HomeMy WebLinkAbout868286y11m A11ulof ploy 1 s;un000s 1113 sepnloul ski ;un000s Jey ;o ewos Jo 's6u!nss'Bup{oeyo Jay ;eym) Jepuel y;Im s;un00013 Aw Ile o; pus ul ;seJa ;ul pus eel;
11.6IJ Aw pe 'Jepuel o; Je;susJ; pue e6peld 'Jen 11ep 'Aenuoo 'apse AgeJag pue 'u! ;seJa ;ul A;Imoes IenlosJ;uoo a Japuel o; ;ueJB I •d4 013S d0 1HOIu
:SINUI31 ONIM0110d 3H1 NO a31d333V aNV
AO SNOIIV9I190 11V d0 33NVINUOdli3d (Z) UNV SS3NO318313NI 3H1 AO 1N3WAVd (L) 38n33S 01 N3AI9 SI 'Alti3dOlid 1VNOSd3d
ONV 1VH31V110O 3H1 NI 1S3d31NI All>:In33S 3H1 ONV S1NaH d0 1N3WN9ISSV 3H1 ONIOn1ONI `39V aNV 1N3WN9I SIHL
'6L LE9 AM M3IAdlVd 'Z9 XOB 0 d s! 990 eso '1Sn1i1 318VOOA3d A319VB •f NIVt101 susew „Je11es„ PJom 841 •JaIIaS
Ape doid
ey; woi; peAliep s;geueq Jey ;o pus 's;1loid 'sel;IBAoJ 'senss! 'ewoou! 'senueneJ 'slue) mini pus lueseid 1113 susew „s ;ued„ pJom eyi 'swab;
•sseupelgepul ey; y ;lm uol;oeuuoo ul pa;noexe 'Bu11sixe Je118ejey Jo mou Jay ;aym 'sluewnoop
pus slueweeJBB 's;uewnJ;sul Je410 1113 pus ';snJ; to speep 'sOBB6pow 's ;ueweeJ6s A ;unoes 'sel ;ulponB 's ;uewaeJBs 1vluewuoilnue 's ;uewaeJBs
usoi 's ;uewaeJBs ppmmm 'se;ou AJossiwojd Its uo11s1!wll ;noy ;IM epnloul pus uBaw „s ;uewnooa pe1eled„ spJOM eyi 's;uawnaoO pa ;eI9H
•„losJ ;uoo„ pJom ey; ;0 uo111ugep ey; ul enogv pagiiosep Apedoid lead ey; susew „Apedoid lead„ pJom eyi •A;JadoJd luau
Jo;u13JO susew „Jassyomd„ pJom eqj •Jaseyamd
°(s ;y6u uoI ;s13'w JO yo;Ip (gm seA11gn ul loo;s Bulpnloul) s ;y6IJ yo11p pe pus' (s ;y6IJ Ja ;sm pus ssO 'Ho 'slsieulw
11B uoI 113 ;Iw!I ;noy;lm Bulpnloul) Apedoid 1Bei ey; o; &M BA' 13146 p pe 'seoueue;mddB 'seginAoi's ;uewesse pe 'sem;xg pus sluaweno.dw! 's6u1Piinq
pexyls Jo pe;oeie Al ;uenbesgns Jo Bul;slxa Ile uoI ;sewn ;noy ;lm Bulpnloul pus ;osJ;uo3 ey; Aq paJenoo 103113eie11 Jo mou Jey ;Gym pus '6ul;s!xe
Jo118eJey Jo mou Jey ;aym 'Apedoid IsuosJed Jo Apedoid 113eJ Jey ;eym ';osiluo3 ey; Aq paJenoo Apedoid 1113 su13ew „Apedoid„ ;Nom eyi 'AUadoJd
•Aped°Jd eq ;o uoglsodslp Jey ;o Jo ells Aus woj; (swnlweid
to spunlei pus speeooid eousmsul Its uo11e;IwII ;noy;Im Bulpnloul) speeooid 118 y;!m Jey ;eBo; pus :Apedoid Lions to Auo 'Jo; suognlgsgns Ile pus
to s ;ueweosldoi Ile 'o; suoglpps pus 'sped 'suolsseooe Its tow Jey;eBo; :Apedoid lead ey; o; pawl Jo peyoe ;e Jejeeiey JO mou pus `JO;usJO Aq
peumo JaysaJ9y Jo mou Apedoid IsuosJed ;o selolps Jey ;o pue 'swim ;uewdlnbe 1113 usaw „Apedoid IsuosJed„ spJOm eyi Apedoid IeuosJad
;uaweeJ6o Jo e;ou AJosslwoid ay; Jo; suognp;sgns
pue 'lo suol ;Bpgosuoo ;o s6ulousugeJ ;o suoIsoglpow ;o suolsue ;x13 '10 slsmeueJ Ile Li ;!m Jey;eBo; 'Jepuel 0; JojuBJ0 woJ; 007L9`99$
40 lunowe ledI3ulad leu!6!ao aqi u! '000e '9 Jagwe;de9 pa;ep 1ueweeJ6e ;Ipemm Jo a;ou AJosslwojd ey1 susew „eIoN„ Pam eyi •910N
'eloN ay ;o sWJ91941 Ile UIIm sa1ldwoo JoIUeJ9 se Buol os Jo;ueJO o; saouenpe 940W o; Japuel salgellgo Uo1UM
'upon to sun 6ulnlonOJ a somas luawuBlssV sly; `uollgllwll Ino1 ;lm'Allealulaads 1u0wuBlssy sly; u! pepinoid so s;unowe Lions uo;seJeiu!
