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Jo sMUT uo pue saurou atfl JO a11.4x1A Aq pup .apun sqgbla TTp buTATum pup buTsPaTa.t hgaaaq buTmo&M Jo 94uqS AqunOO uTooulq uT agrnj s Teat pagTaosap buTMOTToJ aq; 'EZT89 PNsPigaM 'uuru10 'gaax4S PUZE 'S LZEZt Jo '5aaZNWH9 'sa auk Aq squruaq 'aJ1M pup puegsnq "snuuvia VflTO'IO iJUP snulivu X ?PIfij :OS JNK2i2WM CINW ARAMOO pabpaTMOU3OU Agazat' s JOa1auM gd t aoai 'pd puuu u suoT uaapT suoO 3TqunT uA aaggo puu s.IPTTOQ (00 O T uas Jo ua qu.Iaptsuo3 ut pup 10J 'OTTER bututoAM 'uo4JW Jo 'SHOSNW2IJ 'SSnxs X'IIWKaT NOSXDIII`rI 9144 Jo seagsn.I. 'a;1M pup puugsnq 'NOS?IOInIS ''I vS'ISQ PUP NOSXDI2I'i XMXoW S2isg�i uaaa. Q AINVERVM ro(essional Land Surveyors aul N. Scherbel egislration No 164 00 A. Sr hurbel egi >lration No. 3889 larlowe A. Scherbel egistration No. 9368 JRVEYOK SCHERBEL, LTD. ig Piney. Wyoming 83113 kson, Wyoming 83001 tton, Wyoming 83110 To -wit: DESCRIPTION FOR ERICKSON FAMILY TRUST TRACT B 740 That part of the SE4 of Section 26 and that part of the NE4 of Section 35, T31N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 262 of Photostatic Records on page 232, as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the north line of said NE4 with the centerline of the Bitter Creek County Road No. 12- 140, S89 22.0'W, the BASE BEARING for this survey, 847.79 feet from the northeast corner of said NE4, found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in said Office;; thence coursing said centerline as follows: N31 42.5'W, 464.85 feet to Station PT 328 +38.5; northwesterly, 196.47 feet, along the arc of a circular curve to the right through a central angle of 05 52.3'with a radius of 1916.91 feet with a chord bearing of N28 46.3'W 196.39 feet, to a 3/8" x 12" steel spike, and leave said centerline; thence S89 22.0'W, 33.10 feet, parallel with said north line, to a point on the westerly right -of -way line of said County Road; thence continuing S89 22.0'W, 1335.87 feet to a point; thence S01 40.1'E, 571.41 feet to the witness corner for the northwest corner of said NE4, found as described in the Certi- fied Land Corner Recordation Certificate filed in said Office; thence S01 36.0'E, 1484.50 feet to a point at an existing fence corner; thence coursing said fence as follows: N78 59.6'E, 1468.61 feet to a point; N89 51.7'E, 556.53 feet to a point; N84 07.0'E, 130.14 feet to a point on said westerly right -of -way line, and leave said fence; thence continuing N84 07.0'E, 30.02 feet to a 3/8" x 12" steel spike on the centerline of said County Road; thence coursing said centerline as follows: northwesterly, 225.80 feet, along the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 08° 16.3' with a radius of 1563.93 feet with a chord bearing of N11 58.7'W 225.60 feet, to Station PC 343 +96.00; *bit "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" ,,JoAaAans ayl JO Al!!!gei! saWuiwaal uouduasap 9u!Oiaaol ay1 {o AeM Aue ui uoiler)wpoW„ T�� p•gS£sAex go4oO £661 19(40400 81 P94P1 uONIWOAM. 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