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Prepared by and after
recording return to:
Shearman Sterling
599 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Attn: Sheri P. Chromow, Esq.
f- ,-r s 01 F
8 6 8 5 3 0 00 SP 2
I 'Ili\ 1 0
Dated September I 2000
BANK OF AMERICA N.A., as administrative agent for the Lenders listed
on Exhibit C hereto and as provided herein,
linelaQ .Taljy ls aaalui
sasuadxg aaTilO
sluauTasangs!Q pone saouenpv ieuotlTppV
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sMe[ aigiotiddd Tilim aoueiiduzoD
sAvel muatuucu!nug 4TM aouetiduzo3
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[palltuwO AitruoilualuI]
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saSi q Jaw pun saxi
sailiiigeTZ pm amyl
aoueualuiew pug uotle.Tadj
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szal IAI J0111O puu ilLIOq ny `snlelS ie
suomSiig0 paznoaS jo luaUZi(1d
SINHINOO 30 Hallifi
SuogtUTJaU up ia-
£0`ti NOI;LOIS
•I017I\IOII3 S
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0 T:; R 9 0
5 5 E6
SECTION 5.01. Continuous Ownership 20
SECTION 7.01. Release of Lien 28
SECTION 9.01. Fixture Filing 34
Exhibit A -1
Exhibit A -2
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Events of Default 20
Remedies 21
Rights Pertaining to Sales 23
Expenses 25
Application of Proceeds 25
Additional Provisions as to Remedies 26
Waiver of Rights and Defenses 26
Provisions as to Payments, Advances 29
Separability 29
Notices 29
Right to Deal 29
Continuation of Subordinate Lease 29
Applicable Law 30
Sole Discretion of Mortgagee 30
Provisions as to Covenants and Agreements 30
Matters to be in Writing 30
Submission to Jurisdiction 30
Construction of Provisions 30
Successors and Assigns 31
Counterparts 32
Agency 32
The Security Agreement and other Loan Documents 32
No Merger 32
Cross- Collateralization 33
Description of Land
Description of Leased Land
Permitted Encumbrances
List of Lenders as of the Date of this Mortgage
NYDOCS03 /535540.5 Il
O 68 530
NYDOCS03/535540.5 2
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, to secure
the punctual payment by Mortgagor when due, whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or
otherwise, of the Secured Obligations and the performance and observance of all other
covenants, obligations and liabilities of Mortgagor under this Mortgage, as the same may be
extended, modified or renewed or repledged, Mortgagor does hereby grant, bargain, sell,
mortgage, warrant, convey, alien, remise, release, assign, transfer, set over, deliver, confirm and
convey unto Mortgagee, upon the terms and conditions of this Mortgage, with power of sale and
right of entry as provided hereinbelow, each and all of the real properties described in the
Granting Clauses herein (which, together with all other property located therein or described in
the Granting Clauses herein, is hereinafter collectively called the "Mortgaged Property
All the estate, right, title and interest of Mortgagor in, to and under, or derived
from, the plots, pieces and parcels of land more particularly described in Exhibit A hereto (the
TOGETHER with the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and all the estates
and rights of Mortgagor in and to the Land;
TOGETHER with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter located on the
Land (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Improvements and all right, title and interest,
if any, of Mortgagor in and to the streets, roads, sidewalks and alleys abutting the Land, and
strips and gores within or adjoining the Land, the air space and right to use said air space above
the Land and any transferable development or similar rights appurtenant thereto, all rights of
ingress and egress by motor vehicles to parking facilities on or within the Land, all easements
now or hereafter affecting the Land, royalties and all rights appertaining to the use and
enjoyment of the Land, including alley, drainage, mineral, water, oil and gas rights;
TOGETHER with all fixtures and all appurtenances and additions thereto and
substitutions or replacements thereof owned by Mortgagor and now or hereafter attached to the
Premises (as hereinafter defined);
TOGETHER with all property, tangible and intangible, and all additions thereto
and substitutions or replacements thereof owned by Mortgagor and now or hereinafter contained
in, or used in connection with the Premises or placed on any part thereof though not attached
thereto, to the extent the same constitutes real property in the state in which the Mortgaged
Property is located (all of the foregoing, including the items hereinafter enumerated, collectively
referred to as the "Equipment including all removable window and floor coverings, furniture
and furnishings, heating, lighting, plumbing, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigerating,
incinerating and elevator plants, cooking facilities, vacuum cleaning systems, call systems,
sprinkler systems and other fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus and materials, motors,
machinery, pipes, appliances, equipment, fittings and fixtures (the Land, together with the
Improvements and the Equipment, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises
•pagiluapt zaljuutazag
su Xlzadozd umpao jo `aiquoliddu su luautaluls Rutouuug puu sluaz jo luautuOIssu luauuOtssu
`3201zout piogasuai `affu2lzout u Aq paznoas aq Hugs (paugap niseuiazag su) suotlOtigO
paznoas alp jo aour uzojiad puu luauuAud agl lugl paaz& uaaq sug li `svaaawn
puu °aualzoiAI sigl
Jo kiangap puu uoilnoaxa agl ,Cq ssaupalgapu! lions aznoas za !pm zo2u21zoJ,s `(luauuaaaV
ltpaz� ag1 ui paugap si Luza1 Lions "tow su) ltpazp JO sz011.01 1171103 51171sst pur saouunpV
agl jo 2uDiuut alp. 01 luapaoazd uotltpuoo u su 1141 paaz2u uaaq suq 1i `SH RH/Y1
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`papuaui su) satlzud zaglo un i.ioo puu zoEu2lzoj,s Act `000ZP zaqutaldas jo su pop luatuaaay
iCluuzung Xzutpisgns uiulzao lugl of luunsznd luauuaaav lipaz3 ag1 zapun suopr2Hgo mamozzog
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puu `(luatuaaz3y Itpazj alp ut paugap su) sluauunooQ uuo-i alp pazantiap pug
palnoaxa sug zamouog `ssaupalgapui Lions aznoas puu aouaptna 0l `SV RIIHA
puu taFr2lioN sup Jo uati ag1 loalozd 0l aputzu saouunpu 2utpnioxa `000`000`5LZ$
atup Alm 1u paaoxa of lou lunOUtu alu20122t? alp II! `SOOZ J/ zaqumaldas itlun IOazag amp agl
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umpoo anss! of puu saouunpV a)iuuz o1 paaAu aAug szapua-i ag1 `g1toj ms uiazagl suotltpuoo
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Olazag pogoulm ltgigxg uo pals!! szapuai 0131 TIM `000Z ‘Ft zaquualdas jo su palup ;uatuaaay
;maid„ 041 2utaq 'amp 01 auutl uuozu palualuaiddns JO pagipouu Tapuoure aq Arm 3! su luautaaau
3!pazo pms) luatuaaBV urelzao 1141 01ut pazalua sug „ianto.raog azumuiaQ JO SMUT
alp zapun paziuu2zo ,Cuuduuoo Xlipquci pal1LUti u
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ifuudtuoo Xlipquti palturtj azumuiaQ u `DTI NOI.L3IIQO)id SRIVISV'q OOOZ 'f zagwoldas
jo su apuuu „aavapoy SIT `pamauaz pug palulsa1 `palppouz `palupiiosuoa Bids `praxis
`papualxa aq amp 01 amp uuozJ ,Cunt auuus 041 su) ZNaJA IVIS JNI3NVNIg QNY DNI'H3
Aui inotplm `asuo Bons Bona ui pug `ad Amu asno su `uoisaanuoo .io luatuaould `a5UlguiassU
`uogon.i suoo `asnalaa `uomsinbow Bons uodn Gila }i pautuui `,ig aaa p paimusuoo Aiianoas
amp suoisaanuoo Ilu pun sasituaad am uo ao2gBliow Cq paould to palgtuassg `paionusuoo
JO J020'1101/1 `o1 pampa JO ,ig paainbou Java i q 2u!o2aioj amp Xue `off saounualinddU
pun suouippt Ilu pug `Jo sivauiaouldai pun sainigsgns `sinnnauaa `snuauzaallaq `sivauianoaduii
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„spivniv„ `iilanigoalloo) walls jo apua2 jo a5uugo
AtU aoj Time 2uipnioui `uiaaagp 2uatuasna JiuU JO SOSItuaad aqp JO Ind Sun JO UV jo `asihaamo
JO uo!UUtuapuoo `u!Utuop Ouppi am aoj sauuotpne In3MUi 1X410 ao IuivauivaanoS
1iuu Ad sasnuaad am jo SaaUMO luanbasgns Hu pure 1uasaad am of apetu aaijnaaaq pine aaopolazaq
uou suadtuoo pun Spa1MU lin pun aounansur apil pure mug jo spaaooad 5utpnlout 'sunup
p lupmbil JO goo ow! Sasttuaad amp `iian1unlonui JO kiniunlon `uoisaanuoo amp spaaooad
tig pun sasnuaad of 5uilulaa pure aoaU51.iow Aq pauiUigo aagUaaaq JO Mou saioilod aoureansut
aapun anaoou of JO 2umaoon 'patinae `stunuuaad pauauaun
`Sasnal pine s2uinns JSOO
`siunoostp `saingaa `spunpaa `smuatu/iud paaaapap `spuoq `siisodap `sanaasaa `spaaooad mama (A)
pun saiqunann2 pun sai1uUaa1M (Al) `saailddns pug sao2onauuoogns `Saoionanuoo qnM sivauzaaaan (iii)
`,sSuiMgap IgamoaiigoJU pun sUognoiJiaads pun amid auatuanoadtui (ri) `.SUOpnZt1Otl1nn
aamo pun swasuoo `slnnoaddn `spiuuaad (i) :&npnloui `joaaam uoijiod icon JO X310d0ad
pagn51.101A1 aqa jo Suiouuug JO am `asnal `Aoundn000 `uoi }gaado `asn `uononnsuoo `juauidojanap
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paniaap 'pm uoijoauuoa ui Suispu ($uijsixa aaninj ui JO MOU a041011M) Xuadoad jnuosaad
algi2uniui pun sluiaaintu ualli1M `siqpa `Sivatuaaau Jam°
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JO 01 2uinaoou spauMU JO Sturelo `SiqOia XUE pun sMni aagwo JO Inaapa3 `aims /fun aapun 2uipaaooad
iiouanlosui 1iug ut uuulo Jo jooad nitre Jo 5uili.3 am 5uipnlout `Stuiulo JO supa dons aoaoJua JO
1o01oad `anaasaad XJUSS Oct aaan2iJow jo uoiuido am ui /tutu tlonim `uoii ipsianf lualaduioo
jo moo JiuU ui ssaooad JO siadud AuU alid JO uor pU AIM 031U1 2 alp qUM aag102o1 `(suiu Io
uopuilsiuiuipn pun Anaoiad `uail `painoasun `paanoas `affntunp 2uipnioui) sasiuiaad of 2upviaa
aanaosTUgM pup! Aug jo SUJTjo ao /pun spuapinip `siqpa Ire 1 141M 2IIH.LJDOI
`.suo9n2ilgO paanoaS 01.11 Jo aouUtuaojaad
pun TUOU-iked 01.11. 01. auzns OLD /iidd& 0111441 PLR pun „sluag„ atp Xlanjoalloo
aagnuiaaaq Suio2aaoj amp Hu) aapunaaatp JO 3o0a0111. suoildo pun suoisinoad IIu 'stream
aamo /Cm Aq JO Annba ui JO MUI aamagM `aoaojua siqpa am pun aapunaaam alquifnd sigoad
pun sansst `Sanuanaa `saijlniioa `s2utuana `spaaooad 'moan `spisodap 1C1ianoas `sma alp ioalloo
pun aniaoaa lq &ia aJ `(as!Maamo JO siisodap Aaianoas `guatuked uMOp su) aapunaaam paiisodap
sai3ianoas pun goo 2uipnloui `aapunaaam aogai ioJAI jo isaaaiui pun ailil ire pun „sasva7
a /vuzpaogng„ aqf su paaaajaa iilaApoalloo aagUUiaaaq Suiaaaoj amp lin) joaaag1 sluMauaa
pun suoisuapxa `suoijippu `sluatualddns `Suopnoppouz `sluauzpuauzn Hu pun `out paialua
aaguaaaq JO Mou joaaam iced ifun JO Sastuiaad alp 5uijoajjr sluatuaaan pun spuoq `Sion1Juoo
13410 IIu puu `jo sasuaoil pun s2umal `Sasnalgns `sasual itU 1 11-iM 2IRH.LEJO.L
further mortgage, conveyance, assignment or other act by Mortgagor, shall become subject to the
lien of this Mortgage as fully and completely, and with the same effect, as though now owned by
Mortgagor and specifically described herein.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Mortgaged Property unto Mortgagee and its
successors and assigns, forever.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
Certain Definitions
SECTION 1.01. Certain Definitions. Capitalized terms used herein and not
defined herein shall have the meanings given them in the Credit Agreement. As used herein, the
following terms shall have the meanings set forth opposite them below:
"Action" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.11.
"Administrative Agent" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
"Awards" has the meaning set forth in the Granting Clauses.
"Bankruptcy Law" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02.
"Borrower" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
"Contest" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.11.
"Credit Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
"Equipment" has the meaning set forth in the Granting Clauses.
"Impositions" means all taxes, assessments, vault, water and sewer rents, rates, charges
and assessments, levies, permits, inspection and license fees and other governmental and
quasi governmental charges and any penalties or interest for non payment thereof,
heretofore or hereafter imposed which may become a lien upon the Mortgaged Property.
"Improvements" has the meaning set forth in the Granting Clauses.
"Land" has the meaning set_ forth in the Granting Clauses.
"Lender" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
"Maximum Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01.
"Mortgage" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
"Mortgaged Property" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
•saolgop jo 3aiiaa oq aoj Mei alums JO !mop' `u2taaoj
septuis /cur JO `apoD `I 1 0111.E JO ivautaaa2y 4paiD amp (I)t0•9 uopoo ui oT paaaaJaa adXl
otp Jo 2utp0000ad Xui sui out «Mw'I Aoldna}itreg„ 'pang sasodand ao j •aouEXanuoo JO aajsuen
2uainpnuaj Supnlusuoo 1ou offr2pOJAi sup aapun aoSallow Jo suopr54g0 paanoaS age ut iinsaa
IIIM se 2unoum tunuttx>?tu alp of po utii act hugs quip Xur In at?22.2o1AI situ aapun ao202.toj,
Jo suope$ggo paanoaS 00.1aP Xigeoonaaai Along ao2i8poysj pug siopua-I otp 'way
anpua1stututpV otp `uoijuopn SuioSoloj 042 amnpojjo od, •aapunaaag JoBapow Jo suopr84g0
paanoaS 041 pug offaltow sup of aigeotiddr iuo xa Mgi alms JO !atom `u2taaoJ aniiuzis
nitre JO PV aajsur1Z 2uainpnrid tuaoJiun agi. `Toy aouei(anuo0 2uainpnea3 tuaojiun otp `(pauijap
aa1>;utaaa4 o) Mw Xo2dnniurg Jo sasodand aoj °our,ianuoo JO aajsu'a2 luoinpnt?aj u alnmsuoo
lou aapunaaaq ao2222.1oJAJ jo suoueatigo paanoaS otp pug a2i ioj, sup 2e42 suosaad lions iig Jo
uopualut alp st imp stu1IJuoo ,Cqo oq `aapuol goes pure 21208y annu.nsiuttupy `oSapoJA sigh jo
aoui idaooe sTi Xq pui `aO Th,.toJAI •aoueiianuo0 2uainpnra3 °Z0 °Z NOI.LOgS
•2uautams Buiourug pue 2u!pj aan2xg 'sm.! Jo 2uatuatsse `1uatuaisse `0802.1otu
e sr aigeaoaojua ag pugs pug oq pump oq pegs agaliopt s!41 •500Z` ji '1"'4
u1g2 aowi ou olquiCt?d pug onp atu000q dugs pur „suopvango paJnaas„ age se of pomp.'
at uopoos sup ut poquosap suogallgo alp Jo iii'
p000xa lou pugs oa>?S1toJ, sigh gig paanoas si goig M Jo luau /cud gip suoip qqo anogi
otp jo lunotur ali?2aa22e aqp Imp `aanOMO4 `papinoad `a2r2�toy�i sigh pun S�uu XirIptsgns
alp aapun ao2r22.1oN Jo (po pinbii JO aua�ui2uoo `paanlrtuun JO pail aag104M `2ui2sixa
aaunaaaq JO MOU aa1orretio put? pup' XJOAO Jo) suogi iigo tie Jo ivauz�i>?d 042 Supnoas 3o asodand
otp aoj uant2 Si a2e�2tow 5141 •paanoaS suo!1 iig0 I07 NOLLDHS
�unourd u►nunxvjY 000`000`SLZ$
paanoaS suogeW4q0
•sasnni0 2upuriJ 042 ut gaaoj las 5utu1atu otp st?g „sawn a ;vutp ogns„
I0•Z uoijoas ut 4110J las 2utueatu age seg suoj ;v ?rlgo pa.rnaas„
•sasnei3 &utjueao 041 ui 4110j los 2u4ueaut oq sm.! swag„
•sasnni0 2ut1u1a0 alp ui 42.20j los 2uiuraut 0112 sug sasturard„
°£0 uoijoas ui two' los 2uiut;atu 042 sm.! „saaunaqurnaug pafyurad„
£0 •8 0 o9 30 S
ut g1toj las 2uiu>?aut alp seg aa1 ;o
•sie4oa21 042 ut 4110j las 2utueaut otp Sul „Jo8vi /JOJY„
•sin2ioau alp ui tploj los 2utueatu 042 seg aa.?vffkroJA„
S'01755£5 /£0SOOanK
o a8 3U
Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Mortgagor
SECTION 3.01. Payment of Secured Obligations. Mortgagor shall
punctually pay when due, and timely perform, the Secured Obligations, and will perform and
observe all of its obligations under the Loan Documents in accordance with the terms of the
Credit Agreement.