411m J9141e6o; ;uewuBlssV sly; Jepun Jo ;uuJCO to suo11e8ggo 83JO 11Je o; Jepuel Aq pOJJnoul sesuedxe Jo Jo ;uoi9 ;o suol ;oBllgo eBJByosip o; Jepuel
Aq peousnps Jo pepuedxe s ;unowe Aus pus e;oN 04; Jepun elgvAsd ;seJa ;ul pus ledloulJd Ile susew „sseupe ;gepui„ pJom eyi 'sseupa ;gepul
Apedoid Ised ay; uo uogonJ;suoo Jay ;o pus s ;ueweovldeJ 'suoglppe 'sal;Illoel 'Apedoid IBem ey; uo pex1103 sewoy wow 'seJn ;OnJ ;s
's5ulpHnq 'sem ;x11 's;uawOnoJdwl min; pus Bugslxe ps uollOIlwll ;noyllm sapnloul pus susew „s ;uawenoidwi„ idiom eyi 'sIuawenoJdwI
sly; ul Jesey3Jnd se o; paiielei sawnewos sI Jo ;uBJ9 •Sli3uldin0 3NOISMO113A'8 SNOOVM susew „JO ;UOJ9„ pJom 941 °JO;uOJO
'011£8 AM `NOIAV 'OV01i )133H3 Alin se uMow! Aluowwoo s! sseappe ell JO Apedoad lead ayl
•6ulwoAM `Aluno3 uolooull `'W'd 419 all 40 MULE! `NL£1 uolloaS ;0 b /LMNI /LMN
:6u!woAM ;o alums `Aluno3 N103N11
u! peplos! Apadoad lead 6ulMollo; 9141 SJQA00 pue •OOOZ '9 AlflI' a3lva 9Z£ 3OVd 8PP )1OOB :smells;
se papaode" SUM loealuo0 ayl °ieseyoand ayl s! JolueJO pue Japes ayl SI 1Sfld1 318V30A38 A31OV8
T NIVd01 yo!LM u! 0002 `91 aunt palep 4354UO3 ales puel ayl sueew „loealuo3„ paoM ayl °loealuo3
elp0w oluoi ;Dale
JO 'eyogoJOlw 'wll ;oJOIw 'BOUM a ;o ;um; oq; ul Jey ;eym '9011099 1 sly; ul pequosep Apedoid ey; ;0 Aug o; Bums.' spJ000J Ii (q)
•uoI ;oes IBJa ;v11o° sly; u! pequosep Apedoid ay; to Aug 4o uoIlisodslp Jey ;o Jo ales ey; way (spe000id stousmsul Bulpnloul) speeooid IlV (v)
:Bulmolio; 0 41 l 11 sapnloul „IBJeIsIIOO,. P•Om ey ;'uoll!pPB
u1 ;osJ ;uo3 ay; Aq paJenoo A ;JedoJd 0141 pus IowJlua° ey; o; pus ul ;swap pue e; ;y6IJ s,JO ;uOJO ;0 Ile susew „IOJa;:110a, pJom eyi 19ia;ello3
•Sd3111d1n0 3NOISM0113A
9 1S3M SNODVM u0111311WII Ino•;Im Bulpnoul 'e;oN 014; 6u1ub1s All ;u9 Jo uosied AJOAO pus pee susew „JemoJJOB„ pJom 041 'Je :JJog
'Apedoid pus IBJo ;BmoO ey; o; BugsieJ suolslnoJd ;seJa ;ul AHmoes pus s;uewu61ss13 Hs pus Apedoid 041 ;0 e6e6pow 014! uo!;B ;Iwll ;noy ;lm
sapnloul pus 'Jepuel pus Jo ;UBJO uaam;aq IosJ ;uo3 ales puss to ;uewuBlssV s,Jaseyoand sly; S11B8w ;uewuBlssV„ pJom ayi •luawuBlssV
•e0lJawy 40 sa ;v ;S p0;lufl 914 ;o Aeuow
I ul slunowe new pegs s ;unowe JOpop 01 SOOUeJe1OJ 11V '9p03 IsloJawwoO WJO ;lun ey; ul SUM; Lions 01 pe;nglJ ;;B sBulusew ey; envy Heys
;uewublssy sly; u1 peu1lep as!MJay ;o ;au sulk'. 1uewueissV sly; u! past, ua14m s8ulueew Bu!M011ol 041 8A IIBys sPJOm Bulmollol 0 41 •SNOI11NId30
IeuosJad ;o Bugslsuoo A ;JedoJd 04# ;o Aus ul pue weld 041 ul ;seJa ;ul A;IJnaes epo3 i0 oJewwoO wJollun v Jepuel s ;usi6 Jo;usJ9 `Isle ;sHo3 ey;
ul ;seielul A;IJnoes 014; o; uoglppe ul •ApedoJd ey; wall swell ey; 01 pus ul ;seJa ;ul pus `9111; '1 s,JO ;uBJO ;o 110 Jepuel o; same AI;ueseJd Jo;ueJO
Mu Aq
aney Asw Japuel UoIUM sly61J 10 41 0 Ile 0; uolllppe u!' ;oaJ ;uo3 ay; Aq paJOAO3 Auadojd ay; pue'IeJe ;ello3 GUI 0 1 ;oadsai y ;lM ;uewuBlssV SILO
u! pa;els s ;qBp ay; aney Heys Japuel ;oq; see 6e pue sseupa;gapui ay; moos o; A;JadoJd paglJosap 6ulmogo; ay; 0; pue ul 199/9191 pue `91111
;46IJ s,J0;u010 l0 Ile Japuel o; SAGAUOO pue seee6lJow pue seJa ;epo3 ay; o; pue ul ;seJa ;u1 pus ep11 ;yBIJ s,Jo ;ueiO ;o se Japuel o; su6isse
pue u! ;seJa ;ui Mimes a s ;ueJB JolueJ9 'uoI ;e19p1suoa algenlen Jod '1$31:13iNI AiIdn33S aNV 30Y91a0W AO 1NVII9 aNV iN31/4NJISSV
•OLL£8 AM 'uol4V `OZ91 X08
Od laaa1S uol6ulyseM t'1£ s! sseippe asoyM iepuei„ se Molaq of paaaa ;aa) HONVUB NOJ.UV
1VNOIIVN 1SH1d pUs 1 O1.L£8 AM 'NOldV `9913 X08 0 d s! sseippe asoyM Joluea9„ se Molaq of peiiejea)
dIHS1:13N11:IVd 1VH3N3O ONIWOAM V '1S3M SNOOVM `SH uId1l0 3NO1SM0113A 'g 1S3M SNO9VM
N33M138 `0002 '9 QagwaldaS a31Va SI .OV1:11NOO 31VS ONV1 I0 1N3WNDISSV S,1:13SVH3Hfld SIHI
A1N0 3Sn S,Ha 11033H liOd SI 3NI1 SIH13AO9V 33VdS
ploy s1
3SV313 t1111'10•'•
aDda lid 31 x
tu) i' I'J Jt i
013E9 AM'U 4V
4 0291 X09 Od
;sails uoIBulUseM 4L£
1 N NSH9 ►ldV 1SHId
p° :01 S33110N XVl aN3S
OZ91. X09 Od
:011IVIN 03ad0331d N3HM
OZ9l X09 Od
;saJIS uoIBulUseM PLC
:A8 a31S3l03d NOI1Vad03 8
JledaJ to ;sop elgeuoseei et'; Joi speeooid et'; woil Jo;u8JO esrngwleJ Jo Aed 'em;puedxa yons jo load AJO;os;s14es uodn 'Heys Jepuei •repuei
o; AJO101491189 Jauusw a u! s ;uewenoidwl peAoi }sap Jo pe6ewsp Lay; eoeideJ Jo nedaJ Heys Jo ;usJo 'nedaJ pup uo1lsro ;sei o; spaeooid et'; A;dde
o; spate Jepuel ;l 'Apedoid ay; to pedal pue uo14e10 1sei et'; 0; Jo 'Apedoid et'; Bui ;Oelle ua!! Aus ;o;uewAed 'ssaupe }gepul et'; to uogonpej et'; o;
