HomeMy WebLinkAbout867506Thii Mort gage W BIDIL` IF ROATMAEO WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: First Security Bank, N.A. Afton Mortgage Production Office 485 Washington Afton, WY 83110 DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Security Instrument" means this document, which is dated August 10, 2000 together with all Riders to this document. (B) "Borrower" is TED L BARBER SR, a single man Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security Instrument. (C) "Lender" is First Security Bank, N.A. Lender is a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of America Lender's address is 485 Washington Afton, WY 83110 Lender is the mortgagee under this Security Instrument. (D) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated August 10, 2000 The Note states that Borrower owes Lender Sixty -Four Thousand, Nine Hundred Twenty and No /100 Dollars (U.S. 64,920.00 plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later than September 1, 2030 (E) "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the Property." (F) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument, plus interest. V A 11 I 9 0 WYOMING -Single Family- -FannIe Maa/FrWtlia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 MORTGAGE i 867506 Space Above This Line For Recording Data 00 AUG 1 14 BOOK _PR PAGE 1 !,...liz)" '�I RECEIVED cs 0 N E r; KEMMERER, V (Or), G Intials) (Initials) Form 3051 3/99 (page 1 of 15 pages) MWYO1CV AMZOAMI/4 (se5ed gi jo Z eyed) ee/e I.soe uuoA stgi zo/pue awls,' alp `,CiJadoJd at; of aPp [,t313a (s)z zap9J 01u0H PuooaS ($lelllul (sI ul) Japm ivauz,ied ,Cpiaamtg zap i vauidopna c tu n Pauu n Japt2i tuntutulopuo0 oois •ll 1N3WfU1SNI WUOdINn O'W °IPPa aW quuu-- ,(pweJ eleue- eNIWOA M L99699L000 ueoi saop Jamozzog `asodznd spp sod •a;oN alp pug ivautruisui ,titznaas stgi Japun s;uatuaaJ2e pue s3UEU0n03 S,JOMOIJOg JO aoueuuoJzad atp (q) pug :a1oN a I1 3o suotieogtpoui pug suotsaaixa `slemauai lie pue `tn;o-1 atp jo ivaul,Cedaz au; (e) :Japua-i of saznoas ivauriisui ,CiunoaS situ X L2IddO' Td dH,L All S,LHDRI dO 2IddSAIH2I L •ivatutuisui ,Citznoas zapun suoyeaggo s,zamozzog patunsse set dazed Teti Sou Jo _lagiatM umiei set Teti ,tiled ,Cue sue= „Ja,souog jo ;sa is ;ul ui Jossaaans„ (d) '14E311 Japan „ueoi a uglJour paigiaz AIiezapa3„ E se ,Cjienb iou saop aeon my 3t uana ueol aW121z0ul paiepJ SijEZapaj„ E of pzEaaz ut pasodtut ate Teti suopotzisa1 pue sivatuazmbaz Tie 03 slap.' „VdSfl21., `auaumzasui itaiznoas stt; ut pasn sy •zayEUZ ioafgns alms alp SUJano$ 311th uopeln$at Jo uopgist9aj Jossaaons JO pUOptppe ,Cue Jo `aulp o; atop uroz; papuaute ag i1121tu ,Cats se (00S£ Ted wd'O tZ) X uo?ieinAaai 'Elope 5upuauIaiduit sir pug iai09Z 'O'S'II ZI) i0V saznpao0Jd Tuauiapias a;eisg 1E021 off) sueaut „vdsaa (0) •ivaunuisui ,Ciunoos sTgi j0 uopoaS zapun s unouie ,Cue (Z) snid `aioN alp zapun isazaiut pue lediouud (I) Joj anp motto painpagas ,Ci1Ein2aJ alp SUeatu „;uaul,fed aipoiaad„ (AI) •ueo-i alp `uo iinejap zo `Jo ivatu,CEduou at; isUteBe zapua' &upoaiozd aougznsut meow „aaueansul a (hi) •di1adozd alp 3o uoptpuoo zo /pue amen my `oi se sUOtssttuo Jo ;o suopEivasa1dazstuI (AI) JO uopEUUIapuoo JO nazi III aoue,Canuoa (iti) `,iizadozd alp JO ;zed ,Cue Jo ye JO &uppi zatio Jo uopeatuapuoa (u) `,tiudozd aqi `Jo uotionzisap zo `03 a5etuep (t) Jo3 (s uoiioaS ut pagposap Sagezanoa ati zapun pied spaaoozd aoUeznsut uetp zaipo) ,Cited pznp ,Cue ,Cq pied spaaaozd JO `sa2euigp 3o pigmy `ivautaiilas `uopesUaduloo ,Cut sue= „spaaaoad snoautiiiaasiyt,L, ('Iv 'mynas ut paquosap ate Teti small asap maw „small Ato cast„ (}I) •SJa3SUEJi asnotpuugaia paiRUtoine pug `szaJsueV3 a1IM `auotdaiai ,Cq pa3Eptut szaJsue4 `suoiioesugzi 011tgOEU1 zonal paietUOing `szaJsuezi aies- 3o -iuiod `01 paittutl iou st inq `sapniout uuai lions •iunoaau ug itpa13 Jo map 03 uopnip5U! ptoueug e azuotine Jo `ionzisut `zapzo of se os adel opauWetu Jo `Jainduroo `ivaumJisut otaogdaiai lemma) *impala ue Onolti paTeptut st goltM `luautnmisul Jaded Jeituits zo `ij Ip 'pap ,Cq pa ;Eatguo uopogSUEJ3 a uEti Jagio `spulg 3o JaJ5UEJ3 ,Cue sue= aajsueay spun,g Nuoapaia„ (r) •uotieznteSzo 'EMITS JO 11011E100SSE SJaUM001.1101( `uoi2ElOosse umtututopuoo a ,tq ,C ;JadoZd alp Jo