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I, Emily S. Lucke, being duly sworn on oath, depose and state as follows:
1. That your Affiant is a Notary Public in and for the State of Wyoming.
2. That your Affiant witnessed the execution by West Hills Ranch LLC, a Wyoming limited liability
company and Pamela J. Hruska and Randal J. Hruska, Trustees of The Pamela J. Hruska Living Trust
dated July 11, 1991 and Randal J. Hruska and Pamela J. Hruska, Trustees of the Randal J. Hruska
Living Trust dated July 11, 1991 of a Real Estate Mortgage that was recorded in Book 818, Page 228
and execution by Ryan Andrew Jarratt aka Ryan A Jarratt, a single man, and Pamela J Hruska and
Randal J Hruska, Trustees of the Pamela J Hurska Living Trust dated July 11, 1991 and Randal J
Hruska and Pamela J Hruska, Trustees of the Randal J Hruska Living Trust dated July 11, 1991, and
West Hills Ranch, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company of a Real Estate Mortgage that was
recorded in Book 818, Page 217 of the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming in regard to the following
described real property.
See Attached Exhibit "A"
3. That your Affiant was present when the Grantor executed said instruments on August 13, 2013.
4. That your Affiant neglected to write the correct year in the date section of the notary commission
expiration date on said instruments.
5. That May 23, 2017 should have been written in the date section of the notary acknowledgment on said
6. That this Affidavit is provided for the purpose of confirming and ratifying the notarization of West
Hills Ranch LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company and Pamela J. Hruska and Randal J. Hruska,
Trustees of The Pamela J. Hruska Living Trust dated July 11, 1991 and Randal J. Hruska and Pamela
J. Hruska, Trustees of the Randal J. Hruska Living Trust dated July 11, 1991 of a Real Estate Mortgage
that was recorded in Book 818, Page 228 and execution by Ryan Andrew Jarratt aka Ryan A Jarratt, a
single man, and Pamela J Hruska and Randal J Hruska, Trustees of the Pamela J Hurska Living Trust
dated July 11, 1991 and Randal J Hruska and Pamela J Hruska, Trustees of the Randal J Hruska Living
Trust dated July 11, 1991, and West Hills Ranch, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company of a Real
Estate Mortgage that was recorded in Book 818, Page 217 of the records of Lincoln County,
7. That this Affidavit is made in conformance with Wyoming Statute 34 -11 -101.
Further your Affiant sayeth naught.
WITNESS my hand this
day of September, 2013
and sworn before me this day of September 2013 by Emily S. Lucke.
RECEIVED 9/30/2013 at 12:12 PM
BOOK: 821 PAGE: 455
Notary Public
My commission expires:
5/N /i
Parcel 1
That part of the NW %SW%4 of Section 10, T31 N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record
in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 591 PR on page 548, described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest point of Spring Hill Estates, a subdivision of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County with Accession No. 944328;
thence S00 °2512 "W, 254.11 feet, along the west line of said Spring Hill Estates, to a point;
thence N89 °48'34 "W, 338.27 feet, along a line parallel with the north line of said NW%SW to a point;
thence N01 °38'45 "W, 254.24 feet, to a point on the north line of said NWY4SWY4;
thence S89 °48'34 "E, 347.43 feet, along said north line, to the point of beginning.
Parcel 2
That part of the SY2NEY4 and that part of the SE%4 of Section 9 and that part of the SW/4NW% and that part of the
NW %SW% of Section 10, T31 N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the
Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 385PR on page 592, in Book 386PR on page 345 and in Book 496PR on page 742,
described as follows.
BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said SE'/4, S00 °26'50 "W, 110.36 feet from the southwest corner of the N'/SEY
of said Section 9;
thence N89 °53'03 "E, 496.47 feet, to a position on the centerline of the Fairview (Crow Creek) Canal;
thence coursing
N 17 °36'55 "E,
N24 °38'48 "E,
N45 °32'30 "E,
N51 °34'26 "E,
N61 °23'38 "E,
N71 °20'11 "E,
S79 °45'53 "E,
S71 °52'29 "E,
S77 °51'22 "E,
S89 °55'53 "E,
N78 28'16 "E,
N61 °33'03 "E,
N70 33'34 "E,
N45 °24'52 "E,
N76 °10'00 "E,
N63 °39'22 "E,
N45 °32'02 "E,
N17 °15'39 "E,
N36 °15'33 "E,
N52 °04' 18 "E,
N33 °38'51 "E,
N21 °44'38 "E,
N75 °16'56 "E,
N61 °59'58 "E,
N05 °01'20 "E,
N29 °44'28 "W,
N23 °26'47 "W,
N09 °32'18 "E,
N 30 °51'08 "E,
N 19 °30'39 "E,
said centerline as follows:
88.65 feet to a position;
140.26 feet to a position;
146.94 feet to a position;
140.87 feet to a position;
62.83 feet to a position;
161.69 feet to a position;
106.26 feet to a position;
253.94 feet to a position;
80.57 feet to a position;
38.60 feet to a position;
211.56 feet to a position;
113.25 feet to a position;
209.19 feet to a position;
243.25 feet to a position;
110.22 feet to a position;
59.56 feet to a position;
68.94 feet to a position;
231.69 feet to a position;
107.37 feet to a position;
156.24 feet to a position;
98.06 feet to a position;
112.62 feet to a position;
88.41 feet to a position;
49.89 feet to a position;
81.98 feet to a position;
152.68 feet to a position;
163.51 feet to a position;
117.85 feet to a position;
145.01 feet to a position;
64.29 feet to a position on the north line of said tract of record in
Book 386, and leave said centerline;
Exhibit "A continued
thence N89 °47'19 "W, 77.99 feet, to the southwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 410 of PR on page
thence N00 °26'00 "E, 395.29 feet, parallel with the east line of said SY2NEY4, along the west line of said tract in Book 410,
to the southeast point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 471 PR on page 534;
thence N89 °34'00 "W, 500.98 feet, along the south line of said tract in Book 471, to the southwest point thereof;
thence N00 °25'00 "E, 258,04 feet, along the west line of said tract in Book 471, to the northwest spike thereof on the north
line of said S %NEY4;
thence S89 °38'12 "W, 60.01 feet, along said north line, to the northeast spike of that tract of record in said Office in Book
466PR on page 784;
thence S00 25'00 "W, 257.21 feet, along the east line of said tract in Book 466, to the southeast point thereof;
thence N89 °34'05 "W, 247.50 feet, along the south line of said tract in Book 466, to the southwest Sury -Kap thereof;
thence N00 °25'19 "E, 253.77 feet, along the west line of said tract in Book 466, to the northwest spike thereof on the north
line of said S %SEY4;
thence S89 °38'12 "W, 1375.40 feet, along said north line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in said Office in Book
46PR on page 839;
thence S11 °43'30 "W, 204.52 feet, along the east line of said tract in Book 462, to the southeast point thereof;
thence S89 °38'12 "W, 500.00 feet, along the south line of said tract in Book 462, to the southwest point thereof on the west
line of said S%NE%;
thence S00 °26'50 "W, 1131.97 feet, along said west line, to the southwest corner of said SYZNE'/4;
thence continuing S00 °26'50 "W, 1421.01 feet, along the west line of said SEY4, to thePOINT OF BEGINNING.
Excepting therefrom the land described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 701 PR on page 817 of the records of the
Lincoln County Clerk.
That part of the SEY4 of Section 9, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office
of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 566PR on page 410, described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said SE%, S00 26'50 "W, 110.36 feet from the southwest corner of the N'/SE%
of said Section 9;
thence N89 °53'03 "E, 496.47 feet, to a position on the centerline of the Fairview (Crow Creek) Canal;
thence coursing said centerline as follows:
N17 °36'55 "E, 88.65 feet to a position;
N24 °38'48 "E, 140.26 feet to a position;
N45 °32'30 "E, 146.94 feet to a position;