speeooJd et'; Aidde 'uo14oele s;p ;e 'Aew Jepue 'peJledw! s! A;Imoes s,Jepue ;ou Jo Jey ;eyM •A;lenseo ay; to sip (g;) uea;Ipl u141lm os op 0; see;
Jo4ueJ0 sso to looJd ;mew Aew Jepue •A;Jedoid et'; o; e6ewep Jo sso Aue to Jepuei A }l ;ou Alldwoid hays Jo;ueio •spaaaoJd ;o uoIWollddy
°eJlnbeJ Asw repuel se s }uewesJopue Jey;o Jo emu/ Cud sso; yons yllm Jepuei
epinord tom Jo ;ueJ9 'sUBO1 et'; Jo; ;seJe ;u! A;unoes a peJeBo s! Jo sploy Japuei yolym u! s;esse Buuenoo se!o!lod pe 4;pm uo4oeuuoo ut 'uosred
Jay;o Aue Jo Jo;u8J9 inelep Jo uolsslwo'4oe Aue Aq Rem Aue u! peJledw! aq ;ou IIIm Jepuei 10 Jone; u! 86018A00 ley; Bulp!Amid ;uewesJopue ue
epnl hays oste Aopod eou8insup yos3 'Jepu910; sot ;ou uep!Jm Jolid ,sAep (0}) ua; me; ;e ;not' ;lm peys!u!w!p JO pefleouso eq ;au ll!m se6eJanoo
;eq; suol;elndl ;s 6uppnlou! 'Jepue of AJo ;oslsp ;es wJo; to eouEJnsul to s ;uewasropue Jo 'se ;e0lliJeo seollod et'; awl; o; awl; woi; Jepuei o; mimeo
tom 'Jepuei to ;senbei uodn 'Jo ;usmo •Japuel o; elge;da00s AlgeuosseJ seluedwoo Jo Auedwoo a Aq penss! pup Jepuel o; elge ;deo0e Algeuoseoi
spec; pus se6eJanoo 's}unowe 'wJOI u! uappm eq !Heys selollod •Jepuel to Jonel u! esnelo ee6e6pow piepue ;s a 4 ;1m pue 'esnelo eouernsupoo
Aue to uop ;eolldde plane o; ;ueplllns ;unows us uI ApedoJd Heald et'; uo s ;uewenoidwl Ile 6uuenoo enien elgeJnsul tin; Lay; Jo; slseq ;ueweoetdeJ
e uo s ;uewesJopue e6eJenoo pepua;xe prepue ;s y;Im 9OUemsut alp ;c) selollod upe;upew pup amoord list's Jo ;ueiO •aouo nsui ;o aauoua ;uleNl
:;uewu6tssy sly; ;o ;Jed ere Apedoid ay; Buunsu! o; BUo ;elpJ suolslnoJd Bulmopol e
41 •33NVdfSNI 3ovWVa Alll]dOdd
•s ;uewenordwl yons to ;soo
et'; Aed tom pue uoo Jo ;ueJ9 ley; Jepuei o; Aro }oels14es seousmsse eouenps Jepuei 0 'slum; Jepuei to ;senbei uodn tom Jo ;UeJ9 •sleua;ew Jo
'moves 'ppom et'; ;o ;un000e uo pepasse eq pinoo uepl Jey ;o Jo 'ue!! s,uewleua ;Law 'uei s,olueyoew Aue p 'AlJedoJd et'} o} pallddns ere ste;Je ;Law
Aue JO 'peysluJn; 8J8 Se0lnres Aue 'peOUewwoo sI 'pm Aue ero;eq sAep (g;) ueej; ;see! ;e Jepuei Alp ;ou Heys Jo ;u8JO •uol ;anJ ;suo3 ;0 aol;oN
•A JedoJd
et'; ;sule6e s ;uewssesse pus sexe; ay; ;0 ;Uawe ;8 ;s vellum a Lain! Aus le Japual 04 Jenllap o; 18!0!M0 ie ;uewweno6 a ;eudoidds et'; ezuoy;ne
Heys pue s ;uawssesse Jo saxe; 941 to ;uawAod ;o aoueppne AJO ;OSisl ;es Jepuei ysturnl puewep uodn !Heys Jo ;uoio ;uawAed to aauapin3
•s6uppeeoord ;se ;uoo 044 u! peyslurn; puoq Aims Aue Japun ee6plgo teuop;pppe ue so Jepuei eweu tie's Jo;USJ9
•ApadoJd Lay; ;sute6e ;ueweoiolu9 ero;eq ;uew6pnf esranpe Aus Alsges !Heys pue Jepuei pue 118s;! pue ;ep !lays Jo;uoiO ;se ;uoo Aus u! veil
ay} Japun ales JO arnSOpeJOI a 40 jInseJ a se anion pinoo;ey; se6JSyo Je ;o Jo seal,sAewo ;e atgeuossai pue s ;soo Aue snld uell et'; e6reyostp o;
;uaplllns ;unowe ue u! Jepuei o; AJO ;oelsl ;es A ;unoas Jey ;o Jo puoq A ;erns a ;SJodroo ;ueptllns a JO yse0 Jepua- 44pm ;Isodep'Japuo1 Aq pa ;senbei
11 JO `nett ay; to a6Jeyostp 9t'; moss '5U!!!4 et' ;o eol;ou set' Jo ;ueio Ja; ;e sAep (g;) ueeull ulgllm 'pall; sI uao a lI 'Jo sesue uali ay; Jells sAep (g})
use ;t; ulgllm hays Jo;ueJO ';uewAeduou l0 41nsGJ S Se path s! JO sesIJA Uell a II •pezlpJedoef ;ou s! ApedoJd ay; u! }sere ;u; s,Jepue so No; os 'Aed
o} uop ;e6Hgo 9t'; JOAO e;ndstp y;pel pooh a 4 ;1m uo,08uuoo u! wlep JO uewssesse 'xe; Aue 10 ;uewAed ployyltm Asw Jo;UeJO 1sa ;uoo 01 1461H
°ydei8ored 6ulmoitol Lay; u! pepinoJd aslmJay ;o se ;deoxe
pue 'molaq o; peJJe ;eJ ssaupe;gaput 6uq;SIx3 9yl Jo; ldeoxa 'enp ;ou s ;uewssesse pue MB) l uep! 04; Jo; ;deoxe ;uewu6pssy sty; Jepun Jepuel
1 ;swap eU4 o; tenbe Jo JOAO A11oud 6ulney sue!! !le to eaJ4 A;Jadord et'; upe }ulew pays Jo ;ueiO •ApedoJd et'; 01 peysluJnl lsue;ew Jo peJepuei
saolnras J04 JO uo suop 1JOM J04 swle10 fie enp ueym Aod Heys pue 'A ;JedoJd 8t'; to lun000e uo Jo ;SUMMER pepne! se6JSyo a0lnras James pue
se6Je4o JO4OM 's ;uewssesse 'saxe} isloeds 'sexe; IioJAed 'sexe; Ile (Aouanbutlep o; Jo;Jd s ;uene lie ut pus) enp ueym Aed tteys Jo ;UOJO ;uawAed
;uewu6tssy sly; to ;Jed 81e *Aoki et'} uo suet) pus sexe; 844 o; 6ul ;e18J SUO!S AOJd 6u
lm011 041 'SN3I1 aNV S3XVl
'met 6ulwoAM Aq Jo me! papal Aq p9 ;lglyoJd s! espJexe yons I! Jepuei Aq pespJexe eq pulleys uoI ;do sly; 'JOAOMOH •JO;UOJO 40 'eq Aew eseo et'} se
's;SeJe ;ul Auedwoo hop!! piIlw!! Jo S ;Sere }u! dpysJeuped 'pools 6ul ;on 944 to %gg) ;ueoJed en!— A ;ueM; Uey; 9JOW to d14SJauMO u! 96uey0 Aue sapntou!