JaMOJJOg uo pasodiui aJE Teti Sa$Jgga Ja puE sivautssasse `saaj `sanp ile suEatu „s;uatussass' pue slag 'sang uoi;eiaossV ,f ;iunwuIo3„ (1) suolutdo prorpnf aigepadde -uou `pug aigeogdde Tie se Liam SE (MET JO 1040 ati OAR Imp) szapzo puE saint anpeJisnqutpe puE saouBUipzo `suopent2a1 `sainigis pool pm a3Eis iezapal algeogdde &trtiioziuoa Tie sueatu „Awl aiquagddy„ (II) zaPP1 Xilared t7 Japti uooipg JaPRI aieg algmsnfpy [alggotiddt se xoq )polo] zamoJJOg ,Cq painoaxa aq 03 are szaptJ tqmoiiol aty •zamonog ,Cq painaaxa an Teti ivatufJisui ,Ciunoas sits 03 szaptJ Tie swam „saapig„ (0) OSti75 179 hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender and Lender's successors and assigns, with power of sale, the following described property located in the COUNTY of LINCOLN [Type of Recording Jurisdiction] [Name of Recording Jurisdiction] SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE C 212 which currently has the address of 394 KNNNGTN -BRTN LN #136 [Street] AFTON Wyoming 83110 "Property Address [City] [Zip] TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in U.S. currency. However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Leiider may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash, (b) money order, (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Loan Number: 0007689557 WYOMINOSingle Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 Initials) Initials) Form 3051 3/99 (page 3 of 15 pages) MWYO3CV 0 1 A3POAMW (se5ed gt Jo q abed) sae woe uuoi (sle1kUi ($;ennui 00/E '1'1 1N3WfUISNI WUOdINn °'W NPPIJ /ISW Nuu•S °ANwed el LGS689L000 mai /Cud amp /Cue pe saran Mozasg IF Jo hue Io; spun3 JapuO-I 03 Ard op uopBSngo s,JaMOJZOg only& ARUI zapual •stualj MOJOSa ne JO Cue J0; spun3 alp /Cud O1 uopu2ggo S,J0MOi1Og sanlr& Japua -j ssajun swan mama Jo; spun am JapuO-j Avd Hens J0Moiiog •uopoas slip Japun pn d aq o3 spunoulr jo saopou jje Japug-j of tislazn; Apdtuozd jjrls J MOLIOg •111011 Mozasg uv aq Huns sluatussasse pue sag; 'soup Ions pue `zaMOJJOg patozosa aq `Cur ji `sluatussassy pue saga `sane uopeloossy iCllununuoj min aunbar Aral zapuaj `ueoq alp jo tuzal 0111 Suunp a1U13 iiue 3v Jo uopea!Suo ld „.small Mo1OSg„ pane° aze stuapl assns •01 uopoas ;o suoislnozd am tint aouepz000e ul stunpuazd aouemsul aSeSuoini jo 3uam/Ced 0111 ;o nail ul Japua7 01 JaMozzog /Cq ajge/Cud sums Aue 'stunuuazd aouunsul aSeSlzoini (p) pue :S uopoas Japun Japun- /Cq pailnbaz aouunsui ije pue Attu zo; sumlutazd (0) Cue 3i 'Alzadozd atp uo s3uaJ punoiS z0 spuatuAed pionasvgj (q) :Alzadozd alp uo aouttquinotra J0 uaij a se 3u0tunJlsm' Apunoas spp zano iCliJOlzd mum ue3 1Ot13M SUlapi JOlf 0 pue sluatussasse par Saxe; (e) :JO; anp sumo= Jo luatuAed zo; apinozd o1 „spuna„ am) tuns r `Tina ut pied sj a1oN aril !pm 'mot all Japun anp aJe s3U0tui(vd Olpouad /Cep all uo JapuaJ o1 /Cud nuns JaMouog •stua3I Mo.IOS'f Jo.; spun3 •s3uauliCed Olpolzad all to 'mom all a Jo 'amp anp all auodpsod zo pualxa Sou Ijens a3oN alp zapun anp jedIoulzd o1 spaaOo1d snoauv0aOS1J, JO `spaaoozd aoueznsul 'swam/Cud jo uoproljddr Au)/ •a1oN all ul paquosap se uatp pur saSJrnp 31I uI fedazd Aug o1 lszg paljddy aq urns sluatuArdazd £zelunTOA .anp so5Je10 a3vl /Cuv 03 paljdde aq Aral ssaoxa dons 'swam/Cud 0ipouad 01011l Jo 000 JO luau/Cud jjtj all 01 paljdde si luatuAed all Jolly slslxa ssaoxa ,Cue imp wawa all o j IIn3 ul pnld aq 11v0 puatuhd 13ora `1etj3 lualxa alp 03 pur `;i swam/Cud Oipoizad alp ;o 3UgtuAudaz 01(1 0l JaAo1ZOg tu0z; pania3az 3uatu1Cvd Cue Aldde /Crni zapual `Suipuelslno s1 luatuICvd 0lpouad auo amp O1OUI ;I •021v1p alrj alp pue luau /Cud luanbuljap am 03 pandde aq iirtu 3uatu&ed alp 'anp OSJrg0 a3vl AUm Xed o1 lUnotUB 1uaT011lns a sapnl0ui nanht 3uauli(rd Olpolzad luanbuljap a zo; J0Mouog tuoz3 luau/Cud r sanla0aJ zapuarl 3I -awls,' all jo aoaejeg lediouud all a0npa1 o1 uatp pay luauttulsul ,C1jJnoas slip Japan anp slunoutr Ja130 iCur 03 puooas `saatutp alrj o1 lszj paljdde aq Huns s3unolur Sumlutuaz Cud .anp atuvoaq 11 goin■ ul Japzo alp ul luaut1Ced Olpouad nova 01 paljdde aq urns swam/Cud lions uol30gs Japun anp s3Unotur :a3oN all Japun anp IrdTOUlzd (z) :a3oN all zapun anp lsazalul (I) :X31uoud jo Japzo Sui&oijo; all In paljdde aq Huns zapual Aq paljdde pue poldaoor