N51 °34'26 "E, 140.87 feet to a position;
N61 °23'38 "E, 62.83 feet to a position;
N71 °20' 11 "E, 161.69 feet to a position;
S79 °45'53 "E, 106.26 feet to a position;
S71 °52'29 "E, 253.94 feet to a position;
S77 °51'22 "E, 80.57 feet to a position;
S89 °55'53 "E, 38.60 feet to a position;
N78 °28'16 "E, 211.56 feet to a position;
N61 °33'03 "E, 113.25 feet to a position;
Exhibit "A" continued
N70 °33'34 "E, 209.19 feet to a position;
N45 °24'52 "E, 243.25 feet to a position;
N76 °10'00 "E, 98.77 feet to a position, and leave said centerline;
thence S00 °26'00 "W, 1065.45 feet to a position;
thence S89 °46'59 "W, 2236.57 feet, to a point on the west line of said SE%4;
thence N00 °26'50 "E, 343.28 feet, along said west line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
That part of the SE%4 of Section 9 and that part of the SW%NW%4 and that part of the NW%SW%4 of Section 10, T31N,
R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book
385PR on page 592, in Book 386PR on page 345 and in Book 496PR on page 742, described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the north line of the NW %SW% of Section 10, N89 °48'34 "W, 291.39 feet from the center west
1/16 corner of Section 10;
thence N89 °48'34 "W, 80.63 feet, along said north line, to a point;
thence S00 °25'12 "W, 837.65 feet, to a point;
thence N88 °52'03 "E, 372.05 feet, to a spike on County Road No. 12 -144;
thence S00 25'12 "W, 60.00 feet, along the east line of the NW'/4SW1/4 of Section 10, to the northeast spike of the Fairview
Cemetery, as shown on Plat No. 99 -A;
thence N88 °52'03 "W, 363.82 feet, along the north line of said Fairview Cemetery, to the northwest bathey thereof;
thence S89 °55'25 "W, 958.86 feet, to a point on the east line of the SEY44 of said Section 9;
thence S00 °26'00 "W, 880.04 feet, along said east line, to a point;
thence S89 °46'59 "W, 422.00 feet, to a point;
thence N00 °26'50 "E, 1065.45 feet, to a point;
thence coursing said centerline as follows:
N76 °10'00"E,
N63 °39'22 "E,
N45 °32'02 "E,
N1 7°15'39'E,
N36 °15'33 "E,
N52 °04' 18 "E,
N33 °38'51 "E,
N21 °44'38 "E,
N75 °16'56 "E,
N61 °59'58 "E,
N05 9 01'20 "E,
11.45 feet to a position;
59.56 feet to a position;
68.94 feet to a position;
231.69 feet to a position;
107.37 feet to a position;
156.24 feet to a position;
98.06 feet to a position;
112.62 feet to a position;
88.41 feet to a position;
49.89 feet to a position;
81.98 feet to a position;
Parcel 3
T31 N R119W of the
Section 7:
Section 18:
Section 5:
Section 8:
Section 6:
N29 °44'28 "W,
N23 °26'47 "W,
N09 °32' 18 "E,
N30 °51'08 "E,
N19 °30'39 "E,
152.68 feet to a position;
Exhibit "A" continued
163.51 feet to a position;
117.85 feet to a position;
145.01 feet to a position;
64.29 feet to a position on the north line of said tract of record in Book 366, and leave said
thence S89 °47'19 "E, 684.79 feet, to the northeast pipe of said tract in Book 386;
thence S00 °34'16 "W, 263.79 feet, along an east line of said tract in Book 386, to a pipe;
thence S21 °24'30 "E, 142.12 feet, along said east line, to a pipe;
thence S29 °07'55 "E, 303.01 feet, along said east line, to a pipe;
thence continuing S29 °07'55 "E, 0.80 feet, along said east line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING
Excepting therefrom the land described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 770PR on page 168 of the records of the
Lincoln County Clerk.
6 Lincoln County, Wyoming
NE%4 W /ZSE Lots 2 and 3
Lot 2
SW% and W1/2SE%<
Lots 1, 2 and 3
Commencing at a point which is the Northeast corner of the SE %SE%4 of said Section 6 and
running thence South 80 rods; thence West 80 rods; thence in a northeasterly direction to the
point of beginning.
Parcel 4
T31 N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Section 6: N /2SE%< ,SW%SE% and beginning at the northeast corner of the SE %SE'/ of said Section 6 and running
thence West 80 rods, thence South 80 rods, thence in a northeasterly direction to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the northwest corner of the SEY4 of said Section 6, thence East 160 rods, thence North 80
rods, thence in a southwesterly direction to the point of beginning.