Oslo JelsuOJ} 'Auedwoo Alplpge1l pa ;pwn JO dlysJeu ;Jed 'uop ;oJodJoo a s! Jo;ueJO Aue Il ;seJelu! A ;JedoJd lees 4o eoueAenuoo ;o poq ;ew Jey ;o Aue Aq
JO 'A ;JedoJd luau ey4 0; 014!} 6ulptoy ism; pus! Aus 01 JO u! }seJa4u! le!opleueq Aue ;o J91suOJ; JO ';uewu6Hsse 'ales Aq JO'OOJ }uoo uo;do —eseo! 'sJeeA (g)
eaJ4; ue44 JO BOJ6 Luis; a 14 ;!m }seJe ;u! ptoyessei 'peep Jo; ;mown ';oeJ;uoo pue! ';08J1uo0 eon ;uewpe ;su! 'peep 'ales 446u ;no Aq Je4;aym !AJe ;Unlonul
Jo AJe ;union Je44a4m :alga ;pnbe JO Iepp;eueq '1e6e; Ja44aym :uleJey; ;sere ;ul JO em; 'ly6u Aue JO ApedoJd !eau ;0 aoueAenuoo 9t'; sueew „J04SU8Jl
JO ales„ y 'A;Jadoid !eau et'; u! ;seJe}UI Aue Jo 'ApedoJd Iead ay; to ljSd Aue Jo pe lo'uesuoo ue1!Jm Jo1Jd s,Jepual et'; ;noyllm 'JO;SUeJ; Jo ales et';
uodn ;uewu6tssy sly; Aq pernoes swns !!e elgeAed pue enp Ale;elpewwp 9Jepap 'uop ;do s;I le 'Aew Jepua- 113aN31 A9 1N3SNO3 31VS NO 3na
'Apedoid ay} enJesard pue;oe ;oJd o; AJBSS909U AlgeuosemJ ere ApedoJd eyl jo esn pue J9;OeJeyO 041 woJl y014M'uoll0as s!y} Li! enoge goo; ;es
sloe 0soU4 0l uogippe u! 'sloe Ja44o pe op Heys Jolu?JO 'ApedoJd 841 pepueyeun ones! JOU uopuege o4 Jeylpeu S88J6e Jo4U8J0 Vapid o; Ana
;seJe ;u! S,Japuel1oe ;ord o ;'J9pue1 01 AJO ;oelsl ;ss
AHgeuoseeJ 'puoq Mains e JO A ;unoas Blenheim ;sod o; JO ;UOJO ennbeJ Aew Jepuei •pez!predoef mu eJe ApedoJd ay; uI s;seJe;up s,Jepuel
'uopupdo egos s,Jepu91 u! '8e No; os pus os 6upp o; Jo1Jd 6ulipm uI Jepuei pa!gou say JolueJO se 6uol os `sleedde a ;elJdoJdds 6uppnHou!
'6uppa000rd Aue 6ulJnp eouelldwoo plo44;pm pus uollein69J Jo 'eOUeulpro 'mei yons Aue Lille; pooh u! ;s9 }uoo Aew Jo;ueJO •toy seglllgesla
Lim sueO!Jewy ay; 'uol ;SAwll 1no441m 6ulpnlou! 'Apedoid et'; to Aouedn000 Jo esn Lay; o; elgeolldde set ;IJoy }ne lO;U9wuJeno6 ile ;o ';Della
u! Ja;4eeray JO mold 'suogeln6eJ pue 'se0usulpJO 'smut !Is yIlm Aldwoo AgdwoJd Heys J04USJ0 's ;uaw3Jlnbad Ie ;uewuJano9 411m eoueidwo3
;uewu6tssy sly; to suoglpuoo pue scare; 0141 y;Im eouepdwoo s,JO;ueJO to sesodJnd Jo; A ;JedoJd et' ;oedsu! o; pus SIS8J84U1 s,Jepue1
04 pu9ue o; sewn elgeuoss8J 118 4e A}JedoJd ;Sou ey1 uodn Ja4Ua Aew sent ;e;uaserdeJ pue slue6s s ;I pue Jepue1 •Ja ;u3 of 1461H s,Japuai
•mien lenbe ;seal ;E to sluewenoJdwl yip% sluewenoJdwi yons
aoeldaJ 01 Japuei o; AJO1Oe1sl;ss S OW8BUBJJe e)!ew 04 JOIUBJO eJlnbeJ Aew Jepuel 's;uewenoJdwH Aue to lBAOW9J ay} o; uol;lpuoO a sy •Jepuel
10 ;UOSUOO 118111M Jolid ay} ;no44pm Apedoid lBBH 84# W0J1 S UOWOAOJdwl Aue anoweJ JO yspowep ;ou pegs JO1UOJ0 'S4UOWCAOJdw1 10 I13AOW9U
•Japue 4uesuoO ue #41JM Joiid et' ;;not' ;lm s;Onpord pow Jo lOAOJ6'pos'(Se6 pus Ho Buppnpu!) sleJeulw 'Jegwg Aue 'anoweJ o; ;ybu
et'; Aped Jey ;o An o; ;ueJ6 Jo 'enoweJ ;ou ;Dm Jo ;uOJ9 '6up6eJo; eU4 10 Ap 8Jeue6 Lay; 6uglwp! ;not' ;!M 'ApedoJd NI ;0 uolpod he Jo Apedoid
8t'; 04 JO uo 8Isem Jo 10 6upddlJ;s Aue Jellns JO 'llwred 'Iwwoo JOU eoueslnu Aue ;pwred JO 4onpuoO 'esneo 4ou !Heys JO;UOJ9 •a;seM 'eoueslnN
•OSIMJ0480 JO 8JnsolOeJOI Aq JeLpayM'ApedoJd 9t'; ul;sOJeIu! Aue ;o uoglspnboe s,Jepue1 Aq pe;oelle eq ;ou lleys pue;uawu6lssy s144 }o
uepl et'; jo eoueAeAu008J pue uo1 ;oelsl ;es et'; pue ssaupe;geput ay; ;o ;uewAed Lay; enlnJns MIS 'A;puwepu! 01 uop ;e6Hgo 9t'; 6ulpnlou; ';u0wU6lssy
844 to uo!Oas spy; to suo!slnoJd eqj •salpedord eU4 uo eouelsgns JO 8 ;seM snopJezey a to esealaJ peue ;eeJ1I JO esOOleJ'esodspp 'e6e10 ;S
'eJn;oe ;nuew 'uol ;BJaue6 'esn Aue to eouenbesuoo e se Jo ;uewu6pssy ay} l0 uo!IO9s spy; l0 yosaJq a WOJI 6uglnseJ Jel4ns JO upe;sns A1;oeJppu!