SECTION 3.02. Legal Status, Authority and Other Matters. (a) Legal
Status. Mortgagor represents and warrants that it is a limited liability company duly organized
and existing in good standing under the laws of Delaware and has the full power and authority to
own the Mortgaged Property and carry out its business in the state in which the Mortgaged
Property is located.
(b) No Actions Pending. There is no action, suit or proceeding, judicial,
administrative or otherwise, pending or, to the best of Mortgagor's knowledge, threatened or
contemplated against or affecting Mortgagor or the Mortgaged Property that would reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect (as such term is defined in the Credit Agreement).
SECTION 3.03. Warranty of Title. Mortgagor warrants that it has good and
marketable title to the Mortgaged Property in each case free and clear of all liens, charges and
encumbrances of every kind and character, subject only to the encumbrances set forth on
Exhibit B hereto "Permitted Encumbrances has and will continue to have full power and
lawful authority to encumber and convey the Mortgaged Property as provided herein; this
Mortgage is and will continue to remain a valid and enforceable first mortgage lien on and
security interest in the Mortgaged Property, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances. Mortgagor
further covenants that it will preserve such title and will forever warrant and defend the title to
the Mortgaged Property unto Mortgagee against all lawful claims whatsoever and will forever
warrant and defend the validity, enforceability and priority of the lien of this Mortgage against
the claims of all persons and parties whomsoever.
SECTION 3.04. Operation and Maintenance. (a) Repair and Maintenance.
Mortgagor will operate and maintain the Premises as provided in Section 5.01(g) of the Credit
(b) Status of the Premises. The Premises is not located in an area identified
by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or a successor thereto as an area having
special flood hazards pursuant to the terms of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or the
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended, or any successor law; or if the Premises is
located in such an area, Mortgagor will obtain and maintain insurance against damage or loss by
flood on such basis and in such amounts as shall be reasonably required by Mortgagee; (ii) the
Premises is served by all utilities required for the current use thereof; (iii) all streets necessary to
serve the Land, and the Improvements for the current use thereof have been completed and are
serviceable and have been dedicated or accepted by the appropriate governmental entities and
Mortgagor has access from public roads to the Land, and the Improvements; and (iv) the
NYDOCS03 /535540.5 6
p uoptppe `aaq o dons aaeutep pug ssol isuigag pug pett pug opeuaoi `211tu3gSil `utaolspuim
`aatd �iq X tadoad paag2itow atp a etuep JO ssol lsuieag aougansui (I)
:aougansut 2utmottoJ atp paga ui sanupuoo
aSuSiJoN sitp atittm smug Itu Xi1adozd paRapoj, ay. uo 1o0jj pug aoaoJ ui ureluigtu `asuadxa
s,aogallo AI `pugs JoSe21OJ,%4 •3 A0 (e) •aoueansul 'S0'£ NOI.L3IS
•saoueutpao 2utuoz atgeotldde atp aapun asn 2ututuojuoo -uou e 2utuzooaq
asn dons ui 3tnsaa mom goittm aauueuz g ui sasILLtaad atp JO asn alp 1iutaad JO asn JO sastutaad atli
oi atgeoitdde saoututpao 5uiuoz 2ugsixa aapun aouttaen Niue Maas `sasiutaad Olp uopeogissgtoaa
2utuoz Xug poddns ao alum!!! `aa2e02.1oj, Jo Tuasuoo uanpm aoiud lnotplm `item
aoSgSpoN `ssautsng sit uo Xuugj o} .100t21101/1 Xq asn aoJ sr Suot oS 11Jatuasea JO uoigoipap
pattduti Cue Jo ao uoissassod JO a usn asaanpu Jo Lureto e algissod algal 1tt2itu se aauueiu
dons ui uosaad Niue JO ottgnd atp pasn aq of Xpadoad pa2g5.toJAI atp nips ao liuuad (ni) JO
Xliiedioiunut Niue Xpadoad pa2e21toyAI alp Jo uopexauuu alp 01 luasuoo JO A1.10doad paalcoTAI
att� 2upoajjg wtd uotsinipgns Xuu attj JO mom `Xitadoad pa2v2poj oq uodn saougaquznoua
JO gtreuanoo ant1ot1I.s3a iiue asodurt (n) `saouuaquznoug papiutaad alp Jo Niue puatue
JO ,ijtpotu (i) `pauoippuoo JO pa/Cupp `ptatltpim Xiquuosuaaun aq `aa5g2T1OJAT Jo luasuoo
uafiam .load alp lnoq}im `lou !pm .10501.10w .wain alb!' Wuiuoz (2)
quaivaaI y i'paa: atp 3o (a) i 0 uopoaS
ut 14110J las suoisinoad oq 0 aougpaoon ut sasttuaad aip loadsui pug uodn aalua paztaotl ;ng
Sgaaatl st anpeluasaadaa SIT JO 3320110 •sastutaad all 01.1I0 33uea1ug (r)
•aa5u2aaoyAI joaaag1 aopou ldtuoid ants HIM 10 1 1toJAI `sasiutaad atDD
Jo ante", alp main 1ittgiaaniu astmaatllo JO aeiuep Lions aorad Xiampaututi palstxa suo9eaado
Lions se sasttuaad ails Jo suotpgaado BuinuUuoo teuuou alp sloajje butt. luapxa atp 0 asnuo aaipo
Niue ao all} Xq paOeuzep an joaaait1 Ind 1iue JO sastutaad att. JI •aWu U (a)
pasn mou aae autgs
alp goiitm aoj nip uetp aatt10 asodand cue aoj sasituaad alp Jo asn JO asn JOU `332g2110JA
JO luasuoo uaftam alp lnottlim sluatuanoadutl iiue Jo aaloeaetlo Ieanponals 'mum Ietaaaeiutut
ug Jo uo9eaa1tg ire trett a341.0 'nip JO gsitouzap `anotuaa JO sastutaad atp tuoaj ssautsnq Jo
asanoo Aaeatpao 34T ui ldaoxa sluatuanoadtut Niue anotuaa IOU Ilim aoSg21.101A1 `luauzaaa V 1ipaa0
atp Jo 10' S uopoaS ui papinoad se idaoxg •sluautanoadml Jo Iunotuax (p)
•sastuzaad alp 02 loadsaa trim paui o Xotlod aoueansut tiuu Jo uoi.ettaoueo alp ui 3tnsaa
ptnoo JO ptnom Llotttm a0 3oaaatt11ted aaglo Niue JO sasttuaad 3141 paezett aatpo JO a11J JO )tsta atp
asgaaout moo JO mom LtDtLtm 2uppXue auop aaiins 10 op lou !pm aoSg210JAI •aaSeaaaoyAI
2uppm ui paluasuoo ssalun asn aaqpo ou Joj pug joaaatl anp atp Jo se loaJja ui se asn
atues alp XIlugumsgns aoj „ssautsng sjg uo (Woo„ Jalsealaq `Tuautaaa2v lipaID atp Jo (g)i0'b
uopoaS ui pasn st tuaal dons se) palonpuoo aq pasodoad se pug 3oaaaq anp atp uo palonpuoo
su ssautsnq SIi uo AIM 02 sastuzaad 0112 asn itim 10 51.10 AI •asn (o)
•sasImaad att1 loajje iitasaanpg JIleiaa1etu 14Situ Imp sasiutaad amp 1-Md AIM 2ut2oaJje pauanaup
JO 5utpuad 2utpaaooad aetiiuts ao uot2uuuzapuoo Niue JO 30I201I ou paniaoaa sett 10 1B2J0JAI
OS CS 30
risks as may be now or hereafter embraced by an "all- risk" form of insurance policy. The
amount of such insurance shall be not less than one hundred percent (100 of the full insurable
value of the Improvements excluding foundations footings, piers and similar Improvements
customarily excluded from such insurance policies, without reduction for depreciation. The
determination of the insurable value shall be adjusted annually to comply with the requirements
of the insurer issuing such coverage or, at Mortgagee's election, by reference to such indices,
appraisals or information as Mortgagee determines in its reasonable discretion in order to reflect
increased value due to inflation. Mortgagor shall also maintain insurance against loss or damage
to furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment and other items (whether personalty or fixtures)
included in the Mortgaged Property and owned by Mortgagor from time to time to the extent
(ii) Commercial General Liability Insurance against claims for personal
injury, bodily injury, death and property damage occurring on, in or about the Premises in
amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate plus umbrella
coverage in an amount not less than $50,000,000. Mortgagee hereby retains the right to
periodically review the amount of said liability insurance and to require an increase in the
amount of said liability insurance should Mortgagee deem an increase to be reasonably prudent
under then existing circumstances.
(iii) Boiler and machinery insurance (including explosion coverage), if steam
boilers or other pressure -fired vessels are in operation at the Premises. Minimum liability
coverage per accident must equal the greater of the replacement cost (insurable value) of the
Improvements housing such boiler or pressure -fired machinery or $5,000,000. If one or more
HVAC units are in operation at the Premises, "Systems Breakdowns" coverage shall be required,
as determined by Mortgagee. Minimum liability coverage per accident must equal the
replacement value of such unit(s).
(iv) If the Improvements or any part thereof is situated in an area designated by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency "FEMA as a special flood hazard area (Zone A
or Zone V), flood insurance in an amount equal to the lesser of: (a) the minimum amount
required, under the terms of coverage, to compensate for any damage or loss on a replacement
basis (or the unpaid balance of the Obligations if replacement cost coverage is not available for
the type of building insured), or (b) the maximum insurance available under the appropriate
National Flood Insurance Administration program. The deductible shall be $1,000,000 per
occurrence or a higher minimum amount as required by FEMA or other applicable law.
(v) During the period of any construction, renovation or alteration of the
existing Improvements which exceeds the lesser of 10% of the principal amount of the Note or
$2,000,000, at Mortgagee's request, a completed value, "Course of Construction" insurance
policy or endorsement to an existing policy in non reporting form, in an amount reasonably
approved by Mortgagee, may be required or equivalent coverage under other insurance policies.
During the period of any construction of any addition to the existing Improvements, a completed
value, "Course of Construction" insurance policy or endorsement to an existing policy in non
reporting form, in an amount reasonably approved by Mortgagee, shall be required.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5 8
g aBuzanOD ure11100 jjim gotgm Wauuasaopua auzanoo muj puu aouuutpao uu apnjout
Hugs `saouuutpzo JO smuj asn puuj zo Suiuoz !pjTnq ajquogjddu zapun asn BuiuuoJuoa -uou
jaaj u sanutjsuoo S S!t.uazd agmgl Juana age ui `aa2v011ojsj lstgau uoui o.zgns Jo sup.'
antum jjugS (D) too Bons Jo aznutajzoj ut ijnsaz astmzaglo upuz 4aitjm uosaad zagjo Cu u
JO .102 JO aauatj5au JO 10U ,Cuu 2utpuuisgltmlou Aogod lions jo suuai atj} 4U1m aouupa000u
ut aau21.1ojA1 01 Digu,iud aq Hugs ssoj /ctud lszg JO ,f113dozd ,fuu zaznsut all ,Cq luatuaaau
JO luatuaszopua un umuoo Hugs (g) `umttuaad Jo luatu,Cud uou of anp uonujjaouuo i(uu loud
aa204.101^1 01 0390u UJM loud ,s,iep (0t) ual Tsuaj puu utntuuazd jo }uatuked -uou uu41 zap
uosuaz ,iuu zoj uotjujjaouuo JO uoponpaa Aotjod ,Cuu loud aaauSi.toj, aopou ualuzm loud
s,Cup (8Z)1gSta- Aluaml lsuaj zoj aptnozd Hugs (y) :,foijod aouuansut lions goal jugs saaz2u
Jammu zoSai.loj, j •azndxa Hugs aouuznsut Bons ,iuu aaojaq zapunazaq patuulupul aq panmbaz
aouuznsut agf 2utouaptna saiuogptao 002u22.IOJAI 01 zantjap jjugs.0201.tojAj (tt)
satogod aauuznsut atuoout ssautsnq Jo
ssoj zo s1uaI Jo ssoj jju uo aa,Cud ssoj puu satotjod aouuznsuz ,il odozd uo aa,iud ssoj
puu aa2u2poum lug age su (z) `saioijod aouuznsut ,Ciijtquii jjt? zapun paznsut juuot1tppu uu su (j)
jasuno3 juzauaD :uoi2ua�1y
SSZ8z uutjoze3 g1zoN `auojzug3
pails uoku, twoM
uotzatuV J0 )juug
:x'L 3vxa Ouiuzuu asnujo aau01.1o111
`,Caoinguluoo -uou `pzupuuls u apnjout puu `ptudazd uznttuaad qum `zua,i auo lsuaj lu Jo suuaj
aoj aq (3) `[pauuup ,ijjuuor uauj] (g) `aoiAZas paldaoou ,ijjuaaua5 za nouu tuozj 2uguz
ajquzuduzoo u JO s,zood ag paupuuls uuozu d (j) jsuaj Te Jo Sujuz u utuututu puu anuq gaigm pug
mum' Si sastuzaad aqi goigm utg1tm awls alp ut ssauisnq op 01 paztuoglnu pug auim o1 pa41tuuad
astmzagTo JO pasuaotj ,Cjjnj szaznsut gltm aq (v) Hugs aouuansut lions Hy (t)
•s1uauzaztnba -j Aogod (q)
•suompuoo puu stuza1 puu sm.! ajquuosuaz ,ijjntazaurtuoo
�u ajgejrenu azu sauzanoo lions Imp `zanamog Tam/mid `,iouudn000 puu asn `uot2uooj
`uotlonzlsuoo ztag1 `s1uatztanozdtut Jo adii1 puu 1 1 4 ag1 o1 uant2 2utag pzu2az anp `aouuznsut
ju1uautuoatnua puu a3junbgi.iva `aouaptsgns auqut `ajoipjuts `uot1uputtj lnogitm utpnjout
,Cpadozd Wallow aq1 Jo ,i1tuta!A aq1 ut paun1ts ,ijzujttuts ,Cltadozd Jo am age ut lsutau
paansut iCjuoututoo azu atutT age 1u gotgm satljunsuo JO spzuzuq ajqu.nsut zagio 1sure2u aa5u2TtojAi
gig paambaz ,Cjgeuosuaz aq aum 01 amp uzo1j iiuuz sr o4azag1 suotjtppu zo poazag4 suotjn4t4sgns JO
s4uautaMjdaz ACuu uo JO Apadozd pa�a4.IOJAj ag} uo aouuznsut zag4o lions (!!!A)
•sasttuazd all tztozj oout ssoz0 pa4udtot4uu ,sg1uout anjam4 04 junba aq 1suai 1u Hugs Junoutu
gotgm uot4uzo4s0z JO sar daz Jo pouad /Cuu sasuadxa 2utnut4uoo aoj zo2u24101A1 alusuadutoo
04 4uatogjns sumo= ut aouuznsut juluaz JO uotldnzza4ut ssautsng (ttA)
•mui ajquogddu ,iq paztnbaz su suoszad auudozddu
IIu 511u0A03 aou1znsuj ,i4tjtquIl ma,Cojdtug puu uot4usuaduto3 s,za)jzoM (IA)
M.F _39r 9
OS ,85 3O t6E
"Demolition Cost" and Coverage C: "Increased Cost of Construction" coverages; (E) unless
otherwise specified above, shall have a maximum deductible of one million dollars ($1,000,000)
per occurrence, a general aggregate deductible of two million dollars ($2,000,000) and
earthquake coverage deductible of five percent (5 of the total insured value of the Premises;
(F) shall contain a replacement cost endorsement and either an agreed amount endorsement (to
avoid the operation of any co- insurance provisions) or a waiver of any co insurance provisions,
all subject to Mortgagee's approval; and (G) may be in the form of a blanket policy, provided
that Mortgagor hereby acknowledges and agrees that failure to pay any portion of the premium
therefor which is not allocable to the Mortgaged Property or any other action not relating to the
Mortgaged Property which would otherwise permit the issuer thereof to cancel the coverage
thereof, would require the Mortgaged Property to be insured by a separate, singleLproperty
policy and the blanket policy must properly identify and fully protect the Mortgaged Property as
if a separate policy were issued for 100% of insurable value at the time of loss and otherwise
meet all of Mortgagee's applicable insurance requirements set forth in this Section 3.05. The
delivery to Mortgagee of the certificates of insurance as provided above shall constitute an
assignment of all proceeds payable under such insurance policies relating to the Mortgaged
Property by Mortgagor to Mortgagee as further security for the Secured Obligations. In the event
of the foreclosure of this Mortgage, or other transfer of title to the Mortgaged Property in
extinguishment in whole or in part of the Secured Obligations, all right, title and interest of
Mortgagor in and to all proceeds payable under such policies then in force concerning the
Mortgaged Property shall thereupon vest in the purchaser at such foreclosure, or in Mortgagee or
other transferee in the event of such other transfer of title. Approval of any insurance by
Mortgagee shall not be a representation of the solvency of any insurer or the sufficiency of any
amount of insurance. In the event Mortgagor fails to provide, maintain or keep in force the
policies of insurance required by this Mortgage or evidence of their replacement or renewal as
required herein, Mortgagee may, upon at least ten (10) days' prior written notice to Mortgagor,
but shall not be obligated to, procure such insurance and Mortgagor shall pay all amounts
advanced by the Mortgagee therefor, together with interest thereon at the Default Rate from and
after the date advanced by Mortgagee until actually repaid by Mortgagor promptly upon demand
by Mortgagee. Mortgagee shall not be responsible for nor incur any liability for the failure of the
insurer to perform, even though Mortgagee has caused the insurance to be placed with the insurer
after failure of Mortgagor to furnish such insurance. Mortgagor shall not obtain insurance for the
Mortgaged Property in addition to that required by Mortgagee without the prior written consent
of Mortgagee, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld provided that (A) Mortgagee is a
named insured on such insurance, (B) Mortgagee receives complete copies of all policies
evidencing such insurance, and (C) such insurance complies with all of the applicable
requirements set forth herein.