s3uaul&rd IIr `z uopoas slt11 ul pagliosap asiM1alpo se ldaoxg •spaaaoJd io s3uam,CBd jo uoj ;rajjddy •Z •luatutu3sul Alummas slap ,iq paznoas s1Uatuaa1SR pur sluraano0 all Saluuolzod JO 3U0U11U3Sal Mu1100s slip pue a3oN a1j1 zapun anp s3uaul&ed Sui)jral trim zaAo11Og anana1 11els Japual 3suT5r aznlnl am in Jo MOU 0netj.111211I.1 zaMO1ZOg nolgM tUirj0 z0 20s;;0 ON •amsol0azol 01 Joud Ajalvipatutul a3oN a111 zapun OOUejvq jediouud Suipuvlslno anp 03 paljdde aq jjp t spun; Ions `zaijzva pandde Sou lI za&ozzog of Moan 1I3010z Jo spun; lOns Alddr zatpla urns zapua-I 'amp to pound ajgruoseaz a un piM os op Sou saop 10M0JZOg ;I •3u01Jn0 ue07 all Suuq of (s)luatu,Ced salmi JaMo-uog jpun spun; paljddrun lions pion Amu zapual .spun; paijddrun uo 3SaJa3ut ,(ed 1ou paau JapUa'-j uat11 `alrp anp pajnpanos sal to se paljdde sit planed 0ipouad nova ;I •pa1da00e 0JB s3Uatu,Cvd nous amp 0133 1v swam/Cud goes ,fldde 131 palRSngo 1o1 sl JOpua-J lnq 'aznlnl all al spuatu1Ced 1eilzvd J0 (s)puatuiCvd lions asn;az o1 s113S31 S31 01 aolpnfazd z0 zapunaJa13 sp13Su Attu to IOAI1M lnolpTM `3uazzn0 Ue0'1 0132 Sulzq o1 luaJOl,I;nsal (s)3uatuArd jeilzvd Jo (s)3uauiAed AIR 1d033v deal zapua-j •luazmO uro-I 013 Suuq 131 puoppn.1nsul am sluatuAed 1e3led zo (s)luatuAed a p ;l (s)3uom 11d Iel3zed Jo (s)luaul,Ced /Cm uzn3az /Cum zapua1 •SI Uol30as ul suolsinozd a3p0u 0131 111JM 03uepzo03e UZ zapual Aq pap1USisap aq ARM Se 1011E303 zat;10 tons 1y Jo a30N a111 in papeuSisap uop1003 am 1e panla3az UatJM Japua-I Act paniaoal patuaap aze s1UatuIfyd Ob675 6 181 such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borrower's obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, that are then required under this Section 3. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount (1) sufficient to permit Lender to apply the Funds at the time specified under RESPA and (2) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time specified under RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESPA. If there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than twelve monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than twelve monthly payments. Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable to the Property which can attain priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal Loan Number: 0 0 0 7 6 8 9 5 5 7 WYOMING Single Famiy- -FenMe Mee/FreddN Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 Initials) (Initials) Form 3051 3/99 (page 5 of 15 pages) MWYO5CV A390AMW (se5ed 9t Jog abed) as/C MC wad ($IBIAW 00/E '1'I 1N3WnkUSNI WNOIINn *ow •PPa+d/SeW S UUI I m souts-ONIWOAM LS9689L000 U 0� 31 `XUadozd am jo zredal JO uo91110 1saz o; pond& oq pegs `zapuaZ 4iq pazmbaz sum aOurznsul gu1,Cjlapun atp ;ou z0 zag ;agM `spaaoozd aou>unsrn Sue lupuM u! aazge aspwatpo zaMO110 pue zapuaZ ssalun •lamouog 4iq 4(pdurold apart' ;ou 31 sso! jo jooid a)peur iCeur zapuaZ •zapuaZ pue 1au111O aOIIemS[I! OLD o; 03pOU ;durOld anig !Legs zamozlog `ssol JO 11I0n0 age uI •aaXed ssol leuomppe ue se zoipue aageg ;zom se zapuaZ aureu IIugS pue asnup ageguour pzepue ;s a apnput pegs /Nod gons `1C ;zadozd ag; `3o uoponl ;sap JO `o; ag11urnp 1oj `zapuai iiq pannbal aspiumpo ;ou `ag11lanoo aouuznsur jo uuo3 i(ur sui11;go zaMOZlog 3I •saopou 111Maua1 pue sumiurazd pied jo s ;dIaoar LI11 zapun o; anrg 4(pdm01d Mugs zamoz1og `sazmbaz zapuaZ 31 •sa;eoupiao lemma' pue Sappod arj; plog o; ;ggu ag; anug pegs zapuaZ naked ssol leuor;ippe ue se zo/pue aageguom se zapuaZ omit pegs pue `asnelo ageguoul plupue;s r apnloui pulls `sapgod gons anolddesip o; ;ggu s,zapuaZ o; ;oafgns aq pegs saropod gons jo Sl11Mauaz pue zapuaZ ,(q pazmbaz sat3tlod aoueznsut py •;uaur'Ced gupsanbaz zamozzog o; zapuaZ map nor ;ou uodn ;Sala ;ul gons mpit `algeifed aq pegs pue ;uaurasmgs!p jo app ag; turn a ;ez Moil alp ;e 1Sala ;111 nog !lugs smnome asou ;uaunulsuI A;unoas snp pa1fOas 1amouog jo ;cap peuomppe aurooaq pegs g uopoos sirp zapun zapuaZ 4iq paszngsip surname Suy •pauie ;qo aneg moo 1aM011og imp a0ue1nsul jo ;soo alp pox ICJ ;ueoulugIs ;ggiru pauie ;qo os aggzanoo aoueznsut am 30 ;soo ag; imp SOgpaJMOUnjo11 13MO1z0g ;00330 111 IClsnolnard SeM ung; ag111an00 1aSS I z0 13111a12 aprnold ;ggnu pue ,C ;urger! zo pzezeg `Asp Cue ;su!ege `4C;zadozd ag; 3o s ;ua ;uoo am JO `iC130d01d arp 111 iC ;mba s,zamozzog `zam0zzog ;oa ;ozd ;ou ;ggiur zo ;ggnu iuq `zapuaZ zawwO pegs agennoo gons `azojaragy •agn1an00 3 ;unoure 10 ad1C; 1rinopmed /Cue asegomd o; uopegggo ou zapun s! zapuaZ •asuadxa s,zamol1og pue uopdo s,zapua-j ;11 `agaionoo aourznsur ututqo ,Gear zapuaZ `anoge pagposap sagezanoo am 30 /cue uieapeuz o; sm 1amo11og 3I •1am01zog CCq uopoafgo ue moij gut ;Insaz not ;euluua ;ap auoz poop /CUE JO Ma1n31 alp g ;iM uopoauaoo ui 1iouagd ;uaurageuey\L ,Coua3zaurg 1111apad am Ai pasodun saa3 ,Cur jo ;uaurAud am zo3 algisuodsaz aq osle pugs 1am01zog •110911ogp10o 10 uoi ;earUI1 1 p gons ;aa33e WTI /Clgel ms1 1 1O1gA 111000 saguego luliruls z0 sguiddeuraz amp 40r3 sa8zrgo ;uanbasgns pue sa01n1as uopeoup1ao pue uopBuiuuopp auoz pool; 103 agreg0 MU-MO 11 (z) JO saopuos gup10111; pun uoi ;eOgyroo `uopeuruua ;ap auoz poop zo; ag1ego amt; -auo a (I) :zag ;la `ueo-I Sig; IpTM uopoauuoo ur `,Cud 0; 1aAo11o11 annbaz Xeur zapuaZ •4CLg11uoseamn pasrozaxa aq ;ou pegs ;ggu g0rgM `ao!ogo s,zamo1zog anozddesip o; ;ggu s,zapua' o; ;oafgns zamolzog iiq uasogo aq pugs aouemsur arp gu1Pinozd zauze0 aounmsur agy •uIOZ arp jo uua; alp guunp aguego UE3 sa0ua ;uas guipa0ard arp 03 ;uensznd sazmbaz zapuaZ ;agM •sazmbaz zapuaZ ;eg; spouad alp zo3 pue (slanal algl;onpap guIpnpur) spume arj; u! pautB3unmu aq pegs aOueznsur spy •aounlnsul sazmbaz zapuaZ gpigm 10J `spool; par saalenbrg1Pa `0; pa;nup ;ou lnq `&gpnpui spinet! zag;o /Cue par „`agrzano0 papua ;xa„ W1a; alp uirpTM papnpui spnzeg `azu iiq ssol ;suFge pamsul ,C ;zadozd am uo pa ;0010 za ;3eazag zo gupspro Mou s ;uamano /dug ag; daal pegs zamozzog •oaueansui £padoad •s •uno'snp g ;rM uop0auuo0 ui zapuaZ ifq pasn aoin1as gupzodal 1oipue nor ;e0grzan x11; a ;e ;Sa leaf 11 103 agzego aurp -auo a Ard o; zaMouog a1rnba1 i(eur zapuaZ uop0as Srrj; ut anoge quo; ;as snot ;011 arp 3o atom 10 auo 01!11; JO nail ag; IiJspes ilegs 10m0zrog `uanig si a0p0u ;et; rjomm uo a ;11p arm 3O s&Cup OT u1ga1M .nail ag; gu1/C31 11pp1 00pou u 1OM0110g 0nts hear zapuaZ `;uaurnz;sul 1 ;un0as snp JOAO iCauoud 11111 ;r ue0 gOtgM 110!! 11 0; ;Oafgns si Xuadold ag; jo ;zed dun ;eq; sauiuuaaap zapuaZ 3I ;uarunlasui Allmon sap o; nap om gupeuiplogns zapuaZ o; £1033ejs1 ;es auauraazgn uu 1101 art 3o zapl0g ag; ru0z3 5011105 (0) JO :papnpuo0 0111 s3uip33o0zd gons !pun Alan ;nq `guipuad 0111 sgu1P0000ld asom 01!1M nail am 3 ;uauraOZO3ua alp ;uanazd o; a ;1110d0 uoiurdo s,lapua- ur 1p1gM sguipaa0ozd 90S e,9aso otiEri Vb 183 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borrower or any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, but are not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (1) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (2) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (3) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, and securing and/or repairing the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to, (1) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, (2) appearing in court, and (3) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and /or rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated payments that were due when the insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a non refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Loan Number: 0007689557 WYOMING Single Famiy-- Fannie Maa/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 Inftials) (Inftlals) Form 3051 a/99 (page 8 of 15 pages) MWY08CV AOLOAMVI (sebed 91 so z eBed) ewe ►soe 'mod MR V8T 00/E '1'I 1N31NnH1SNI W11O4INf 3 '1.1 •1PP•aXeeyl e1 L99689L000 uso- •asneo aigeuoseaz gons 2upC31oads uopoadsui zouaaut au gons al mud JO jo amp an ae aopou zamouog anti ins zapua-j •,Cazadozd aqa uo sauaaranozdau aqa jo zouaaut aga loads!!! item zapuaj `asneo aigeuoseaz seq 3I •Sazadozd an jo suopoadsui pue uodn sau;ua aigeuoseaz algal i(eur aua2e sal 10 zapua7 •eopezoasar JO zredaz gons jo uonaiduioo aga zo3 uopeWugo s,zanouog jo panailaz aou sl zamozzog `Sazado1d alp aio)saz JO zredaz oa aua?op;ns !au aze spaaoozd uopeuurapuoo zo aoueznsu? at!! 31 •paaaiduroo s? 31zoM aga se maul/Cud ssar ozd jo sans a ut JO auatuiCed aT2urs a u? uopezoasaz pue sziedaz an zoj spaaoozd aszngsip �Cear zapuai •sasodznd lions zoj spaaoozd paseauaz sett zapual 3? Auto Iiazadozd aga fuuoasaz JO &uuredaz zo3 aigTsuodsaz aq gulls zaMOZZOg `,tazadozd aqa 'Jo 2uplea alp JO `oa a2euzep Tun uopoauuoo u! pled ate spaaoozd uoTae<nuapuoo zo aouemsu? 