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)11 a6e6uoW sly' 01 luens /nd AuedoJd eql ul Isamalu! JO s1g6u s,Jepue Jo (s1epe1eW snop.lezeH 6uluJano6 esoyl '01 pel!w!I lou inq `BU!pnpu!) AuadoJd all .Della AIIe!Ja1EW 1 go!LIM lueweaibe nun Jo peJluo0 'Mel to aim `eoueulpJO 'uo!leln6eJ 'elntels Aue Gleio!n lou Heys pue pamelo!A lou set Jobe61JoW (1) pue :AUedoad at1 pep ApeIJaIEw 1g61w yoigM paueleaayl Jo 6ulpuad aq 11eys JO sl 6u100900Jd JO UOIIOE oN (e) !aw!l Aue lE Jobe6lJoW uo 6u!pu!q eq Aew yo!gM iueweeJ6e Jeglo Jo 10eJluo0 'Me! 10 elm 'e0UEUIpJO 'u011einBeJ `elnlelS AUE 10 SUO!S!AOJd ell gl1M 10!11000 nu !legs pue lou op suo!pe asap. pue e6e6UoW s!y1 noun suolle6 f90 sl! LJOlJad pue alnoaxa o1 pez!JOttne Alnp s! pue l46!J eq1 sey Jo6e61JoW (p) :paMeUeJ 'AJesseoeu ajegM pub penieseid `peu!e qo aq Heys pue eJe AlWeseJd `AUedoJd ell 10 Aouedn000 pue esn ail 01 sleualew oJe yo!gm 'luauewied Jo AJEJodwe1 JatlatM `(s1enoidde uo!1Oadsu! 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Jo 1 JeleM U891n ag11 l l£ uo!10aS 011uensand aouelsgns snopJezey„ E se pejeu6lsep SaIsOM Jo s10IJe1Ew `se3Uelsgns esoyl (n) :slAuegd!q pa1EU!JOI1OAlod (!!1) aolsagse a!ge!aluou JO anew :wneloJ10d (1) `01 pip!' 1ou inq 'Bu!pnpu! 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Jo6e6UoW (q) `.JeUUeW Alawll e u! Lumped pue Aed 01 999.18E JO6E611OW 1.1014M 'aoueJejeJ Aq 010Jay paleJOdaoou! pue a6e6uoW 9!11101 pag38110 s! yo!1M 9 ainpeg0S u! peq!JOSap esoyl pUe a6e61JoW 9!111 Jol ldeoxa sw!elo pue seOUeJgwnoue 'slseJelu! Alunoes 'sue!! 11010 88J1 AuedoJd 0141 U!e4UIOw Hugs Jo6e61JoW (o) :IELiI JepUe1 01 slueuenoo pue slueJJeM `sluesaJdaJ J06861.1001 'S1NVN3AOO aNV S311NVHHVM `SNOI1V1N3S31:Ud31:1 'Z 9U0 ue141 eJow l! J0MOJJOB Jo Jo6E61.JoW AUe ueaw os!E pub epn4OU! Heys JOMOJJ0B pue Jo6E61JoW SWJel 0141 l ydeJ6eJEd s!yl Ul pasn sy '6u!o6aJo1 ay110 Aue 01 suo!1n1!lsgns JO S1u0We0Eld8J `suolle0!1!poW `sIEMauaJ `suo!suatxe `sluewpuewe paleedoJ !le (a) :6U!puelslno eq AeW aoueleq ou (au!' ay110 uolleu!WJa1 aloleq #nq) aWll 01 8W!1 woJ1 10141 1091 8141 6u!puels1U.Mlou Gull 9 141 noun anp .gap fie to 11n1 u! 1uawAed gun enulluo0 Heys e6e6uon 9 1141 10 us!' 0141 'pan 10 au!! a s! suolle6Hgo 014110 auo 1! 10(41 saoJBe Jo6E61JoW JamoJJO9 Jo Jo6E6uoW 10 ..8(40(1 uo papuelxe JO spew `a6e61.1o01 9!111 to uo!ln0exa 8 141 141!M AlsnoeueJodWaluoO apOW 1! se wave awes 9111 01 `98!MJ0110 JO IUaweeJ6e pen pua -undo uE noun apOW JaylayM `sOOUenpe 0Jnlnl (p) :a6e6uoW 9114101 SJa4OJ 14o!14M palnoexa Jeljea18. Jo Mou JapUBI uen!6 salved J811010 suo!lo6Hgo to AIUEJEn6 Aue (o) :(Bulo6eaot all uegl sesodand 'manly Jo ewes ay} ao; pelnoexe aeyleyM) a6E6uoW 9.141 01 Al80111peds Ja40J go14M Jepue y1!M 91UaweeJ6e ua11!JM 'awl JO amen J01410 pe (q) Xiva H V.91 3YU33d£t11 tlW1111f73 13 411.000no:L. tJ.N! 11Nflf�Wtl.lF1dI Nlkdd :sluawaeJ6e Jaillo pue SeloU XJOSSIL u!nnopol a ll pin e:E:um! s!yl :011uensand JapUel 01 suo!le651o„ Alen!191nWno) Jo6e61Jo4 JO JaMOJJO810 S1UEUOnOO pue suolle611go `semi!ge!1 `ssaupalgapul aJn1n1 pue luaseJd 11e 10 OOUOWJOlaad pin 1uawAed 9141 em0a9 pegs abe61.30,1 situ 'SNOIIVD 180 'L :smopol se su6!sse pue sJossa00ns sl! Jepuei 111!M 88160 pue lueuenoo 1UOJ AISsoidxe AgeJeq 'su6isso pue S0n!le4U8SaJdOJ `91!014 9JO6e6IJOn pue JO6e6p0n J01 `SeOp JO6e6U0W 'uol4EJap!su0O Jayunl U! `JenoeioW AgaJag pampas suo9 pe 10 pn1 u! iUOWAed'Run „AUadoad„ Alan!leinwno) AuedoJd leaf ail 01 6u!u!eued smools pue 91146! 