(c) No Separate Insurance. Mortgagor shall not carry separate or additional
insurance concurrent in form or contributing, in the event of loss, with that required hereunder
unless endorsed in favor of Mortgagee as loss payee or additional insured, as applicable, and
otherwise reasonably acceptable to Mortgagee in all material respects.
(d) Transfer of Title. In the event of foreclosure of this Mortgage or other
transfer of title or assignment of the Premises in extinguishment, in whole or in part, of the
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
3? imp paptnoad `Joarolp Ijnsoi u su ajqutj aq Xtm JO si aapjog !Tons JO 002a11oy1 go?gM 10J sua ?I
ao saaaugo `sluaurssassu `soxu} jju `Jo }uauuktd aoj aapjog sons JO ooMpow asanqurIaz ao `aapjoq
sons JO aaMuoN iced `putuuap uo legs aoaeBuoJ, `mono gons ut put 'tram `suo ?1t
paanoaS aqi jo saapjoq aqp JO 0020).101A1 `suOLWWtjgO paanoaS ago. `ogee .royAI stqp loojjt
o� su os `saxel gons jo uopoajjoo Jo aauuuuu agl JO `,igaaagp paanoas sigap ao suatj aaglo JO 1.sn11
jo spaap `satTrouu jo uogtxm asp .ioj sMtj asp Atm Xut ut 5 ao `uoaragp lsaaamt Xiunoas
JO uagj 'CUB uoitxt1 Jo asodand aqp aoj Xpadoad po2uSlrow asp Jo am asp utoag Suponpap
Alpo j1 U t Uuaano2 13410 iiut JO plum' Si Xi113d0ad pa2u2uoyAI asp gotgM !II awls alp ut Mtj
/Cue Jopoaaag awp asp nut JuaumOtua asp jo Juana alp ui °slso0 pastaaouj (q)
°ajqu,itd pug anp aurooaq kern tiomm suomsodutj jo Juauukgd -uou aoj lsoo JO 1s0.101.ut `Aquuad Niue
/cud osit IItM ao5v2uoTAI mouraa y lipaiD aquo (o)•1 0 uopoog ut paptno.rd su `suoptsodutj Ijt
`olaragi pappu oq Xtur isa1Olut JO Aijuuad Xut aaoNaq put onp uagM Xud ifpduioad !pm aoBuBuoyAI
°sastuta1d am uo saxt j, (t) °saArttj lap() put SOX2 j 'LO' NOI LDHS
•.ro2t2JroyAj o1
drgsuotjtjai ifauiOnpg Arm ut putts Jou sop ao2p2uoJAI saaat aagiIUJ aoffu21toyAI •sasturaad
asp Jo aredaa JO uoitiogt `uoponaisuoo `1uaUranoaduut Auu aoj !tumuli 'Cut jo 2utgstuanj asp
ao aoggj )cut Jo aoutuuojaad asp aoj uturjgtaaJgur JO orutgoauu `aaaogtJ `aoloualuoogns `aoint.quoo
Cut `pogdutt JO ssaadxa `aaat2iiow Xq lsanbaa JO 1u0suoo aqp 2upnp suoo St /Cum /Cut
ut panusuoO JO pauuoop oq pugs affuS1.roN stg1 ut Sutg1oN luasuoD (0)
•Juauroaay 1tpa1D
°IP 3o (u)ZO' S uotjoaS loo fgns oiaaaq aluutpaogns Toe JO =pawn `saoutaquznoug paUtuuad utgi
10430 `sastuuaad alp 2uuanoo 10 3SUIt2u aoutaqurnoua aag3o 10 3SOIOI11t ii1unoas 'troll £Itiunjonur
ao iiat3unjon `poop 3sna3 `ogeSuouu `3sna3 jo poop Aut `joaaag3 Sutoujd amp siitp 0I utg3 ?M
Ostajaa put aaatgostp Ijugs put `Ultmar o3 moue JO paotjd ao polta1O oq 013tuuad JO aoujd `aWaao
`3UOSUOO S,00Sa3aoJAI 3nog3!M `3ou !pm aoStOpow •suat-j jo uot3ta1D (q)
°3uauuaa1Sy 3tpa1D ag3 ut g3.roj los 3sa3uoo 0111141 ag3 pug 3uautaa1Sy
3rpa1D alp jo (Om S uoTToag of 3oafgns sastutaad alp uo uatj t `Jo uotltOIO ag3 3tuuad 10 `ut insaa
14!W `pttdun j! `40t4M saag3o put saaaoqui `uauujgua3tut `sotutgoauu jo sputuuap put suuttio
`anp aurooaq jjugs mugs aqp ua4M amp 01 amp. wog `aaaugostp astnnaaglo 10 puoq `iitd Ulm
ao2u5uoyAI •SUOVJ jo aaatgOStQ (t) •soutjtqun put suatrj '90'£ MOLLiiS
°;oajjo put OOaoj jjnj ut put OOUTd
ut Si s3uautnooQ uto] asp jo suua3 ag3 aapun paatnbaa aoutansut ag3 3t43 uutduoo 01 aaM2royAT
Xq poisanbaa oq Amu Imp aoutansut jo satogod ooReBuow oI aantjap `ao2r2uoj, Xq polsanbaa oq
kern st amp. 01 amp uuoaj jjugs put `3oojja put OOaoj jjng ut put amid Jr! st s3uautnOOQ ueoq asp
jo aural asp aapun paatnbaa aoutansut alp Itgl uuguoo Imp aoutansut jo sa1togploo aaM1royAI
o� paaangap stq 1! iug3 s3utUOAOO 1020110W °S0 Otjo JO £IOAIIOU (0)
•sasruuaad ag3jo aaaaJsuta3 aag3o JO aastgoand
Og1 ut 3SOn iija3ttpauuuu? pugs ma'am surntutaad pauataun put aapunaaag3 ajggkud sp0000id
TTt put sasturaad asp 013oadsaa 411M OOaoj ut uag1 asIMaagio JO uot3o0S stg1 aapun paatnbaa
aoutansut jo SOIOtjod pr 03 put ut aoBuSuow Jo Isamu! put aj3U `suopOtjgO paanOOS
0868 130
any such payment or reimbursement shall be unlawful or would constitute usury or render the
Secured Obligations wholly or partially usurious under applicable law, then Mortgagee may, at
its option, declare the Secured Obligations immediately due and payable or require Mortgagor to
pay or reimburse Mortgagee for payment of the lawful and non usurious portion thereof.
SECTION 3.08. Damage and Destruction. (a) Mortgagor's Obligations. In
the event of any damage to or loss or destruction of the Premises in an amount in excess of
$100,000, Mortgagor shall (i) promptly notify Mortgagee of such event, if such event would give
rise to a claim under the insurance policies required to be maintained by Mortgagor pursuant to
Section 3.05 (ii) take such steps as shall be necessary to preserve any undamaged portion of the
Premises and (iii) except as otherwise instructed by Mortgagee or as otherwise provided in
Subsection (d) below, regardless whether the insurance proceeds, if any, shall be sufficient for
the purpose or shall be otherwise applied by Mortgagee as provided herein, promptly commence
and diligently pursue to completion the restoration, replacement and rebuilding of the Premises
to the condition of the Premises affected thereby immediately prior to such damage, loss or
(b) Mortgagee's Rights; Application of Proceeds. In the event that any portion
of the Premises is so damaged, destroyed or lost, and such damage, destruction or loss is covered,
in whole or in part, by insurance required by Section 3.05, then (i) Mortgagee may, but shall not
be obligated to, make proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor and is hereby authorized
and empowered by Mortgagor to settle, adjust or compromise any claims for damage, destruction
or loss thereunder, (ii) each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to
make payment therefor directly to Mortgagee, and (iii) Mortgagee shall have the right to apply
the insurance proceeds, first, to reimburse Mortgagee and the holders of the Secured Obligations
for all costs and expenses, including adjustors' and attorneys' fees and disbursements, incurred in
connection with the collection of such proceeds, and, second, the remainder of such proceeds
shall be applied, at Mortgagee's option, in payment (without premium or penalty) of all or any
part of the Secured Obligations, in the order and manner determined by Mortgagee (provided that
to the extent that any portion of the Secured Obligations shall remain outstanding after such
application, such unpaid portion of the Secured Obligations shall continue in full force and effect
and Mortgagor shall not be excused from the payment thereof), or to the cure of any then current
default hereunder, or to the restoration, replacement or rebuilding, in whole or in part, of the
portion of the Premises so damaged, destroyed or lost, provided that any insurance proceeds held
by Mortgagee to be applied to the restoration, replacement or rebuilding of the Premises shall be
so held without payment or allowance of interest thereon and shall be paid out from time to time
upon compliance by Mortgagor with such provisions and requirements as may reasonably be
imposed by Mortgagee. In the event that Mortgagor shall have received or shall possess all or
any portion of the insurance proceeds, Mortgagor, upon demand from Mortgagee, shall pay to
Mortgagee an amount equal to the amount so received by Mortgagor, to be applied as Mortgagee
shall have the right pursuant to this subsection. Notwithstanding anything herein or at law or in
equity to the contrary, no insurance proceeds or payments in lieu thereof paid to Mortgagee shall
be deemed trust funds, and Mortgagee shall be entitled to dispose of such proceeds as provided
in this Section.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
s oI' E /EosooaAN
put uo SulkurO all 111 `swat pum sXatuol2t Sl! `aaa2low gl1M aWzad000 put ijnsuoo pulls
put g1!Ma1agl uogoauuoo ut panlas sladmd pup satdoo a3 m 2zow o1 zanpap pugs (1) Tumutluoo
aq put paun000 anal !TT 2TnujaQ jo Wang ut 3! `put `01.14p03oo1d Lions Xuu alnoasold Xpuaijip
`asuadxa sl! lm `Hugs 1aalzoj j •uot2tdiot11md gons 21uuiad of pagnbaz aq Xt ui sr 10 a08alzow
Xq paisanbaz Xiquuostal sluauun1lsu1 JIu aaalloj, of Imp!) pup alnoaxa II!M amp 01 amp wog
1aa2zow puu `autpaaoozd gons Xut u! altdtollztd Xetu 00201101AI `Sutnutlu0o aq put paun000
anuq ijtgs linmja j jo Wang ut jj joalagl Xouapuad 10 Tramp 042 jo aa$a11oyAI XJ1lou !pm
`lapunalag paltnbaz sr sasttuald 041 jo uollmlado put asn all loaJJe ,flaslanpt Xjlmllalutu pinoM
goigM utuuzop luaututa jo 11.12tu iuu JO 10 `S3S!UIO1d 341 JO uogruutapuoo alp 1Oj sOutpaaoold
Xuu jo uoijn su! paualuazgl 10 2utpuad Aim Jo apaTMOU)! 2u!utulgo uodn Xjldumoid `10 a21oJ,
•SNulpaaOOld `suotlatlg0 S,zau lloyAI (u) °uot2tuuuapuoO '60'£ NOI.LOIS
joazagl uotloajjoo Oq1 g4M uotloauuoo ut aaallow Xq pa unoui sluauzaszngsip
puu saaj ,siiauzollu gl1M zatpaol uoazagl lsalalut !Oa! gl!M `aims !Ions uodn anp aq of punoj
Xouatotdap ium JO lua2xa a42 01 Ouuus 3413n1000101101z a41 aim! pegs aau3llow `0BalloyAI
sup aznsojaalOj JO nail u! paap panajsutll uaaq 0ATM jjugs 10 `a1 10w sup. Jo alnsoTOaloj
uo Nos uaaq anuq hugs Xlladold pa alp spaaoozd aoutlnsut gons jo aat lloj,i Cq ldiaoaz
a4102loud j! Imp papinold `suo!lu tjgO palnoas agl isular uotltogddt put spaaoozd aoutlnsut
gons Jo aaalzow ldlaoaz jo awl) age uo /Iuo 2oajja pautaap aq pegs uotluotjddu
!Tons wog 2u1llnsal suogi ijgO palnOas aq1 ut uo13npal i Uy •11l0104 papinold st suotlaiigO
palnOas a41 uuojiod put Cud 01 anulluoO !fells 1aea2loyAI `uotloas sup u! 01 pazzajal uo12On4sap
JO aturtp `SSOT Xum uiputlsglpMloN •suo4 ijgO pampas 041 uo papa (a)
•U0400s sup Jo (q) uolloasgns 41TM aoutpl000u ut 0201041 Oul1ujal sp11MV
Aiddt 02 pajlt1ua aq Hugs aaalzow put `sastutazd 041 pitngal 10 aotjdal `010150102 paltnbai aq
2011 Hugs laalzoyAI 11041 `sasluuazd a42 pjtngal 10 00u1001 `alolsa! Ol 1aa21ow 10j otuzouo0aun
aq mom It (g) 10 ssau!snq S,1aalzow Jo uoiltzado 042 zoj ajqultsap Jam! ou Si lsoj
10 pa,foz1sap `pattutp os Sasttuald aq2 (y) Imp `luauiSpnf ssauisnq 41teJ p005 e 411M luals!suoO
`SOUttuIOlap 1aalzow put iti1utlsgns Si ssoi JO `uotlonllsap `a rturp ions aza4M `80' 110
sup u! ttzt1Woo ail of 2utg1Xut 2utput2Sg2lM1oN •o!UI0U00aun 1red0'H (p)
'(q)8(y£ uoljoas ut pat�ioads su paiiddt 10 luauu00aV 1C1tlnoas 042 lapun
(luatuaaav X1!1noas 011 pauljap su) iez01tijo3 ituotltppm sr Nag aq (i1)10 (0) uol20asgns 5141
Jo aoualuas lsIIJ 041 U! 4110j las se pai1ddu aq 04 102u$l1oyAI 041 pasu0Ta1 aq (1) `uotlalOS!p aj0S
s 044 111 `Hugs pue aaStTllow 042 01 pled aq Hells saslutald a41 j0 200dsal ut sp0000id
aouminsu! ijt `Sasluuald 042 jo (aouann000 lad 000`000`S$ 3o ss0oxa u!) ssoj it2ol anponllsuoo
10 prim 04110 linuj0U Jo Wang Aug Jo aoutnutluoo alp Sutlnp put aOUallnOOO 041 uodn
•a1!nbaz Jiiquuosual icuuu aaau221oyAI 342 sr joa1a41 astaiaz am 01 loadsaz 411M suoIILpuoo put
suua2 ions of loafgns `sasluzazd am JO 2uip11ngaz 10 luatuaouldal `uot1tzolsaz 0411oj 1o2m22loJAi
am 04 a0Sa2loyAI 042 Al pastalal aq II!M iClltnsto ions 'cut 41IM uolloauuoO ut aaSuTllow
044 Cq panlaoaz spaaoozd aODUZnsut ions fit 'mud uaaq 3nt4 hugs spaaoozd aouulnsut tio14M
411M uo!loauuoO ut Sastutald a41 JO uolllod i U110 IT 01 X2itnsuo m J0 maw a41 ut `Butnutluoo
aq put paun000 ant4 Timis 2jnujaQ Jo Wang ou sr 2uol os Tuio2aloj 3ql 5
•spaaoozd Jo uolltotiddy `.2jntpOQ jo luang ON31 wpm S,zamnlow (o)
01:rt !IS
0 68530
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
defense of any such proceedings and (ii) shall not settle any such proceeding without
Mortgagee's consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
(b) Mortgagee's Rights; Application of Awards. In the event that any portion
of the Premises is so taken or condemned, then (i) all governmental and other lawful authorities
concerned are hereby authorized and directed to make payment of all Awards therefor directly to
Mortgagee and (ii) Mortgagee shall have the right to apply such Awards, first, to reimburse
Mortgagee and the holders of the Secured Obligations for all costs and expenses, including
appraiser and attorneys' fees and disbursements, incurred in connection with the collection of
such Awards, and, second, the remainder of such Awards shall be applied, at Mortgagee's option,
in payment (without premium or penalty) of all or any part of the Secured Obligations, in the
order and manner determined by Mortgagee (provided that to the extent that any portion of the
Secured Obligations shall remain outstanding after such application, such unpaid portion of the
Secured Obligations shall continue in full force and effect and Mortgagor shall not be excused
from the payment thereof), or to the cure of any then current default hereunder, or to the
restoration, replacement or rebuilding, in whole or in part, of the portion of the Premises so taken
or condemned, provided that any Awards held by Mortgagee to be applied to the restoration,
replacement or rebuilding of the Premises shall be so held without payment or allowance of
interest thereon and shall be paid out from time to time upon compliance by Mortgagor with such
provisions and requirements as may reasonably be imposed by Mortgagee. In the event that
Mortgagor shall have received or shall possess all or any portion of such Awards, Mortgagor,
upon demand from Mortgagee, shall pay to Mortgagee an amount equal to the amount so
received by Mortgagor, to be applied as Mortgagee shall have the right pursuant to this
subsection. Notwithstanding anything herein or at law or in equity to the contrary, none of the
Awards paid to Mortgagee shall be deemed trust funds and Mortgagee shall be entitled to dispose
of the same as provided in this Section.