31 •a2earep JO uopezouaaap sating mane oa pafeuzep 3? Aazadozd ay! zredaz £pdamzd gulls zamozzog `aigiseaj Xuieatuouooa mu s? Uopezoasaz zo zredaz aega S norms oa auensznd pa qunaaap si ai ssauull •uolaipuoo sit oa anp amen ul auise01O0p JO &Upezoizaaap U1OZ3 itazadozd alp auanazd oa zapzo u! Aazadozd aq; uFluleaz IIegS zamozzog `iiazadozd alp Ur Rurpisai s? zamozzog aou JO za •Xazadozd an uo aaseM aImmo JO aaezoizaaap oa 410dozd aqa Moue `,Ca1adozd a p geduzr JO amen `Xo1asap mu um zamozzog •suol;aadsuI :,faaadoad aqa Jo uonaaaoid pue aaueualuleyti 'uolaeA.casaad •Iozaua° s,zamouog puolCaq am goigM asixa saOUeasaznO1iD 8upenuaaxa Ssaltm JO `piagga ?m Slgeuoseazun aq aou Timis auasuoo gOigm `8uiauM ui saaae asimzagao zapua-1 ssalun `Aouedn000 jo am) an zaawe zeaX auo asea! ae zoj aouaprsaz Iediouud S,zanozzog Se ICazadozd an Adn000 oa anupuoO iiegs pue auauznzasul ,faunas SUP jo uopnoaxa an tap &Cep /CaxiS unpin aOUapisaz uediouud s,zamouog se iCazadozd alp asn pue `gsligeasa `Xdn000 netts zamozzog •,fauednaaO •9 •anp uaga mu to =palm `auaUmzasul ICaunOas sign JO aaom an zapun piedun slummy 1Ced oa zo itazadozd an azoasaz JO zredaz Oa zaga ?a spaaoozd aoueznsu? aqa asn Xem zapua-1 •Aazadozd aqa 3o a2ez0n00 aga oa aigeoiidde aze sagpu gons se moo! `Xazadozd an gUL1 A0o sa?oliod aouemsai uue zapun (zamozzog Aq pied suznTIuazd pauzeaun jo punjaz Cue oa aq$u aqa uega zagao) sup!' s,zamouog ;o zagao /Cue (z) pue `auaumzasul ,faunas sun JO a10N an zapun pledun sumnoure aqa paaoxa oa aou aunoure us u? spaaoozd aouemsu? Am cu sup!' s,zanouog (I) zapua-1 oa SaBisse Agazaq zamozzog 'asTMZagao zo zz norms zapun iCazadozd an sazinbO1 zapua-I 3? JO `auaAa zagaia ul •UamB Si ao ?aou aga uagM u paq !um pouad 'fep -p£ aq,L -Tugela an aims pue aaepogau Aeaz zapual tram `uriep a arms oa paza33o seq zauzeo aouemsul an aega zapua-1 uroz3 aOpou a oa &Cep OE umaIM puodsaz aou saop zamozzog j! szaame paaelaz pue urrep aOUeznsul aigeuiene /Cue aims pue aaeraoffau 'am £eur zapun -i ',Waft,' an moping /ammo(' 3I •z uopOas u! zoj paprnozd zapzo an ui pagdde aq iiegs spaao aoueznsui !Tans zamouog 01 pied Cue a? `ssaaxa an gala `anp uaga aou zo zagaagm `auaunuasul JCaunOas sup pamoas sums alp oa paiudde aq gulls spaaoozd aOUeznsu? aqa `pauassal aq mom ,faunas manual zo aigisea3 Ctieolurouooa aou Si zredaz JO UOpezoasaz a p ;l •zamozzog jo uopegggo alas alp aq Hugs pue spaaoozd aOUemsui aqa JO 3110 pled aq aou iiegs zamozzog Aq puma' 'sound pnuga zagao JO `szaasnfpe oilgnd zoj saa3 •spaaoozd lions uo s2uiUZea .to !swam! Niue zamozzog iced oa pazinbaz aq aou hugs zapua-1 `spaaoozd aoUE.msu? lions no pled aq oa !saw!! sazinbaz Me-1 algeo ?iddy zo 2uppm u? spear Sl auauzaaIRe ue ssaiufl •paaaldaroo s? 3IzoM alp se sauaUZAed ssai ozd jo sagas a 11! JO 1Uauz,Ced aguls a ui uopezoasaz pue sz ?edaz an zoj spaaoozd aszngs ?p Kern zapual •Apdurozd ua3leazapun aq Hells uopoadsu? gons !ET papinozd `uopoSjspes s,zapua-j oa paaaldumo wag Seq 3IzoM aga amsaa oa iCazadozd lions aoadsur oa /C3Tunazoddo Ue peg set! zapua•1 !pun spaaoozd amensut gons Nog 01 agWU aga aneq iue4S zapua'l `pouad uopezoasaz pue zredaz lions &uuna •pauassal aou Si AaunOas manual pue algisea3 iCUUeoluzouooa s! zredaz to uopezoasaz aga MIN Lender can no longgr require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non refundable loss reserve, until the Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such termination or until termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paid to Lender. If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. In the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Party (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim Loan Number: 00 07689557 WYOMING-Single Family—Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 nit s Initials 185 Form 3051 3/99 (page 9 of 15 pages) MWYO9CV A3OIAMW sexed jW 5l to Ol e6ed) ewe �so 11110 'Irawn�s wuo�uln o.w Mar•+�•■w qua -t�we� e!eu!scu�woAM 981 !■!u�! ■!