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JapUa1 all Aq pa /ode /d seM luawnoop 51111 91 lobed L621 'ABU 1 10INAM 90Vd /0£L00 866030Z£L90100£99 8660Z0Z£L90100£99 1.5000lll 0£ /SZ /80 00 /SZ /80 00 LS8£ -9L -9ZZ "ON NDI1VOIJIIN3GI ©N 3NOHd3"13i. T£6£TOT£8 AM '2IHHHWN2?I Ia ISHM HIS MET S+S3Uaaa dl1'd'I N VAH dMV'I rIHVHOIN r UN NOIIVIOOSSY UV OIIVN ?IN:VS S •A H3GN31 LS8£-9L -9ZZ 'ON NOI1VOIHI1N3OI ©N'3NOHd3"1 3!. ;`144 T£6£TOT£8 AM '?IHHSWHtHx IO ISHM HIS TO£T clad Hoy S 3ti efg 1' 9 fQNV UNVHSnH 'd1 ant VAH aNV dIAIV`I `IHVHOIN •r L C BS L1.1.99 NIA! red 'IS 301/911101/11 l. 8 9 enpa iGWuno3 9Z6Z ONIWOAM DUf 'S6u(paoOey Sfl 9P Z a6ed L6lat Had 911jOV kM "1oaa9y4 amp anp aqt 10 JopJo esJeAeJ u! pendde eq 'uoydo sJapual le `Aew pondde spun) Auy Suope6ngp ey4 isule6e Jo sexes Aue Aed of play os spuni ego Aidde 01 'uoydo alos 511 is 11461J eqt aney Heys Japua! 'line;ap jo loan eqi u! 'Auedold eq1 uo paJ!nbal se aoueJnsul pue s1uewssasse 'saxes 10 tuawAed 0144 01 pa!ldde eq Heys smnowe asay4 'llneJap ou s1 aaeyl se Buol os •Auadoid 0141 0l 6u!uleued stuewssasse pue saxes `wnlweJd aoueJnsul lenuue pelew!tse 014114 (Zit) 481OMI auo y1UOw 11000 Jepuel 1411M usodep pip Jo6e6uoW `Japuei jo lsanbeJ eit uodn 'ewes 10 tuawi(ed l eouepine aepuel epinoad AIele!peww! pue anp ueyM Awadold 01 6upp1 sluowssesse pue sexes Ile Aed pegs Jo6e6uoW 'S1N3WSS3SSV aNV S3XV1 'SL e6e6uow slgl to 0lnsopeloJ Jo esealal `uo!leulwJal eqt enlnans pegs gdel6eled s!141 Japun Japua! AJ!uwapu! 01 uolle6pgo sJo6e6uoW ism sio6e6uoj 4e swlel0 yons puatap o1 lasunoo 10601 uMO 51! Aoldua o1 palt!lue eq Heys lapual `anl0UJatle out u1 ygMaJayl uotloeuuoo u1 paJ.1nou! slsoo Jaw pue sesuedxe Ie601 `seat sAewotte eqt Aed pue 'sw1e10 tons wog lepue puelap 01 lasunoo le8ei egg Heys 'Japua! 10 lsanbeJ 0 141 uodn '1o6e6uow •(sIe!JamiN snopJezeH 6ulnIonu! 050141 '01 papwll 10U 4nq '614p9p4 Auadold 9141 01 Buiuteued „swle10„ Alanlelnwno) s61pee0o .1d !e6°, .191410 pue stets `suol0e 'uop0e 40 sesneo '(sesuedxe Ie601 pue seal sbaw0ue Bulpnpu!) seipngep `se6ewep 'swlelo nu wont sse wleq s1U96e pue seabo4dwa `saa0n4o '9J01.3aJlp 's .1aplogeJeys St! pue Japuai ploy pue A4!uwepu! pue 10 a0pou uatt!JM yuM lapuei epinold Alele!poww!'lays Jo8e6uolnl •seouelswnoJ10 Aue Japun AuedoJd 014104 loedsel 1411M suo11e611go s,ao8e8uo j 10 Aue 10 eoUewJolled e4. aol elglsuodsea eq Jo awnsse sou Heys lepuel 'N0I1VOIJINW3aNI 'bl eweu uMo sU. UI yde .16EJed sly4 ul paquosap sU010e 0416Up401 u0J1 JOp1101 tuane .1d HIM a eieq paweluo0 6u114toN w0JlaJay4 6ul1nsal sa6ewep Aue Jo ydEJ6eJed sjyl ul paquosap suopoe 0144 01 6ululeuad Aelep Jo uolsslwo 'e >le1slw `Joaaa `uo10e Aue .101 Jo6e6uoW 01 o19en eq 4ou pip Japuel 019.19116u4uieuad AsaenoJwoo Jo ule40 Aue e1Res Jo aslwoldwoo o4 pue s6u4paa0old Ie6e1 Ja44o Jo `suns `suopoe yons pualep pue '111 euenaawl 'eouewwoo 01 40E1- ul- Aowope 51! se lapual stulodde Agway .1o6e6uoj •Awado .1d 9141 6U130440 6u4paa00Jd .191410 Jo 'stns 'U0loe pau91eaJy1 Jo !wipe AUE 40 a0pou ueluaM 1414M Japua, apinold Alele4peww! lIEys Jo6e81JoA 'SNOIIOV 1VD31 GN3d30 HO 30N3WW00 01 IHDIH S,H3CN31 '£L •Auedo.1d 04140 neda.1 JO uo!1OJOISOJ 9141 Jo suope6ng0 9141 Jo .uewAed 044 04 'Japua! 10 uoydo ague '110141 pue s6typaa0oJd ulewop 4uaUlwa Jo uolteuwapuo0 9 141 111!M uo4IOauuOO u! (seal lesleadde 6ulpnpu) 94S00 .101410 pue sesuedxe 10601 'seal ,sbawO.le S,Japual 10 juewAed 0141 0115111 pendde eq Heys pue Jeptlei 01 peu6Isse Ageaeq ale 6uiget Jo uopeuwepuoo yons wog ao6e6uo j 01 a4geAed se4uow pt' •buedo .1d 0144 016u1u1eued 6ulpeeoo.1d ulewop IUOulwe Jo UOleuuapUOO peuateaJ41 Jo lenlou Aue 10 aollou uattuM tip Japua! epinowd Alalelpaww! Heys J06e6u0W 'N0I1VNW3ONO3 'ZL •Auedo .1d 9y1 6U1109440 slueuenOO 01241C1.10 suols!nold 6u4uoz 014101 se6uego pesodoad Aue 10 00j10u ua.0 .1M gum Jepue ap!noad Alate4pawwl HIM Jo6e6uoW •lepuel 10 111951100 uatuiM Joud ay1 lnoygM pauopuege Jo panu!luoOS!p aq o1 asn yons puled Jo asne0 tou Heys Jo6e6uoW 'uolslnoid 6wuoz Aue Japun asn 6u1w1o4Uoouou a sewooaq AuedoJd ay4 10 asn s,Jo6e6uow 11 .luasuoo uatU.Jm Jo!Jd s,.1apual tnoyIIM Auadojd 9141 10 asn ay1 8U199440 S1UEUOn00 04OAUd .10 SUO4s4AOJd Buluoz 0y4 ul e6ueyo Aue 011U9SU0o .10 01E101 1011 118145 J06081.1 0 1N 'SINVN3A00 31VAIHd aNV DNINOZ 'LL 10010141 mop anp 0U1 Jo Jap10 °slanu! 0141 ul pandde eq uoydo sJapual 1e Aew slunowe buy AUadoJd ay16u!JolseJ pue 6ulpnngeJ 10 moo 041 pJEMO1 Jo suo!le61QO 0141 pJeMOI saIuow yons A4dde 01 'uoydo elm s4! le `14811 ey1 aney net's Japua! •Jo6e6uoW pue Japua! 04 10 peOlsu! JapUel 04 *alp swawAed agew 04 papaJlp s! AUedwoo eou0.1nsu! 14009 •5901 10 load 0)401 01 pezuolile s! Japua) pue eopou UGUUM Japuel ant Alalelpeuiw! Heys Jo6e6uoW `5504 10 mono 0141 ul •suope64gp 0 144 8uu19009 .184114 Jot Japuel 04 pe.1anpap pue pa6pald `pauSlsse ApueIs000 eq Heys sa!onod aoueJnsul tons Hy 'Jalnsul Aue Aq uMe1p IuawnJ4su4 a19e41o6au .10 yewp Aue uo eweU s,JOBe6uoW 6ulsJOpue JO A0140d Aue 6unlaoue0 `sepnod aOUOJnsu! .1apun sulep 6unttas pue 6u!Mew 1 Jo6e6uoW .104 4001- U4- AOUJOue se 400 Aew Japua •a8elanoo peilnbel ey1 61IOO!pul aoueJnsul 10 aouappte guM JapUel 14siu1nl Heys Jo8E6uoW •Age1ey pampas pue tZ 14de160Jed ul paquosap se 199.1alui 6uueaq pue elgeAed 80uenpe Lie eq Heys mop aoueJnsul 0141 pue Auado.1d 8141 uodn a6elanoo eoueJnsu! eleudoJdde a .1nooad uoleJOslp 9 1! 114 Aew (Mel Aq pannbaJ aq Aew se 0041ou 6ulpino .1d Jege) Japua) aoueJnsul u1E4u1Ew Jo ennboe 04 54404 Jo6e6uoW wane 941 !II •AUadoJd ail 40 a6ewep .10 9904 944 01 Buluweued speeooid aoueJnsul 8141 pled aq 01 Jepue 40 114611 041 pap nays uosled 191410 AUE .10 Jo8E61JoW 40 uoIss4wo Jo 100 ou 40 epinold pue eaAed 9904E 90 Jepuel eweU Heys seppod aoueJnsul 0141 "JODUOW Aue 111 papaoue0 .10 pelage ale seplod yons 81o1aq 8044ou uaUIJM ,step 0E !seal 40 141M Japuel epInoJd 04 Auedwoo 8OUEJnsu! 0144 9.1lnbeJ Heys sa11od e01e .1nsu! 841 uopaJOSlp 0405 S41 ul Japua! 04 elgelde0oe 910 se Sa4uedwoo 14019 wog AuedoJd 0144 uo aoueJnsul ule4go Aew Jo6e6uoW •Jepual Aq po mboJ wawa x14104 Auense0 110144 1110494400 `9111 pue opeuJO1 `e){enbquee 'poop Aq pasneo a6ewep Jo 5501 Bulpnpu! spJezey 110 4suie6e (moo 1ueweoeldaa) enIen elgeansu! lInl Sq Jo1 paJnsu4 Wag aq I44M Auadold e41 '33NVHfSNI 'OL •Awado1d pat9alle 914110 amen 1OMJew 1404 8144 114 ese0JOap 014118pu91 01 pied eq 04 esne0 JO Aed 10 uolt!puoo snolnald 944 01 AuedoJd papa440 8141 nedaJ 'Jepual l0 uo14do 0141 4 `!lays .1o6e6uo4 'a6ewea Jo 5901 Aue 40 wane 0141 111 JanaosleyM asneo A110 wog 40019144 uo1uod Aue Jo Auedoad ay4 04 „a6ewea Jo ssol„ Alanpelnun0) a6ewep Jo Uoyonllsap `41044 `SSOI Aue 10 )4S11 0114110 944 JEeg 110149 meal-Ion '3DVWVa HO SSO1 '6 esuedxe 9405 s,JO6e6woW 4e spew eq nets pue 'luesuo0 ua44UM mud s,1apue lno41M penow0J aq 4ou nets `lopual 01646uoleq 'maw! Ie1011eueq 0144 04 4oe[gns eq Heys Auedoad 814101 spew s4uawanOJdwl pue suOIUppe `suopeaal4e IIe '6ulo69104 eg16u111wn InoyuM 4uesuo0 U814!JM loud 5 JapUal lnOyl1M AuedoJd 0y4 01 s4u9wenoJdw! Jo suoyippe `suol1eJa1je AU0 a4ew 10u 110149 1060611001 'Sal01IOd a0Ue1115Ul HUE Me! elgoondde 11!M eoueidwoo u! Alalos Auedoid 0141 091 Heys J06e6uoW "AUedo1d 8141 01 loadseu tam petgwwoo 9q 01 a4seM Aue 14wJed Jo Ilwwoo 4ou Heys 1o6e60001 uou!puo0 pooh u! AuadOJd 0144 ulelulew o1 papeau s14ed0J Aue 0510W pue suo!13e 11 9 0 4 11 Jo6e6uoW 'AiH3d0Hd d0 30NVN31NIVW aNV 3Sf1 '8 uolssessod u! aa6e6uow a pewoap eq 04 Japuai asne0 pegs ulaJay fiu4ylou '6114060101 ago 6u!puelsyumIoN 1014010144 6111111591 sa6ewep Aue Jo ydeJ6eJed 91144 u! paquosap su0110e 9141 04 6u uleued Ae4Op Jo U0ISS4W0 'agels4w '10110 `110190 Aue 101 1o6e8u0W 01 alga!! eq 4ou pegs Japua! 