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HomeMy WebLinkAbout868510942 leas Ietot33o puu pueq 1Cut ssau1tM '000Z f 3o AuP `£661 `tiZ burugad poop lsruy Allured uo2Sutuuax 011130 saalstuy uoiSugmax !RH ue uolSuiuuax •g d Aq aut atopaq paSpajnnompu sum luauirulsut SutoSazo3 a11y 'OOOZ `aaqutaldaS 30 �Cgp s spueq ino SSgmum 7 Agatagl put uiatagl pa apoui alelsa ieat aq2 30 iapun uzat 0111 of se `1anaos1ggm 111103 10 .tauueul ,Cug ut `3oaiagl Alpnoas ag1jo aSapoui pats aq2 1oa33u lou gulls aseaja. sigl 18112 paatSu put poolstapun Aissazdxa Sutaq 2I '6661 `8Z iaquiaoaQ MEP Iaattd `£661 £.tttugad .17Z Palup Isnty iCjt11 ed uoiStnuuax aqy„ magi jagtagos •d annojtuysi Aq pazudatd u ITgigxg uo paquosap SututoAm `Aiuno3 ujoou!1 `•1n1•d 1 149 01 12 3o M6I RI lei U `ZZ uopoaS 30 lted Ma •6661 `8Z iaqutaoaQ P ..H i `£661 £tgtugad iZ PaNP lstuy'ijtuttd uolSutuuax agy„ magi jagxago5 d amolzuN Aq pa udatd 3 ligtgxg uo paquosap SututoAm `Aluno3 ujoourj `•yAj•d 1119 01 12 3o M61111 NI£.L `ZZ 11011005 JO Lied Iegy '6661 `8Z .taqutaoaQ Palep ..Z -d jaotgd `£661 £nnugad t'Z palgp lstuy �ijtuigd uolSutuuax aqy„ paiaqui iagtagoS •d amopuw Aq patgdaad g wiigxg uo paquasap SututoAM `Aluno3 111031111 "I/1'd 1129 01 12 3o M6I I2I NT £y `ZZ uotloas 30 2_tgd 21111., '6661 `8Z aaqutaoaQ Pa2?P fig jao1ed `£661 Aimugad tZ palgp Istui, AllUred uolSutuuax agy„ magi jagtago5 •d amoj1EJ Aq patedatd v ligigxg uo paquosap SutuzoiCisA `Aluno3 ujooun `•IAI'd 1119 0112 3o M61IUI rji£,L `Si uoi2oag jo Ind lulu :ltm of `iiluno3 pits ut alu2sa jest paquosap Sutmojjo3 0112 2ut2RSlto11t LZ9 aSed uo man, Moog ut OOOZ `9I kinuigad uo `Suiuto&M jo aims `iClunoJ ujooutj jo spaa j 3 JalstSa21 0!3830 -xg pue )jtajJ &lunoJ am 3o aoIJo am ut papaooat sem aSayotu gotgm `palms ma'am se 00'0SL`£6$ 3 luaulAud all JoJ iClunoas se pauoivaut ma'am alglsa !gal utelwoo SutSanuoo saa21 1Ot I se E661 `i,Z bent pa2up 2SIUJ Allured uolSutuuax aqP 3o saalsruy `uolSutuuax quill puu uoi5u1 •g•d of s.toSi mout su `i uudwo3 £;iiigI fl pa ;ttul upunaN u `3•17I `I'IMm Acq palnoaxa pug apex!! OOOZ `tit Atnigad jo alup 0111 Suiaeaq aSiSpout lull IC3tltao Agamaq saop `£66I `fiZ Siunaga3 pa ;up ;snmj Aitutud uolSutuuag aq; 3o saa;snay 'uo1utuuax q;ng pug uolauiuuax .119( lggy (2 15 7 r 019E90 :saiidxg uotsstunuo3 AI w7 .Js tsa.nchca uolsslwwo) AW Buiwo4m fo s {o {g 3ilgnd AJo {oN apyomoN aivisa 'Ivy 3o asva'Idu 'IVI UIVd uto,ul o A{uno) {{u..ayy T oJpunos r/ 7) (,'7 Jo 1C2uno3 rge(7 r/ 3o MS `SIN1SHIld HSHH:L TIV Ag NMONN s 1Jdd d aqv?I00U Prol.ulon.t land Soro.yaa Paul N. eoh.iMl Vivo. R.g4oadon No. 101 N.In R.gtsOoSon No. 5990 IMII MMOO o on No. 1070 Nw.don No. 001 SPA A edAuew W... R.p4AaIon N.. WOO RsgI*sl on No. Me wnow,A eanmw NW. Po I•Vodon No. MI sway« eth.1b.L LTO. Anon, Wyoming !le PMq, Wyoming Alduon. Wyoming lava 1401 Swigs. Idaho Montpelier. Idaho 086,8510 DESCRIPTION FOR THE KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 24 FEBRUARY 1993 PARCEL F -2 To -wit: 1:X111151'1 15 That part of Lot 4 (NI' NE' /A) of Section 22, T31N, R1 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 326 of Photostatic Records on page 151, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Lot 4 (NE' /ANE'/); thence S00 29' -58 "W, 554.06 feet, along the west line of said Lot 4 (NE' /ANE' /A), to a point; thence S81 15' -11 "E, 398.43 feet to a spike on the centerline of North