HomeMy WebLinkAbout867917UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Lease Facility Name /Location DIAMONDVILLE MAIN OFFICE (572280 -001) LINCOLN COUNTY NO STREET ADDRESS DIAMONDVILLE, WY 83116 -9998 Project: E18638 This LEASE, made and entered into by and between VIRGINIA B ELMLINGER hereinafter called the Lessor, and the United States Postal Service, hereinafter called the Postal Service: In consideration of the mutual promises set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Lessor hereby leases to the Postal Service and the Postal Service leases from the Lessor the following premises, hereinafter legally described in paragraph 9, in accordance with the terms and conditions described herein and contained in the 'General Conditions to U.S. Postal Service Lease,' Section A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Upon which is a One story wood frame building and which property contains areas, spaces, improvements, and appurtenances as follows: AREA SQ. FEET AREA R�C��1F'5 Net Floor Space 648 Joint Use /Common Areas: Platform r,,' Parking and Maneuvering Other: 867917 OD r.„ 30 r ,s`II: I2 Driveway Landscaping Sidewalks Total Site Area: 648 2. RENTAL: The Postal Service will pay the Lessor an annual rental of: $4, 500.00 *Four Thousand Five Hundred and 00 /100 Dollars payable in equal installments at the end of each calendar month. Rent for a part of a month will be prorated. Rent checks shall be disbursed as follows: payable to: VIRGINIA B ELMLINGER PO BOX 116 DIAMONDVILLE WY 83116 -0116 BOOK 451 PR PAGE 2 3 1 SJEi: `Vli pG EM 7i.- �..,O1Rll'! I'tiE.e�,ii��[�'i��.Ir, ti� i'J�s, unless the Contracting Officer is notified, in writing by Lessor, of any change in payee or address at least sixty (60) days before the effective date of the change. 3. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises with their appurtenances: FIXED TERM: The term beginning Aug 01, 2001 and ending Jul 31, 2006 for a total of 5 years. RELEASE (v2.2, June 1999) 1 'buTwo/tM 3o alsls 'JCgunop uToouT 'TT NuoiS '6T pus ET 'ZT sgor T TApuoursTa go uMOy :NOI1d1213S3a 1V031 '6 •(8 uotloag egg) ,•suotleotppe3 pue suoRe;uaseJdeu, 9111 peleidwoo set.' peu6tsiepun syl g (T -W) aossaq aapzg aousua4uTsyy :loamy ped e spew pue uotinoexe of Joud uodn paai6e OJOM swJol Jo /pue slnoAel 'siopu 'suotleoytpow 'suotstnoid leuomppe 6uuwo8o1 ayl :SNOISIAOad 213H1O L •walsI{S aalsM 'walsdg TsoTa4oats 'walsICS absaaMag 'saangxTa 414E71 'walsIS buTlsag suoi;iuyap Jo; wnpueppe payoelle Jo /pue (17z y) suoWpuoO IeJaua ;o suoile6ifgo Jossal eag) :luowdinbe pue SaoIM9S `sal ;Illin 6ulnnoilol ay; ystwnl Heys 'uotleJaptsuoo Ie1UBJ syl to ped se 'Jossa1 :1N3Wdif103 aNd 'S3)In1:13S 'S3I1i111l '9 'aossaq aul of aotlou ualltaM sSep OE buTATS iq awT4 .Cue ge essaq snug ageuTwaag Lew aoTAaag Telsod aqy :NOIlyNIW2131 •s 'uzaaau asTmaaglo paO.s4s ssaTun =al 1sMauaa AUP buTanp awss ago uzswea TITM asewl sTgg 3o suoT4Tpuoo pus swaa4 aaggo TTK *wasp TsMauaa gore pus waag asset TeuT6Tao ago 3o pua atll aao ;aq s.Csp OE gssaT 42 aossa' ago og 'buTlTaM uT 'was sT aoz4ou gs144 papTAoad OO'OOO'S$ TTOZ /TE /L 900Z/I/8 T 'IY.LNa2t aaxa a,LYa NOISao wu1NNY Had NOI LYUIdXa 3AIZOadda 7YMaNa2t :sIsluaa Tsnuus bu-Mo1Io3 9144 gs pue swaag aAlgnoasuoo pus a4sasdas buimoTTo; alp ao3 'aoinaas Ts4sod ago ;o uoigdo aq4 gs paMauea aq JCsw asea'I aLy :SNOIldO1VM3N3j 'b °seal r C 1.T r�49NO 33In2I3S7 a1SOd S31V.LS a31INl1 (6661 eunt'Z'ZA) 3Sd31321 UNITED STATES a POSTAL SERVICE. 0 �y,� Z.)r 2 3 3 Lease EXECUTED BY LESSOR this day of V( Virginia B. Elmlinger, Owner ALL INDIVIDUAL OFFERORS MUST SIGN Print Name Title gnature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Print Name Title Signature Lessor, Address: VIRGINIA B ELMLINGER Telephone No: Taxpayer ID: 393 -10 -9340 Witness Witness Date: VANCE BENNETT Contracting Officer DENVER FACILITIES SERVICE 8055 E TUFTS AVE #400 DENVER CO 80237 -2881 Address of Contracting Officer PO BOX 116 DIAMONDVILLE WY 83116 -0116 ACCEPTANCE BY THE POSTAL SERVICE Signature of Contra ing Officer RELEASE (v2.2, June 1999) 3 a ,POSTA UNITED SERVICE. Form of Acknowledgment 2 3 4 for Individuals t e STATE OF ri COUNTY OF atireert, Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, I th,q (I entify individual party to a lease) NOTARIAL SEAL KATHLEEN W. CARLSON Notary Public State cf Wyoming Sublette County, t;!yci, !rig Commission Expires Sep. 2 9, 2 000 (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) (Identify individual party to the lease) who is known to me to be the same person(s) who executed the foregoing lease, and who acknowledged that said person(s) signed, sealed and delivered the same as said person(s)'s free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hang and notarial seal, in the County and State aforesaid, this day of Lt t_ .7•>9Z t Notary Public My commission expires 9 /0/9 /l REACKIND(July 96, vl.12, P)