4uawaa16y 91q4 Japun 519!x0 mum 40 loan Lie 4ou 10 Jeyla1M ss0upalgapu4 041 jo Aue aloes 094M101410 `uodn 1010401100 Jo6Hgo bum a9e0101 Jo a6uey9xe 'es4uoldUJOO `tuewAed 101 awl. ail pua1Xa `(as4Mlaylo Jo s8ulpeeowd le6e Aq) palm 04 'peilnbei sou wig 'Papua eq Heys Iapual •seoueluwal Jaywo pue S1UawnJ1SU1 alt 40 uolssessod taw 1ap1a1 apinoad AIa1elpaww! pue 'lapu91 04 seoue4Uw01 1e144o pue sIuawnJ.su! 0111 asJOpue 'AUedold 10410 941 wolf uede 1epU81 JoJ IsnJ4 u! s00UE4UweJ 101440 pue SwewnJ4su1 yons ploy Ile14s Jo6e6uoW `spae3oJd uo14euwepuo0 091101nsul Aue 10 IuawAed 0144 Jo sseupetgepuI Aue 10 4awAedald 0141 e4nu4suo0 590u0441W91 181440 JO sluawn1lsu! 01414! .10 uopeolmou yons 40 6u!n16 ail 6ulMopol sseupalgapul eq1 01.oedseJ yuM s8ouet11wa1 18y40 10 stuawn.1lsu! Aue 10 uolssessod SOA!9991 Jo sessassod Jo6e61.1001 1041 wane 0141 111 uopeolglou yons 40 6ulnl6 0141 pun salved pJ!y1 050144 wog Jo6e6uoy'J 016u!Mo sseupelgepul 941100/100 Apue6lpp Heys Jo6e6uoW "e6e6woW 5 !141 Japun 519!x0 .Inelep a 40u Jo Ja14014M „ssaupe4gepul„ Alanlelnwno) Awedold 0141 0110ads8l qqM 1o6e6uow 01 6u!Mo uope6pgo .10 ssaupalgapul Aue Japua! bed 01 (saluedwoo aoueJnsul pue Sa4u1o4lne leluawweno6 `saasua014 '9899904 '01 !Delp!! sou 4nq `61!pnlOU!) 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Aue 1SUle60 anal Aew 106064/01N 140114M pull Aue 40 swlep pue 5114641 Aue wog spaabold 110 pue '6ulpaaoold AOUanlosu! 101440 Jo AO1dnJ)4ueq a u! 99091 Aue 40 uoloafea .10 Uopeu!WJat 0141 wog panuap speaooad 110 Auedold 0141 asm140and 01 uoldo Lie Jo 051010xe s,aassa4 e 40 e se algeAed spaeoold lie 'A41edold 814101 a6ewep Jo uolonJlsap Aq pasneo At1nge1ueuetun wog Bu1unse1 swat 10 no! 6uuenoo aoueJnsul 10 AOHod Aue Japun algeAed speeooid pe `89091 AU0 Lit 1lnelap 6u1Mopol sa6ewep pelepmbi '941101 Aoua110p `SUolnquluoo a0um1nsul pue x04 'suopnquluo0 a0UE101111Ew 0910 UOUw00 l0 6uu41ed 'SI11OJ a6ejuao .1ad `911101 Ieuoplppe '941101 wnwlulw 6uipnpu! AuadoJd 814140 trio 6u1sue Jo wog Jo 989001 91411epun (potted uolldwapal Aue 6uunp enp Bulwoo a1nleu Aue 40 awo0ul Aue Bu!pnpul) anp /041081814 10 MOU aJnteu Aue 10 9u1o9ul 191410 pue %goad `songs! `sanuanal `sidlaoei '91001! `911101 04110 HO 8A!0081 pue loapoo 041146416u4nul1uo0 Hue atmlpaww! 814141!m 181419601 `saseal 0141 Japun aou0W1oJJad ,sa8SSal 40 sa!lueaen6 pe pue „saseal„ 0141 se 01 p91J84911044eaaay ale 'Iwo Jo wpm 1aylayM stuewaal6e pue saseal yons pe) AuedoJd 814140 AOuedn000 pU0 asn 104 S1U9WBa1Be pe `(sasee qns pue S4eMaUe1 `suolsualxa 611lpnpu!) Auadold 014140 909E81 a1n1n1 pue 6145!x0 pe u! paalnb0e 10.4081ag Jo peuMO Mou puewap pue wimp 198104114 `alp '44641 'ammo s,1o6e6uoW 110 lapual 01 su61SSe Alein4osge 106061100j `e6e6woW sly! Aq pampas 910 1 4 0 114m `suole61g0 0141 10 uole1ap4suo0 u I 'S1N3H d0 1N3WNOISSV 'S •S4saJaw! dlgsJeuued 10 dlysJeuMO )40015 anlpadseJ 14014140 wave 8y4 pue `84eudoadde se `slauued Jo SaaP1oy)pols s.1 to pm 14uo16ugles wawatels ataIdwoo 0 14s!wnJ pegs `aq Aew 0Se3 0141 90 `18M01108 10 1060611001 'lsanbeJ sJapual 1V 'stueuenoo 6111060101 8141 to 143001q 9141 W014 6u!Insel gsu pase91ou4 yons 104 Japua! alesuaduJOO Jo `UoyeJos!p elos 91! u! Japua! Aq paupuJa.9p 90 `A41n0as 1enw!s 1414M 1040010140 Jenwls 10 ueol a6e6uow 19.11 a 0){eu 01 uwwo0 110141 pinoM Japua1 yo!1M 9401 1seJew! 0144 01 suope61q° 914140 alai !salami a 990010u! Aew pue 6ul4M u! a9UeAanuo3 p!es o1 111051100 Aew aapual `uoydo alos sJapual 1e `10 `e geAed pue anp Ala4elpeww! uoa10141 4salatu! pan100e snld suope6p90 ay4 40 eoueleq ledlouud 6ulpuelslno 0141 alepap uoydo s4! 1e `AEW 1ap1191 '(AUmue 1E601 101410 Jo ')snit 'd114sJeuued `U011e1od100 0 9! 1nq SUOSJad 10 uosied le.1n1EU m sou s! 10606u0W 10 18M01.108 41) 106E6110n 10 JaM0J108 14 1sa.19tu! 1e11euaq Aue Jo pe l0 Jo `ula19144 498104U1 AUe Jo 'y a4npayos u! paquosap Auadold leas 014110 tied At m 10 11 uosled Aue 0110491101110 poop Jo110e11uoo `09084 '09uebanuoo `ales E 10 4uena ey1111 'SH3M0HH08 HO SHODVDIHOW NI S1S3H31NI 1VI0Id3N38 HO A1H3d0Hd 3H1 AO SH3dSNVH1 'b 'pump 101410 Aue 40 loan x141 u! Pappua eq mom 1apual y011.4M 01 suopeing° eta u! 10 181014 peule4uo0 selpeweJ pue 5414641 11 041apu01 algtua nom pue 06061401A1 511411apun 4lne4ap a aq pegs 1511140 paap 10 a6e8Uow loud At m Japun 1lnulap a 1044 5001601a14un4 pue Aga1a141 palnoas ssaupalgapu! 