Jo Allow Aew Jepuei yolym sesuedxe pue 'set ;leued 'se6ewsp `sell!Ilgell 'sessol 'ammo lie pue Aus ;sul86e J8pu81 SS9IWJe4 ploy pue Altuwepul
of sea.68 (q) pue 'sme; yons Aue Japun s ;soo Jey ;o Jo dnueelo Jo; eggs!! sewooeq JoluOJO ;uene 9t'} u! uogngiJ;uoo JO A ;Iuwopul Jo; Jepu91
;suloBe swlelo OJnln; Aug senpem pus seseeleJ (o) Ag8184 Jo4u0J0 •seoue4sgns snopJezey pus GISBM snoprezey JO; Apadom 0U4 6ug8B;senui
u! eoueBlop enp s,JOIUOJO uo peseq eJe upeJOy peupe ;uoo SeI ;UOJJem pue suol ;e;uesOJd8J e41 °uosred Je44o Rua o; Jo JOIUOJ0 0; Jepuei l0 IJed
844 uo A ;igel! Jo AAIlglsuodseJ Aue e;eeJO o; pent;suoo eq ;ou Heys pue Apo sesodJnd s,Jepu81 Jo; eq Heys Jepua Aq epew s ;se; Jo suogoedsul
Auy •4uewu6!ssy 941 to uogoes sly; Uum A ;JedoJd Lay; to eOUSHdwoo eupwJetap o; e;eudoJdde weep Aew repue se 'esuedxe S,J04u8J0 4e 's ;se;
pue suop;oedsu! yons wpm 01 Apedoid Lay; uodn Je;U8 o; swabs sp pue Jepuei sez,JOy ;ne Jo;UBJO mange pequosep seOueuipJo pue 'suop;eHn6eJ
'smell eso44 Uolle4lwpl 1no41pm Buppnpup 'seOUSUI pue suogetn68J 'sme! ono' pus 'eye ;s 'leJepe; eigeopdde pe y ;pm eouepdwoo u! pe;0npuoo
eq Mays A ;lni;oe yons Aue (I!) pue A ;JedoJd et'; woJ4 Jo ;nogs 'Japun 'uo eoue ;sqns .10 e;sem snopJezey Aue esealaJ JO ;o esodspp ;09J1 'awls
'aJn;oe ;nuew 'e ;8J0u0B 'esn Heys A;JedoJd 84i to Jesn pez!JOylne Je44o Jo lue6e 'Jo ;o0J ;uoo ';ueue; Aue JOU JO ;u8J0 J811;18U (I) 'But;1JM ul Jepuei
Aq pe6pelmoupoe pus o; pesolospp Aisnolnerd se ldeoxa (0) pus :sJe44ew yons 04 6up;eleJ uosred Aue Aq pulp! Aue to sw!ei0 Jo uo!e6ll!1 peue}eeJ4#
Jo temp he (H) Jo A;Jedojd 9t'} 4o sluedn000 JO &MMUMO JoiJd Aue Aq Apedoid 0144 WOJI 10 ;flop 'Japun 'uo eoue ;sgns Jo 8 ;spm snopJezey
Aue to OSealaJ peU8We8J11; JO 'neap) '!esodspp '1uaw}eaJ; 'amp 'ern ;oelnuew 'uop;ereue6 'esn Aue (p) '6ugpJm u! Jepuei Aq pe6patmoupoe pus
01 pesolospp Aisnolnard se ideoxe 'ueaq set' ara4l my; enOIeq 0; UOSOOJ Jo 'lo e6pelmou) ou set' JOIUBJ0 (q) !Apedoid ay; woJl JO lnoge 'Jepun
uo uosJad Aue Aq eoue ;sgns JO e;seM snopJezey Aue to ese91eJ peuemeJ4; JO 8se81OJ 'lesodslp '4Uew ;eaJ4 '968JO }s 'aJn4oelnuew 'uogsreue6 'esn
ou ueaq say 8J844 'ApedoJd 94# 10 dpysJaumo S,JO;ueJO 10 pouad 944 6uuna (e) ;Lay; Jepuei 0; S UOJJOM pue S;UasaJd9J Jo;UeJO •so ;segse pue
loamy; uo!OSJI Aue JO s ;onpord —Aq wnoloJ ;ad pue wnmtoJ ;ad 'uop ;e ;lwp! 4no44pm 'apnlou! osle Heys „eoue ;sgns snopJezey„ pus „elmO% snopJezey„
sump 0141 '6ulo6ero; ey4 10 Aue o; ;uensrnd pe ;dope suogeln6eJ JO 'semi 'smut teJ8ped Jo ems elgeoHdde 10180 Jo "bes 18 1.089 uoUOes
°o s n Zb 'oy AJ9no0eu pue uogenJesuoo 9oJnos8u 9t'; "bes ;8 'Log; uogoeS 'O °SYl 6b 'IOV uop;eIJOdsupJI sle!Jalew SnopJazeH 8 41 „yuvS.)
