HomeMy WebLinkAbout973447NTL -63857 Karen Garvin PO Box 794 Wilson, WY 83014 Grantor(s) of Etna, State of WY hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this State of County o 11 7 COUNTY OF STATE OF TUC.' j W' OMNG 'MISSION L1tPiRES _I WARRANTY DEED Harvey J. McMillan and Lisa McMillan, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties Karen Garvin and Dave Garvin, husband and wife Grantee(s) of PO Box 794, Wilson, State of Wyoming for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of WY, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: A PORTION OF THE SE'hSE'% OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST, OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SPIKE FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID SE'ASE'h; THENCE N 88 °47'55" W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE%SEY, 536.41 FEET TO THE COTTON GIN SPIKE SET AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SELLECK PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH, ALONG SAID SELLECK EAST LINE, 683.30 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SET AT A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF NORDIC RANCHES DIVISION NO. 3, MORE PARTICULARLY LOT 29; THENCE S 89 °23'12" E, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 29, 245.22 FEET TO A PLASTIC CAP ON REBAR FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 30; THENCE CONTINUING S 89 °33'29" E, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 30, 270.64 FEET TO A PLASTIC CAP ON REBAR FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORDIC RANCHES DIVISION NO. 3 SUBDIVISION, MORE PARTICULARLY LOT 30; THENCE CONTINUING S 89 °33'29" E, 28.23 FEET TO A COTTON GIN SPIKE SET AT A POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE'hSE'h; THENCE S 0 °38'46" W, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 690.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT ANY LAND CONTAINED IN THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED APRIL 13, 1983 IN BOOK 199 ON PAGE 760 OF THE RECORDS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. Subject to easements, declarations of covenants and restrictions, rights of way of record, and taxes for the current year and thereafter. Ha Lisa McMillan On ae 12 2013, personally appeared b Lisa McMillan the signer(s) of the within inst ent theexecuted- the•same AF MA J MUER NO3"ABY PUBLIC e Mc illan L3 2013 /41 /h d fore me Harvey J. McMillan and who duly ackry i, ledged to me that �tary1 xblic 0284 RECEIVED 9/26/2013 at 2:11 PM RECEIVING 973447 BOOK: 821 PAGE: 284 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY