HomeMy WebLinkAbout867456EQQK 450 PR PAGE Q g 8 Randall B. Luthi LUTHI vc87045 P.O. Box 820 Thayne, WY 83127 (307) 883 -7887 E 0, e f 1(O 4 sM l ei ti COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Kenneth 0. Roberts, tier Judicial District' .o..int:y` and hereby eby c true, and Gf'si M. SS. RECEIVED W a COIND�, W O Ri rb te IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL i CT S' PA }:FriiER.R WYOMIr, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JON ARTHUR "J.W. BRIGHTON Probate No. 4014 Deceased ORDER THIS MATTER having come before this Court on the petition of the co- personal representatives; the Court finding that the Notice of Probate to be admitted in Wyoming was duly published and finding that no objections were filed with the Court at or before the hearing held on the 22n day of May, 2000 at 12:00 noon; IT IS HEREBY ADJUDGED, DECREED AND ORDERED: 1. That probate proceedings in the District Court of Routt County, Colorado are hereby admitted in this state as the probate of the estate. 2. That further proceedings in this matter in this Court is hereby dispensed with in accordance with Wyo. Stat. Ann, 2 -11 -201 (1999). DATED this day of June, 2000. the 9 ate foregoinE righton Order Page 1 of 2 L JOHN D. TROUGHTO DISTRICT JUDGE 690 000g `j' Sulk/ 7■ kg `oti Ytady' gstignd a .inoj 3aia jo veto s}aagoli •Q g3auuag '0002 `itady Jo ABP. q Ci sitil♦ pa4eU `21.1turoij ut pa33tuipu eq HIM opgaoio0 'Slump pnog ut patt3 s2utpeeooad ap3goad aq�. `utaaagq pain st uoiloaCgo ou iX 'ttoott Z1 Tg OOOZ `SelAl uo Sup ptigg eto uo peinpogos 2utaueq eql 4e Jueddu ao aelluut stq� ur painpegos 2utaueq eqq o; aorati 2ugTJM Lit 04 uao.s uoR oafgo a aql bitt 3snui 2uturo/frn LT! pernurpu 2uiaq :(ope,Toio9 `Asuno0 llno'd ut 8.8utpeao -oad alugoad aqp2utnuq o4 8u1 poofgo suosaad iig puu £u' •2utuioJfM jo equgs 'wow/ jo 4uno3 aq3 ur 000`OL$ uutp sae' 3u peniun iflaedoad %Jai ,(up 4uepeoap' eqy 'opuaoioo ut peiro -tuzop SUM pug L661 `L aunr uo pate uapeoep eq,L '2uturo4m ut pamurpu eq opgaoio0 `'f3uno0 4 ;nog ut s2utpaaaoad a ;ugoad agv 3tuzpe o3 `lota4sta iutotpnr mq,L `Aluno0 utoout'I 3 3ano0 latalslc aql peuor toad anuq uep -eoep eq3 jo sennuwasaadaa iguosaad -oo aq; `QNyIauoIK vooaaaa Pug NO,LHOI2Ig 3 s LO'I1tyHO 3ggl (6661) I0g °S'M oI 3uunsand wq4 uant2 ifgaaaq 'st eotaoN aswssa laws NI QaLSaUa.LNI sNosaaa TINT at 3s 01 17 TOV'oNe4ucto.ld pesuaaaG NOSHOIxg nn r ummay NO 30 asyssa an ,L 30 2Ia,L,LVIAI aH,L Ni ao aswJ s 'moo/sari 30 ALNCloo 3Hs 11 Od (INV NI soI r LSIa 'T�'IOIQIIP auIHS am, 30 ,LOIILT.CTrn ivy rr 3;;gnd fu eio N pUe 'OOOZ 'senssl EOOZ 'Si. iegopo sa,rdxe U0!SSIwwoo An 000z sun ew atom WON :S pue pequosgnS' u1) patep enssl gym bUIpUH (7 pen anSSi out UIIM 6wouewW03 angr )d poi ioa�au: luaweiddns Aue ul iou pue ',adedsMau pies io enss, aqua pue ,etn6a, aul w Apiaem peus,ignd seM 'mom MIEN St u31uM io AdO3 a '90110u ell) leui ,eaMs Atuweios op 'bwwoAAA 'Aluno° mown 'uoUN lt' AlsaaM pausggnc luapuaUeput Aaiief ,eis auk io ,oiip9 buibeueyv EGOb1SN000 NdO '0 WHEREAS, on ul J y 1997, Charlotte L. Brighton and Rebecca J. Moreland were appointed for or qualifie as co- personal representatives of the estate of the above named decedent by this Court or its Registrar, with all authority pertainin g thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, these Letters" of Administration are issued as evidence of such appointment or qualification and authority. WITNESS my signature and the seal of this Court on July 1997. (Seal of Court) DISTRICT COURT, R` JTT COUNTY, Case No. 97 PR 3 Division O8E;74 LETTERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JON ARTHUR "J. W. BRIGHTON, Deceased. Carol C My Commission Expires' L--- egistrar o ourt CERTIFICATION STAMP OR CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Certified to be full, true and correct copy of the original in my custody and to be in full force and effect as of July I, 1997. I hereby certify that this is,,.a.true and correct copy of the original ,cu ?gent shown to me this ,..,:?e" _A day of C. Dillard Notary Public State of CO n 070 a, F c a OI' [Sna fd2IYSON •Tpas TPToT3go pup pupq Aut SSHNSIM 6 61 go APP sTM NI SQQI Ham Act azogaq pabpaTko saM agau AZ HVM buTobazog aqs sMIQQH HS x --v37 7.2 fin) :saatdx;I uotssTwwo0 I N'IOONI'I 3o AZNIIOO ss ONIWOAM do HSKSs •£661 go APP_ J6.' sT144 Pureq Aiu SSHNLIM •uotgpToossV goupH AaTTpA apgS pup uoTsTATpgns eqg go suoTgpTnbaz pup seTnz TTp og goaCgns •azogogazag pazanas uaaq buTAaq 'sggbT. TpzauTw TTp butpnToxs •g3upg AaTTPA JP4S 'T9 gO gpTd :qTM O4 'agpgS agg go SMpT uotgduiaxe ppagsauot alp go anga1A Aq pup zapun sggbta TTp .6uTATpP pup .6UTspaTaz Agaa2g 'buTwoAM go aq g 'AgunoO uToouTZ uT agpngTs agpgsa Tpaa pagTzosap buTMOTTog aqg 'butuioAM 'uosTTM '7£9 xOg 30 'ERINVHD 'NOLH9I218 M .2 �OS SN`d2IHVM QNK AHAN00 'pebpeTmouNDP Agazag sT ;oaza1M gdTaO8[ 'pTpd put uT suotgpaaptsuoo aTgpnTpA zaggo pup sieTToU (00 uas go uoTgpzaptsuoo uT pup JO; 'ogppl STTPJ ogpPI 'LOLC xoq Jo '2iOLNFi2I0 'tIPWOM TUTS p 's&IQQH Hsn?i T 9 rt 7 49Q0 clam LLNK21?WM