HomeMy WebLinkAbout868534s6ulplinglno pale!Oosse pue aouaplsa! /I!wel al6uls auo uegl aloes aneq
of lou snail papinlpgns !o pap!n!p eons i(ue Jo pea 'spell (y) lno; uegl aiOW
ow! papinlpgns .io pap!nlp aq lou Aew pue sesodind le!luap!seJ AIlwe.4 al6uls
!ol Apo pasn aq Aeu! ulaaaq We/woo 6ulaq i(laadold lea! aql
:itpadold leaal pagposap all aOUeianuoO 0q4 to uolllpuoO
e se ealuel6 Aq pelda3Oe i(lsseldxe we slueuano3 asagl pue `Malay
pei(enuoo 6ulaq Alladold lea! paq!Josep agl u! lswelu! u! slossaoons slq pue
aaluel6 uo 6ulpuiq pue pue! eql g4IM 6u!uunu slueuenoo lenladJed a!e Lio!1M
slueuanoo an13014s9! 6 u1MOIIO4 eql 01 103rans slueuenoa anllouisaj
luawasea aq4 asn of 1g6u aq4 6ulneq
suosiad Gig to He of papinold s! uol4Onllsgo Jail° JO ale6 `aoual. Lions g6nolg4
ssaooe 4o sueaw e ssalun ssal69 pue ssal6ul l.o 511161! Lions sso.J a !o
uo palonllsuoo aq 'legs suollonllsgo laglo !o sele6 'seoual. ou (q)
'su6!sse pue losseoons `sJ!aq J!agl
'saaluel6 pue sloluel6 aL1 ,l0 ll4auaq uowwoo aLil !o} a!e i(agl (e)
:ale ulalaq paluel6 ssal6a pue ssal6ul
�o s4g61! Ile 4o suo!l!puo3 ayl ssalb3 pue sswbul jo sNb!u 4o suo!lppuoa
89E9 Sid laglap s `d aMOIleJ
Aq pau6ls „a3Sln3Zl t 'ON 13021Vd S31V1S3 NIV1Nf1001 SIIQIN3H
2 0d NOIld12i3S3Q„ Pelloe4e 0q4 uo pagllosap Apelnoped wow se Ile
ssal6e pue ssal6ul 4o slg6u ulepaO qI!M _mina 6ol `6u!WO/ M 'Alunoa ulooun
449 'lseM 6U. a6uej oN 9E d!gsuMol 'ZL uolloaS 10 ti /1.3Sti /I-MS
-O `alels equo siel uolldwaxa
pealsawoq aql 4o amain Aq pue Japun slg6u 11e 6u!n!eM pue 6u!seala! Aqweq 1 6u!wo /M
to alels pue `Alunoa ul0OUI-I ul alenlls 'alelsa lea! pagllosap 6 uiMoilo4 9 q4 '8Zi,E8 AM
`auldIV `i99C x08 Od 40 `aaluel6 `ueua al6uls e 'uouuee,0 lopled sewer of 1NV VM
pue Jl3ANOa `pa6pa'Moure Agaaaq s! 4oalagM ldlaOa! `pled pueq ul `suollelaplsuoo
algenlen aaLilo pue `(000 6$) slelloa 001 pue ua1 4o uollelaplsuoO u! pue
!04 `81-1.E8 AM `eUl3 '68 IeM 1 41l 0 N Sfl E I. G 40 `sloluel6 `17661. lagwenoN palep
ls) a1 s aql .lo saalsnll `lsao0 0 'per pue !woo •3 vef
G 3A 303 J
0340 g
A cr
/a r nova 2Id �'YC'tjj
F.a 1J N 1,�
located thereon. No mobile homes or trailer houses shall be placed on the
2. No animals of any kind may be kept on the property except
horses and domestic pets.
3. Any fences constructed shall be wooden construction of the
buck and pole method using only native materials. No wire fences shall be
allowed. Any fences built shall be constructed in such a manner with
openings at certain places along the perimeter of the property to allow the
free and unimpeded movement of wildlife through the property.
SUBJECT TO all other covenants, easements, exceptions, restrictions,
reservations and rights of way of sight or record.
WITNESS our hands as of this 19th day of September, 2000.