(c) Mortgagor's Rights if No Event of Default; Application of Proceeds.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be
continuing, in the event of a condemnation of all or any portion of the Premises in connection
with which Awards shall have been paid, all such Awards received by the Mortgagee in
connection with any such condemnation will be released by the Mortgagee to the Mortgagor for
the restoration, replacement or rebuilding of the Premises, subject to such terms and conditions
with respect to the release thereof as the Mortgagee may reasonably require. Upon the
occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default or the actual or constructive total
loss (in excess of $5,000,000 per occurrence) of the Premises, all Awards in respect of the
Premises shall be paid to the Mortgagee and shall, in the Mortgagee's sole discretion, (i) be
released to the Mortgagor to be applied as set forth in the first sentence of this subsection (c) or
(ii) be held as additional Collateral (as defined in the Security Agreement) under the Security
Agreement or applied as specified in Section 3.09(b).
(d) Repair Uneconomic. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Section 3.09, where a substantial portion of the Premises is condemned or taken and Mortgagor
determines, consistent with a good faith business judgment, that (A) the portion of the Premises
subject to such condemnation or taking is no longer desirable for the operation of Mortgagor's
°ouzus atp jo llu jo satdoo aoSapoysi of zanitOp hugs zo2u2I1o1AI `30SalJoy\I lsanbaz
uodn Xliduuozd `puu sasituazd agi ssauisnq ma jo ionpuoo alp pug `zauuutu ssulo
lug la ui sasituazd alp jo Xouudn000 pug asn `uonuzado alp ssauisng sli uo ,izzup oI zo�u�Izoy�I
zoj Jizussaoau siunozddu .zo /puu sliuuzad `suopuzls! az `suotiuzUoglnu `sasuaotl `saluogtlzaa
1izuss3oau Ilu utulutuuu II!M puu suq zau5Izow •sltuuad 't I' NOI.LY1S
•luauuaai y itpa1O alp jo (q)i0•S uotloaS u" papiAozd sr pawooi
st Xlzadozd alp JO ssautsnq Sutop aq auul Attu lu zo st zauSlzoyti alp gotgn% ut suopoipsunf
IIu puu ,iuu tzt smr iuivauzuozinug Iiu gi!M aouuiiduuoo zoj aigisuodsat s" i? will sapain%ouru
zo2u5IJOJAI SMJ luluatuuortnug Sits% aouutiduto3 £1° NOIIDIS
•a2u5Izoj, stgl gig paznoas iunotuu itdtouud uuntutxutu
agi guppuii zaglznj aatlou ]iuu pzooaz Jo aI `aaMlzoisi Jo luasuoa uailtzn% zotud agi inogpn% `loo
ills% 1! trip sluuuaAoo zo2r2poi^i •luno"uy utliuiq aotloN 'Z I' NOI.LDHS
•Auuqull JO iiliuuad "ions Xuu jo uoiitsoduti agI JO poop xui lions jo X.tantiap ail
pionu oI aurp luatoujns ui autos alp iced Bulls zoSuSizoiAI `suoqatlg0 paznoaS agi jo szapiog agi
JO 002aIzo1Aluo Altliquii JO ,iliuuad Iuu!wuo JO Iinia Xuu jo uolltsoduul ail (it) JO luauuiiud -11011
Jo asnuoaq iiizadozd paSvSlIops alp &II/ianuoo poop xri u jo iizaAllap agi (i) luanazd of Xzussaoau
auuooaq hugs Isaluoj u gons jo Ioafgns agI s! goign% uotpisoduui ifuu jo luauuXud amp Xuu lu ji Imp
`zanan%oq `papiAozd `.arms agi ijstlus oI joa1Ogl Izud Xuu JO Xlzadozd pa2u2IJ0JAI agI Jo gznllajzoj
zo airs agi puu uoazagi uotluziluaz zagio JO suotitsoduul Hans Jo uotiaalloa aul luanazd of aiuzado
Isnuz 2uipaaoozd goign% 5utpaaoozd iu5aj aluudozddu uu Cq („isaluo3„ u) sastuuazd alp uodn
pasoduuu uogtsoduzi /Cur puu 90'£ uotloaS ui of pup klunoas zo aazugo `aouuzgwnoua `uati �iuu
jo ,iliptiuA atll `£0'£ uotloaS ut pagiuosap uo"luBilgo JO Xlnp'iuu jo iililiquoilddu JO IiipiiuA aul
asuadxa umo SI" lt? puu gin?j pool ui isaiuoo oI iqAz agi anug plugs zo2u5Izoj, `u"azaq pauiuluoo
Xzuziuoo alp of SuiglXuu Suipuulsglin%IoN •isaluoJ 'I I'£ NOLLD1S
'lpallimO NOIID3S
joazagl uoiioalioo all gips uopoauuoo ut aa2u2Izow Xq pawnor! sluaUIaszngsip
puu saa3 ,sifauzollu glln% zaglaol uoazagl isazalut "Oa' think `airs gons uodn anp aq of punoj
iiouatotjap Auu jo lualxa ail of arms am Oniaool of lti2p alp am.' hugs aa5u5Izow `aguBIzoisi
stgiUo aznsoioazoj jo no!' u! poop iii paU Jsuuzi uaaq am." hugs zo `aSavoiAi sppjo aznsoloazoj
uo Nos uaaq anug hugs Xizadozd pau2izoy i agi spumy gons jo aO2u2izoisi Xq Idlaoaz alp of
loud j! lugl paptnozd `suotlatlgo paznoaS agi Isuuau uotluoilddu puu spumy gons Jo aoSalzoisi
,ig Idiaoaz jo app alp uo Apo loolia o p i oI pauuaap aq iiugs uotiuoiiddu gons amp 2utiinsaz
suotlatig0 paznoag alp u! uotlonpaz Auy •uiataq pap!Aozd su suotlaIigo paznoas agi uuojzad
puu /cud of anutiuoo'lugs zo2u5IzoyAI `uotloaS stgi ut of pazzajaz Sutpaaaozd zaglo JO 211pIui
`uotluuuuapuoo iiuu 2utpuulsgltmioN •suopungO pazn°OS alp uo loajjg (a)
•uotloaS stgp jo (q) uotloasgns gllnn aouupz000u
ut olazagi Sutiuiaz spzun%y IIu 'Ciddu of palltlua aq Ilugs aa2u2lzoisi puu `Xlzadozd Sons ztudaz
JO azoisaz `aouidaz oI paztnbaz aq Iou hugs zo501zoisi uagi `sastuIazd agi jo uoiizod gons zredaz
to azoisaz `alquoiiddu jt 'JO aouidaz of JO5U51101A1 10j aluuouooaun aq pinon% i! (g) JO ssautsnq
0f.; ;F_OSO
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
SECTION 3.15. Compliance With Applicable Laws. The Premises and the
operation, use and occupancy thereof do not and will not violate in any material respect any
present or future federal, state, municipal or local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations,
requirements, judgments, decrees, determinations, awards or court orders, including all
environmental laws and zoning ordinances (collectively, "Applicable Laws as set forth in
Section 5.01(b) of the Credit Agreement.
SECTION 3.16. Further Assurances. Mortgagor shall:
(i) at Mortgagor's sole cost and expense and at the request of Mortgagee,
(A) promptly correct any defect or error which may be discovered in the contents of this
Mortgage or in its execution, acknowledgment or recordation and (B) promptly do, execute,
acknowledge and deliver any and all such further acts, deeds, conveyances, mortgages, deeds of
trust, trust deeds, assignments, estoppel certificates, financing statements and continuations
thereof, notices of assignment, transfers, certificates, assurances and other instruments that may
be necessary or desirable or that Mortgagee may reasonably request from time to time in order to
carry out more effectively the purposes of this Mortgage, to subject to the lien and security
interest hereby created any of Mortgagor's properties, rights or interests covered or now or
hereafter intended to be covered hereby, to perfect and maintain said lien and security interest,
and to better assure, convey, grant, assign, transfer and confirm unto Mortgagee the rights
granted or now or hereafter intended to be granted to Mortgagee hereunder or under any other
instrument executed in connection with this Mortgage or which Mortgagor may be or become
bound to convey, mortgage or assign to Mortgagee in order to carry out the intention or facilitate
the performance of the provisions of this Mortgage; and
(ii) at the request of Mortgagee, promptly record and re-record, file and refile
and register and re- register this Mortgage, any financing or continuation statements and every
other instrument in addition or supplemental to any thereof that shall be required by any present
or future law in order to perfect and maintain the validity, effectiveness and priority of this
Mortgage and the lien and security interest intended to be created hereby, or to subject
after acquired property of Mortgagor to such lien and security interest, in such manner and places
and within such times as may be necessary to accomplish such purposes and to preserve and
protect the rights and remedies of Mortgagee. Upon any failure by Mortgagor to do so after
request by Mortgagee, Mortgagee may make, execute, record, file, re- record or refile any and all
such mortgages, instruments, certificates and documents for and in the name of Mortgagor, and
Mortgagor hereby irrevocably appoints Mortgagee the agent and attorney -in -fact of Mortgagor to
do so, which appointment will terminate upon the satisfaction of record of this Mortgage.
Mortgagor will furnish to Mortgagee evidence satisfactory to Mortgagee of every such recording,
filing or registration. Mortgagee may, at Mortgagor's sole expense, file copies or reproductions
of this instrument as financing statements at any time and from time to time at Mortgagee's
option without further authorization from Mortgagor.
SECTION 3.17. Subordinate Leases. (a) Assignment. Mortgagor hereby
absolutely and presently bargains, sells, transfers, assigns and sets over to Mortgagee, as further
security for the payment of the Secured Obligations, all of its right, title and interest in and to the
°suotlot JO autpaaoozd °Tgtuttnu
zatjlo Niue JO ,izumulus Ac palotna aq Amu 100.1043 linujap ut `pue `JOn1000J eons ao 00203101AI
of uotssassod lions zapuauns pug morn Tltm zo203aoN `luatujfud Lions 1Cue ut linupap uodn
.102 e2pow jo uotssassod aul ui aq Arm se joaaalli iztd !Tons ao sasttuaad amp uotledn000 pue
asn Oul zoJ anlen Itluaz alguuoseaz pue zlej aql 'small pies loalloo of paluiodde znnaaoaz Aug 03
zo `IA OlotlW of lutnsznd uotssassod olui kzlua sit uo `aaReSlaoini 03 aoutnpu ui XIllluout /Cud Minn
zoBe23aolni `lineJOQ Jo luang iCue Jo Iuana aul ui zapunazaq sastuzazd amp uotssassod zapuauns
o} pazinbaz lou si aoBtalzoini 3I lua2l Mid of uoiletigQ s,zoW•03zoy\i (q)
paznoas ammo lun000u uo `sasuadxa pug sazetio J I SSaoau He jo Iuauaed zaiue 'small am
/Cidde of (A) pue 100a043. laud /cut JO `sasttuaad ail lai of (AT) `Joazatll luauzXud ail ui 2utiinejap
lutual' cut Outpaaoozd iCatuuutns punsn ail Xq ssassodstp of (iii) `siaaw ail 2utioaitoo jo asodznd
am zoJ sasttuaad amp uotssassod a)Tul put uodn 103110 03 (it) `002e23z0w 03 iilloaztp zapunaaalll
anp siunouze Hu Aed astal aluutpzogns icur zapun luuuai aril Imp putumap of (i) aapunazati il ntjaQ
Jo luang uu Jo aouaun000 ail zalJu 'Nu Joaaat 3 luautu8tsst alit Jo astal aleutpzogns iCue zapun
lutual ail 1Jilou of 3441 am a0503aolAi 03 sluea zauTiznj Agazaq zo2u2iaow ivautu8tssu Bans 03
lutnsznd paniaoaz JIltnlot iiauout'fuu zoj alqulun000u aq hugs aaalzolnI ittjl ldaoxa `(sastuuazd
aril ut uoiidmapaz jo Aimba pine 3s0za3ut pine 0141 142!.! Ttu jo ICgazatll pasoloazoj put pautg wag
snug Hugs put 02 alaolAl situ asoloazoJ 03 uotla11 Aue ui luepuaJap Xiztd se pautof uaaq anu4
HMIs lueaal ifue 3 Iuana alit ut mui aiquotiddt 1CU11 zapun JO asta' altuipzogns /cue ut pauleluoo
luautifofua lamb jo lutuanoo ail zapun Xititgetl JCuu 21.14pnloui) aa2e2laoj, uo uoile24go �fue
asodutt 03 astmzaujio JO asea'I altutpzogns iCae ui paureluoo Suotstnoad JO suotltpuoo `sluuuanoo
amp /Cue jo aoueutaojaad ail 03 aa2g53.0 JAI puiq 01 panalsuoo aq hugs (e) L I E uotloas
Sail ut pauttluoo SutllloN °lineja f Jo luang !Ions zauu put utoz3 potzad Cu /u of atgtooltt
lualxa am 03 aseai !Ions /Cue 03 luensand pled azann gottiM uotluiuosa zoj ao saililiotj 10 saoinaas
zoj (tt) put zapunaaaq paugtsst areal iiuu 03 lutnsznd 1011.10N of pled slisodap
zamo JO ifliznoas put sluatuLCedazd via! Ile (i) 00203z0lww of Xtd iillduzozd Hugs z001SIzoyAI
`llnujaa jo laang U11 !Ions uodn `uotitppu aI 'IA apply ui mioj las JO 01 pauajaz satpatztaz JO
9441 041 JO AU11 astozaxa of Xiizomnu pine 342tz am mug Iietls aa2u23zow 103Jtaz043 put ilnuja(
jo luang ut jo aouaun000 all! uodn p0310n3z tflluoiittuolnt aq Hugs small pits antaoaz put loalloo
of zoMiaoini jo 345ta 4ons isnzt ui cures all! plot 01 saaae pie sluaN am antaoaz puu 3001100
03 pallilua aq Timis zoBt23zoini `zapunazatl llntjaQ Jo luang 1111 Jo aouaun000 am 'pun °z0ni0001
e 10j 2ui1Clddu inolllim pure lou JO palnitlsut uaaq suq aznsojoazoj zatilat4M `luta dons 03 lutnsznd
002031oj, Xq sasttuazd 043 Jo uotssassod OupTui puu uodn Aziaa ail 03 J0 11 3aoJAT Jo luasuoo
algeoonaui ail guiouaptna put 2utinl9suoo a003.1oJAI s143 jo uoilnoaxa ail `pttd azu suotlu54g0
paznoas aui Tilun 300jja xi! anuilaoo ITutis 3U1112 puu luauutaissu lions lsazaiu! ifitznoas u jo
Sutsstd ail Xlazaut lou pug 0020310N 03 z020IzoyAI mozj luautu2!sst luasaad almost! 1111 Si pull
aq 03 papualu! st '0301043 loadsaz ultra sup.' plesazoJe auji jo pue `s3UO2l puu sasea'I aleutpaogns
agi jo luautu2Issu allI °asea' aluuipzogns 40110 jo izudzalunoo palnoaxa 1111 0051Olzol^I
01 zanTIap `pueuuap uodn `jittls put `,Cut j! `uoiiduzapaz jo poizad ITnj atjl Butane JO aznsoloazoj
aaJ1 JO =jag zama4M `screw Oluuipaogns ail zapun 4z1100s se pm sltsodap lit pm X1111
pat zapunazatli z0203z01N3o sits &iz 1le pm zapunaaatT1 aigeked wall am puu Basta' aleut
0 &308:30 5') 4
(c) Mortgagor will (i) perform or cause to be performed all the lessor's
obligations under any Subordinate Lease, (ii) enforce (including the termination and cancellation
of any Subordinate Lease, so long as the same is a bona fide enforcement of Mortgagor's right as
lessor under any such Subordinate Lease and such termination or cancellation, either by itself or
in the aggregate with other terminations and cancellations, will not diminish or impair the
security of this Mortgage) the performance by the lessee under its respective Subordinate Lease
of all of said lessee's obligations thereunder and (iii) give Mortgagee prompt notice and a copy
of any notice of default, Event of Default, termination or cancellation sent or received by
Mortgagor; but nothing contained herein shall preclude Mortgagor from modifying,
supplementing or amending any existing Subordinate Lease or, subject to subsection (d)(i)
hereof, preclude Mortgagor from entering into additional Subordinate Leases which may, from
time to time, be modified, supplemented, amended, terminated or canceled by Mortgagor subject
to the provisions of subsection (d) below.