Sprague Creek Drive; thence S20 18' -23 "W, 82.08 feel, along said centerline, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence 184.69 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 35 16' -22 with a radius of 300.00 feet, to a spike; thence N55 36' -16 "E, 860.51 feet, along an existing fence line, to a point; 524 thence N34 58' -16 "W, 246.38 feet to a spike on the centerline of North Sprague Creek Drive; thence N55 01' -44 "E, 130.41 feet, along said centerline, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence northeasterly, 111.03 feet, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 08 28'-57", with a radius of 750.00 feet, to a spike at the intersection of the north line of said Lot 4 (NE'/ANE' /A); the►rice N89 52' -54 "W, 1010.36 feet, along said north line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 12.00 acres, more or less; the BASE fll APING for this survey is the east line of the SE% of Section 15, T31N, RI 19W, being S00 41' -34 "W; TOGETLIER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 57q SUBJECT to an easement for North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441of Photostatic Records on page 570; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCI- IERBF..L LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by one (I) or two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCI- IERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" ,do,enms lo Almciep seieulwiel uopd!Josep 6u1o6eJof {o Awn Aue ui uo fcoillpon„ t t 0410)0 pas!na 6661 aagolo0 9Z 6661 i gwaoaQ '6661 .1agluao 13 8Z Psi/Q.1 1 aac�olo0 81 PaIuP `«JNII�IOAM `AIN.100 N 1001\1I1 M61111 Ni £.L ZZ NOLL0HS (v/�INP /aN) ti .L0'I M1H.LIM Z I QNY N S'I102IVd C661 AUVf12IHHd iZ C1R1VU `ISf12LL Al U'Wd NO10NINNT>I HI -11 f■IOI.LVOf"IddV NOISIAI 11E 11Vd ANVdW000V 01 IV'Id,, `PaU!3 Aiuno0 uiooun jo NJoi j acid jo a°wo a1µ tit poly aq of paiudoid mid otil t(JIM iDuupi000u 11! Hu OMI a0Vd rIIO2IVd £661 AUIVf1Ut Wd PZ CUING( `.LSf12I.L A'1IINV.1 N0ILONINNI?I ai.L 110.1 NOI1(IIUDS KI o'•w %sI—n w•w'+ &ibs Kit 'An &num M uun .r ournoNA 1111 vow '0111 wcs 'a1 1 0 6.4 Aw •MA NWIPIPS 1/ 6 WOO VI 0o040101u WIR n c tivtn't/M MOWS Y 0t19 $0011101 tp.■$ 0161 vm ueonikia I1! 0006 1 ,1 0 3 11111010111 Opp K1 •11 ut au4,Ie.0 O4 NWIWC'N uoA.nms putt I.uq.t.Np PWdanMnai land Bunayaa Paul N. ScMAal Wyo. Raparuion No. I$4 WNio RagsrsIlon No. 9990 WII RaplarNion No.1170 Nand. Rep osYon No 9909 flow A. fldiabal Wyo. RagMraDon No. 9499 Idaho RogMi nden No. 9029 Modowo A. $d*b Ml o. Roglawdon Na. 5969 flwvayor SM.Aal, LTD. AAan. Wyondnp k Phil'. Wyomhq Moon, Wyoming Lava Nol 9phps. Idaho MadpaYar. Idaho To -wit: EXHIBIT A OS68 1.0 DESCRIPTION FOR THE KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 24 FEBRUARY 1993 PARCEL E 526 That part of the SE'/SE'% of Section 15, T31N, R1 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 326 of Photostatic Records on page 151, described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike at the intersection of the centerline of North Sprague Creek Drive and the south line of said SE'/�SE' N89 52' -54 "W, 417.34 feet from the southeast corner of said SEV4SE1/4; thence continuing, N89 52' -54 "W, 289.50 feet, along said south line, to a point; thence N00 07' -06 "E, 275.00 feet to a point; thence S89 52' -54 "E, 472.89 feet to a spike on a non tangent circular