to a point on said South line; thence N 89 °13'59" E, 123.87 feet, along said South line, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING. 214 Commitment No.: FA 7132 OM