The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Jack E. Corsi and
Jack O. Corsi, Trustees of the Henry's Mountain Land Trust dated November 1, 1994, this
a(sf day of 4.t jidap V 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
Jack E. Corsi, Trustee
Jack O. Corsi, Trustee
toAenlns eye 10 Aiiigen sepuiWJe1 uopdposep 6uioCelol ey110 Gem Aue ui uo!,eoilipo
usulsanba pug u8wsapad pazuolout -uou a 1o3 `oNtANt /,N pigs 30 1883 0076£1 loo
8413 1 (0 I) UN 14l1ou atp 110108 pug lano ssai28 pus ssel21i 3o 1gSu g olio+ 21311.120O.1,
`CINv 4883 (09) ,(*xis 30 glptM umt.um ut s tpiM ;uautasua snon2puoo pus snonupuoo
8 au3alo 01 Su[uaytogs 10 8u!uag1Sue[ dugs paquosap anog8 a41 3o sou!' opts agl goon
!£I uo11008 PI /%3N ag1 Jo aui[ gytou 841
uo wilds r ,Cq poilrul peog uislunoyi ss(IuaH3o Klima 041011003 ££'0£1 `M..LE
,1Z 0Z9N Siq.nloq P1ogo 8 pus 1883 Ib'0£1 3o snipui s 'D! ‘2E-,L5- 3o alSuu
11 111020 8 qfino.up 'anlno pigs 30 ass ail 8uo[g '1883 LV 9£ I `X1181s8Mq.1ou (ND) aouagl
a4101 anlno 1gin01io 830 3,1 84118 muds 8 01 `1883 6Z'£6Z `M..L£ (£Z1) aouagl
4081211,14 8 41 0 1 1003 01°05 I `M.37£
,0E 0ttN Supt;aq pimp 8 pug 188J 9Z10[ 3o St1M81 8 41iM `.,8£-.6£-056 30 algae
j81lua0 8 g8no.nll `an.tna pigs 30 014 9g1 2uolu '1883 90'691 'A1lalsaMtuou (c 13) aouagl
ag1 01 an.ma lglnolt0 a 3o Od aq1 18 alltds 8 01 1883 18 `3.,51 (ZZ'I) aouagl
!a)lids 8 01 iaa3 81'6ZZ'3, 8( (1 n) aouagl
!ailids 8 o1;aa3 8Z'IL `1,9I (0Z1) aouagl
!%3Nt/ NY S
pigs 30 100100 ls8 g1.10u alp U1013 `1 t'6'ZIOI `M,.£I `£I uotloaS
Pi /3Nti /Nt /,S ag13o mull %1mou aq1 uo wilds 13 ,Cq palletu luiod 1318 ONIAIAII03n
:auplaluao paquosap
Su!M011o3 am 3o apis 4018 1883 (0£) A Sutaq glp!M ui 1883 (09) ,C1xis pm! 3o dins
8 ss0138 pug Japun `lano satlgpn oilgnd pus ssal2a pug ssa18u130 REV 8 41iM 21HHJ.31JO1
`CINv !El
uopoaS pies 3o r /3Nt /Nt /iN 8 413 0 3aa3 (001) Palpunq auo want ag13o 1883 (09) Axis 11.1ou
agl 110108 pus lapun 'Jan° sa!utpn oilgnd pug ssaisa pug ssa13ui Jo 1g2i1 s 41i' uaniaoaL
`QNV !MI I2I NS£.L 'El uopaaS 3 '/MN 2112Jo 1883 (09) Ax1s tuou
0q1 880108 pug lapun'lano sapilpn oilgnd pus ssal2a pug ssa12ut Jo 148i18 gl3M 21HHJ.HOO.L
`QNV !„NOLLdfIOSHQ HoumId avou
NIV,LNf1Ow 5.1t21NHH `LSf12I L QNYI NIN.L■f101A1 S.A21NHH 2103 NOIJ.df13S3(I„
`palm ugtgxa paqounn 841 1.o paquosap s1. twin UI 1 (09) Axis purl 3o dpls
u ssolos par lapun '18A0 sailililn oilgnd pus ss0i80 pus 880121113o 1421.1 r 41 M 2I3HJ.300J.
'.ssal 10 81011I tam 617'6£30 132.113 1.r ONISSddJAI00N3
!2u!tuo,CM 4Cluno0 Uloout7'M6I121 `NS£.L `ZI U /HS %,MS 8 413 0 iIV
T 0, 9
:11M -01,
1103 NOIIAIUOS 1 1
wog '.euwds tem e..i
euw.AM' d
A.t AM 11.41 di
'011 ',own i.M'M4
tin '.N ua1YNE.u'WM
IM' l S Yimam'
1 1121C'091 u011.I1.,0.y 11.V1
OSM '.Nu inuMe.WARP
.MC '.N u09099e.11
1900000 YAMS
VW •rt 09 9 0 +1 00 x 90000 9
0191'0911. V9v1
pest •eN uaNllgery WN
Mb I'RI u05.4
pawn •N r'•d
uakounS purl IW.P,•1.d
Proleationsi Um, Sumps
0.1 N. fdwbl
Wyo. P.p4ma9en Na. 1a
N.10 Nlon No. 3990
ip0 No. 1170
Nov* Ppisralbn No. NOS
Sooe 0. SchNe1
Wp. NpbuaYon No. 31811
Ides 7/plm.Son No. 1011
Ulan 1lpwradel No. 371111
each "spike "PC" and "PT" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by two (2) 5/8"
x 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL
LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details;
all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
dated 1 prii 996 and revised Ja, 98.
