HomeMy WebLinkAbout973482When Recorded Mail To: Hy Dillman Hunsaker, Trustee L. B. Hunsaker Family Trust 2258 Jennings Street Woodbridge, VA 22191 I, Hy Dillman Hunsaker, state as true and accurate: Date this 1. That Lorin Barnard Hunsaker, the decedent in the attached copy of the Certificate of Death is the same person as Lorin B. Hunsaker aka L.B. Hunsaker, Trustee of the L. B. Hunsaker Family Trust Agreement dated 27 day of May, 1993, named in that certain Quit -Claim Deed, dated the 27 day of May 1993, and recorded on the 24 day of June, 1995, in Book 371 PR Page 290, Kemmerer, Wyoming, No. 805573, transferring the following tract of Land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Lot 26 in Livingston Subdivision, (Section 19), Township 37 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. GEO #37181940502500; 390 West Cottage Lane, Alpine, WY 2. That Hy Dillman Hunsaker, aka Hyrum Hunsaker, 2258 Jennings Street, Woodbridge, Virginia, 22191, is the successor Trustee of the L.B. Hunsaker Family Trust Agreement dated 27 day of May 1993. 4 day of August, 2013. STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY O PRINCE WILLIAM On the day of August, 2013, Hy Dillman Hunsaker, Trustee, L. B. Hunsaker Family Trust, ersonal1 ap e s c e me and signed this instrument. Notary Public Number: My Commissi MOHAMMED MANIUL HASAN Notary Public Commonwealth of Virginia 7501499 1Dffitialtknission Expires Dec 31, 2015 AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH a ?Y; 1 (AX"- 0 4 s itsfLAI (A it Hy Dillman Hunsaker Executor, Estate of Lorin Barnard Hunaker Trustee, L.B. Hunsaker Family Trust 0415 RECEIVED 9/30/2013 at 9:15 AM RECEIVING 973482 BOOK: 821 PAGE: 415 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARNING: IT IS ILLEGAL TO DUPLICATE THIS COPY FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES. 'P"77 ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE VOIDS THIS CERTIFICATION. �7T 1. .NAME OF DECEDENT' FIRST "MIDDLE %7'LAST 2. SEX 3a. DATE OF DEATH (Mo., Day, Yr) 3b.TIME OF DEATH (T46r, amd) Lorin B,azga ;S3i,, `i r 1j}ypsaker Male Dec 9, 2001 0730 4. DATE OF BIRTH(Mo De 7r) 5 /AGE Last Bfr53e)' j 'IF UNDER 1 YEAR IF UNDER 24 HR$ 6. BIRTHPLACE (City State or Foreign Country) ?,SOCIAL SECURITY: NUMBER j i i M0nJpg Days Hours .I Minutes Apr 28, 1927 74% j Brigham City, UT 8a. DEATH I HOSPITAL (sofas mdesfefospeI oily) I ALfiOTNEr}.'LOCA�IONS 8b. NAME OF HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY' (check only I 1 Inpai ent I a 5 in r 444 ❑6: Residence (any) (Ifoufslde 8 /aciNty, give street address of Walton) one) fl 2,EWQurPatient poA /bY��,( Hy Brigham Nursing Rehabilitation Center 8c. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH y? 1 8d ";go,(IJTY DEATH 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE(d maiden n Brigham City ,8QX i1der LuDeen Wayman DECEDENT 10. WAS DECEDENT 11. MARITAL STATUS DECEDENTS USUAL. OCCUPATION (Give kind of work done 125. KIND OF SI S EVER IN THE U.S. during most of working life. Do NOT enter retired) LIMY FORCES? 0 Never Mamed Q 3 W)doweg i D1. Yes 2'1,4° ®2, Married 4 divored c E for it /i, News Paper 139. RESIDENCE STR ET. ANDNUMBER 135.: CITY, TOWN, OR COMMUNITY 13c COUNTY 13d STATE 345 South 200 West Brigham. City Box Elder UT 13e. INSIDE CITY 131. ZIP CODE 14; WAS,DECEDENT'OF 1. Yes 2. No 15. RACE- Black, White, Am. 16. EDUCATION(sp.o .Ny wow LIMITS? (yesjS c3) W Indian (MU may be entered), grade Elemetary or Japanese, etc. Specity) S000nda tY( 0.12 Col 1. Yes 1. k�exi �/n ag'e(13 -16 7/ /2.