9y4 pue 4Sn14 4o spaap Jo sa6e61JOW 140ns Japun `paJmbal suol4E6ngo 110 wJOuod pue 'pOMO slunowe pe Aed 0. seel6e Jo6e6uow ueyt 1Sn1 10 spaap Jo se6e6uow mud Aue 010 amyl 41 Jeuuew Alawp e Ul wlolaed pue Aed 04 seal&e 10608uow 140114m a6E6uow 9114101 p914301l0 9 elnpegos 14uol .as se ldaoxa Auado1d 0y1 4o wed Aue 611984401sn1110 Sp9810 10 sa6E6uow loud ou ale 01a 91110110M pun swasaIdaI 10606140N 'S3DVDIHOW HO1Hd UPI 737 16. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY, BOOKS, RECORDS AND REPORTS. Mortgagor shall allow Lender or its agents to examine and inspect the Property and examine, inspect and make copies of Mortgagor's' books and records pertaining to the Property from time to time. Mortgagor shall provide any assistance requires) by Lender for these purposes. All of the signatures and information contained in Mortgagor's books and records shall be genuine, true, accurate and complete in all respects. Mortgagor shall note the existence of Lender's beneficial interest in its books and records pertaining to the Property. Additionally, Mortgagor shall report, in a form satisfactory to Lender, such information as Lender may request regarding Mortgagor's financial condition or the Property. The information shall be for such periods, shall reflect Mortgagor's records at such time, and shall be rendered with such frequency as Lender may designate. All information furnished by Mortgagor to Lender shall be true, accurate and complete in all respects, and signed by Mortgagor if Lender requests. 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Within ten (10) days after any request by Lender, Mortgagor shall deliver to Lender, or any intended transferee of Lender's rights with respect to the Obligations, a signed and acknowledged statement specifying (a) the outstanding balance on the Obligations; and (b) whether Mortgagor possesses any claims, defenses, set -offs or counterclaims with respect to the Obligations and, if so, the nature or such claims, defenses, set -offs or counterclaims. Mortgagor will be conclusively bound by any representation that Lender may make to the intended transferee with respect to These matters in the event that Mortgagor fails to provide the requested statement in a timely manner. 18. DEFAULT. Mortgagor shall be in default under this Mortgage in the event that Mortgagor, Borrower or any guarantor of any Obligation: (a) fails to pay any Obligation to Lender when due; (b) fails to perform any Obligation or breaches any warranty or covenant to Lender contained in this Mortgage or any other present or future agreement; (c) destroys, loses or damages the Property in any material respect or the Property becomes subject to seizure, confiscation or condemnation; (d) seeks to revoke, terminate or otherwise limit its liability under any guaranty to Lender or any individual guarantor dies; (e) dies, becomes legally incompetent, is dissolved or terminated, becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, fails to pay debts as they become due, files a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws, has an involuntary petition in bankruptcy filed in which Mortgagor, Borrower or any guarantor is named or has property taken under any writ or process of court; (f) allows goods to be used on, transported or stored on the Property, the possession, transportation, or use of which, is illegal; (g) allows any party other than Mortgagor or Borrower to assume or undertake any Obligation without the written consent of Lender; or (h) causes Lender to deem itself insecure due to a significant decline in the value of the Property; or Lender, in good faith, believes that the prospect of payment or performance is impaired. 19. RIGHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there is a default under this Mortgage, Lender shall be entitled to exercise one or more of the following remedies without notice or demand (except as required by law) (a) to declare the Obligations immediately due and payable in full; (b) to collect the outstanding Obligations with or without resorting to judicial process; (c) to require Mortgagor to deliver and make available to Lender any personal property or Chattels constituting the Property at a place reasonably convenient to Mortgagor and Lender; (d) to enter upon and take possession of the Property without applying for or obtaining the appointment of a receiver and, at Lender's option, to appoint a receiver without bond, without first bringing suit on the Obligations and without otherwise meeting any statutory conditions regarding receivers, it being intended that Lender shall have this contractual right to appoint a receiver; (e) to employ a managing agent of the Property and let the same, in the name of Lender or in the name of Mortgagor, and receive the rents, incomes, issues and profits of the Property and apply the same, after payment of all necessary charges and expenses, on account of the Obligations; (f) to pay any sums in any form or manner deemed expedient by Lender to protect the security of this Mortgage or lo cure any default other than payment of interest or principal on the Obligations; (g) to foreclose this Mortgage either by suit at law or equity, as Lender may elect, or to foreclose this Mortgage by advertisement and sale of the property at public venue for cash, according to Wyoming statutes governing mortgage foreclosures; (h) to set -off Mortgagor's Obligations against any amounts owed Mortgagor by Lender including, but not limited to, monies, instruments, and deposit accounts maintained with Lender or any currently existing or future affiliate of Lender; and (i) to exercise all other rights available to Lender under any other written agreement or applicable law. Lender's rights are cumulative and may be exercised together, separately, and in any order. In the event that Lender institutes an action seeking the recovery of any of the Property by way of a prejudgment remedy in an action against Mortgagor, Mortgagor waives the posting of any bond which might otherwise be required. Lender or Lender's designee may purchase the Property at any sale. The Property or any part thereof may be sold in one parcel, or in such parcels, manner or order as Lender in its sole discretion may elect, and one or more exercises of the power herein granted shall not extinguish or exhaust the power unless the entire Property are sold or the Obligations paid in full. 20. SECURITY INTEREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This Mortgage shall be considered a security agreement and a financing statement pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code covering fixtures, chattels, and articles of personal property now owned or hereafter attached to or to be used in connection with the Property together with any and all replacements thereof and additions thereto (the "Chattels and Mortgagor hereby grants Lender a security interest in such Chattels. The debtor is the Mortgagor described above. The secured party is the Lender described above. Upon demand, Mortgagor shall make, execute and deliver such security agreements (as such term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code of Wyoming) as Lender al any time may deem necessary or proper or require to grant to Lender a perfected security interest in the Chattels, and upon Mortgagor's failure to do so, Lender is authorized to sign any such agreement as the agent of Mortgagor. Mortgagor hereby authorizes Lender to file financing statements (as such term is defined in said Uniform Commercial Code) with respect to the Chattels, at any time, without the signature of Mortgagor. Mortgagor will, however, at any time upon request of Lender, sign such financing statements. Mortgagor