curve to the riuhi, on the centerline of North Sprague Creek Drive, which has its radius point bearing, 1 50"W; thence along said centerline, southwesterly, 333.27 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 25 27' -37 with a radius of 750.00 feet and a chord bearing S33 -48'- 59"W, 330.54 feet to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2.50 acres, more or less; the BASE BI ARIN(1 for this survey is the east line of the SE'/4 of Section 15, T31N, RI 19W, being N00 41' -34 "E; TOGETI -IER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 570, SUBJECT to an easement for North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441of Photostatic Records on page 570; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCIIERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by one (1) or two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCI- IERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR THE KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 24 FEBRUARY 1993 PARCELS D AND E WITI -IIN THE SE'/SEV4 SECTION 5 T31N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 0 :,•er 1999 and revise �ecember 1999. i ecember 1999 evised 11 October 1999 "Modification in any way of rminates liability of the surveyor" il .t' l i ,1oAe/uns eql to A1lll4eli seleulwJel ,olld 1 a to Aim i(ue ul uolleouipoW" pas!na 6661 aa 9Z 6661 n(11"oa '6661 aaquta3aQ 8Z Pas!naa puts .6 aag b100 81 P `AJ.NI100 MIODNI'I M61111 N I £.L ZZ NOLL as (viaN.PAaN) b 101 [VIII -I I.iM H CINV 0 S'1102IVd £661 A2IVf12IflJ1 1'Z CIJ.LVCI `LS(12IL A'IIWVd NO.LONINNH)I �H1.21Od NOLLVOI1ddV NOISIAIQ '1102Nd ANVdW000V 01..LV'ld„ `Pa11!1 dCluno3 ulooun Jo yaa10 atjl Jo 03uuo oqj ut pa13 aq o1 panudont mid mu g1!nn a3uupao33u U! Ile :sltulap a3ur .1daddu tl1!h■ `689£5 S'ld NO.LdV C1.1:1 '1J821 :11 -1DS 210A3A21fS,, `pa duo uinuluanle «Z 11)!M spa 2u►31o1U!aa lolls ..UZ x «8 /S (Z) 0M310 (1) auo ,tq paouaaapa.r al!ds tools „Z 1 x «8/£ u (q p» uul „wads„ 113ua :1(111/100 uloaurI Jo ›l .1al0 3111 Jo a3UJ0 ay1 u! pow pao3a21.131uo0 3111 u! p3q!a3s3p su punoJ „t31.1.103„ gzea S)!' Sap ale!1do.iddu 111!M `..89£5 S'Id AM NO.LJV GUI 7Jfl2IJ11DS 210A3A21f1S„ `paq!a3su! duo uinu!lunle «Z a 113!M poi Su!3a0Ju!a1 !am „1'Z X “8 /5 1: Xq !mina! 1 j u1od„ 113113 `•O[5 a3ud uo spao Joliet poll u! 1(111/100 up: nun Jo *ao10 3111 Jo 33'1J0 3111 u! p1o3a1 JO an!aU )10310 an8UadS tp .1oN .roJ 3U31U3S110 1111 01 ,L0:lfflfYS O[S aud uo spao3a213llu3soIotld JO '1 10011 ut AlU1100 11103U 11 J011313 aq3 JO 031 JO alp U! paooaa JO an!ad 3)0313 0n3uadS 1.1110N SS0.1313 pull aapun `nano sallrt!1n pug Ssa19a puu SS3i U! JO 1119!.1 11 111TM 21:I1- LLJ00.L !M.1'£ l b 9u!3q `M61 121 `N l £.L '51 uo!13aS JO vas alp JO OUT1 35113 3111 S! i(anans ST11) 10 JNI21V lfl 1SVU 3111 ril 10 010W `S01311 I57 J011aa11 ue ONISSVdWOONJ :ONINNIOJEI JO .LNIIOd 3Ll 01 'all l 3S3M p! us 9uoiu 1 1Z•Obb '1,85 OO1131 :(tARNP/IJN)1' log prgs Jo au!! 3S3M 0111 puu au! 1103u33 plus Jo uo!13as .101111 a 11 1 311 wilds u 0) `au(i.13)ua3 p!us Ouolu 1 170'801 'N6 9S a3ua1p :wilds u o1 `3u!11a)ua3 pies 9uoju `1001 IZ'S6l `M,Sb',b£ 03u0111 :03llds 11 01 '3aaJ 00'00£ Jo sn!pg .1 11 110TM «ZZ-,91 05 Jo al9uu 1ua1ua3 u 119natp 3111113 plus J0 3.111 31119110111 13°J 69'1781 `iJa33S3Mt1nos a3uag3 :)111!1 3111 03 0/11113 1111113113 13 Jo 9u!uu►9aq a1 {1 111 ay!ds 11 0l `au!iaalua3 p!us 9uolt: 1 