(d) (i) Mortgagor will not, without Mortgagee's consent, (1) assign,
mortgage, pledge or otherwise transfer, dispose of or encumber, whether by operation of law or
otherwise, any Subordinate Lease or the Rents, (2) accept or permit the acceptance of a
prepayment of any amounts payable under such Subordinate Lease for more than one month in
advance of the due date therefor, (3) enter into, amend, modify, cancel, terminate or accept a
surrender of any Subordinate Lease or (4) enter into any Subordinate Lease (A) with Mortgagor
or any affiliate of Mortgagor or its constituent partners or (B) which would be a "disqualified
lease as defined in Section 168(h)(1)(B)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
(ii) Supplementing the provisions of paragraph (i) of this subsection (d), if the
lessee under any Subordinate Lease (or any receiver, trustee, custodian or other party who
succeeds to the rights of any lessee) rejects or disaffirms such Subordinate Lease pursuant to any
Bankruptcy Law, Mortgagor hereby assigns to Mortgagee the proceeds of any claims (including
the right to retain or apply any security deposits) that Mortgagor may have against the lessee (or
receiver, trustee, custodian or other party who succeeds to the rights of any lessee) and any
guarantor of any of the Subordinate Leases, under any one or more of the Subordinate Leases or
any guaranty thereof based upon (1) any breach by such lessee of the terms and provisions of the
applicable Subordinate Lease (including any claim that Mortgagor may have by reason of a
termination, rejection or disaffirmance of such Subordinate Lease pursuant to any Bankruptcy
Law), and (2) the use and occupancy of the premises demised thereby, whether or not pursuant to
the applicable Subordinate Lease (including any claim for use and occupancy arising under any
Bankruptcy Law). Mortgagor, promptly upon obtaining knowledge of any such breach or use by
any such lessee, will notify Mortgagee of any such breach or use.
(iii) Unless there is an Event of Default continuing after notice, Mortgagor will
proceed in Mortgagor's and Mortgagee's behalf in which event Mortgagee may participate in any
such proceedings, and Mortgagor from time to time will deliver to Mortgagee all instruments
requested by Mortgagee or as may be required to permit such participation. Mortgagor shall, at
its expense, diligently prosecute any such proceedings, shall deliver to Mortgagee copies of all
papers served in connection therewith and shall consult and cooperate with Mortgagee, its
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
•zapunazali palgidutaluoo suotlousugzl aril jo 0utsoio pug luautaozojua
`uOtlgzlstututpg `0utluiu gill (iii) JO sluauunooa ugo'l aul zapun suoilatigo s,zaalzoJ,
JO JO slLISIJ sit Jo Aug jo suoilatigo pamoas atjl jo aapioq Xtm JO 00201101AI jo jiugaq uo JO Xq
luautaoaoJua JO OSIOJOxa oul (it) `zapunazati z0201aoyAI iiq lingJau Jo luang zo linnjap ,iuu (t) tlltm
uotioauuoo ut paunout (sluautaszngsip pun saaj ,siiauzollg ajgguosuaz Sutpniout) sasuadxa .10 slsoo
iIg pug Aug jo luauand aril zoj suotlaTTgO pamoas aril jo aapioti Xuu JO aaalaoJA asznquttaz
`purtuap uo `zo /Cud !pm z00 allow •sasuadxg z01.po •ZO•t7 NOI.LOIS
lunouuV tunuttxuyAI
all ugtll azout log Jo luglxa gill of `papuaum Xq zaljnazaq iiuuu until jo Xuu sg `a2221zow
still JO XlugaunO Xzuipisgns aril luatuaaav lipazj aril jo lno 0utstzu zo 41!m paloauuoo `astmzatllo
JO luautluoo `ganinj `loaztput `loazip zatllat[M `ssaupalgaput iuuoiltppu TTu pun ssaupalgaput
lipazo 2utnionaa alp jo saougnpu aznlnj He osp lnq `ssaupalgaput ltpazo Outnionaz lions
3o saauunpu iutltut Apo log saznoas aalzow gm' °mozaogaa pug /igdaz `mozaoq Xgut zamoIog
tioitlm of luunsznd luatuaaay Itpat Oral zapun ssaupalgaput ltpazo 0utnionaz palnitlsuoo
aq !pm tgotrimdo uotizod g `suotlaiigO pamoas IIg saznoas aalaoys siq (q)
sumlatiqo pamoas zatilzni ou angtl Tigris =BalzoJ, pug patuzojzad pug pied `pagstlus
XITn3 aq !lugs suotln$tig0 pamoas agljo TTu !pun aiquoonazzt aq !Tugs Isamu! ug 41!m paidnoo
2utaq luauulutoddn stta jo jjuriaq uo pug aumu aril ut suotstnozd pmsazojt aql Xq
palgiduzaluoo aouguuojzad aril loan° pug swam/cud all alum of lain- ut- Xauzollu TnJmul pug anal
sit aaalzoj, slutoddn 4aza4 aoSaIzoJA •a2alzoj, still Xq pamoas aq Tugs pug luaruaa1SV
Itpa1D Otll ut paptnozd su pug Null lingjaQ aril Ig ISaIOlut zgaq !Tugs`suopaligo pamoas
ail Jo laud aq Hugs (lou JO aapunazaq pagtutuaput zatllarim pug p uotldo JO paztnbaz zatilatlm) mg!
aiquotiddu zapun zo zapunazaq =Si iioj, Aq pannout sasuadxa JO paouunpu sums .10410 Hu pug
`suotlog JO smug/Tv dons 41!m uotloauuoo ut 000alaow pazznout sasuad ire pug paounnpu
sums iiv •0201041 loadsaz ultra ITIWJOU Jo luang Aug zo zaalaoyAI lingJap dons pat o
aim! of pauuaap aq Hulls aouutuzojzad JO aouunpg dons •suotlog paztnbaz Tie .10 ,Tun tuzojiad
of zo Sutmo slunotuu jo lzgd ,Cue 10 iig aouunpg of 100 allow 01 aotlou lnotiltm I40tz aril ang4
Hulls a =Sn lloj, uatll `zapunazaq suotlaggo sit jo Aug ut linujap Tigris zoSalzoyAI1t `ingl saa1Ou
zaalzoyAI (g) •sluatuaszngstu pug saouunpy IguotltppV 10 17 NOI.L31S
uotlou dons Jo aougzatlpnj
ut paztnbaz sluauunoop jig pug Aug alnoaxa !mils pug uotlou lions ut aaalzow tiltm aluzad000
O saaz2g z0201aow pug z0201aow aoj luau Su aumu S ut [O aumu maalzoyAI
ui `zapunazatll zossai pa-mu 041 Ozam 2! 3t Sg aolugzua JO aassai lions isutag paaoozd
02 242!.1 aios aql ang4 Iig4S aaalzoyq '001101.1.101p 2utnutlu0o l[ngjaQ Jo luting ut? St again
JI •luasuoo s Inotlltm zaalzoyAI apuuu aq Tigris Sutpaaoozd lions Iiue jo mammas
011 Inul paptnozd `autpaaoozd Lions 1iuu Jo asuaJap pug uo 21.1t,Caano Otll ut 'swag pug siiatuzoilg
Altuumpui `.sasuadxg `.saougnpy IguotltppV
OS €8530 57 E
SECTION 4.03. Interest After Default. If any payment due hereunder or
under the other Loan Documents is not paid in full when due, whether by acceleration or
otherwise, then the same shall bear interest hereunder at the Default Rate, and such interest shall
be added to and become a part of the Secured Obligations and shall be secured hereby.
SECTION 4.04. Indemnity. Mortgagor agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless Mortgagee, the holders of the Secured Obligations and their respective officers,
directors, employees, agents and shareholders (the "indemnified parties from and against any
and all losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
disbursements) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against any of the indemnified
parties in connection with any transaction in any way connected with the Mortgaged Property or
the Credit Agreement, except to the extent any such loss, damage, claim, cost or expense is the
result of the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the indemnified party. Any amount
payable under this Section shall be deemed a demand obligation, shall be added to and become a
part of the Secured Obligations, shall bear interest at the default rate as provided in the Credit
Agreement, and shall be secured by this Mortgage.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
Sale or Transfer of the Premises
SECTION 5.01. Continuous Ownership. Mortgagor acknowledges that the
continuous ownership of the Mortgaged Property by Mortgagor, except as otherwise expressly
permitted in Section 5.02(b) of the Credit Agreement, is of a material nature to the transaction
hereinabove described and Mortgagee's agreement to create the Secured Obligations. Without
Mortgagee's prior written consent, Mortgagor will not, whether voluntarily or involuntarily
(other than as result of transfer described in Section 3.09 herein), (a) sell, grant, convey, assign or
otherwise transfer, by operation of law or otherwise, (b) permit to be the subject of any
transaction described in clause (a) above, (c) enter into an agreement for any transaction
described in clause (a) above, or (d) grant an option which or take any action which pursuant to
the terms of any agreement to which Mortgagor is a party may result in any transaction described
in clause (a) above of, the Mortgaged Property, or any legal, beneficial or equitable interest
therein (the foregoing, collectively or severally, "Transfer other than any specific Transfers
expressly permitted. by Section 5.02(b) of the Credit Agreement. The provisions of this Section
shall apply to each and every such Transfer of all or any portion of the Mortgaged Property or
any legal or equitable interest therein, regardless whether or not Mortgagee has consented to, or
waived by its action or inaction is rights hereunder with respect to any previous Transfer of all or
any portion of the Mortgaged Property or any legal or equitable interest therein.