19 1 ember 2000 Re
24 une 1994
T 33.119.174edl Cord
"Modification in any way of the toreaaninq description terminates liability of the surveyor"
iOAonJns oy( jo A: I!yen saluuiwJJI uojtcipasop Ituloltwoj alp ju Aum Aut' ul uupU.911i.poiN..
:apTs ATaagoaou ao o ;et ago oa
oaa3 99'LE oa Bop ?M a&uego pue fagat ago oa anano aetnoa ?o
2 3o Od ego oo 'lea; 08'801 'Hun (£Z) aouago
'qua; S6'T18T '3uYS (Zni) aoualll
!3oaaago yd ago oa 'o233 Z4'LL
'SsOV- 190 -o6LN 6uraeaq pimp e'pue lea; 95'64 3o snrpea
ga ?M '11Z5- lZ4 oZOT 3o aT6ue Teaoueo a gbnoago 'anano
pies 3o oae ago &uole 'aaa3 58'88 'Ataaoseagoaou (t0) aouago
:ax?ds a oa
e 3o Od ago 00
p Tes
:ogSTa ago 0o anano as
'aaa3 04'8Lt 'HIIEt (Tj) aouaga
s3oaaago aauaoo osemgonos ago woa3 aaa3 Z4'SE 'a1144 -o00N
'Max pies 3o auTT 429M ago uo ax?ds a ae ONINNIOSH
:apTs goes
oaa3 (OE) Aoa ?go 6u?aq gapTM 6u?uuTSeq 'au?taaoueo paq?aosap
bu ?MOTTo3 ago 3o apTs goes uo paoou se sgopTM ago go 'ET
uoTooag pTes 3o MssMax ago pue Max ago u?ga ?M puet 3o dims e
00 'auTT Banos pTes ¬e 'lea; 58'48 '211TV-19E-068S aouago
:MMN p ?es. 30 auTT
Banos ago uo outod e 01 'lea; L6'6TT °M,ZE-1ZZ -054S aouago
:ouTod a oo 'MMN
0 auTT osea ago &lore 'oaa3 58 'au44- 1tZ -o0ON aouago
!MMM pTes 3o,aauaoo oseagonos ago oe ONINNIDES
:sMOtto3 se paq?aosap
'ETC 06ed uo spaooag oToeasoaogd 3o ZLt s(oog uT Aouno3
utoou ?Z 3o xaaTO agl 0 a aga u? paooaa 3o ouawasse
aego goTM Teo ?ouepT 'ET uotooas pTes 3o MMN ago 3o oaed oego
arm !ET
uo ?ooag p Tes 3o MMSYTWAH ego 3o aaa3 (09) AoxTS osea ago pue
ET uo?aoes pies 3o MMs4asMai ago 3o aaa3 (09) AoxTs osea ago
any :3oaaago auTT goaou ego uo ax?ds a oa 'MMSM2SMSS
3o alit osea ago 3o osaM lea; (OE) AoaTgo pue
tatteaed auTT a 6uote 'lea; TS'8EE 'H1144- ITZ -o00N aouago
!ex?ds a 01 'lea; SZ'96 '31181- ISE -ottN aouago
fsN?ds 2 01 'aaa3 EZ 'HIb4- in -o4tN aouaga
ax ?ds a ,00
1 1 9 a3 6Z'L6 'S115Z-1EZ 7oSEN aouago
!AOuno3 uIooutZ 3o xaaTO ago 3o a ago uT pat ?3
paooag aauao3 ago ut paq?aosap se puno3 'MMSMSSMHS pTes'
3o aeuaoo oseagonos ago woa3 '12a3 LZ'Z4t 'MoTZ-15T
'ETT -ET oN peal/ Aouno3 Aaaagoas(og0 3o spunoq ago urgotM
'MMSMSSM35 pTes 3 auTT Banos aga uo ax?ds a oe ONINNIOSH
:auTTaaouao paq?aosap
6u?Motto3 ago 3o opts goes lea; 0E) Aaa ?go 'ET uo?ooas pTes 3o
YIMSMSSMSS aga u ?goiM gopTM uT aaa3 (09) AoxTs punt 3o d?aos e
:sMotTo3 se pagi.osap
'6u?woAM 'AOuno3 uToou ?Z 'M6TTH 'NSE,L 'ET uo?ooa5 3o oaed oegy
o Z
Nolsalxossa NoxsId aOOE NIVIROO SI.UNSR
a snux arm NIvxmaox s I AZLNaH
xoa NOIJ I1osaa
01101/ a.w
100(0 1 .IlM'. 0 sI"(
0 11[a IkHuMAM 1 +NW ale
'011111111/10S aonnans
I"1 PS Y
0010 roN IapnpO+a
N9 V Il?