66P •1 •qnd '986L 10 10V uoge41o41ne81 pue s;uawpuewy punped0S 944 „y10u30 'bes le 'L096 uogoeS •o s n Zb 'pepuewe se
'0861. 1 I A ;pllgen pue 'uol ;esuedwoO 'esuodseu lelyawuoJpnu3 enlsueyaJdwoO 944 u1. y;JOI ;es se s6ulueew ewes 941 envy !!Lays '}uewu6pssy
spy; up pesn se aseapaJ p8U8400J41„ pue u esealaJ„ „'!esodspp„ „'eoue ;sgns snopJezey„ elsem snopJezey„ SWJ81 ey1 •seoue ;sgns snoprpzou
'amen s}! enrasOJd o4 AJBSS808U
eoueueluiow pue 's;ueweooldeJ 'spade) its wroped Alldword pus uoI ;lpuo0 elge4ueue; up Apedoid 844 ule ;Mein !legs JoluBJ0 •u ;e4ul8W 01 Ana
'Apedoid 9t'; woJ; 'Aue I! 'swam
ay; 108!!00 pus ApedoJd 844 e6euew pue e;ojedo pU0 10 loJ ;uoo pue uopssessod u! ulewej Aew JO;UBJO llnelap up Igufl 'esn pue uolssassod
:suoislnord 6 ulmollol
et'; Aq peureno6 eq Keys A;JadoJd 844 4o esn pue uolssossod s,JO;ueJO ley; seeJ68 Jo;uBJO •Ald3d0dd 3H1 JO 33NVN31NIVIN (NV NOISS3SSOd
's ;un000s yons pe pue Aue ;supe6e ssaupe;gepu! 014 uo 6ulmo
swns lie llo ;as Jo e6Jeyo 01 'mel elgeoodde Aq pe ;;pwred ;ue ;xe 844 0; 'Japue1 ezuol4Ine 1 °met Aq pe ;pgpyord eq mom !sere ;ul A ;unoas a ;o ;ueJ6 et';
401ym 104 S;uno00e ism; Auo Jo 's;unoo08 yO09) Jo yHI Aue epnpul IOU suop sly} 'JenamoH 'aim; ay} u! undo Aew 1 s ;unoo08 lip pue as;a OUOOwos
(penui }uo3) 9gMS9RO £69600L9 oN awn
Z abed IOVIIl•OO 31vS aNd1 dC_VNDISSV SA3SVH3a(ld MOZ-90 -60
Loan No 61009593 O 8286 (Continued) 834
or restoration if Grantor is not in default hereunder. Any proceeds which have not been disbursed within 180 days after their receipt and which
Lender has not committed to the repair or restoration of the Property shall be used first to pay any amounts owing to Lender under this Mortgage,
then to prepay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any
proceeds after payment in full of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid to Grantor.
Unexpired Insurance at Sale. Any unexpired insurance shall inure to the benefit of, and pass to, the purchaser of the Property covered by this
Assignment at any trustee's sale or other sale held under the provisions of this Assignment, or at any foreclosure sale of such Property.
Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indebtedness described below Is In effect, compliance with the
insurance provisions contained in the instrument evidencing such Existing Indebtedness shall constitute compliance with the insurance provisions
under this Assignment, to the extent compliance with the terms of this Assignment would constitute a duplication of insurance requirement. If any
proceeds from the insurance become payable on loss, the provisions in this Assignment for division of proceeds shall apply only to that portion of
the proceeds not payable to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness.
Grantor's Report on Insurance. Upon request of Lender, however not more than once a year, Grantor shall furnish to Lender a report on each
existing policy of insurance showing: (a) the name of the insurer; (b) the risks insured; (c) the amount of the policy; (d) the property insured, the
then current replacement value of such property, and the manner of determining that value; and (e) the expiration date of the policy. Grantor
shall, upon request of Lender, have an independent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine the cash value replacement cost of the Property.
EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Grantor fails to comply with any provision of this Assignment, including any obligation to maintain Existing
Indebtedness in good standing as required below, or if any action or proceeding is commenced that would materially affect Lender's interests in the
Property, Lender on Grantor's behalf may, but shall not be required to, take any action that Lender deems appropriate. Any amount that Lender
expends in so doing will bear interest at the rate provided for in the Note from the date incurred or paid by Lender to the date of repayment by Grantor.
All such expenses, at Lender's option, will (a) be payable on demand, (b) be added to the balance of the Note and be apportioned among and be
payable with any installment payments to become due during either (i) the term of any applicable insurance policy or (ii) the remaining term of the
Note, or (c) be treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at the Note's maturity. This Assignment also will secure payment of these
amounts. The rights provided for in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account
of the default. Any such action by Lender shall not be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender from any remedy that it otherwise would
have had.
WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Property are a part of this Assignment:
Contract. Lender may notify Seller of this Assignment at Lender's sole discretion and with no further permission from Grantor. Grantor represents
to Lender that there is no default existing under the Contract, there are no offsets or counter claims to the same, and that the Contract has an
unpaid principal balance of not more than
Title. Grantor warrants that: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances other than those set forth in the Real Property description or In the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title insurance
policy, title report, or final title opinion issued in favor of, and accepted by, Lender In connection with this Assignment, and (b) Grantor has the full
right, power, and authority to execute and deliver this Assignment to Lender.
Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against the
lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the Interest of Lender under this
Assignment, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be
entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or
cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation.
Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, ordinances, and
regulations of governmental authorities.
EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions concerning existing indebtedness (the "Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Assignment.
Existing Lien. The lien of this Assignment securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to the lien securing payment of an existing
AT PAGE 326. The existing obligation has a current principal balance of approximately $119,000.00 and Is in the original principal amount of
$119,000.00. Grantor expressly covenants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on
such indebtedness, any default under the instruments evidencing such indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such
Default. If the payment of any installment of principal or any interest on the Existing Indebtedness is not made within the time required by the note
evidencing such indebtedness, or should a default occur under the instrument securing such indebtedness and not be cured during any
applicable grace period therein, then, at the option of Lender, the Indebtedness secured by this Assignment shall become immediately due and
payable, and this Assignment shall be in default.
No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any agreement with the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement which
has priority over this Assignment by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended, or renewed without the prior written consent of
Lender. Grantor shall neither request nor accept any future advances under any such security agreement without the prior written consent of
CONDEMNATION. T he following provisions relating to proceedings in condemnation are a part of this Assignment:
Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase
in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness
or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses,
and attorneys' fees incurred by Buyer or Lender in connection with the condemnation.
Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such
steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be
entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to
be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation.
IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees
and charges are a part of this Assignment:
Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents (n addition to this Assignment and take
whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all
taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Assignment, including without limitation all
taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Assignment.
Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Assignment or upon all or any part of
the Indebtedness secured by this Assignment; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on
the Indebtedness secured by this type of Assignment; (c) a tax on this type of Assignment chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the
Note; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor.
Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Assignment, this event shall have the same
effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided
below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens
section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender.
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Agreement being a security agreement are a part of
this Agreement:
Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal
property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code.
Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to
perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Collateral, Rents and Personal Property. Grantor hereby appoints Lender as Grantor's
attorney —in —fact for the purpose of executing any documents necessary to perfect or continue the security interest granted in the Collateral, Rents
and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Assignment in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further
authorization from Grantor, file copies or reproductions of this Assignment as a financing statement. Grantor will reimburse Lender for all expenses
incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property and make it available to
Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender.