will pay all filing fees for the filing of such financing statements and for the refiling thereof at the times required, in the opinion of Lender, by said Uniform Commercial Code. If the lien of this Mortgage be subject lo any security agreement covering the Chattels, then in the evens of any default under this Mortgage, all the right, title and interest of Mortgagor in and to any and all of the Chattels is hereby assigned to Lender, together with the benefit of any deposits or payments now or hereafter made thereof by Mortgagor or the predecessors or successors in title of Mortgagor in the Property. 21. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lender, at Lender's option, may expend funds (including attorneys' fees and legal expenses) to perform any act required to be Laken by Mortgagor or to exercise any right or remedy of Lender under this Mortgage. Upon demand, Mortgagor shall immediately reimburse Lender for all such amounts expended by Lender together with interest thereon al the lower of the highest rate described in any Obligation or the highest rate allowed by law from the date of payment until the date of reimbursement. These sums shall be included in the definition of Obligations herein and shall be secured by the beneficial interest granted herein. If the Obligations are paid after the beginning of publication of notice of sale, as herein provided, or in the event Lender shall, at its sole option, permit Mortgagor to pay any part of the Obligations after the beginning of publication of notice of sale, as herein provided, then, Mortgagor shall pay on demand all expenses incurred by the Lender in connection with said publication, including reasonable attorneys' fees to the attorneys for the Lender, and this Mortgage shall be security for all such expenses and fees. 22. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. All payments made by or on behalf of Mortgagor may be applied against the amounts paid by Lender (including attorneys' fees and legal expenses) in connection with the exercise of its rights or remedies described in this Mortgage and then to the payment of the remaining Obligations in whatever order Lender chooses. 23. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Mortgagor hereby appoints Lender as its attorney -in -fact to endorse Mortgagor's name on all instruments and other documents pertaining to the Obligations or indebtedness. In addition, Lender shall be entitled, but not required, to perform any action or execute any document required to be taken or executed by Mortgagor under this Mortgage. Lender's performance of such action or execution of such documents shall not relieve Mortgagor from any Obligation or cure any default under this Mortgage. The powers of attorney described in this Mortgage are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable. 24. SUBROGATION OF LENDER. Lender shall be subrogaled to the rights of the holder of any previous lien, security interest or encumbrance discharged with funds advanced by Lender regardless of whether these liens, security interests or other encumbrances have been released of record. 25. COLLECTION COSTS. To the extent permitted by law, Mortgator agrees to pay Lender's reasonable fees and costs, including but not limited to fees and costs of attorneys and other agents (including without limitation paralegals, clerks and consultants), which are incurred by Lender in collecting any amount due or enforcing any right or remedy under this Mortgage or any other agreement between Mortgagor and Lender, all whether or not suit is brought and including but not limited to fees and costs incurred on appeal, in bankruptcy, and for post- judgement collection actions and whether or not such attorney is an employee of Lender. 