191 ?N 0 4 1 t 1 $tJI
W 'N P'4
suotemws puei p eups.p d
ff-c �'�s'9 O
Ubti8 534
►r<(...Iaul L a nd S...rrew.n
Paul N. Sclr bl
RegionOon No. 164
Scon A. khe.krl
R.RWnrion Na. 7069
Marlowe A. Schedmi
Redwalion No. 53611
Rig Piney. Wyoming 63117
Jackson. Wyoming 63001
Ahon, Wyoming 01110
thence (C2) northeasterly, 259.93 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 111 15' -18 with a
radius of 133.86 feet and a chord bearing N64 11 -01 "E,
220.98 feet, to the PT thereof; and change width to thirty
(30) feet on the left or northerly side;
thence (L4) N08 33' -22 "E, 152.34 feet,' to the PC of a
circular curve to the right;
thence (C3) northeasterly, 97.39 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 119 04' -44 with a
radius of 46.86 feet and a chord bearing N68 05' -43 "E,
80.79 feet, to the PT thereof;
thence (L5) S52 21' -54 "E, 305.71 feet, to a spike;
thence (L6) S83 39' -10 "E, 325.11 feet, to the PC of a
circular curve to the right;
thence (C4) southeasterly, 113.23 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 65 22 -09 with a radius
of 99.25 feet and a chord bearing S50 58' -06 "E, 107.19
feet, to the PT thereof; and change width to 49.10 feet to
the left or northerly side;
thence (L7) S18 17' -01 "E, 52.76 feet, to the PC of a
circular curve to the left;
thence (C5),southeasterly, 89.80 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 120 37' -11 with a
radius of 42.65 feet and a chord bearing S78 35' -37 "E,
74.11 feet, to the PT thereof; and change width to thirty
(30) feet on the left or northerly side;
thence (L8) N41 05' -47 "E, 110.44 feet, to the PC of a
circular curve to the left;
thence (C6) northwesterly, 119.91 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 93 07' -43 with a radius
of 73.77 feet and a chord bearing N05 28' -04 "W, 107.14
feet, to the PT thereof;
thence (L9) N52 01' -56 "W; 24.00 feet to the spike of
beginning for Crooked Canyon Spur, N81 21 -12 "W, 1208.39
feet from the southeast corner of said NEW;
thence (L10) continuing N52 01' -56 "W, 42.93 feet, to a
thence (L11) N21 09' -25 "W, 69.89 feet, to the PC of a
circular curve to the left;
thence (C7) northwesterly, 117.12 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 32 40' -36 with a radius
of 205.37 feet and a chord bearing N37 29' -43 "W, 115.54
feet, to the PT thereof;
thence (L12) N53 50' -01 "W, 264.49 feet, to the PC of a
circular curve to the right;
thence (C8) northwesterly, 156.40 feet, along the arc of said
curve, through a central angle of 87 33' -01 with a radius
of 102.35 feet and a chord bearing N10 03' -31 "W, 141.62
feet, to the PT thereof, identical with the PC of a reverse
circular curve to the left;
thence (C9) northeasterly, 118.09 feet, along the arc of said
reverse curve, through a central angle of 24 39' -25 with
a radius of 274.42 feet and a chord bearing N21 23' -02 "E,