Parcel 5
All of GLO Lot 5 and that part of GLO Lot 6 and GLO Lot 7 of Section 22, and that part of the SY2NW/4 of Section 23, and
that part of GLO Lot 1 of Section 27, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the
Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 777PR on page 372, described as follows:
BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said SY2NW' /4;
thence N89 °29'33 "E, 1331.87 feet, along the north line of said S %NWY4, to the northeast corner of the SW %4NW1/4 of said
Section 23;
thence S00 °32'44 "W, 71.18 feet, along the east line of said SW%NW to a spike on the centerline of Bitter Creek County
Road No. 12 -140;
thence S18 °41'47 "E, 367.05 feet, along said centerline, to a spike;
thence S11 °49'59 "E, 109.31 feet, along said centerline, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the left;
Exhibit "A" continued
thence southeasterly, 368.25 feet, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03 °42'30" having a radius of
5689.67 feet, and a chord bearing S13 °41'14 "E, 368.19 feet, to a spike at the intersection of said centerline with that tract
of record in said Office in Book 497PR on page 346;
thence S89 2726 "W, 31.05 feet, to a point on said westerly right -of -way line;
thence continuing S89 °27'26 "W, 290.88 feet, to a point on an existing fence line;
thence S01 °11'45 "W, 279.08 feet, along said fence line, to an intersection with the north line of that tract of record in said
Office in Book 777PR on page 254;
thence S89 °26'34 "W, 1243.19 feet, along said north line, being parallel with the south line of said SW'/ <NW'/4, to a point on
the west line of said SW' /4NW%;
thence S00 °36'58 "W, 72.29 feet, along said west line, to the southeast corner of said GLO Lot 5;
thence continuing S00 36'58 "W, 91.65 feet, along said west line, to the southwest corner of said S'/ :NW /4;
thence S00 03'49 "W, 2067.48 feet, along the east line of said GLO Lots 6 and 7, to a spike on the centerline of Big Ridge
thence S63 °06'31 "W, 470.62 feet, along said centerline, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the left;
thence southwesterly, 372.90 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 17 °03'00 with a radius of
1253,11 feet, and a chord bearing S54 °35'01 "W, 371.52 feet, to a spike;
thence S46 °03'31 "W, 721.69 feet, to a spike, and leave said centerline;
thence N45 °13'02 "W, 30.01 feet, to a point on the northerly right -of -way line of said Big Ridge Road;
thence N00 25'05 "E, 340.47 feet, to a point;
thence N00 °00'05 "E, 2735.48 feet, to a point on the south line of said GLO Lot 5;
thence N89 °35'34 "W, 158.00 feet, along said south line, to the southwest corner thereof;
thence N00 °29'42 "E, 1320.78 feet, along the west line of said GLO Lot 5, to the northwest corner thereof;
thence S89 °38'36 "E, 1425.03 feet, along the north line of said GLO Lot 5, to the northeast corner thereof;
thence S00 °36'58 "W, 83.84 feet, along the east line of said GLO Lot 5, to theCORNER OF BEGINNING;
A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width, being part of the S /hSW'h of Section 23, T31 N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
and being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 443PR on page 129, with the
centerline described as follows:
BEGINNING at a spike on the westerly right -of -way line of Bitter Creek County Road No. 12 -140, S07 °37'54 "E, 327.05 feet
from Station PI 260 +37.58, 30'RT, N29 °42'23 "W, 1380.38 feet from the southeast corner of said S'/ :SW
thence S79 °14'36 "W, 16.83 feet, to a spike;
thence N34 25'42 "W, 72.45 feet, to a spike;
thence S89 °40'12 "W, 777.12 feet, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the left;
thence southwesterly, 399.23 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 52 °24'00" with a radius of 436.53
feet to a spike;
thence S37 °1612 "W, 243.28 feet, to a spike at the beginning of a circular curve to the right;
Exhibit "A" continued
thence southwesterly, 254.26 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 30 °36'06 with a radius of 476.060 4 61
feet to a spike;
thence S67 °52'18 "W, 376.19 feet to a spike;
thence S63 °05'48 "W, 99.31 feet, to an intersection with the west line of said Section 23, N00 °03'49 "E, 559.64 feet, from
said southwest corner.
That part of that tract of record in said Office in Book 775PR on page 254, described as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the north line of the S %SW% of Section 23, T31 N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
with the westerly right -of -way line of Bitter Creek County Road No. 12 -140, S89 °34'25 "W, 710.54 feet, from the northeast
corner thereof;
thence S07 °39'41 "E, 84.13 feet, along said right -of -way line, to a northeast point of said Big Ridge Road Tract;
thence along the north line of said Big Ridge Road Tract, as follows:
N34 °25'42 "W, 66.22 feet, to a point;
S89 °40'12 "W, 18.67 feet, to a point, and leave said north line;
thence N41 °03'42 "E, 38.09 feet, to a point on the north line of said S'/ SW
thence N89 °34'25 "E, 19.88 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.