Addresses. The mailing address of Grantor (debtor) and the mailing address of Lender (secured party) from which information concerning the
security Intarect granted by this Assignment may be obtained (ea chas required by the Uniform Commercial Code) are as stated on the first page
;uawuBissy 0 141 10 pad a ere suopsinord snoeu8iieospw Buimollo; eyi 'SNOISIAOHd Sn03NV1133SIIN
'MB' Aq paranoid
swns Jey ;o pie o; uogpppe up 's }soo pnoo Aug Aed H!M ow Jolump 'me! aigeopidde Aq pe;;lwad ;ue ;xe ey; o; 'eousJnsu! el ;p; pug 'sae; pespeJdde
put? 'spode) ,sJOAanJns '(spode) ernsoioero; Buppnioup) spode., en Bupupgigo 'spJooei Buiyarges ;o ;goo ey; 'seoln.,es uopoelloo ;uewBpnf— ;sod
pe}ediop ;ue Aue pug spgedde '(uop ;ounful Jo As op;ewo;ne Aue Nunn Jo /Wow o} spode Buppnpui) sBu!peeooJd A3;dnmuuq Jo; see;
,sAauro ;8 eigeuoseei Buppnioup ;pnsMBI a sI amyl ;ou Jo Jey ;eyM sesuadxe !e6ei s,iepuel pug see; ,sAaurole ejgeuoseei s,Jepue 'Mali epquolldd8
spun sip!! Aug o; ;oefgns Jenemoy 'uop ;e ;iw!! ;noy ;IM 'epnlou! yd8J6sJed spy} Aq pe.,enoo sesuedx3 'e ;oN ey; u! Jo; peppnoJd a ;BJ ay; ;B p!BdeJ
li ;un einypuedxe ;o *map ey; woJ; ;se.,a ;u! rgeq !lays puu pugwep uo apgeAgd sseupe ;gepu! ay; ;o lied B ewooeq Heys s ;yBpJ s ;p ;o ;ueweoJo ;ue
ey; Jo ;sere ;up s ;p ;o uop ;oe ;oid ey; Jo; am; Rue ;e A.,esse eu era uopupdo s,repuel up lay; rapuel Aq paJJnoup sesuedxe eigguosee., i 'panionup s!
uop;oe pnoo Rue ;ou Jo Jey ;eyM 'Ieedde Aug uo pus pep ;e sae; ,sieuJo ;B elgeuosseJ se elquuoseei aBpnfps Aew pnoo ey; se wns yons )anooei
o; pepi ;ue eq Heys Jepuel uawu6pssy siy; ;o sw.,e; eq; ;o Aug e0101ue 0; uop;os Jo ;ins Aue se ;n;i;su! Japuag ;l •sesuedx3 :sued ,sAawoliy
luewu6Issy spy; Japun selpeweJ s;I esprexa pug Hupp g ergpep o; ;yBpJ s,Japuel }oeue ;ou Heys w)oped o; Jo ;ugiO ;o amp; Je ;g ;uawuBpssy
spy; Jepun Jo ;ue.,O ;o uop }eBHgo us moped o; uoips eqe; Jo sarn ;ppuedxe wpm o; uop ;oeie ue pue 'ApeweJ Jey ;o Aus ;o i nsind epnpxe ;ou
Heys Apewer Aug ensind o; Jepuel Aq uop ;oe13 •uoisinoJd Jey ;o Rus Jo uopspnord;eq; q ;lM eoueidwoo ;our ;s pugwep o; eslmJeq ;o s ;yBpJ s,Apnd eq;
eoppnIe d Jo ;o JenpeM a a ;n ;i;suoo ;ou Heys ;uawuBissy spy; ;o uolspnord a ;o yoearq s jo Aped Rus Aq JenluM y 'selpew3H ;o uop3al3 JanlVM
'uoi;psodspp JO eggs ey; ;o awn ay; ero ;eq sAgp (p;) ue;
;see! ;g uenp8 aonou new Hugs eoHou elgeuoseeH 'epew eq o; s! Apedoid IeuosJad ey; ;o uop ;isodspp pepue }U! Jey;o JO apes a ;Bnpd Aue yopyM
Jags awl; eq; Jo Apedoid IguosJed eq; lo eggs oHgnd Aug ;o eosid pug awl; eq; jo eoHou elgeuosseJ Jaime enp6 Heys Japuag ales lo a3l;oN
Apedoid ey; ;o uoipod Aue Jo He uo eles oilgnd Aue ;B p!q 0; pal ;p ;ua eq Heys repue 'sales
e ;9JBdes Aq Jo ems euo up 'Ala ;BrBdes Jo J94;e6o1 Apedoid ey; ;o pad Aus Jo Ile Hes o; ear; eq Heys Jepuel 'seppaweJ pus s s ;p BupspJexe
ul 'Pell
eysrew Apedoid eq; eney 01 ;Op pie pug Aug senpBM Agarey Jo ;uBJO 'Mei elgeopldds Aq pe ;iwied }ue ;xe ey; o f •Apadoid ay; ;o alas
•A ;pnbe
ul Jo ms! ;e entwine esli uey ;o Jo a ;oN eq; Jo ;uawuBpssy spy; u! peppnoJd selpeweJ pus s ;yBpJ Jey ;o Ile envy Heys Jepuel •sa;pewau Jay ;O
•Jepuel ;o pugwep ay} uodn
Ala ;elpewwl ApadoJd eq; a ;eo8n (q) JO 'Apedoid eq; jo esn ey; Jo; !ewe.' elgeuosgeJ B Asd (e) Jame 'uopdo s,iepue ;s 'Heys pus A edord ey;
;o Jesegornd eq; Jo Japuel ;o eouuieuns ;e lueue; a ewooeq ppeys Jo ;u8J0'ro ;ueJO ;o prism uodn Apedoid eq; Jo uo!ssessod o; pap! ;ue sewooeq
esiMJeq ;a Jepuel Jo enoge paranoid se P1os s! ApedoJd ey; Julia ApedoJd ay; ;o uoissessod u! sulewei Jo ;uero ;p •aauvJapns Ig JS3uoual
•uopoes sly; u! pepinord s ;y6pJ ey ;o espiexe ey; woi; penleoeJ s }unowe He ;o poi ;eoHdde Jeue Jepuei
o; enp sseupe ;gepup ey; u! Buiu!ewoJ Aoue!oyep Aue Jo; ;uew6pnf a ule ;qo Aew Jepuel
'met eigsoildds Aq mimed ;i •;uaw6pnl• A3ueppje13
e ;n ;e ;s Aq paranoid s8 emsopoero; „eyes pus ;ueweslpenpe„ Jo
„apes ;o JeMod„ Aq AH8ouloeds pus 'ales lepppnfuou Aq Apedoid eq; jo psd Aus Jo HB ul ;sera ;ul s,Jo ;uero esoioe.,o; Aew Jepuel 'ales Igiolpn(uoN
'Apedoid ey; lo lied Aug Jo He pug
;oar ;uoO ey; uop ;epw; ;noy ;pm Buipnpul 'l8Je ;8Hoo eq; up ;se.,e ;up g,JO;u2JO BuisopeJo; eeioep !sloipn( a ui8}go A8w Jepuel •aJnsopaJOd mom
•JanpaoaJ a se 8upnres woJ; uosred a A;H8nbslp ;ou Heys )epuel Aq ;uewAoldw3 ;unowe lap ;ue ;sans
B Aq sseupe ;gepup ey; speeoxe Apedoid ey; ;o amen ;uaredde eq; ;ou Jo Jey ;eyM ;spxe Heys JanpaoaJ a ;o ;paw ;upodde eq; o; ;Op s,Jepuel
'me! Aq pe ;Hwied puoq ;noy ;pM eAJOs Aew JON8O8J eyi •sseupe ;gepup ay; ;sule6s 'dpysJenpeoeJ ey; ;o ;soo ey; enoge pus Jano 'spaeoord
ey; Aldde pue ApedoJd ey; woi; s ;ueu ey; ;oapoo o; pug 'ales Jo arnsopaJo; Buppeoerd Apedoid ay; a;emed° o; 'ApedoJd ay; anJasaJd pug ;oa ;o.,d
o; Jamod ey; wink 'Apedoid eq; ;o ;Jed Aug Jo !is jo uoissessod eNel o; pe ;upodde imam a eney o ;;yBpJ ey; MN Heys Jepuel •J0n4039H ;uloddy
•JanlaoeJ B y6noiq; Jo ;peas Aq 'uosied u! Jay ;ie yd8J6oJedgns sly; Jepun s ;y6u
S11 esloJexe Aew Jepue •pe ;s!xe pugwep ay; Jo; spunoJ6 Jedord Aue ;ou Jo Jey ;eym 'epew em s ;uewAed ey; yopyM Jo; suope6iigo eqj A;s1 ;es
Keys pugwep s,Jepue o; esuodsei u! Jepuel o; siesn Jey ;o Jo queue; Aq s ;uewAed •speeoojd eq; ;moo pus ewes eq; a ;ap ;o6eu o} pus Jo ;uBJO
;o eweu eq; u1 Iowa!' ;uewAed up penleoeJ s }uewnJ ;su! esropue o; ;os; —u! Aeuro ;e s,JO ;usJO se Jepuel se }euelsep Algsoon8JJl Jo ;ueio ueq;
'Jepuel Aq pe ;oelloo 8)8 s ;ueH eq; •Jepuel o} ApoeJIp see; esn Jo plat ;o s ;uewAed o; Apedoid eq; lo Jesn Jey ;o JO ;usual Aug e)lnbei Aew
Japuag ;461J siy ;o eousiegpn; up •sseupe ;gepup ey; ;sul868 's ;soo s,iepuel enoge pus JOAO 'speeooid ;au ay} Aiddo pus 'pledun pus enp ;sad
s ;unowe Buppnlou! 's ;ueu eq; ;oe11oo pus Apedoid ey; ;o uoissessod ems; o; 'Jo ;u8J0 o; eop ;ou ;noy ;iM 146pJ eq; eney Heys Jepuel s ;ueu l3allo0
•epoo lsprawwoo wro ;pun ey;
Jepun Aped pernoes 8 ;o selpeweJ pus s;46p) ey} 110 eney ppeys Jepuel'ApedoJd !wowed ey jo pad Aug Jo HB o; ;oedsaJ y ;pM •saipewau oon
'Aed o; peinbeJ eq pinom Jo ;u8J9 yopyM A ;Ieued ;uewAedeJd Aug Buipnpul 'eigBAed pug