■O N L 95689L00VelquinN ueoi Sindo'd `saa3 &faulowle 'or !mum! roll rug lurpnlour luaurnuisui itTunoas sup Japan slgWu pue i(uado'd aril ur Isamu! s,Japuaj uuiloalo1d jo asodund aril Jo3 `11ne3ap s,Jamonog glrt uopoauuoo ur pauuzo ;.zad saornJas io3 saa3 JaMozrog a2Jutio Xetu aapua7 •sa2.n q3 uuo' •bi •Japua-I 3o su5rsse pug s'ossaoons alp lijauaq pue (oz uopoos ur paprnold se ldaoxa) purr! liens Tuatunulsui iClpnoas sail 3o sluauuaaae pue slueuano° aril &upUM ur 0seaial lions of saadu 1apua-I ssaiun Tuauunllsui Alunoas sup .spun Xirirquij puu suopuarigo s,10M01'og 111013 pasealau aq iou pegs JOMOLIOEI •luauunllsui Xlunoos sup Japan slgauaq pun slrpp s,lamollog 3o «E urelgo ins `Japua-I panoldde sr pue 'upuM ur luaurnilsui Arunoas sup Sap= SI109EMrjgo s,Jamo'1og salunsse OIJM Jamo'1og 3 lsaJalui ur JOSS 03011S S11 `8I 110930S JO SUOISIAOJd alp of loafgns agl lnorpTM aloN alp s0 luaurf1lsu pnoa sr luasuoO s,J I 1 S sup 3o x111301 alp of pJea1 rprM S[IOpepounuoOOe !Cue awl 10 Jeaglo3 `Aj1Pour `puma of aoau ueo 'amomog .Jarpo Cue pue Japaa' Imp Saaae (o) pue :luaurnJlsui ATpnoas sup Cq pamoas sums arp iCed of palegrigo Xiteuoslad rot! sr (q) :Tualunulsui iClrmoas sup 3o mum aril Joplin Iillad01d atp ur 1sa1alur s,Jau2rs -oo alp ICanuoo pm urea `age4rour or Auto TuaUun11sui Aiunoas sup 2urugrs -oo sr (e) „Jou2rs -oo„ e) aloN alp among 3011 saop ing luaumllsui Ji3pnoas sup SU2IS -0O oqM JaM0JJ0g ,Cue `1anaMOH *IEJOAas pue lurof aq !legs i pue Suope8rigo s,Jamozzog rum saaae pue slueuanoo 1aM0J1011 •punog su2issy puu saossaaans :srauBis op :,C;riiquil luaanas puu 3U Of '£I 4aur0l 1O 11.0p ,Cue 3o asrOlaxa alp apnioard 10 3 JanrRM a aq 3011 Hugs `anp u01p lunoure alp uerp ssaj sumo= ur Jo 1amofog 3o Isamu! ur sJossOOOns Jo xappua `suosiad pplp moll sluaur/Cud 3o aoueldaooe s,Japua-I `uopelrurH lnorprM `2urpniour Apaura' Jo map 'fun aursrolaxa ur Japuai iCq aoueleag1o3 stud •.raMOLI0H JO TsaM1III ur SJOSSOoonS SUE .10 Jamming ivarguo alp itq apeal pueurap Cu /e jo uosuoi iCq 1u0umulsui iilrmoas sup Aq pamoas sums arp jo u0pezruouue X3rpour asrMJaljo 'o lu0uaEd Jo3 amp pualx0 0l asnJa1 or 'O Jamof0g jo 1saJa3ui ur JossaoOrts Cue lsuru2u S &urpaaoold aouaunuoo of palmbar aq 1011 Hugs Japua'I •1amoiiog jo Isamu! ur slossaoons Auu Jo 1 MOJ.IOS 3 Augur! alp asualat of aleuado 3011 Bugs Jamo'1og 3o 1salalui ur Jossaoons Suu Jo 1aM011O11 o1 JapuaZ iCq paluea luauufJlsul 'ilrmoos sup Ai pamoas sums alp 3o uopuzruoure 3o uorleor;rpoul 10 luaruAud 103 amp alp 3o uorsualxg •aaniut u 30..1 .rapuai Ag aauuauagaog tpasuaiag ;oN J Ato.uOg 'Zj 'Z uopOas ur 103 paprnold Jap10 ag1 ur middy aq !legs ii11ado1d a1P 3o urudai 10 uopeJOlsa1 0l poridde l0u ale legs spaaoold snoauupaos11A1 !Iv •1apU3' of mud aq Hugs pin pau�rssu Along an Xuadolj 0111 ur 1sa'01ur s,1apuaj 3 luauurudmur alp Ol 01Qe1ngpllu ale imp sageurup 103 uur1JO 10 plemu Aug 3o spaaoold arty °1u0uml1sui 'Clunoas sup Japan slg2u 10 iC3Jado1d alp ur Isa'alu! s,Japua-I 3 luauulredrur lepaleul 101110 10 Auado1d alp 3o alnlra31o3 sapnjoald luaur8pnf s,lapua-I ur 'mu gugn1 u IpIM passrlusrp aq of aurpaaoold Jo uOpOR alp &ursneo `61 u01130S ur paprnold se alelsura1 `paun000 set! uorlelalaoou 3r 'pug 1inejap a 110ns a1fO uIO JOM0110a luaunulsui Al sup Japan s1g2u 10 iCUOdoJd 0111 ur Isa'alu! S,1apua7 3 luauurudurr ieualeur Ja1po 10 iClladold alp 3o alnlra31o3 ur Tulsa' moo `luauuRpnf S,lapua7 ur `311113 ungaq sr 'leurnip° Jo Irmo JograIiM lurpaaoold Jo uorloe Auu 3r linejap ur aq Hugs 1am011og •spaaoold snoaupjaosm or pzaar ur uopoe 3O lg$p a set! JaMO11og urogM lsurege i(Ued alp Jo spaaoold SnoauRHaOSm JOMO11og samo lugs Cued pig agl sueaur „/cmmed &ursoddp„ •anp ualp 3011 Jo Jaglagm yuaulfJlsui iClunOas sup Xq pamoas sums alp of 10 X OM 3o Jredal Jo uopuJolsa' or 1011110 spaa°O'd snoauuilaos9\1 ag1 /Cidde puu 1oajoo of pazpo1pnu sr Japua-I `uanp sr OOpou alp am) alp Jape sap p£ urgpiM Japual of puodsa' 01 siru3 1amoJlog `saguurep '03 inspection and valuation fees. In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge. 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be in writing. Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other means. Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Instrument at any one time. Any notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be construed as a prohibition against agreement by contract. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. As used in this Security Instrument: (1) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender, (2) words in the singular shall mean and include the plural and vice versa, and (3) the word "may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action. 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. Loan Number: 00 07689557 WYOMING-Single Family—Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 nitlals Initial 187 orm 3051 3/99 (page 11 of 15 pages) MWY11CV A3 MMW (sated g jo Zl abed) sen 'sot uuN T (spool (slernul owE '1'I 1N31WIHLSNI WHOdINn oRW •Ppeld/e*W Nuu•-Ajwe e19u1goNIWOAM LSG699L000:JegwnN uso1 VdS22I uor3euuojui zagio ,Cue pue apecu aq Knolls sruauukud ion of ssazppE am `zaainzas ue01 Mau OM JO ssazppe puE aural aql a3Eis Him goigM aauega agi jo aopou uarluM uantff aq mitt zamozzog `zaotnzas uuo-I a p jo a2ueg9 E sT atom 31 •a3oN aql jo ajEs a of paielazun =Inns ueoi aq3 jo safuego azour JO auo act 3g2nu osle azaia •ME'I afgg9Tjddy puE `3uaurnzisul IC3unoaS stg3 `aloes aqi zapun suopEffilgo gupinzas mot ateguour zamo surzo;zad puE luaurnslsul 1ilunoas sigl pue oroN aq3 zapun anp s3uaurAd otpouad spafloo 3Eg3 „zaotnzas ue0-I„ am se uMoux) A31rua am ut a8ue43 a ut ljnsaz iggtm ales Fr •zamouog of aotiou zoud 3nogitm salmi azour JO auo plos aq 11e9 (ivammnzisul Alun9as sup mph zag3ao3) a3oN aill ut rsazaiut IE9zed u JO a3OJ agl •a3ueAat.ro JO aa13oN :aaa!AaaS ueo' JO aRueg3 :aloN JO aflS '0Z 81 uoiioas zapun uopezala39E ;o aseo am ut Sidde roll Begs arersutaz o3 1J !1 snp `zanamog •pazrn000 peq uot3ezalaooe ou 3T SE an 9 9 a33a Xiin3 un uaz Begs Agazag pampas suopE2Hgo puE luaurnz2sul Alt/non sap `zamozzog ifg 3uauramsutaz uodn •Jojsuezy spund otuozioalg (p) JO £itiva zo £3tjEivaurnzlsut 'Amato tempo E painsui are srrsodap asoTM uor3nlrlsur uE uodn umuzp sr loago lions AuE paptnoid 'paw s,zatgsea JO 490110 s,zaznseazr 'pogo xueq 'pogo poplino (o) `zapzo itauom (q) `gsuo (E) :zapua-I Aq paioalas se `suuo3 8rrimolloj aqi jo oJour JO auo ut sasuadxa puE sums 3uauralelsutaz lions iced zamozzog 3Eg3 azrnbaz zapua •pafuegoun anupuoo 'pHs `3uaumr3sut A3 sup Aq pampas stuns agl Aed of uopegtlgo s,zamozzog puE luaturursui A3un9as sigl zapun s3IJ a puE Amadoid atp ur 3saza3ut s,zapua'-f rum amssE o3 azinbaz Alq uoseaz sitar zapua-j se uopoe lions saxes (p) puE :luau tursul Alunoas stgi zapun srg5u puE IC3zadozd alp ut Isaza3u! s,zapua-f &ut3oa3ozd jo asodznd agi zoj paunoui saaj zagio puE 'saaj uoj3Enlen puE uopoadsut iivadozd `saaj ,sifatuo33e algeuoseaz `01 pa3u utl loll inq &urpnput `3uaurnz3sul A3unoas spp Sutozojua ut pazznout sasuadxa HE siCed (o) :s3uauuaaz2E zo sumo/too zag3o Niue jo 3InEjap Aue sazno (q) :pazzn000 peq uoj3ezalaoot of 3t SE aloN ag3 pue 3uaurnzlsui Arunoas sigi zapun anp aq pjnom uagl tto qm sums HE zapua-j s,Cud (E) :zamouog rem WE suonipuoo asogZ •3uaumz3sul i(3jnoas still RutozoJua 3uauugpnf a jo Xz3ua (TIT) z0 :a3e3suraz or Wm s,zamozzog 3o uot3euiuua3 am zoj Ajpods iggtuu me i afgEOtiddy SE pouad 1aglo g9ns (n) :3uaurnz1sul itiunoas still uT paurE3uoo ales 30 zamod AuE o3 3uensznd A3zadozd am jo ales azojaq sAEp an13 (r) :jo lsailzea am or zoud amp Cu ,e 3E panupuoosip 3uaurnmsut ,C3 stgi jo 3uauraozo;ua anEg o3 3gWu agl aneq flags zamozzog `stor3rpuoo uie3zao Maur Jamozzoil 31 •uopuiala3oy aa3,{/ alulsup-a yaA+Oaaog •6I •zaMO1JOH uo pumap zo aot3ou zagun3 3nogrTm 3uatrnz3STII 1C3un3a8 sap /Cq par3iuuad saipauiaz iCuE axOnut �CEtr zapua-j `pouad stg3 3o uoieutdxa aqi 03 zoud sums asagi £ed o3 slier 1am0zzog 3l '3uaurnz3sul 'Ciunoas snit Act pampas sums HE pied ism JOMOI1011 g91gM urr13TM gl u0tloas gitM aouEpzoOOE ut uantg Si 099011 aq3 a3Ep alp ufOJj siiEp OE mill ssat 3ou jo pouad u apinozd Hugs aapou a TI •uo9EZapooE JO aopou zamozzog anig Hugs zapua-I `uofdo snit sasJOzaxa zapua7 3I •mEl lezapa3 paitgigozd st astozaxa lions 3t zapuai Act paspzaxa aq 3ou Hugs uot3do sup `zanamoH •3uaur1U3sul A3unoas stg3 Aq paznoas sums HE 3O tin3 ut ruatu/Cud a3Erpaururi azmbaz Arai zapuaJ `3uasuo9 ua33uM mud s 3nog3TM (pall jsuez3 10 plos st zamozzog ut 3saza3ut lupgauaq u puE uoszad mum a 3ou sr