26. PARTIAL RELEASE. Lender may release its interest in a portion of the Property by executing and recording one or more partial releases without affecting its interest in the remaining portion of the Property. Nothing herein shall be deemed to obligate Lender to release any of its interest in the Property, nor shall Lender be obligated to release any part of the Property if Mortgagor is in default under this Mortgage. 27. MODIFICATION AND WAIVER. The modification or waiver of any of Mortgagor's Obligations or Lender's rights under this Mortgage must be contained in a writing signed by Lender. Lender may perform any of Borrower's or Mortgagor's Obligations, delay or fail to exercise any of its rights or accept payments from Mortgagor or anyone other than Mortgagor without causing a waiver of those Obligations or rights. A waiver on one occasion shall not constitute a waiver on any other occasion. Mortgagor's Obligations under this Mortgage shall not be affected if Lender amends, compromises, exchanges, fails to exercise, impairs or releases any of the Obligations belonging to any Mortgagor, Borrower or third party or any of its rights against any Mortgagor, Borrower or third party or any of the Property. Lender's failure to insist upon strict performance of any of the Obligations shall not be deemed a waiver and Lender shall have the right at any time thereafter to insist upon strict performance. WYMORTC Rev. 211111111111 11111111111111nitials 5 g abed :HODVD1HOW :aoovo ±uoi 862 ••EI Oldo JAM :HOD/91E10N :HOOVOjjOW :aoovof JQ :UODVOiUOW :HOJVOlHOW NW' zaVJWIW r :HOOVOlHOW 0002 '4snbny }oAep t[aSZ sq plea •luaw6peIMOUre ayj jo asp ayj uo en!jelueseadeJ pezlaoyjne AInp 91! Aq eweu 91! ul paaangap pue pelnoexe eq o1 luewnalsu! sNI pesneo sell Jo AIenpinlpu! 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A ss• COUNTY OF: On this of of described in and who My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires: On this (SEAL) WYMORTE Rev. 2198 Z before me personally appeared executed the exeltutedrthe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that same as free act and deed, including the release and waiver of the right stead. Given under my hand and seal this c 25 "4" day of ,)ijs (SEAL) Ok 9 -_/(1 STATE OF COUNTY OF: On this day of to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he /she/they are the STATE OF: COUNTY OF My Commission Expires: SEE ATTACHMENT(S) A Return recorded document to: U. S. Attn: Li Perfection Dept. P.O.B x 87 Fargo D 8108 -2687 ss: Notary P before me personally appeared RELEASE OF HOMESTEAD RIGHTS: SS: Executing Signature: !!SCHEDU L. B LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD c Notary Public Notary Public U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO LIEN PERFECTION DEPARTMENT AT ITS ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. 64 �z Lot to me known to be the erson(s) executed the C M TEPHEN P. ALLEN e NOTARY U L t, COUNTY OF y STATE OF SWEE DNA rER WYOMING y Commission Expires __„_„gg respectively, of said executing the foregoing instrument, that said instrument was signed on behalf of said by authority of its and the above signed person(s) acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Given under my hand and notarial seal this day of day of before me personally appeared to me known to be the spouse of and who executed the foregoing instrument for purposes of waiving and relinquishing his/her homestead rights, acknowledged that he /she had been fully advised of his /her rights and the effect of signing, and acknowledged that he /she executed the foregoing instrument as his/her free act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this day of Initials 8660ZOZEL90I00£99 HMI 'IaYHOIW f 1 aOV cT seutpuooaa sn 8660202E490I00E99 #NH01 30VOI JOW TO 111111 111111111111111111111111 11111 3OrTtImL JXIA 'IVIOI. 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