80'Z8 `M«£Z 3311ag1 :an!ao 310310 anBuadS 1p.1oN Jo aul1101ua3 0111 UO 031!ds 11 0) 1 £17'86£ `J«I I a3 :(v N� /,JN) b 3OJ plus Jo .1011103 1saMt1laou 3113 uloaJ 1aaJ 901755 `M«85 `(P /�1N %3,N) 17 301 p!us jo au!)1S0M a uo lu!od u 3e ONINNIO1fI :sMolloJ s11 paq!13sap `151 aged uo spl000N 3!3e3sologd J 9C loot] a! A1ufo0 u1o3u!j Jo 311010 3111 Jo 033J0 0111 u! p.103a.1 Jo 1311.11 1g11I Jo 11ud 9u!aq `9unuoi(M `rfluno0 uioouri `M61121 `NI `ZZ uotl3aS Jo (v N%aN) b 1 Jo 1a11d 1L111. LI IH ni R9F O I1 r1331IVd £661 AUIVf12If1k1 bZ QL,LVC1 `.LS(12I.L AZIINVd NO.LONINN 1)I HILL 210d NOIJ4I210m WOPI n -•qu -n WOPI 15uPdO tql all vapor lksosoAm %Mild 014 4"A"0MAvats 'Oil '104004 ONO4 NCn •ON "OnU4 Nolan w*maim 4ese O usousioni m1 0555 5f4 u0IMsV 'S*M swan 'V 0004 5000 'MI 40000 issw si M1 oat ON u00utpeew win sees 'ON uonugg0Ou OIIip, rot 'oN uee•Mgen► M I'4"P514Ind sioMou is purl prude .IOId Peoleaionel Land Sun/eyes. Peel N. &Nebel Wyo. Regligation No. the Idaho Registration No. 3900 Utah Registration No. 1670 Nevada Registration No. 6606 iced A. &Idabel Wye. Registration No. 8660 Idaho RegisIta0on No. 6026 Yldowe A. Weibel Wyo. Registration No. 6266 tuners Sekuebet. LTD. Wybedne 610 Piney, Wyoming Jackson. Wyoming tars 1181 $pangs, Idaho I.longeeliet Idaho IJEW ,K11" 1 15—/11 1' IV THE KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 24 FEBRUARY 1993 PARCEL G o ib To -wit: That part of Lot 4 (NE'/4NE1/2) of Section 22, T31N, R1 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 326 of Photostatic Records on page 151, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north line of said Lot 4 (NEVNE'h), N89 52' -54 "W, 60.00 feet from the northeast corner of saki Lot 4 (NE'/4NEVI); thence S00 37' -14 "W, 113.36 feet, along a line parallel with the east line of said Lot 4 (NE %NE'/,), to a point; thence S66 08' -09 "W, 210.89 feet to a point; thence S55 33' -14 "W, 260.52 feet to a point; 528 thence N34 58' -16 "W, 246.38 feet to a spike on the centerline of North Sprague Creek Drive; thence N55 01' -44 "E, 130.41 feet, along said centerline, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence northeasterly, 111.03 feet, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 08 28'-57", with a radius of 750.00 feet, to a spike at the intersection of said centerline and the north line of said Lot 4 NE'/INE' /4); thence S89 52' -54 "E, 357.34 feet, along said north line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2.50 acres, more or less; ecember 1999 evised 26 October 1999 "Modification in any way n r.. the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the SE' of Section 15, T31N, R1 19W, being S00 41' -34 "W; TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 570 SUBJECT to an easement for North Sprague Creek Drive of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 57P each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCIIERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by one (1) or two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCI IEIt]31?I, 1 TP AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR THE KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 24 FEBRUARY 1993 PARCELS G AND 1 WITHIN LOT 4 (NE %NE' SECT ON 22 T31N RI 19W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" ated 18 October and revised 28 December 1999. rminates liability of the surveyor'