� or 174) 2. No 84302 �'3 Py.rSq n b 4'oir White 17 PARENTS 17. FATHER'S NAME (FNS(, Middle: La N) 18. MAIDEN NAME F MOTHER (Firs( Middle, Las( Hyrum Barnard Hunsaker Ethel Rose INFORMANT 1e' NAME, RELATIONSHIP AND MAILING ADDRESS OF,IM ORMANT Hy Hunsaker S 2258 Jennings Street, Woodbridge, VA 221914403 20, METHOD OF DISPOSITION 218 ?DATEOF TISPOSITION 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (name of cemetery, 21c. LOCATION City`or Town, State Z ciematoty, oroBrorplace) Pee 01. Entombment 0 2, Dg)ution 3' Other V DISPOSITION )1 4, Burial 5. Cremation 8, Removal ,Ojj� ,�y5 2 0,p1 Brigham City Cemetery Brigham City, UT a 22. SIG R E OF SERVIC LICENSEE' G i 3 3. LICENSEE NUMBER 24. FUNERAL HOM (Name and address) C 113970 Myers Mortuary 101696 E". 25. DATE DE SED WAS 5T 26 H nOt certified by Medical sel Was death reported b M.E.? ATTENDE YCERTI GP If yBS enlef �dal8 and hdllfep0rled) 01. Yes ®2. No 205 South 100 East W /Z 0i M t:ASE�4 4% HR r Brigham City, LIT 43 802 27a. CERTIFIER r!, 1. CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN: CERTIFIER 0 2. MEDICAL EXAMINER 1 CAW ENFORCEME(JT FFICIAt on f b 'Sin or axerek,a0,n and/or investigation, in my opinion, death occurred at the cart,., date, plane and due la the causes(.) and manner as Ma i j 27b. SIGNATURE AND TITLE TI 27c: LICENSE NUMBER 27d. DATE SIGNED (Mo., Day, Yr.) n 831701161205 /2-' D 28, NAME AND ADDRESS 0 �SO H CER IFIE GAUSE ("DEATH (ITEM 3 drif) 1)/Type4' Lynn Q. Bear M D, ,9,13 So1;h 5,Q. u „S' West, Brigham City, UT 84302 29. REGISTRAR'S SIGN EE /7 30.. DATE REGISTRAR NOTIFIED OF DEATH 30b. DATE FILED (Mo. Dag (03 REGISTRAR 7IG�C r .r (Me., nr, rr) r• nr. n 9nnT Dec 21, 200 1 31, PART ESPIRATORY 1 ARREST SHOCK OR HEA r R t om/ 7 NLY ONE 84t/SE ON EACH LINE Behve i gooroxei Onseate In t And terval IMMEDIATE CAUSE OR R AIL L`$T`0 i Death. Final. disease or condition resulting a. I(.� 1 2 ws In death) r, DUE TO ,(OR AS A;CONSEOUENCE OF): DUETO (CR AS A CONSEQUENCE 09: Sequentially lit conditions, If any, leading to Immediate i 2 cause, Enter UNDERLYING DUB= (OR AS A,CONSEQUENCE OF): I Initiated at d events resulting sultin IN g Inthat i 1,2% i, i death) LAST d i C,',/ 4i! PART II. Other Significant Conditions contributing to death/ 32: IN Y OUR OPINION, TOBACCO USE BY THE DECEDENT 339. WAS AN AUTOPSY 33b: WERE AUTOPSY CAUSE OF but not resulting in the undedying'cause gjven In Pad 1 PERFORMED? FINDINGS AVAILABLE DEATH f 1. Probably contributed to 9,. cause M death. NON -USER PRIOR To COMPLETION j is 2 Was the underlying cause of death. OF CAUSE OF OFATN? i dr/rp( contdbule 50th. cause of death. B. UNKNOWN 01. Yes ®2. No 0 1. Yes 2. No A Is unKnoNi(in relation la the pause of death, IF USER 34. MANNEI(,GF DEATH 354,'DATE OF( JURY Mo /Qa)J� 355: TIME OF INJURY 350. INJURY AT WORK? 35,5. PLACE OF INJURY -At home, tmh sbee4 factory, (24 Probably contributed 0 office, bullding, eta. (Specify) .Natural 02. Accident i ii; 1. Yes 2. No 35e4L0CpT� N (S Ltir rely route nu h"' bar, ci ty or foes, minty and state.) 351. If motor vehicle accident, iy H decadentWas 03: Suicide �4;Homklda i driver, r passenger or pedestrian. UDH -BUR If inure 5. Undetermined 6. Pending t d Investigation 35g. Form 12, DESCRIBE HOWJURY OCCURRED(enfersequenca olevenfs which resulted in injury, NATURE OF INJURYahovk/ emeredM 31). Purposely or Rev. 12/98 Accidentally Date Issued: e 0 e Auks This is to certify that this is a true'copy of thecertf�r�te %n'f(1 this office. This certified copy is issued under authority of section 26 -2 -22 of the Utal`f'`Cod 1953 As Amended. Y1 A/ County AN 2 7 2002 RegisfiarH k VEF HEALTH DEPT LL893772 LOCAL FILE NUMBER'. 0 2- 2 2 9 /C ERTI F ICA i t uF 'DEATH STATE FILE NUMBER try E.,Nang l' b �CTOR OF VITAL RECORDS By WARNING: IT IS ILLEGAL TO DUPLICATE THIS COPY FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES. ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE VOIDS THIS CERTIFICATION. WANtdi INFORMATION AS REPORTED ON THE ORIGINALLY REGISTERED CERTIFICATE 02 -229 LOCAL CERTIFICATE NUMBER County to RegistIrrAR RIVER HEALTH D t II R977R j/�E DAVIT T,C� AMEND A RECORD O BIRIH /6 DEATH'' O FETAL DEATH 2. SEX Male 5. NAME OF FATHER 4," Hyrum Barnard Hunsaker MA.10E N'0. CpBIf`.'