enp Ale ;Bppeww! sseupe;gepul argue ey; ergpep o; mime 0; eolith) ;noy ;IM uopdo Sy ;e ;yBiJ ay; eney Hey
b abed
s )epuel •sseupe ;gapup 919J91833V
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;uawuBpssy spy ;o
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ladalNOO 311/S aNvl SAa3SVHalifld 'OZ -SO -60
Loan No 61009593 O 8 S t (Continued) 836
Amendments. This Assignment, together with any Related Documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as to
the matters set forth in this Assignment. No alteration of or amendment to this Assignment shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by
the party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment.
Annual Reports. If the Property Is used for purposes other than Grantor's residence, Grantor shall furnish to Lender, upon request, a certified
statement of net operating income received from the Property during Grantor's previous fiscal year in such form and detail as Lender shall require.
"Net operating income" shall mean all cash receipts from the Property less all cash expenditures made in connection with the operation of the
Applicable Law. This Assignment has been delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender in the State of Wyoming. This Assignment shall
be governed by and construed In accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming.
Attorneys' Fees. In the event that Lender is made a party to any suit or proceedings by reason of the interest of Lender in the Property, Grantor
shall reimburse Lender for all costs and expenses, including, subject to applicable law, attorneys' fees, incurred by Lender in connection with the
suit or proceedings. All such amounts incurred by Lender shall be secured by this Agreement and shall be due and payable by Grantor to Lender
on demand, with interest thereon at the rate at which interest accrues under the Note.
Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Assignment are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the
provisions of this Assignment.
Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Assignment.
Merger. There shall be no merger of the interest or estate created by this Assignment with any other Interest or estate in the Property at any time
held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written consent of Lender.
Multiple Parties. All obligations of Grantor under this Assignment shall be joint and several, and all references to Grantor shall mean each and
every Grantor. This means that each of the persons signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Assignment.
Notices. All notices required to be given under this Assignment shall be given in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile (unless otherwise required
by law), and shall be effective when actually delivered or when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier or deposited in the United
States mail, first class, postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom the notice is to be given at the address shown above. Any party may
change its address for notices under this Assignment by giving formal written notice to the other parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is
to change the party's address. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if there is more than one Grantor, notice to any Grantor will constitute
notice to all Grantors. For notice purposes, Grantor will keep Lender informed at all times of Grantor's current address(es).
Non Liability for Contractual Obligations. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to bind Lender to perform any of the terms of
the Contract or to impose any of the obligations of the Contract upon Lender.
Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Assignment to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or
circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances. If feasible, any such
offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending provision cannot be
so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Assignment in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable.
Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Assignment on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Assignment shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other than
Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Assignment and the Indebtedness by way of
forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Assignment or liability under the Indebtedness.
Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Assignment.
Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Assignment (or under the Related Documents) unless
such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of
such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Assignment shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's right
otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing between
Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions. Whenever
consent by Lender is required in this Assignment, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute continuing consent to
subsequent instances where such consent is required.
STATE OF ile ,11/
COUNTY OF 1-1/1 /4/
MADSEN, General Partner
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DS E ,General Par n
State of
ma 29, 2004
Page 5
On this 6 day of PETERSON, General Patner'of I VA GO NS WT YELLO OUTFITTERS; CHA D MADSEN, Gene Pa tn of WAGO S ST
MADSEN, General Partner of WAGONS WEST YELLOWSTONE OUTFITTERS, and known to me to be partners or designated agents of the
partnership that executed the Purchaser's Assignment of Land Sale Contract and acknowledged the Assignment to be the free and voluntary act and
deed of the partnership, by authority of statute or its Partnership Agreement, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they
are au horiz to execute this sign nt in fact executed t he Assignment on behalf of the p Residing at 11
Notary Pub In and f the State of vli cr My commission expires ,9 Zva T