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ObbS445 together with the right of the GRANTEE to contain said parking areas with a post and cable barrier and to construct thereon such sanitation and other facilities as GRANTEE may desire and to thereafter maintain and repair the same. 4. The right to improve the bed and banks of the Salt River by constructing therein cribs, squares, triangles, or other such structures as may be desired by the GRANTEE for the purpose of creating holes, eddies, and shadings to improve fishing. GRANTEE shall further have the right to remove brush, logs and any other obstacles in order to facilitate pedestrian access along the riverbank. 5. The right for GRANTEE and its employees to enter the above described lands for fish stocking and other related purposes as they deem necessary. 6. The right to construct and maintain pedestrian foot stiles or pedestrian openings in the fence that excludes livestock wherever existing fences cross said river. 7. The GRANTOR also agrees for the duration of the easement herein granted that no action will be taken or methods utilized with regard to controlling noxious weeds so as to harm, endanger or interfere with the fishery upon said lands, and that any and all herbicides, insecticides or other chemicals used for such purposes will be first approved by the GRANTEE in writing. 8. The right to plant willows at such places on the stream bed and banks as desired by GRANTEE in controlling water action erosion and in improving the fishery, and to erect such short stretches of fences as may be necessary in protecting the plantings against livestock, and to perform such other work as is desired by the GRANTEE within the bed and banks of said river as may be necessary or desirable in improving the fishery. 9. GRANTOR further agrees not to remove any brush, willows or other vegetation other than noxious weeds from within twenty -five (25) feet of any river or body of water on the lands above described for as long as the easements herein granted remain in force and effect except upon express written permission of the GRANTEE. 10. That the GRANTOR, their successors, assigns or employees, shall not change or alter the course of the Salt River unless prior written consent has been obtained therefrom the GRANTEE. 11. GRANTOR agrees that they will not construct or cause to be constructed any structures of whatever type on the fishing and waterfowl hunting easement, access road and parking area without first obtaining written permission from GRANTEE. GRANTOR will have the right to construct fences across the vehicular access road if GRANTOR provides public vehicular access by installation of a cattle guard wherever fence crosses said road. GRANTOR will be responsible for maintaining cattle guard(s) so as not to impede vehicular access. 12. It is agreed that a Statement Of Existing Conditions will be prepared which will accurately reflect the appurtenant structures presently located on the easement as of the date of conveyance. The Statement Of Existing Conditions will be signed by both parties and will be the document used to determine the valid existence of any structure on the easement. 13. GRANTOR hereby covenants to GRANTEE that all lands herein described are lawfully seized in fee and that said lands are free from any encumbrances of whatever nature as may operate to terminate or interfere with any of the rights and interests herein granted, and that agreement herein contained shall be binding upon the GRANTOR'S heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 16. GRANTOR hereby releases and waives all rights existing under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming. 9003.6-9 saildx3 uol$WWu00 �tW 9u1woAm uloaun 10 auk to Aiuno3 *!lq►nd AM ON uoiepueg le attgg tire�ON °poop pug ioi aaag itotp sr cures pawoaxa Aagi papalmouxag pug 1uaum.psut 2u1o2oJoJ aq1 pa3noaxa oqM pug ui uosJapuns autxew pug xnAi poiroddr .Aiiguosaad ow atojaq `OOOZ f jo ,(up stuff uO dO A LNf1OD ss( ONI'\IOAM dO anus LS uosaopuns txgyv uosiopugs xgyAI Ta77 1 77prwrilwov* :saiidxo uotss!wwoa AIN 'OOOZ' jo Anp stgi pawa 'mgt �atpo Pug (g)toT 's of lugnsind sasuapap pug sawunutwi IIg sutniat /cum pug wowooBr spy owl Suuaiuo Aitunuturt u5taaanos sTt antgm Tou sop NOISSIIAMOO HSId QNV II IVD DNIy1IOAM a LL '8T luautaaay spy jo aounuuojtad aqy tptm uoioauuoa ut'atitggstp .to 41.10 Inu0t1gu `1.10I2110.1 `aogt `xas jo spunoiS aqi uo posuqlswar pawutcuuosip si uosiod ou ainssi Iigus H LNV IJ oqL 'ZL61 JO sTuautpuaWV uongonpg aqI Jo X al;fL Pun co Jo hod uotigutu posLQ 02V oW `0661 JO Tod sugouaut' aq2 3o H oipi.L `£L61 Jo Tod uong2titgggag aqi jo tog uot1oas "bas la `TOTZT 'D'STl Z1 `(v(Iv) TOV saptitgi stj g1tm sugattauzd ow pug `(°bas to SOT 6 LZ§ •oiCm) and soopo1ud 1uowcoidwg atnd SuiuuoAm a {T `11961 jo TO siciSm HAD ow 109 T1 d 2IdD It) suouninSag Jognj jo luauza.zndaQ ut paivawaiddns sg pug LIT iap1O ant1noaxg Intivaptsatd Act papuauzn sg „`AUtunuoddO ;uaubioidutg ignbg„ `1 917Z T .tapao anpnaaxg inpuaptsa1d gatm Aidwoo puts RHINVIID 31 41 'LT Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Registration No. 164 Scott A. Scherbel Registration No. 3889 Marlowe A. Scherbel Registration No. 5368 SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD. Big Piney, Wyoming 83113 Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Afton, Wyoming 83110 OS6844 To wit: eio_e EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION FOR THE WYOMING GAME AND FISH COMMISSION OF THE SANDERSON PARKING AREA NO. 1 IN SECTION 4, T35N, R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING That part of the N1 /2SE1 /4 of Section 4, T35N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at a corner on the north right -of -way line of the Creamery County Road No. 12 -111, S42 51.3'W, 1676.83 feet from the northeast corner of said N1 /2SE1 /4; thence N89 54.1'W, 172.10 feet, along said right -of -way line to a corner; thence N11 46.1'E, 62.45 feet, to a corner; thence N12 58.9'W, 46.29 feet, to a corner; thence N56 30.8'W, 41.94 feet, to a corner; thence N56 30.8'E, 52.77 feet, to a corner; thence continuing N56 30.8'E, 5 feet, more or less, to the left (west) bank of the Salt River; thence southeasterly, 210 feet, more or less, along said left bank to an intersection with the said north right -of -way line; thence N89 54.1'W, 5 feet, more or less, to the CORNER OF BE— GINNNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.33 acre, more or less; it is intended that the southerly line of the above described tract be identical with the said north right -of -way line which was not determined by this survey; if a future survey shows that the said lines are not identical, then the said right -of- way line will be the southerly line of the above described tract whether it enlarges or reduces the size of the tract, and the corners marking said tract will be used to determine the direction of easterly and westerly lines to intersect said north right -of -way line; the BASIS OF BEARING for this survey and description is the east line of Section 10, T4S, R46E, Boise Meridian N00 12.0'W; each "corner" marked by a 2" galvanized steel pipe 30" long (BLM type) with a brass cap inscribed: "SCOTT A. SCHERBEL PLS 3889 BIG PINEY WYOMING" and appropriate details, or as de- scribed in a Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the said Office titled: "STATE OF WYOMING GAME AND FISH COMMISSION PLAT OF SURVEY OF SECTIONS 3, 4, 9, 10 T35N R119W SECTIONS 21, 27, 28, 33, 34 T36N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING SECTIONS 3, 10, 15, 22, 27, 34 T4S R46E BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO INCLUDING PART OF THE WYOMING /IDAHO STATE LINE" (5 sheets), dated 2 December, 1991. 2 December, 1991, revised 17 December 1991 /des /atgf 324 "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" „aoi(aiuns eql to Ali!igei! seleuiwiel uoilduosep 6uio6aao; Aem Aue ui uoileowpoyV„ ;51e /sap/ 166T zaqutaoea 81 paSTnaI '1651 'aaquiaoeu v I66T a la a oaQ Z pagep (sgaegs 5) u HNI'I SJ1YLS OHVQI /ONIWOAM HHL 30 1UiVd 9NIQnrIONI OHKQI 'AZNnOO S'IZIASNNOH H9VU SVJI P£ 'LZ 'ZZ 'ST 'OT 'E SNOISOHS DNIWOAM 'ASNQOO N'IOONI'I M6TT2i N9£s PE 'EE '8Z 'LZ 'TZ SNOIZOSS M6TT2I N5£Z 0T '6 'V 'E SNOISOSS 30 ASA2Ins 30 Zw'Id NOISSIWWOO HSI3 UNYY SWV9 ONIWOAM 30 HSKSS„ :paTvTq aoT330 pTas aqg uT pa1T3 eq og paasdaid geld. aqq aouepi000e uT us :Agunop uToouT'I 30 )I.za10 aqg 30 a°T330 agg uT aTT3 uo agsoTJTg1a3 uoTgsp1ooag aau,203 purr paTgflia3 a uT pagizos -ap se JO 'sTTegap ageTadoidde pus „ONIWOAM AHNId 9Ig 688E S`Id 'IHg2JHHOS 'K SSOOS, :pagTaosuT deo sseiq s qqTm (adAg WZg) 6u0T „0£ adTd hags pazTusnlrb „Z s Aq paxaeui ,,1au1o0,, goea £M1O'ZT -000N ueTpT1aw asTog '39VH 'SVI '01 uoTgoaS 3o auT1 gsea agg sT uoT4dj1osap pus Aan1ns sTgg 103 ONIaval dO SISVg aqq ss81 JO azouc 'aloe 1.0 3o ea1e us DNISSKdWOONS i9NINNIMEI ,d0 UHN2IO9 aqg og auTT ggLou pies buole 'gaa3 ZV'LTT 'S,L'85 -0685 aoueq :auTT q iou pies uo pus xueq g3aT pTes Uo 19U100 a 04 'ssat Jo a.zout 'gaa3 0£T 'A11agsaM aouagg 13AII :TeS eq: 3o xusq g3aT aqg uo 19U100 a og 'gaa3 98 'M18'0V -000S aouagg :Z goZ ptes 3o IOUIOO gseagg.1ou agg ul013 '4993 T6'ZZ 'M,L'85 'Z 40g piss 3o auTI 1.1g10U aqg uo 1au1oo s ge 9NINNI93I :sMOTTo3 ss pagT1osap '6uTuioAM 'Agunop ulooutZ 'M6TTH 'N5£s 'V uoTgoaS 30 Z 40Z 3o gird gsgy c G e S SIHIHXS -:qTM Oy 9NIWOAM 'AINflOO N'IOONI`I M6ITH 'N5£s i t NOIZ93S JO Z ZOri NI Z 'ON KHIN ONININd NOSUHQNVS HHZ CIO NOISSIWW09 HSId QNV 7WK9 9NIWOAM HHZ 2I0d NOI LdIH3SSQ !,7317139N 0 EMI 0 t t E9 BuIwo 'uoliy 10008 6ulwoAM 'uos)loer 0l LE9 BulwoAM 'Aawd BIB '011 139H3HOS dOA3AHf1S 99E9 'ON uolleAsl6ey 1egJ94o9 'y amolieN 688E ON 000e4s0H IegiegoS 'V twos 49t ON uolleJlsl6ed 1 'N red sioAenins purr! leuopeeloid