�CTION`S�ABOVE THIS LINE S a A i G 85. FACTS AS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN STATED ON THE ORIGINAL N UITEM R FACTS EXACT AT THE TIMEOFOCCURRENCE 216 B Ci•tl Cerr<e'terv Honevville Cemetgry 21c Rri.a City. IIT Hnneyvill Utah STATEMENT ,�mt OF AMENDMENTS 2 6,2 WHYIS CHANGE L Wrnnr� ramPtPry Al/' 2i W4 NECESSARY9 a U¢% r I h cattily, under penalty of perJury that I have perso Subscribed sworn to before we 155 3 da y of oa� wledp��e o(Ihm above tads and that the Information given Is true and correct, Notary Publ"lb. c d4uf 70. qFFSTW RNESS i 4 ri DATE SK3NED: r OATHOF s s" Af1 WITNESS 12. FWITNESS 11 RELATIONS HIP OFW )TNESSTO E L 9 WASI4NGTON r 1SBEINOAM L� r OGDEN.UI'BOd04 4 `t' I A COMM COMM. EXR 12- 12-2002 14. ADDRESS OF WITNESS (street, dly, alala xp) 226 ?ern/n9s S'}ree lUgoa J ZZ1gl 't4o L 1 hereby candy, under penally of pel(ery that !have persona dWledga of the above lads and thal Subscdbed sworn b- ore me this day of +r� Information gNen above 5 true and eouec1 i Notary Public 15. O TURE OF SECOND WITH 4 j p %DTI 1 SIG N ED SECOND /1-1-d°( 1 �is�L, d� .i iV 3 o�OO a S REED iMYERs WITNESS 17. AGE WITNESS RELATION oFWRNEssTo ,J�IE PERSON WHOSE RECORD E jar q aN 5 ISBEING'AMEfSED G� i M6WA8liNGTON oTioEN.ure4.o4 16. ADDRESS DEWINESS (street, dry.s ip) ••t.- �yy� C i< C OMM EJ(R 12-12-2002 UDH "BVR•a Rev. 5 (f CO ULC1�T L L W��il l P lr �(�p L FOR USE OF 20. DATE ACCEPTED q q 21:'OF THE ST E OR IIE 41; 1/nnny��^' j� ST R O STRAR JUN 2 1 2002 j I I, J This is to certify that this is a true copy pf the pert fOate ott flle k this office. This certified copy is issued under authority of section 26 -2 -22 of the Utal0; ode'Aftildtated, 1 953 As Amended. rn Date Issued' ,J rry E,;Narg e ECTOR OF VITAL RECORDS ba/ /aS�2c STATE CERTIFICATE NUMBER Hospital (II applicable) DECLARATION OF HY DILLMAN HUNSAKER I, Hy Dillman Hunsaker, personally appear and render the following as true and faithful declarations: 1. I was born May 1, 1955, to Lorin Barnard Hunsaker, aka L. B. Hunsaker, and Dorothy Dillman. My birth certificate was issued by the State of California and reads "Hy Dillman Hunsaker." I was named after my paternal grandfather, Hyrum Barnard Hunsaker, and have used the name Hy and Hyrum throughout my life. For legal matters, I use the name found on my birth certificate. It is the name on my drivers license and work documents. However, in personal matters the Hunsaker family often calls me `Hyrum" 2. In the document creating the L. B. Hunsaker Family Trust Agreement dated May 27, 1993, the successor Trustee is identified as Hyrum Hunsaker, the son of the originally named Trustee, L. B. Hunsaker. This document was drafted by Lorin Hunsaker's cousin, Jack Molgard, an attorney licensed in the State of Utah. The document employed the name L. B. Hunsaker rather than Lorin Hunsaker; and when both Lorin Hunsaker and Jack Molgard used the name Hyrum Hunsaker, they intended to identify Lorin Hunsaker's son, Hy Dillman Hunsaker. 3. The will of Lorin Barnard Hunsaker names Hyrum Hunsaker as executor. Again, this will was prepared by Jack Molgard and both Lorin Hunsaker and Jack Molgard intended to identify the testator's son, Hy Dillman Hunsaker. 4. I, Hy Dillman Hunsaker, affirm that I am the individual identified in Lorin Barnard Hunsaker's will, trust documents, and other legal documents as Hyrum Hunsaker. There is no other living individual who would be identified as Hyrum Hunsaker and be the son of Lorin Barnard Hunsaker. G(iti Signed 3 day L�t. Si ed this Hy Hunsaker of August, 2013. 2258 ennings Street Woodbridge, VA 22191 State of Utah County of Salt Lake NOTARY PUBLIC MEUSSA GARRETT 582065 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 22, 2014 STATE OF UTAH On the day of August, 2013, personally appeared before me Hy Dillman Hunsaker, and duly executed this Instrument. Notary Public My commission expires: 3 0418