HomeMy WebLinkAbout868433BOOK PR PAGB__, v RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT RECEIVED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES er dean G. Heiner a ft.) husband and wife; Ralph S. Heiner and Gwen R. Heiner, Trustees of the Ralph gitifek I NG Revocable Trust, dated February 12, 1990; Lloyd S, Heiner, Trustee of the Lloyd S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated September 17, 1985; and Ronald E. Onkes and Jan Onkes, husband and wife, all of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, herein after referred to as "Grantors" for and in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration, the receipt which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant unto Verdean G. Heiner and Helen Heiner, husband and wife; Ralph S. Heiner and Gwen R. Heiner, Trustees of the Ralph S. Heiner Revocable Trust, dated February 12, 1990; Lloyd S. Heiner, Trustee of the Lloyd S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated September 17, 1985; and Ronald E. Onkes and Jan Onkes, husband and wife, all of Lincoln County, the State of Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as "Grantees an easement for the ingress, egress and utilities across the following described lands situate in the County of Lincoln and the State of Wyoming, to -wit: That portion of property owned by the Grantors in the W1/2NW of Section 10, T33N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, which is part of a 60 foot wide strip of land whose centerline is described as follows: BEGINNING at Station P.I. 189 +35.7 of the Bedford Tunerville County Road No. 12- 123, said station being marked by a spike in the road surface; and running along the existing roadway as follows: THENCE S09 31' 19 "E 222.80 feet; THENCE S 14 07'01 "E 278.47 feet; THENCE S17 °03'28 "E 230.15 feet; THENCE S21 °09'48 "E 235.07 feet; THENCE S21 16'36 "E 261.85 feet; THENCE S 19 17'44 "E 363.16 feet; THENCE S 18 14'23 "E 49.16 feet; THENCE S23 °49'01"W 261.66 feet; THENCE S 12 04' 16 "W 170.49 feet; THENCE S39 °02'34 "W 175.27 feet' S39 °02'34 "W 416.76 feet; THENCE S28 °27'58 "W 185.04 feet to a point along the West Boundary, 1072.60 feet South from the W1/4 Corner, of said section 10; Right of Way Easement Page I of 4 0661 `Z1 (ntuga3 pal1p lstui aigzoonaJ Jautaf 'S gdi�2i ��LSII2IL `2I�LI 'S Hd'W 2I�NI�I NVHQ11 IA p fo Z a.8nd;uaruasng rf,M fo ;Om DIM ld AI1V 17OOZ '8 t (e OulwoIM ams ;WANWIAt, a gdri tic gvialitt ,o eicriu I on end AHV.LON "6 laM :sa�tdxg uolss!uzuroJ'JA jeas j[iaiJo pug ping iiuz ssaultm 000Z iiRN0 kep sigl `aJim pue putgsng `2I'PLIf Nal-1 QNd NvacmHA Act Nu a.zodaq paSpaimou)iov svm luauuulsut 5utoFaJoj aq j N'IO3NI1 AO JUNLIO0 SSA oNIIAIOAM d0 aLv.LS Z Jo 8 sm. olaJag SQNVH 2IIlO SS1N.1IM Sutuuoicm Jo awls amp smwi pgalsauzog am .Japun sliSU III gutnrem pug ButsuaiaJ AgaiaH )i.zaJD iluno3 uioauti amp aogjo aul ut 000Z `S ��Y�I `8SLS98 oN Iuauirulsul s� pap.zooa l `000Z AnAI panoJdde `869 SqJ d RutuzoAm `Java g 091 pa zeda.id `Jaura uaiaf pub ueapJan .iol 1 uots1ATQ iaOJed Jo p.1000) UO umogs S UV O STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by RALPH S. HEINER and GWEN R. HEINER, Trustees of the Ralph S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated February 12, 1990, this /A day of 6..,.t 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expire JEWEL i ARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming County o Lincoin STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINC )SS M Co- spires May 18, 2004 erao�osr 'TNESSHAN hereto this SS Right of Way Easement Page 3 of 4 4q. GWEN R. HEINER, TRUSTEE Ralph S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated February 12, 1990 000. LLB it S. HEINER, TRUSTEE loyd S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated September 17, 1985 234 The f, egoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LLOYD S. HEINER, Trustee leas mow() put purq /Cul ssauurn •0002 '1f' 2 jo /cup s `a par puBgsnq `sa i±.iO NW puP SgxINO •g Q'IVNO2I sg am mpg pagpaimouxol? S M Iuatun.iusuI Sulam ati,i, jo 'sup 000z G fo p aLvd;uauiasvg ((NI fo jqf jo kep —11g/ OI'Igfld KdIYION si `5861 `L I -tag tiQQZ, '8l bey saJidx3 U,tss ii1000 Ofl8fld AUVION F UI' iS 13MM :saiidxg uotssiuJuto0 N'IOJNYI dO Ait\inOO SSA oN.II\IOxM dO EI1VIS situ o ;aJ q SQRNVH 2IflO SSdN,LIM :sa.udx cusstulwo0 pas mot o put putts /cal ssau1tm 000Z idas pap 1stu,I, aigl?aonaN .zau(aH •S pXoi -I amp Ob S433 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was nowledged before me by RALPH S. HEINER and GWEN R. HEINER, Trustees oft alph S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated February 12, 1990, this day of 2000. Witness my hand and •fficial seal. My Comi''ssion Expires: WITNESS OUR HANDS hereto this 1 Tr STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN )SS )SS GWEN R. HEINE TRUSTEE Ralph S. Heine evocable Trust dated February 1 990 NOTARY PUBLIC Right of Way Easement Page 3 of 4 e.r, 2000. LLOYD HEINER, TRUSTEE Lloyd S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated September 17, 1985 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LLOYD S. HEINER, Trustee 286 of the Lloyd S. Heiner Revocable Trust dated September 17 1985, this I day of er 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 011 16 103 M. KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln'' Wyoming My Commission Expires July 16, 2003 WITNESS OUR HANDS hereto this STATE OF WYOMING )SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN RON JAN ONKES The foregoing inst ent was acknowledged before me by RONALD E. ONKES and JAN ONKES, husband a wife, this day of 2000. Witness my h d and official seal. My C. mission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC Right of Way Easement Page 4 of 4 day of 2000. D E. ONKES 287