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Aped pamoes eql 'Z 71.1-£8 6u!woAM `Pa01pa8 `peon 311!mewnl Pao }Pa8 L£L }o Jeu!aH •0 uaalaeyS pue Jr JeuIGH •y gdasop s! ao6paId aql 'L :smollo} se saaa6e pue °p }l 'lagaagoS aoAananS }o crone} u! Vel0 I!aN Aq apew amp uana }o spew a}ou pue e6e6pow ag} JoJ '6u!woAM }o a }e }S 'uloou!l }o A }uno0 '01,1,88 6u!woAM 'uo}}b' `gZL xo8 ao!440 }sod 40 'p }l `IagaagoS JoAananS o} leaa}ello0 se6pald Agaaaq `ZL L£8 6u!woAM `pao }pa8 'peo2l all!naawnl pao 4pa8 L£L }o 'a }!nn pue pueqsnq 'aau!aH •0 uaalaeyS 'y gdasop }eq} `SIN3S32Jd 3S3H1 A8 N31/11 77V MOAN t V333 1N34N33dOV rl d AlelVd 02/IHl fo j agog RDVd HcI. t NOM real estate between himself and Neil Clark and that no further consideration is needed and that this contract shall not be void or null in any circumstance for lack of consideration. 7. Joseph A. Heiner Jr. and Sharleen C. Heiner the Piedgor, agrees and acknowledges that in the event of default by Neil Clark, pursuant to the terms in the promissory note and mortgage of even date executed by Neil Clark in favor of Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. that the herein described property may be foreclosed upon by suit at law or in equity as set forth in the mortgage of even date in favor of Surveyor Scherbel. 8. Representations, Warranties, and Covenants, Piedgor represents, warrants and covenants that: a. Piedgor will duly endorse, in blank, each and every instrument constituting Collateral by signing on said instrument or by signing a separate document of assignment or transfer, if required by Secured Party. b. Piedgor is the owner of the Collateral free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, security interests and restrictions, except to Security Interest and any restrictive legend appearing on any instrument constituting Collateral. c. Piedgor will keep the Collateral free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and security interests, except the Security Interest. d. Pledgor will pay, when due, all taxes and other governmental charges levied or assessed upon or against any Collateral. e. At any time, upon request by Secured Party, Piedgor will deliver to Secured Party all notices, financial statements, reports or other communications received by Piedgor as an owner o holder of the Collateral. f. Piedgor will upon receipt deliver to Secured Party in pledge as additional Collateral all securities distributed on account of the Collateral such as stock dividends and securities resulting from stock splits, reorganizations and recapitalizations. 9. Rights of Secured Party. Pledgor agrees that Secured Party, Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd., may at any time, whether before or after the occurrence of an Event of Default and without notice or demand of any kind, (i) notify the obligor on or issuer of any Collateral to make payment to Secured Party of any amounts due or distributable thereon, (ii) in Pledgor's name or Secured Party's name enforce collection of any Collateral by suit or otherwise, or surrender, release or exchange all or any part of it, or compromise, extend or renew for any period any obligation evidenced by the Collateral, (iii) receive all proceeds of the Collateral, and (iv) hold any increase or profits received from the Collateral as additional security for the Obligations, except that any money received from the Collateral shall, at Secured Party's option, be applied in reduction of the Obligations ,in such order of application as Secured Party may determine, or be remitted to Debtor. Page 2 of 3 06SO94 DATED this (Is' day of August, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Page 3 of 3 THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THE MORTGAGE AND PROMISSORY NOTE OF EVEN DATE, MADE IN FAVOR OF SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD. EXECUTED BY NEIL CLARK AND ALL OF SUCH TERMS ARE MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION, HOWEVER, THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY SHALL BE THE COLLATERAL FOR SAID MORTGAGE AND NOTE, BUT THAT Joseph A. Heiner Jr. and Sharleen C. Heiner SHALL NOT BE INDIVIDUALLY OR PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR THE DEBT OF NEIL CLARK TO SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD. Wherefore I have read the foregoing and state that I understand it and pledge the above described real property as collateral for a certain loan between the above stated parties and that in the event of default said collateral shall be used to pay for the debt. SHARLEEN C. HEINER The foregoing was acknowledged before my by JOSEPH HEINER and SHARF4JE1 HEINER this"` day of August, 2000. 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