Defaults and Remedies
SECTION 6.01. Events of Default. The occurrence of an "Event of Default"
under the Credit Agreement shall be an Event of Default hereunder and upon acceleration of the
X3ipotu Amu OanalzorAi uoilog cons ,iun irnm uotloaUUOO ut pun `pugs a "i1 uo uoilonzlsuoo
Art aioIdutoo of alglzdozdde swoop ao2u2pojA sir uotion z0 "ilo "ions Sup pi pug siogzluoo
Irons mu! 5utzalua (i) `uollulitzltl inotrnm Tutpnioui Jo21Olzor l tuoz3 aouazajzalut
1no11lim `sz0n1a0az .10 sii tritium `sluoSt `szaSgugut `sluapualuuadns sli ,iq JO
AItuuoszad za "i1ia 3oaza "il ssauisnq atll lonpuoo pun gl1mazall leap Osimzaglo pun lozluoo
`anzasazd `02nuetu `0lez0do `Osn ,inul cures a "iI 2uiproq put 2ufne"i put :irne30Q 3O luang
Cu ,n jo 2uivaddeq mg nut pusuuap uo oo5 of slun000n pug spz000i `sNooq irons
jo put Xlzadozd Wallow ag13o uoissassod zapuauns of soaz& zoaalzow put `,fizadozd
paanSizoj,s zaglo tie pun olazagl 21.19elaz slun000n pun spzooaz `wog Hu 3o uoissassod
aNel pun `as1nnzaglo JO saaetuep `ssedsan. ioj ,iltrignii lnotinm `uIozjaI ql Xiiolm slunnzas
pun swat slt pun zo201_1° w Opniox0 pun `sas!unid O4 uodn zalua (a)
JO `luauIlu!oddn "ions o1 paluasuoo aneq of pump aq hugs zo sluasuoo put Altssaoau
"ions pan!um aim" of paumap Oq Hugs JO santnm alqull os uoszad zap Ioso pun zoag21zorAl
pun `suopt2llg0 paznoaS ammo luatu1fud agl ioj alggil uosiOd zaIr10 ,iue JO 10501 01AI
3o ,iouanios ail z0 suo90ilg0 paznoaS alp z0j ,iliznoas alp Jo ,ioenbape all `anozdsip
of ,iiissaoau a "i1 zo `01 pitSal lnogitm put 1411j0 zallntu use `mnl Olgeotidde zapun
po ituzad szamod lsalln3 a "ii grim palsan Oq o1 `,iizadozd paaizolnl a p 3o zolnnuOSUOo
JO zoluptnb1i `aalsnzl `uetpoisno `zantaoaz 1 JO 1uauziU1Oddg 0111.10j ,ilddn (p)
10 `sluautnoou uno"i 01.11 ui paureluoo suoistnozd alp Jo /cut jo aouguuojzad
otdtoads a11i ioj Xlinbo ut 2utpaaoozd JO lins `uoilog ire alnlilsul (o)
zo `,iliodozd pageSizoj, au Jo uoilzod Buiutntuaz alp
uo Isazalu! ,iliznoas pun uaq a sn onutiuoo Hugs o2r5pow sIgl `,iizadozd po2E2pow alp Jo
Ire mg ssai 3o `ospAn"ilo JO aznsoloazo3 ,fq `arus e 30 luana 0111 in put `nnnl alquotlddu Xq
pannboi aq Aom su z0 `luatpadxo woop Sulu 1! se suuai "ions uodn pun aosid pun aunt irons
1u pun `Xizadozd muoszad z0/1311e inaz 3o swamp Bons tinnn `siaozed ut zo n1aztiva ire sn
`sores aIOLU JO Ouo 1n `3oaz0 141 uoIlduzapaz3o sl "ipiz ire pun `uia1011 10 11 1.1OJA 3o puttuap
pun utrelo `isOIOlu1 `ailil `145!.1 `aielsa iln put `Xizadozd page5izoj, oqI Itas (q)
zo `nnu13o uoistnozd aiquotldde ,Cue zapun agn21zow sill 3o aznsoioazo3 lepzed JO alaiduloo
ioj `aslnn.Iaglo z0 mown!' `0uip0a0ozd JO Sutp0000zd u ainiilsut (e)
:saipautaz JO slg2iz z0 "i10 sii 2ut1oa33e asimzalio zo 2utztedtut lnotilinn
`uotlazosip Nos s1! ui `auiuzzalap Amu aa2uS1zow se zapzo irons u1 pun aunt Irons lg `asimzO"ilo z0
,ipuazznouoo pansznd aq ,ium got11m 3o 11osa `suoiloe 5 uimoll 0 3 an15uipniout `,i1zadozd patOpow
all 01 put ut put .1021 101 AI lsuiOn soma maz pug s14 U 511 aozoJua pun loalozd 4310lgesinpe
.10 ,iznssaoau swoop 1! sir `(panrum ,igazal azu 11oprm 3o Ire pug gago) lsalozd JO luauXluasazd
`pusulap `00ilou wpm pug 'Aiwa 1no "i11m z0 1.11!M `sAauzO lg JO s111ag s11 'Coq JO niisuoszad
uotlou Irons o3rel `mei aigeoiidde ,iq pa111uuad imam all 01 pug sivautnoo j usoJ za410 0111 zapun
z0 zapuna10Ir 1! 01 am saipautaz JO s1141,iue 01 uoilippg ui ',cum ooat2 zow `1inejou 3o
sluang WOW JO MO Niue jo aouazzn000 all uodn •satpatuaN •Z0 NOI.LJHS
zo2u2por o1 aopou za4iznJ lnogltm aiqu,ied pug onp autooaq
,iialglpaultui heirs suo4u2ilg0 paznoaS Ire luaulaaz2V ltpaz3 041 paouaptna ssaupolgapui
[1 SS 913o
Obti8 30 5 "1
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
plans and specifications as Mortgagee deems appropriate; (ii) making, canceling,
enforcing or modifying leases; (iii) obtaining and evicting tenants; (iv) fixing or
modifying rents; (v) conducting the business of Mortgagor in its own name or in the
name of Mortgagor; (vi) using any and all of Mortgagor's properties and facilities relating
to the Premises; (vii) dealing with Mortgagor's creditors, debtors, tenants, lessees, agents,
employees and other Persons (as defined in the Credit Agreement) having any
relationship whatsoever with Mortgagor, and (viii) altering or amending any contracts
between them, in any manner Mortgagee may determine); and upon each such entry and
from time to time thereafter may, at the expense of Mortgagor and the Mortgaged
Property, without interference by Mortgagor and as Mortgagee may deem advisable,
(i) insure or reinsure the Premises, (ii) make all necessary or proper repairs, renewals,
replacements, alterations, additions, betterments and improvements thereto and thereon
and (iii) in every such case in connection with the foregoing have the right to exercise all
rights and powers of Mortgagor with respect to the Mortgaged Property, either in
Mortgagor's name or otherwise; or
(f) with or without the entrance upon the Premises, collect, receive, sue for
and recover in its own name all Rents and cash collateral derived from the Mortgaged
Property, and after deducting therefrom all costs, expenses and liabilities of every
character incurred by Mortgagee in collecting the same and in using, operating,
managing, preserving and controlling the Mortgaged Property, and otherwise in
exercising Mortgagee's rights under subsection (e) of this Section, including all amounts
necessary to pay Impositions, insurance premiums and other charges in connection with
the Premises, as well as compensation for the services of Mortgagee and their respective
attorneys, agents and employees, to apply the remainder as provided in Section 6.05; or
(g) release any portion of the Mortgaged Property for such consideration as
Mortgagee may require without, as to the remainder of the Mortgaged Property, in any
way impairing or affecting the lien or priority of this Mortgage, or improving the position
of any subordinate lienholder with respect thereto, except to the extent that the Secured
Obligations shall have been reduced by the actual monetary consideration, if any,
received by Mortgagee for such release and applied to the Secured Obligations, and may
accept by assignment, pledge or otherwise any other property in place thereof as
Mortgagee may require without being accountable for so doing to any other lienholder; or
(h) take all actions permitted under the Uniform Commercial Code in effect in
the jurisdiction in which the Mortgaged Property is located; or
(i) take any other action, or pursue any other right or remedy, as Mortgagee
may have under applicable law, and Mortgagor does hereby grant the same to Mortgagee.
In the event that Mortgagee shall exercise any of the rights or remedies set forth in
subsections (e) and (f) of this Section, Mortgagee shall not be deemed to have entefed upon or
taken possession of the Mortgaged Property except upon the exercise of its option to do so,
evidenced by its demand and overt act for such purpose, nor shall it be deemed a beneficiary or
•isanbaz Mons ui paaru2isap aq
�igut sm sasodznd zoj `waut2pnf s,aa5r2uol^i ui `aigrstnpu aq Aral su sivautnmut lions
iiu szasrgaznd JO Josugoznd dons JO aoSeSuoi i utuantiap uunoax0 Xq saps JO OirS
dons Xuu uuguoo pug Xjggz Hugs `aaar2 .ioiN Xq paisanbaz 3i `zoar2uoiN `ssalaquanoN
oazaq� anl.zin Xq op XiinJMUI iirgs sainmsgns JO auniijsgns Lions JO Xauzoju
pies mum 2uiutzguoo pup 2uu J!1gz Xgazaq zoSi ioj, `zaMod suoszad azout
JO auo a1mt2sgns Arm pup `,izangap pug Joisuru `3uauzuaissu `aoughianuoo jo suuauznmui
Xzussaoau jig alnoaxa Arm aageBuoiAl asodznd Imp ioj pug `pios os sup.' pug Xuadozd
aq1 Jo satzanilap pug SJOJsurzj `sIuaumU2tssg `saauu,ianuoo Xzmssaoau Ilm O?put 01 `peals
pup autru s,zoBuSuoiAi ui paidnoo aq powaap aq Timis pug aiguoonazzi
st ivautltiioddg goigM `zs:A 10w Jo 1ogj- ut- Xauzouu injmui pup am pauutoddr Along
st aa21B1toJAI •papinozd uiazaq sr cures a411iiddu puu saps JO airs pigs jo spaaoozd
041 aniaoaz HMIS pug pios s }quit pug XWadozd alp pug ui zarSuol^i JO J50z31.11i pug
ai1!1 `10iz iir SuuJoisugz2 puu SuiuSIssu TutXOnuoo Tuiuu1B s3uauznzjsut JO 2uautnusut
Tuaiogjns pug poo5 u airs gons szasugoznd zo zasggoznd ail of zanilap pup alnoaxa hugs
os op of pazaModuIa linOO /Hug Jo zaoujo ur z0 aagglzol/AI `airs Boma Jaw" (o)
•uwpgl wog pug Suip0000zd gons ou 3i su anuquoo Hiutis aar21.1oj, jo saipautaz
pug szaMod TTu puu `zapunazaq pug suoi1isod zauUoj ziag101 patoisaz aq
°a pug zoSuBuow asuo gons Anna ut uag1 `aamS1.tol^I 01 JCIaszanpr pauiuizalap
uaaq snug Hulls JO uosuaz gons Xug zoj pauopurgp JO panuiluoostp wag anrq Ouipaaoozd
gons pug `asintitag10 zo /it }u2 'JO/14030J aBauoiAI sup zapun iipautaz JO 3I41 /WV 00z0Ju0
of papaaoozd anuq Hugs ao2r5 IOJA asro ut TutoSazoj aq3 Sut1tut1T Inowm •aopou za1I.tn3
�nog�inn cps pauznofpu JO pauodisod lions zoJ JO cps gons zoj pa3uioddr amid pug autij
aq1 }uautaounouuu oijgnd ,iq pauznofpr JO pauodlsod aq Cu ru cps Xuy (q)
Tiny ui
mud uaaq anal hugs suotjma1HgO paznoas
aq1 'pun `uotutdo sparSuoJAI ui anpoOjap st JO palaiduzoo Sou st gotgnn airs 'cur Xq zou
'Nos uaaq anuq 1ou Hugs Iotgnn ifuadozd po5rBuoiAi Og3 Jo urd ,iur 01 sr saps gons azout
JO 0110 ,Hum ,ig palsnmgxa aq you llrgs joazaq (o)Z0'9 uoi3oas ut g3toj las airs jo zaMOd
a L •autii of amp utozj saps jo zagtunu 1fuu ionpuoo Anil aa$01.1oyAi (r)
:airs pug aznsoioazoj Jo aazoap zo 3uauz4nf r jo JO autpaaoozd
Irioipnf jo an3tin Xq JO pa1um1S uiazal ales Jo zaMod 041 zapun apuua zag3a4M `IA 010t11V st113
jo an1.1tn Xq Jo zapun ii3tadozd pa2r23toJAI aq3 Jo uoijtod Am JO HP JO s JO OfeS /imp 01 Aiddm
Timis suoisInozd Su!Mollo3 aq1 `uiazaq papinozd asIMzamo sr 3daoxa pug mui Jo s1uautaztnbaz 10410
JO suotstnozd ail o1 loafgns •sairs o3 Wutureatad suptli '£0'9 MOI.L3IS
•Oa5g23tol,T Jo pug JO ionpuoostut lnjTI!M aqi Xq pasnuo st ssol
lions 1uaix0 aq1 o13daoxO aaarSuoiAi jo uotssIuto JO 30r z01410 ATM uiozj JO `sastutazd 341101 01
aznlimj fur uzozj Suginsaz zoar2azoIAT Xg paure3sns ssoi iiur zoj algmq zou `aaMuOIN ,iq pantaoaz
Ciimn3ou swax zoj umg1 .10410 asiozaxa gans Ain o13uunsznd uaapi uogou Xum zoj 3un000m 03 aiquil
aq 1ou Mugs aaSESpoJ, •uoissassod SuDHu3 JO £13ua gons jo uosuaz gig uoissassod u! ao0r2uouz
oaf;!; fw9 o
0868531 580
(g) Upon any such sale or sales, Mortgagee may bid for and acquire the
Mortgaged Property and, in lieu of paying cash therefor, may make settlement for the
purchase price by crediting against the Secured Obligations the amount of the bid made
therefor, after deducting therefrom the expenses of the sale, the cost of any enforcement
proceeding thereunder, and any other sums which Mortgagee is authorized to deduct under
the terms hereof, to the extent necessary to satisfy such bid.
(h) In the event that Mortgagor, or any person claiming by, through or under
Mortgagor, shall transfer or refuse or fail to surrender possession of the Mortgaged
Property after any sale thereof, then Mortgagor, or such person, shall be deemed a tenant
at sufferance of the purchaser at such sale, subject to eviction by means of forcible entry
and unlawful detainer proceedings, or subject to any other right or remedy available
hereunder or under applicable law.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
(d) Any and all statements of fact or other recitals made in any of the
instruments referred to in subsection (c) of this Section given by Mortgagee as to
nonpayment of the Secured Obligations, or as to the occurrence of any Event of Default,
or as to Mortgagee having declared all or any of the Secured Obligations to be due and
payable, or as to the request to sell, or as to notice of time, place and terms of sale and of
the property or rights to be sold having been duly given, or as to any other act or thing
having been duly done by Mortgagor or Mortgagee shall be taken as conclusive and
binding against all persons as to evidence of the truth of the facts so stated and recited.
Mortgagee may appoint or delegate any one or more persons as agent to perform any act
or acts necessary or incident to any sale so held, including the posting of notices and the
conduct of sale.
(e) The receipt of Mortgagee for the purchase money paid at any such sale, or
the receipt of any other person authorized to receive the same, shall be sufficient
discharge therefor to any purchaser of any property or rights sold as aforesaid, and no
such purchaser, or its representatives, grantees or assigns, after paying such purchase
price and receiving such receipt, shall be bound to see to the application of such purchase
price or any part thereof upon or for any trust or purpose of this Mortgage or, in any
manner whatsoever, be answerable for any loss, misapplication or nonapplication of any
such purchase money, or part thereof, or be bound to inquire as to the authorization,
necessity, expediency or regularity of any such sale.
(f) Any such sale or sales shall operate to divest all of the estate, right, title,
interest, claim and demand whatsoever, whether at law or in equity, of Mortgagor in and
to the properties and rights so sold, and shall be a perpetual bar both at law and in equity
against Mortgagor and any and all persons claiming or who may claim the same, or any
part thereof or any interest therein, by, through or under Mortgagor to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable law.
palrpinbtl zo alggked pug anp aou azg sums goigM znq `aa201.ioyAl
4nuutapui paaiffr sgtl zoRailow goigM 3oadsaz gnm Xitpggq zo uopr2Hqo
ug Jo no Suisug `aaBuSlioj, oI anogg pzttlI 42nortp Jszld sasngjo zapun uo!Woilddg q
pied uaaq angti pinoM gonjM sums Jo luau C d zoj luaut2pnf ski ui Anznoas algnbapg sr
aaSg51.10 Ai Xq pis has aq alggoilddg Aq paniuuad Iuaxa am oZ :tl tnod
smautnooQ ugol am Jo uoisinozd Aug of luensznd zo2g21.10 Al Xq pigd
aq pazinbaz JO zapunazaq paznoas sums zapzo fug do 1uaui Cgd am oZ
koala Arm aaSg2itojA sg zap() lions ui (saaj pug tunttuazd Isazani Igdtouizd
2uipnloui) suot11 qqO paznoas An ouout oq Jo IIn3 ut 3uauL d am oZ :puooas
•pios uaaq anug Hugs Aytadozd pa5r2lloyAI am gomm
o� pafgns saazgtlo z01130 JO suogisodutl fug 3daoxa `sazg zap pug suogisoduq IIg
pug `utazaq paptnozd sr uoaza 3saza3ui gnm za3aBo3 `zapunazaq aaReSpoyAl pa unoui
JO apem saOUgnpg pug saPiiiggil `sasuadxa Ilg Jo pug `apgtu aq Amu autgs oq uiazagm
Butpaaoozd map!" Alm Jo pug `lasunoo pug s3uag nap `00501.10 N o3 uogesuadutoo
utpnloui `apes dons Sur Jo sasuadxa pug slsoo amp 3uauard alp of :lsnd
:smolloj sg pa iddg aq `Azgzmoo am 03 paptnozd Aissazdxa utazaq sg
ldaoxa `Ilgtls `astnnzatplo JO IA apply sttpp JO suoisinozd atp3 zapun zatl3a im `Japunazatt aaM3.toyq
,Cq plat aq Amu gopim stuns zaq }o Atm mpsn zatl3aBo3 `Z0'9 uotjoas ut oI pazzajaz ales Aug Jo sprAr
10 spaaoozd `iCauom asgtloznd atl1 •spaaoozd Jo uot3gotlddy '50 NOI.LDIS
•a2rOpoJA paznoas aq huts pug suoiw iJgo paznoas amp 3.tgd aq pip
atugs atl1 pug `3uatuaa1SV npaz3 am ut paptnozd sr pug a3gz am 3g uoazat 3 3saza3ut tl31M zatl3a5o3
`3uatufOOQ ugo' zatllo Alm Jo uoisinozd alggzedutoo Xug zo `Z0'9 uoTIOas ui o3 pauajaz JO
paptnozd satpauzaz pug s3t01z sii Jo Aug Jo aaggB3to Ai astozaxa am thin uopoauuoa ut pazznoui
JO pred aq Amu tiomm sasuadxa pug saznlipuadxa Ilg aammap JO 3uauT pnf zatllo JO apes zOj aazOap
a p ui suoui qqO paznoas am Jo 3zgd g pug uomppg ug sg papnloui pug pannolig aq hulls azatl3
`s3uatunoo0 uro'I a p zapun aa2OpoJAI Jo Apatuaz zap ACug OOIOJua JO 0Bg23.10yAI sup asoJOazoJ
01 `as!Mzag3o 10 ig!Oipnf `2utpaaoozd 1Cug uI sasuadxg 't70'9 NOI.LDHS
sup JO suoisinozd am 1. !M aougpz000g ui Apadozd p0 1 1JoyAI am Has 0100201.1ow
aztnbaz pug auras am ssttusip Sins pigs ui 3uaut2pnf Trull Jo £13ua aq3 azojaq amp
Aug 3g Amu aa2g2Ttoyv `02011OJAJ sup Jo aznsojOazOj atp3 zoj pug `suopiOilgO paznoas 041
Jo uotloall0O zoj Sins g a3n3t3sut pinotls 0a2r2poyAI 3g41 Juana am ut zo `aSrSii JAI ship Jo
aznsojOazoj am zoj pug suopiBgq j paznoas am Jo uopoalloo am zoj dins a3nipsut Amu pug
`ales atl1 uopuggg Avadozd pagapo a p Jo ales atl3 azojaq auu3 fug Tr Amu aaBr011ow
`000011oyAl Act paauatutuoo aq Hats zapunaza4 aznsoloazoj g Juana a p uI (f)
l tadozd paag2poysl amp Aug uotssassod
sIi ut 1flanponz1suo0 JO mosaic! anug 01 Imoo Jo zapzo JO uopnoaxa zapun upOW zaogjo
Otlgnd Aug JO 032gS1.10N zoj Xarssaoau aq 3ou hugs 3t `algs Lions Aug uodn -(I)
0 {.40
Ob68 30
5 82
Fifth: To the payment of any withholding tax requirements of the Foreign
Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980, as amended.