117.18 feet, to the PT thereof;
"Modification in any Way of the foregoing description terminates Hahility of the surveyor"
)UAaA1115 all )o RIIIICiCIO SaICUIWIol (fowl
pasTAa.z pus 966t ITadV t PaaeP
NIKINnOW S,A2INHHu 'pataTP A4uno0
ago uT patT3 aq oo paaedazd la
uT paIT3
s 3o pd ago 0o 'lea;
e 3o Od ago oo '0333
C. i9
M RUC UI uoneJIJ1')OI•V,
t3oaaago Id ago 00 'lea; V0'OLT
'3u90-19S -o05N 5uTaeaq paogo s pue aaa3 LT'LVT 3o snTpsa
14oTM 'n9S- IVE -00L 3o aT6us Teaouao s g5noag4 'anzno pTss
3o oar ago Buote '19e3 6Z'T8t 'ATzaoseagoaou (0t0) aouaga
:4gbTa ago oo anzno aeTnoaTo
a 3o pd ago oo '1003 OV'8VZ '3u8E- 186 -oStN (Vt'I) aouaga
sap•pauo q
61 aagwaad
'9661 10 a• ag V
utoouTq 3o )(.X3T0 ago 3o aoT33O
Td ago goTM aouspa000e uT IIe
!sTTeoap aoaTadozdde goTM '1189ES S'Id AM
A3NId OIS QL'I 'I36U3HOS 2i0ASA2ifS11 'pagTaosut dso wnuTwnte uZ
goTM p01 5uToao3uTaa Teaas ti n x 118 /S a Aq pa)(sew „4uTod, goea
'AOuno3 U O3U 13o )(aaTO ago 3o aoT330 ago
pzo�ag aeuao3 ago uT pagTaosap se puno3 „zauaoou gosa
.sTTeoep 9oeTzdoadde 14oTM u89ES S'Id
AM A3NId DIS .Q.L'I rITSIISHOS 1OA3A2If1Su 'peq?aosuT dso wnuTwnTe HE
goTM spox 5uToao3uTaa Ta3os o6Z x u8 /S 0Mo Aq peouaaa3aa pue
'wads Taaas H ET x u8 /E a Aq pavew o ld” pue 'o0du 'IIaNTds„ goea
!31100 181 000N SuTaq 'M6tflI 'NS£I 'ET uoTooes
3o )'j ago 3o auTT osee ago sT Aanans saga ao3 0NIoi3u 3Sl'H ago
rpapnToxa ATIeoT3Toeds sT uoTodTaosap sTgo uTgoTM
snag 14oT4M Et uoTooes Pies 3 YHSYtMN aqa u?goTM pull aega
!.4333 (09) AoxTs 3o 14aPTM wnwTuTW s goTM
'ouawasea snon5TOuoo pue SnonuTouoo s 3osaao 00 '6uTuaozogs
ao 5uTuago6u3t dTaos pagTaosap anogs ago 3o SauTI apTS ago gaTM
1 Y3N5'N%S pTss
3o aauaoo oseagoaou ago woa3 '4393 176'ZtOt °MuET- 18Z o68N
'ET uoTaoaS Pies 30 Y3N1NKS ago 3o auTT go.zou ago uo
axTds a Aq paNaew 'uoT4dTaosaC aaaaTd psog uTsounow s,AauaH
3o SnNIH1I3s 0141 01 'lag; t8'£V '3u91- 16V o0SN °(6T'I) aouaga
:aNTds a 01 'lea; S8 "T9T '311L0-0/t oEON (81'i) aouago
amTds 2 00 '4333 t0' 6Tt 'M1TV- 18'-06ZN (LT'I) aouaga
t3oaaata Id 3140 01 'aaa3 ZY"EET
'Mu90- IZT -oZON 5UTaeaq paogo a pus 4333 56•EVt 3o snTpsa
gaTM '11tt- ,Et -oSS 3o a15ue Teaouao a g6nozgo '9nano pTss
3o oar ago 5uote 'lea; EL'8Et 'ATaaosaMgoaou (ETD) aouago
fo3aT ago 0o anzno aejnoaTo
TE'EZZ '300E-117Z-oSZN (9t'I) aou314o
:3oazago Id 3 144 01 'aaa3 19 "L9T
'31120 -16V -oSSN 5uTasaq paog0 a pue oaa3 95'S9t 3o snTpsz
e 14lT^+ 'uV0 -16V -009 3o aTBus Ieaaueo a gbnozgo 'anzno pTss
3o oar ago 6uoTe '0333 VL"SLT 'AIaaoseagoaou (113) aouaga
!o30T ago 01 anzno aetnoa10
L9 "LL '3uVE o98N (ST'I) aouaga
:wads s 01 'oa33 Zt'VL1 '3uSE-.E0-060N (E1'I) aouag4
331IHI 3Dl td
Nolsait1OS3a mio2I NIKS.Nnoid s I amall
2IOII NoISai21OS3a
100[9 XON"OAM'''Y•I
(11c• 1 OMu.AM'AoW 1 10
'011 1341111-130 OOA)Ar115
IMO 'ON u° ''t!•3
1.1 'V
009( 'ON uo r
mmin v 00 5
n, w/ wrtml••r
1.1 1V WI
smAamrls purl miellsami
t7 n