HomeMy WebLinkAbout8678030 A298 -10 R298 -04 THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, Executed this /7 of by first party, Grantor, whose post office address is /,'6). 45-x. J/ 7/ 3 CRS to second party, Grantee, dr F 6, whose :i$st office a 53926 WITNESSETH, That the said first party, for good consideration and for the sum of 0 (q Jz Dollars 4/ paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said first party has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appurtenances there- to in the County of Z/Ar e, L /or c=7 S61,(77r,,s,eov.t C° e,"s ;2 y3 4 e£s 5 /7ZM c. 704).11 c7,,c 7 4Y,✓E Ccl Y ,.v�- w. s /7 7 11 11 20040 5 067803 451 0 BOOK _,._PR PAGE QUITCLAIM DEED /SO.,/ 6 A Os is r. g317 5/ ,_.74 laY ?3.00 AH '_fP!�` RECEIVED GO illiC 28 X 15 EPA ,Li,E R, t If your state requires 8 /z” x 11" forms, cut off the bottom of this page at the dotted line. jy �3craa 0700 (year), State of I) to wit: Rev. 6/98 E -Z Legal Forms. Before you use this form, read it, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are necessary to your particular transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose and use. E-Z Legal Forms and the retailer make no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchantability of this form for an intended use or purpose. (tugs) QI Paonpoa Teas mow pus pusq /Cul ssalquM ;uauznaisrn 0 p palnoaxa 'palm (s)uosiod ow mown jo 31egaq uodn ,C ;llua ow zo `(s)uosiod agi luaumalsul agi uo (s)aznluu2ls ztagl /zag/sTq ,iq ;eqi pus `(soi)Aliowdso pazuoglne nagl /aag/sig ul arms 0141 palnoaxa /Cage /ags /ag iugl aut of papaimouxow pus luaumalsui uIgUM ow 02 paquosgns aze /si (s)awuu asoiM (s)uosiod agi aq of (aouapina ciao ;o1Jspss jo sisuq agi uo aux 02 panozd zo) ow of umowi AIpuosaad paauaddu' up JO Alunop 3O alelS (iuos) UMOUN CFI paonpoa51-7 UMOUN eui� pa ;op ay; ;e aged siu ;o wouoq ay ;o ;n0 'swao; G x „q, 8 saainbea ems inoA j (Z) pas mow puu puug Aui SS 11 LIM •luautnalsui 0142 palnoaxa 'pope (s)uoszad 0141 goigM jo jpgaq uodn iCiilua 0141 io `(s)uosiod agi 1Uautnaisu agi uo (s)azniuu2is aragl /zag/sig Aq lugi puu `(sal)ligoudso pazizoglne ziagl /zaq/siq ut autos 0141 palnoaxa Amp/Ns/oil ;egl ow 02 papaimoure pus luauznalsul wggm 0141 01 paquosgns an/s! (s)ounu asogm (s)uoszad agi oq o1 (aouapina Azo1oujsl1es jo sisuq agi uo ow o1 panozd ao) atu o1 umouni Aiiuuosiod v (Y -7 55? 7 paaeaddu 1 Lf/ '6'litjG9' `out aiojoq C't? 063 0 n lV' ,h up vc24-2/. 30 iilunop J 1?'I kvokfl 3 o ale1S ,..4p '/'9 pcL z/ C ,.aid jo aanlsu 1andaid JO ssaIppd ian?da.zd JO awsN IUUd aI jo 3(14, IT33H QI 3 o ad,Cj 1uu33d Claud lszld Jo owuu IUUd JClaed lsal3 jo aznluu2is iilaed 1sz13 jo auauu lug," C aaaedaad 3o aanleu2tS IS 'ow azojaq CJRION Jo 0.m1su2NS ICas2oN 3o azn ;uu2!S Z 6( SSOUIIM 3o auzuu lulzd ssauliM ;o aznluut!S ssauliM 3o amsu IUUd 2/1- viwypg ssauliM Jo aznl l :jo aouasazd ut pazaniiap pus papas `pauR[s •ual ;izm anoqu lszld zua,i puu ,Cup 0141 sivasaad asagl papas puu pau2is seg ,fired Iszg plus NI q0a11HHM SSahl.LIM AII