Sixth: To the payment of the surplus, if any, to whomsoever may be lawfully
entitled to receive the same.
SECTION 6.06. Additional Provisions as to Remedies. (a) No delay or
omission by Mortgagee to exercise any right or remedy hereunder upon any default or Event of
Default shall impair such exercise, or be construed to be a waiver of any such default or Event of
(b) The failure, refusal or waiver (by consent, waiver or otherwise) of
Mortgagee to assert any right or remedy hereunder upon any default or Event of Default or other
occurrence shall not be construed as waiving such right or remedy upon any other or subsequent
default or Event of Default or other occurrence.
(c) Mortgagee shall have no obligation to pursue any rights or remedies it
may have under any other agreement prior to pursuing its rights or remedies hereunder or under
the other Loan Documents.
(d) Acceptance of any payment after the occurrence of any default or Event of
Default shall not be deemed a waiver or a cure of such default or Event of Default, and
acceptance of any payment less than any amount then due shall be deemed an acceptance on
account only.
(e) In the event that Mortgagee shall have proceeded to enforce any right or
remedy hereunder by foreclosure, sale, entry or otherwise, and such proceeding shall be
discontinued, abandoned or determined adversely for any reason, then Mortgagor and Mortgagee
shall be restored to their former positions and rights hereunder with respect to the Mortgaged
Property, subject to the lien hereof.
(f) Each right of Mortgagee provided for in this Mortgage shall be cumulative
and shall be in addition to every other right provided for in this Mortgage or now or hereafter
existing at law or in equity, by statute or otherwise, and the exercise by Mortgagee of anyone or
more of such rights'shall not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by Mortgagee of any
other such right.
SECTION 6.07. Waiver of Rights and Defenses. To the full extent
Mortgagor may lawfully do so, Mortgagor agrees with Mortgagee as follows:
(a) Mortgagor will not, at any time, insist on, plead, claim or take the benefit
or advantage of any statute or rule of law now or hereafter in force providing for any
appraisement, valuation, stay, extension, moratorium, redemption or reinstatement, or of
any statute of limitations, and Mortgagor, for itself and its heirs, devisees, representatives,
successors and assigns, and for any and all Persons ever claiming an interest in the
Mortgaged Property (other than Mortgagee), hereby, to the extent permitted by applicable
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
8 g
suual ally JO winked Jo amp. ally 2ui jipout zo Butpualxa `24.4mauaz `Suogg24g0
paznoas ally zoj Xiiznoas 4044o Aug JO X.tadozd pag21zo1AI alp Jo SJOUMO 10 JOUMO
4uanbasgns Aug pug aa2g24toyAI uaam4aq `4uasuoo S,zo2041(4\I 3noll1im JO 41im `10
`zoBuSpow pug aaffugpow uaam1aq uoi4glndz4s JO 444044taa42g iiuu (A!)
pug `.zapunazatl1
pazmbaz aq asimzatl4o mom uoium uopou Xug of pn of zo2i iow Xq aznligj alp
01 JO `zapunaza44 paligtuozd aq asimzagio pinom goillm uoiOU Yam Jo zo2u2pow
aouguuopad aq4 as g5a.zoj, Xq 4uasuoO zo `smautnooQ ui o' 044 jo uoistnozd
Aug pm zo2g24.zow Xq aouuilduzoo jo 0020410N Xq zanium Aug (iii)
`suogg24g0 patinas ally jo 4uauzkgd zoj aiqun
uoszad Ifug JO `SU0L Silg0 paznOas 01.11 zoj Xaiznoas 10440 fug JO Xpadozd 044
jo i.zud Are JO aloilm ally Jo `uoiuzapisuoo 3o ssalpzu2a4 `asualaz Xuu (ii)
Ugo' a41 jo suots!Aozd alp jo Xuu OOZopUa OS!M101410 JO 0204.4oyAI sill4 aSOIOaIOJ
01 U0140g iiug a)lm 04 (g) JO 1o2g24.I0JAI Aq UOIIWW fug 01 4UOSUOO 01 (v) zo204.4o1AI
Xq isanbaz Aug trim Xiduzoo 04 aa2g24.4oy\l Xq Igsnjaz JO a ml uj Xuu (i)
:BuDIua wag uiu1Jaz JO a)lg4 `uotlazosip s2! ui 'kern aaffa4toyAI saoualnpui JO suot1og -uou
`Suozaog goitlm jo tloua 4 00204.4°N Xq saouaBinpui JO suot4og -uou `suogog 5uimolloj
ag jo Xuu Xq paztudurt aq IuauznOOQ ugo7 z0440 Xuu 10 a5g2pow slip jo X4izotzd JO uatl
044 Hulls JOU 'swam Ugo' ally ui papiAozd IODUEUI 044 ui pug amp 044 lu suoi41 qq0
paznoas aq4 Xgd 04 uoi1g24go s4i jo panailaz aq 4ou Hugs zo2u2poJAI (p)
LO'9 u0900 site. Jo uop ogddi a44 apnloazd paumap aq 4070.4041 lou Hulls
mgl Jo alnz JO a4n4g4s gons `aozoj ui aq 04 amp JO palgadaz aq zaigazall IIggS `LO'9 110
SIT a4idsap au4ugnpg a)lg4 44SIU1 Xatadozd 0144 ui 4saza4ut iiug uiunglo suoszad zall4o
lions pug SaLSSu z0 Saossa0Ons `saAgmuasazdaz s4I Jo ICUs z0 102g24.101Al i4ONM JO `OOZOj
ui mou pug LO'9 uogooS
SIT ui 01 pazzajaz mei Jo alnz JO a4n4g4s Aug jj (0)
•uoszad 10440 Iiug o4 aoua iojazd
ui Xpado.id po 1Jow amp airs jo spaaoozd 041 Jo Ono suogallg0 pazfOas 044 Jo
luauagd 0144 01 zo `uotlOalloo zoj 4.tosaz luazaJJip JO zotzd Jiug 1flOglim suoi4E ilg0 paznOas
044 Jo uoi4oalloo 041 zoj 1i4.40do4d pa1l 10w 0141 Jo ales g 04 zapunazaq 002g21.4oN
3o s442!.4 044 2414p44oui `zapunazaq aagg24.4oyAI Jo satpatuaz JO s4gSiz 041 Jo /lug 2oaJJg JO
aonpai 'Trapp 01 zanaos1ggm szmuum .I0410 eiug 01 z0 s4uap303p JO Sa1u1Sa JO uogansiutuipg
04104 `uoi4oas sill1 jo (g) uoi}oasgns ui 44.40 las szauum 0144 Jo iiuu 04 5uiuigIzad mgl
jo alna JO a1n4g4s iiuu zapun 140!1 ]iuu passu JO angel you hugs zo204.1olAi (q)
•zapunazaq paw= s4saza4ut X4znoas
pug suaq 044 JO OMSOjOazoj Jo MAO 0411.1! `UORUUOtlg JO zapzo OSI0AUI Ui alas g 04.4o
`Xuadozd pa0g544oyAI 0114 2uipt4out `zo004.4o1AI jo slassg 0144 Jo uilggszuuz g o1 s1tl2iz IIg
pug suoi4g24g0 pampas all} Jo alollm 0114 anp azgloap JO azn4gut 04 uopua4Ui Jo 00Rou pug
`wauzasigzddg `uot4unlgn `4Uatua4g}suiaz `uotlduzapaz jo s1412tz leg sasgalaz pug Sanigm `M 1
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
of the Loan Documents (including a modification of any interest rate), and in any
such event Mortgagor shall continue to be obligated to pay the Secured
Obligations at the time and in the manner provided in the Loan Documents, as so
renewed, extended or modified, unless expressly released and discharged by
(e) Regardless of consideration, and without the necessity for any notice to or
consent by the holder of any subordinate lien, encumbrance, right, title or interest in or to
the Property, Mortgagee may release any Person at any time liable for the payment of the
Secured Obligations or any portion thereof or any part of the security held for the Secured
Obligations and may extend the time of payment or otherwise modify the terms of the
Loan Documents, including a modification of the interest rates payable on the principal
balance of the Notes without in any manner impairing or affecting this Mortgage or the
lien thereof or the priority of this Mortgage, as so extended and modified, as security for
the Secured Obligations over any such subordinate lien, encumbrance, right, title or
interest. Mortgagee may resort for the payment of the Secured Obligations to any other
security held by Mortgagee in such order and manner as Mortgagee, in its discretion, may
elect. Mortgagee may take or cause to be taken action to recover the Secured
Obligations, or any portion thereof, or to enforce any provision of the Loan Documents
without prejudice to the right of Mortgagee thereafter to foreclose or cause to be
foreclosed this Mortgage. Mortgagee shall not be limited exclusively to the rights and
remedies herein stated but shall be entitled to every additional right and remedy now or
hereafter afforded by law or equity. The rights of Mortgagee under this Mortgage shall
be separate, distinct and cumulative and none shall be given effect to the exclusion of the
others. No act of Mortgagee shall be construed as an election to proceed under any one
provision herein to the exclusion of any other provision.
(f) Mortgagor hereby waives any defense to the recovery by Mortgagee
hereunder against Mortgagor or the Mortgaged Property of any deficiency after a
nonjudicial sale. Without limiting the foregoing, Mortgagor waives any defense arising
out of any such nonjudicial sale even though such sale operates to impair or extinguish
any right of reimbursement or subrogation or any other right or remedy of Mortgagor
against Borrower or any subsidiary of Borrower or against any collateral security.
Release of Lien
SECTION 7.01. Release-of Lien. If all of the Secured Obligations shall be
fully satisfied, paid and performed, then and in that event only all rights and obligations
hereunder shall terminate. In such event Mortgagee shall, at the request of Mortgagor, deliver to
Mortgagor, in recordable form, all such documents as shall be necessary to release the
Mortgaged Property from the liens, security interests, conveyances and assignments created or
evidenced hereby. In addition, to the extent transferees are permitted under the Credit
Aq pairuiuuai JO paifoaisap aq iou Hugs Along paieaao isaaaiut X3 pue uatj aqi puu ageBiaow
stLli `uosaad auo Aim ut poison atuooaq atutl Sum 1p Hugs sasiutaad 0Lli Jo iced salnmsuoo
40!gm aseaj Xue aapun jsaaaiut s,aassaj gill puu s;aossoj aqi Tog 3I (q)
°uotisanb ui aassaj
alp of aatiou pap os jjegs ales aansojoaaoj JoseLloand Aim Cu JO aaBaiaow ssajun aansojoaaoj
lions jo ijnsaa u se palt?uiutrai JO paifoalsap aq iou jjntjs 2utisixa Liam. saseaj aieuipaognS
Au13 `papinocd want! se `Aiaadoad paaiaow 0Lli uo iigatatj pamaao uail mil jo aansojoaaoj
aqi uodn (L?) °aspa'J aieutpaogng Jo uoilenutiuoO 'S0'8 NOLLJIS
°8utisan Lions of luasuoo patuaap 2uiaq JO suoilaggO
pampas gip Jo Iuoui C d atji aoj JO aapunaaaq Xlijig1ij s,a0812poN 2ui8aetrosip JO 2uileiiin
/ium Aug ut lflOq4TM `aoReSiaow Lliim su aauut?LU antes alp in suotieiiigO paanoaS atil JO a2e2iaow
sup of aouaaaJaa ui?m isaaaiut ui saossaoons ao aossaoons trans pm map `aoS1SiaolAT of aatiou
inopm `Amu aafe2pow `1o21 1loJAI ut?tji aagio uosaad u ut poison sautooaq Aiaadoad pa2u2pow
gip Jo digsaaumo rum ivana atli ul °reaJ 170'8 NOI.L3IS
°anoqu 4laoj las sassaappu am re olaaaq satiIId aqi of ivatuaaa2y iipa1O
0114 Jo ZO uoiioag tlltm aouepa000e ut paaanijap 3! uaAIB Atpiien aq Hulls pup Buiiiam ut aq Buns
aapunaaaq pontutaad JO paatnbaa „aoyoN„ Am) uotltoiunwwoo aaLllo ao luatuaaaae `uotloanp
`renoadde ivasuoo `ptreutap `aatiou iiuy (e) •saotioM '£0'8 NOI.LOHS
°utatagi JO want” pauteluoo
iou aaam j00101l1 uoilaod JO uotstnoad ajgeaoaojuaun JO Main `pirenu! Hans 3i st? uoiiaipsiznf lions
ut panaisuoo pure paittuii aq ins uois!Aoad Lions puu `joaaatii ao pang uoisinoad raw Aug loojjg
iou Bens Ji!!!g ao iCillaa1li `Xiipilenui Hans imp `uoiioipsianf 1iu1 ut JO loadsaa ALM
ut ajgtLaoaojuaun JO IeSaijt `pijenut aq of plat! aq jjetls sivautnooG ueo'i aa4llo nitre JO 3Ba3a0JAI
sitil Jo uotsinoad Arm jo uoiiaod iiue JO nen 'AiiiiqeaedaS 'Z0'8 NOI.LO1S
all 03 ioadsaa tlltm swam/cud pue siasJJO aoj uotloe jo sasm?o pue sasuajap `spuuutap Ije ast?ajaa
puu anrem saop iigaaaq pug !reds a020110J ivatuCed Lions uodn antioaJJa `aa8eOiaow ,iq niawArd
lions Jo uotieaapisuoo u! `ieLli saaat? ao8u2riow °pasuajaa aae aims aqi Toil JO aa1llatlm `awes
amp Japing JO aaumo Ai Nag suaij puu sisaaalut iiitanoas `s31441 pue Aim of palaoigns
aq Hugs aa8aiaoyq `aoJaaagjl aoiad asegoand atjl iced in ao ajotlm ut /iud of JO Ifiaadoad pagaiaow
J ul lsu aoueagtunoua aoiad JO aaJ 40 `isaaalui ifitanoas `uatj 2utput?isino nip JO aouRagtunoug
paiittuaad Aug ,ig pampas ssaupaigapui ,led of pasn si suotlatjgO pampas alp Jo i..red ,iu1 l�ui
lualxa aui 01, (e) °saouenpv `sluaUTAnd of se suotsinozd I0'8 NOI.LO1S
8 S
SUOISInoad Ieuoilipp�'
°ivatuaaa8V lipaIJ all 4itm aouppa000e ut paaaajsueal
2utaq Jae sasituaad atli j! &aiaow sup Jo Lull aui amp.' Hugs aaOe iaojA! `ivautaaa y
09 30
the application of the doctrine of merger and, in such event, Mortgagee shall continue to have
and enjoy all of the rights and privileges of Mortgagee hereunder as to each separate estate.
SECTION 8.06. Applicable Law. This Mortgage shall be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the internal law of the State in which the Mortgaged Property is
located without regard to principles of conflicts of laws, except that the internal laws of the State
of New York (without regard to principles of conflicts of laws) shall govern (i) those terms and
conditions contained in the Credit Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein and
(ii) the resolution of issues arising under the Credit Agreement to the extent that such resolution
is necessary to the interpretation of this Mortgage.
SECTION 8.07. Sole Discretion of Mortgagee. (a) Whenever Mortgagee's
judgment, consent or approval is required hereunder for any matter, or either shall have an option
or election hereunder, such judgment, the decision whether or not to consent to or approve the
same or the exercise of such option or election shall be in the sole discretion of Mortgagee.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event
that Mortgagee fails or refuses to grant consent or approval when required hereunder for any
matter, the parties agree that the remedy of specific performance shall be the sole remedy of
Mortgagor with respect to such actions and Mortgagor hereby waives all claims for damages
with respect thereto.
SECTION 8.08. Provisions as to Covenants and Agreements. All of
Mortgagor's covenants and agreements hereunder shall run with the land and time is of the
essence with respect thereto.
SECTION 8.09. Matters to be in Writing. This Mortgage cannot be altered,
amended, modified, terminated, waived, released or discharged except in a writing signed by the
party against whom enforcement is sought.
SECTION 8.10. Submission to Jurisdiction. Without limiting the right of
Mortgagee to bring any action or proceeding against the undersigned or its property arising out
of or relating to the Secured Obligations (an "Action in the courts of other jurisdictions,
Mortgagor hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the state court or Federal court in
each jurisdiction in which the Mortgaged Property is located, and Mortgagor hereby irrevocably
agrees that any Action may be heard and determined in such state or federal court. Mortgagor
hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent that it may effectively do so, the defense of an
inconvenient forum to the maintenance of any Action in the jurisdiction. Mortgagor hereby
irrevocably agrees that the summons and complaint or any other process in any Action in any
jurisdiction may be served by mailing to any of the addresses set forth herein or by hand delivery
to a person of suitable age and discretion at any such address. Such service will be complete on
the date such process is so mailed or delivered.
SECTION 8.11. Construction of Provisions. The following rules of
construction shall be applicable for all purposes of this Mortgage and all documents or
instruments supplemental hereto, unless the context otherwise requires:
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
•Inzanas pun 224of aq
Bugs suoszad !Ions jo suoun24go gip `3202a01AI sigh pamoaxa anng suoszad aiouz JO OMI 3z34M
su2!ssn pun salmilsgns `sanimuasazdaz InSal `szossaoons `szia!I o uioadsaz z!O4 pun suogn04g0
paznoag alp jo szaploq agp `aa2g2uow Jo Igauaq ally 02 aznui pugs pun uadozd pa2n2 .'ov ally
3o lard Cu n JO IIn 01 pun ui zoSiO .Iow jo Isaaauui u! siossaoons 2uipnloui `zoan5 .ioyt Jo saissn
paTaiuuad pun szossaOOns `sanunwasazdaz `saaslnap 'opt! agp pun Jo5n2 .IoN uodn 5uipuiq
aq ins Joazag suoisinozd ata •suWissy pun szossaoong 'Zi•8 NOI.LJ1S
doaiall uoijzod Aun pagnzp sng !Ions mgi
lonj agp map unnnzp aq pegs /Bind Xun 2suinfn JO Jo z0A1J u! 33u31Odu! ON 01)
„aassalgns pun aassal `w ualgns `Tunual.„ imam Ilrgs „aassal„
uua2 alp pun zossalgns pun zossai `pJOipunlgns `p1olpur!„ maul hugs zossal„ uual
a41 „asnalgns JO asnal qounualgns qounual„ unam pugs „asnal„ uual oij (D
•asuadxa pun Isoo aios s,zogn2uoys.j .10202.101N Jo jlegaq uo zo /iq
pagsuns pun pauuojiad aq hugs aapunaiag zo2e2uow Jo suoiw ilgo IIv
•0501zow sup Ui pa1nzodzoou! &gazag am a rSuow
s!ql `ol spgigxg Iin pun `u! q .!oj las slnlioaz IIn pun Jo a nd JOAO at u, (g)
zo/pun suompuoo `sluauiazinbaz `sIuauiaazfe `s1unuanoo
`soul!„ asnzgd alp papaoazd 3i sr panusuoo aq !pis luauznzlsui zo luauznoop
zagpo Xun JO 0101041oads02 41!M pasn uagm „suoIsInozd„ uual ata (2)
•saijiuua In2al apnnud pun oilgnd zaglo /cur pun suounzodzoo
`sdigszauurd `sung `suoszad Inzmm apnloui hugs „uoszad„ uual aqZ (l)
•nszan loin pun `zaquznu Inznld alp apnjoui pun maul
•aquznu znin2uis Ogg 2uiuoduz! spzonn pie `szapua2 zag10 ag1 jo spzoM anunlazzo0
alp apnlou! pun maul pegs zapuaS zamau JO aulmuUaJ `aullnOSnuz Jo spzom (a)
•,doazagp iznd /sun JO �igazag paznoas sums 10410 'cur zo„ asnigd
age �fq pamopoJ Ji sn panz3suoo aq hugs „suouW24g0 paznoaS„ uuaa ag.L (p)
•,doazago find ,tun zo„ ass iqd alp pamolloj 3i sn panusuoo aq pegs „sasiumazd„ pun
„Auadozd po .Iow„ 1uauzdlnbg„ „s1uauxanozdtu!„ „punk„ salmi ags (o)
„01 pawiuzil Buiaq 2notpinn„ asnzgd 042 iiq pamolloJ
Ji sn pan.usuoo aq Iings suua2 znpuns pun 2uipnlou!„ „apnloui„ suua1 aqZ (q)
•aa1S1.low sigh `Poajjn Am /sun u! JO 10 WOWi JO adoos
alp aquosap JO UUZHI AM ou U! pun /quo aouazajaz 20j pasn azn uiolag suoi1dno 1igigxg
pun uolloog IIy '1xauuoo ui pa3naisap asinnzaglo Alssazdxa ssalun `02E2uolAI sup.
o� paxauun s2igigxg 042 pun joazag suoijoaS pun saloi ly age. 02 saoua1Ojaz azn s1!gigxg
paza11al 02 JO suoioaS JO SOI091V pazaqumu o2 man!! saOUa1Ojaz III' (e)
4 9 OUt3S0' 0
s'017CSE /EOS 0UAN
SECTION 8.13. Counterparts. This Mortgage may be executed in
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which shall constitute
one and the same agreement.
SECTION 8.14. Agency. Mortgagee may deal with the Mortgaged Property
and may issue any release to be given hereunder pursuant to Section 7.01 or grant any consent or
approval or take any other action required or permitted hereunder, without reference to or the
approval of the holders of the Secured Obligations and any third party (including any title
insurance company issuing a title insurance policy, or a commitment to issue a title insurance
policy, in connection with the Mortgaged Property) may conclusively rely on the due authority of
Mortgagee to do any or all of the foregoing.
SECTION 8.15. The Security Agreement and other Loan Documents. In the
event that a valid and enforceable security interest has been created in any of the Mortgaged
Property under the terms of the Security Agreement (as defined in the Credit Agreement) and the
terms of the Security Agreement are inconsistent with the terms of this Mortgage, then with
respect to such Mortgaged Property, the terms of the Security Agreement shall be controlling in
the case of Equipment and proceeds of insurance policies and the terms of this Mortgage shall be
controlling in all other cases. With respect to any other Loan Document, in the event of a
conflict between the provisions hereof and the provisions of such other Loan Document as they
relate to the Mortgaged Property, the provisions of this Mortgage shall control.
SECTION 8.16. No Merger. The assignments by Mortgagor in favor of
Mortgagee herein contained and the obligations of Mortgagor hereunder to (i) maintain the
insurance required to be maintained by Mortgagor hereunder and to pay all premiums in respect
thereof, (ii) to pay all Impositions, (iii) reimburse Mortgagee for all sums expended by
Mortgagee pursuant to this Mortgage to protect the lien of this Mortgage and to prevent waste to
the Mortgaged Property and (iv) to pay interest at the Default Rate on the aforementioned sums
from the date due until paid in full shall not be merged into any judgment of foreclosure and
shall survive any such judgment.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
•5utpurasano llias inq alga i (d puu anp uaga suo9u5qqo pampas atlalo uopuod auualo luau/Cud
aua Suiznoas auaumzasut Anmoas pup uail t? su Xaizoizdlo SSOI anoTlaim aoajja pue aOZOJ IInJ ut
anutauoo hugs sa2r2pow IruoiaippV am Aq paarazo asazaauI Animas am pug uatl am pui `ag view
am am se `saBaazow I>?uoiaippy aniaoadsaz aua oa pa fps suoiu5ggO pampas atla jo uotazod
am JO suoip qq0 paznoas amp ire zoJ jo uotstnozd alquoildd1l Sur uapun `asTmuatpo zo
airs jo uamod `uotapu aznoo ,iq zagaagm sa212auoyAI Iuuotaippy aua Jo III zo Sur pug aar2azoyAI s!qa
jo aznsoloazoj 'mind JO paoa aqa zoj s2uipaaoozd JO 2utpaaoozd t aanapsui oa niSp aqa ant?q Hugs
aa5gBa.toyAl `sauauInooQ uuo-I am uT papinozd as1mzatlao sl Jo auang u1l3o aouazznOOo
aua uodn •(„sag.rado.rd jvuopzppd„ oq) saiazadoid leuoiaippi atla 2uiaaquznoua puu „sa8v ?poly
1vuogl ppV„ aq2 `suoU l qqJ pamoaS am 2UTOUaptna zo 2utznOas Sauauznoop antaoadsa nap
Maim zagaa2oa) sauauznzasui SIpnoas .reliuns zo asni jo spaap `sa2eTazoui puoiaippr Claim zatlaaoa
aeSauow sly `s& nq zatlao 2uoutr `Sq pampas ate (Ind ut JO alotlm ui) suoiatlg0 paznoaS
am aqua sapalmou pu zo2u22zoyAI •uoiaezil1zaat'Hoa -ssoza '6I'8 mono as
MAID gg Qg2HInOaw XTTVOIdIagdS SI SV (ANV dI) g3I.LON Haf1S NVHI 2I 1H10
AS IlflVdal NOdll allf1S010H210.1 1VI3IQl1fNON AS S1SIJAI Hd HELL TITS OZ
s Otissss /EOSaoUAN
os68530 590
Mortgagor acknowledges and agrees that the Mortgaged Property and the Additional Properties
are located in one or more States and counties, and therefore Mortgagee shall be permitted, to
enforce payment of the Secured Obligations and the performance of any term, covenant or
condition of the Subsidiary Guaranty, this Mortgage or the Additional Mortgages and exercise
any and all rights and remedies under the Security Agreements (as defined in the Credit
Agreement) this Mortgage or the Additional Mortgages, or as provided by law or at equity, by
one or more proceedings, whether contemporaneous, consecutive or both, to be determined by
Mortgagee, in its sole discretion, in any one or more of the States or counties in which the
Mortgaged Property or any of the Additional Properties is located. Neither the acceptance of this
Mortgage, the Loan Documents or the Additional Mortgages nor the enforcement thereof in any
one State or county, whether by court action, foreclosure, power of sale or otherwise, shall
prejudice or in any way limit or preclude enforcement by court action, foreclosure, power of sale
or otherwise, of this Mortgage, the Loan Documents or any Additional Mortgages through one or
more additional proceedings in that State or county or in any other State or county.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
Astaris Production LLC
c/o Astaris L.L.C.
622 Emerson Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63141
Fixture Filing
SECTION 9.01. Fixture Filing. A portion of the Mortgaged Property is or is
to become fixtures upon the Premises. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Mortgagor
covenants and agrees that the filing of this Mortgage in the real estate records of the county in
which the Mortgaged Property is located shall also operate from the time of filing as a fixture
filing with respect to all goods constituting part of the Mortgaged Property which are or are to
become fixtures related to the real estate described herein. For such purpose, the following
information is set forth:
(a) Name, Address and Federal Employer Identification Number of Debtor:
Employer ID No.: 43- 1880838
(b) Name and Address of Secured Party:
Bank of America N.A.,
as Administrative Agent,
101 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28255
(c) This document covers goods which are or are to become fixtures.
•v Tigiuxg uo two las si amsa Jo uoud!Jasap v
TI uoUanpoaa slimy zaumo pzoaal aul Jo auznu au.L
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Mortgage the day first set
forth above.
.My Commission Expires:
CHI99 3553387 1.057389.0011
a Delaware limited liability company
M.4 gare c arvill, its Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer
I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that MARGARET McCARVILL, personally known to me to be the Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of ASTARIS PRODUCTION LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed
to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that as
such Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, she signed, sealed and delivered said instrument
as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of said company, pursuant to authority given to her
by the company as her free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said
company, for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Given under my hand and official seal, this day of September, 2000.
it r rG. l y
Print N.
Notary Public
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PARCEL 1: All of Section 12, T20N, R117W, 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming.
The land is situated in the
County of LINCOLN, State of Wyoming, and described
as follows:
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thence NO a dzstartce of 991.81 fat (NO •08'36" E, 991.54 f+ record) to the
NW 1/16 corner of said Section 13;
rheice S89 a distance of330.47 feet (S89'DT16"W, 330,41 fees record) to the
C- E -W-NW 1f256 corner of said Saxton 13;
the ace NO•09'26"l:, a &stance of 1192.50 feet (N0'09'10"E, 1192.68 fry record) to a
point on the boundary line of the FMC parcel as described in Book 165 P2., on Pane 333,
Exhibit "A" ou file with County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Kemmerer,
theme S59'55'43" E along the boundary line of said FMC parcel, a distance of 2,551.93
feet (S59'55'55"E, 2551.97 feet record) to the southwest come of said FMC parcel;
thence N89'04'25"E, a distance of 249.92 feet (N8704'11"E, 249.92 feet record) to the
southeast corner of said FMC parcel;
thence NO'54 34"W a distance of 1443.67 feet (NO'S5'I9"W,1443.50 feet record) to the
northeast carne of said FMC parcel, said comer also being a point on the north boundary
line of said Section 13;
thence ■89'04'04"E along the north boundary line of said Session 13, a distance of
240.33 feet (N89°03'49"E, 240.46 flies record) m the Paint of Beginning.
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Permitted Encumbrances
1. The lien of this Mortgage.
2. The leasehold interest of the tenants under the leases described on
Exhibit B -1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
3. The permitted encumbrances listed on Schedule B -2 of that certain title
insurance policy relating to this mortgage issued by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance
Company, a form of which is attached hereto.
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
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SEP- 12- 2000
rra 12 32
CoM oNweAMna IA. t Trtis INSURANcE CoHPwr
SCHEDULE B /Section 2
Commitment No.: 817- 326861
File No.: 03013741
9. Taxes for the year 2000 and subsequent years, not yet due and
payable. Taxes for the year 1999 were in the amount of
$92,207.71, Tax No. 20171240000100, $1,082.42, Tax No.
20171210000100, and $246.14, Tax No. 20171310000100. This is
for informational purposes only and the Company assumes no
liability for the amounts quoted.
10- Restrictions and resevations contained in the United,fitates
Patent to said land eta .3 "Deeds, PAw� 33� 1 4- gxf 43 Y. K. f Q X32.
12. Easement to Lincoln Service Corporation, recorded April 12,
1960, Book 43 P.R., Page 544, records of Lincoln County,
13. Easement to Mountain State Telephone and Telegraph Company,
recorded December 9, 1974, Book 116 P.R., Page 202, records of
Lincoln County, Wyoming.
e wee
cad company, and FMC Co
truotion of Res
in favor of FMC corporat
137 P.R., Pa •e
Form41 p
Corporation, re
15. Certificate
of Co
a Delaware
975, Book 122 P.R, Page 424.
executed by State Board
toil, re June 28, 1977,
16. Easement to County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, recorded
November 8, 1979, Book 161 P.R., Page 342, records of Lincoln
County, Wyoming.
17. Notice on Deed, executed by FMC Corporation,
1, 1989, Book 281 P.R., Page 14.
18. Notice on Dead, executed by FMC Corporation,
1, 1989, Book 281 P.R., Page 15.
recorded December
recorded December
1�i Ivtein lrA t 42.0 t or. a71 fa 1Ir L
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Vh�e�t,,.� -1 F�M� bled tin
NYDOCS03 /535540.5
List of Banks As of the Date of this Mortgage
Bank of America, N.A. 101 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28255
The Chase Manhattan Bank 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, New York 10081
Citicorp USA, Inc. 2 Penn's Way
New Castle, Delaware 19720
ABN AMR() Bank N.V. 208 South LaSalle
Chicago, Illinois 60604
HSBC Bank USA 1 HSBC Center
Buffalo, New York 14203
Bank One, NA 1 Bank One Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60670
The Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited 227 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606
National Westminster Bank plc 65 East 55th Street
New York, New York 10022
The Bank of Nova Scotia 600 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
The Fuji Bank, Limited 2 World Trade Center
New York, New York 10008
The Northern Trust Company 50 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60675