zaMOZZOg 3i zo) pazzajsuum z0 plos Si ii3zadozd a p ut 3saza3ut &LE z0 Auadozd a p jo mud ICuE zo HE 3I •zasEgOznd E o3 am aznirg a 3E zamozzog �Cq 01313 ;o zaJsuez3 agi st gotgM JO 3110314 am `3uau[aaz2E mama JO 39E131100 sales 1uauriielsat 'pap zoj 39ez3uo° `paap zoj puoq E ut paz1ajsuez3 ma'am iuppauaq asog3 `01 paitrutl 3ou inq `guipnlout `Auadozd alit ut 3saza3ut lupllauaq zo IEBat AuE sue= „,Crzadozd aq3 ut 3sazarul„ `81 uOtioas sigl ut pasn sy •.raMoazog ul 3saaa3ul lepuauag a 10 Apadoid air; Jo rajsueay •gj 111111 111111 OSC7•75'06 189 requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer(s) and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (1) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (2) "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (3) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Environmental Law and (4) an Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (1) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (2) which creates an Environmental Condition or (3) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (1) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge; (2) any Environmental Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (3) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. Loan Number: 0007689557 WYOMING-Single Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I.T. 3/00 (Initials) Initials) Form 3051 3/99 (page 13 of 15 pages) MWYI3CV AOPLAMW (se5ed gt 10 pt e6ed) sem Lsoe uuo 00/C 1 1 1N311fi1SNI weomifl aim elepSJ /•eW •uuy- -y e18u1SIWOAM L88689LO JQ:JeownN ueoi At atgeogddy zapun paaaiuuad st aaj alp jo &iigzetlo alp pue pazapuaz =Inns zo; Shed pip a o; pn d si aaj atp ji Sluo ;nq ;uawnzasal icumoas sup guisealaz zoj aaj t; zannozzog amp Stmt zapua -I •s ;soo uopepzooaz Are 'Cud imp Jamouog •auawnzasul ,iaunoas sup amp.' putts zapua- luaumzasuj Allmon Sim Sq pampas stuns pr jo luawSed uodn •asealag •£Z 11 o; pal ;l ;ua Spaal suosaad JO uosaad aq; o; ssa3xa Aug (3) pue puawna ;suj ,C ;lan3as stq; Sq paan3as scans pe o; (q) :saal ,s,fauao ;e algeuoseaa 'o; pa ;lwtl ;ou ;nq tulpnpul 'ales ay; jo sasuadxa pe o; (u) :aapao guln&opoj aq; ul papdde aq pegs ales ag; jo spaaaoad aqy •ales Sue le S ;aadoad aq; aseg3and Sew aauglsap s;1 JO aapua' lteZ alge3llddV Sq pagla3saad aauuew aq; ul plos aq pegs S;.zadoad aq; pue 'ales jo a3l ;ou aq; gsllgnd pegs aapuaq •Sj uol ;aas ul pappioad aauuew aq; ul aanl,oaaog o; ales alp jo a3pou anig pegs aapua7 •,MU' alge3ilddy g ;p& aauepao33e ul 'luaaajj!p j1 'Slaadoad alp jo uolssassod ui uosaad am o; pue aa,l oaaog o; asol3aaoj 0; maw! ,lo a3llou aAl2 pegs aapua7 'ales jo aa,HOd aq; sa)loAul aapua' JI •a3uaplAa app jo slso3 pue saaj ,s.fauao3 ;e algeuoseaa 'o; pa ;lwll ;au ;nq 'gulpnpul 'zZ uop3as slq; u1 papleoad salpawaa aq; gulnsand ul paaan3ul sasuadxa 11e ;3a11o3 o; palpl ;ua aq pegs aapuai •Ater alquailddV Sq pa ;lwaad salpawaa aaq ;o Sue pue ales jo aantod aq; aloAul Sew pue puuwap Japan,' lnoq ;lnt ;uawna ;suj S ;lan3as slq Sq paan3as scans pe jo pnj u1 ;uawSed a;elpawwl aalnbaa Sew uolldo s ;1 ;e aapua-1 'a3l;ou aq; ul pauiads amp aq; aaopaq ao uo paa113 ;ou sl ;lnepap aq; 3T •ales pue uol;eaala33e o; aaaoaaog jo asuajap aay ;o Sue ao ;lnelap a jo a3ua ;spry -uou aq; ;.zasse o; uo1 ;3e pima e Supq o; 1g2!J aq; pue uopeaa1a33e as ;3e a;e;sulaa o; ;Oa aq; jo aantoaaog waowul aag;anJ pegs 331 ;ou aqs •S;aadoad ag; Jo ales pue ;uawna ;sui S ;lan3as slq; Sq paan3as scans ay; jo uolleaap33e u1 ;lnsaa Sew a3l;Ou aq; u1 pajTads app ay; aaojaq JO uo ;lnelap ag; in of aanllej leg; (p) pue pin aq ;sum lineup ay; gptint Sq 'aantoaaog o; uaAl2 sI a3l ;ou aq; a ;ep alp woa3 sup 0£ um"; ssal ;ou 'a ;up a (3) fllnepap alp aan3 o; paalnbaa uol ;3e aq; (q) .;Inupap aq; (u) :413ads pegs ail ;ou aqs •(asimaaq ;o saPlAoad nte-j alge3ijddV ssalun gj uol ;3aS aapun uol;eaala33e o; aolad ;ou ;nq) ;uawna;suj S ;lan3as slq; ul ;uawaaage JO ;ueuaAO3 Sue jo gzuaaq s,aaMoaaog guintono3 uopeaala33e o; aolad aantoaaog o; 331 ;ou ani2 pugs aapual •saipawag :uolpeaa1a33V •zz :smolio3 SE aazge pue aueaan03 zatpzn3 zapua' pue zamozzo •SINVNHAO0 1A1110dINf1 NON A3 AMP1 (so5ed gl /o gl aBed) ewe tem wick. —Q c2i162 umcc�wluc� Oyu SUIW0S M pawls a!Ignd AMON 113i11!W AuuaN uIoaui1 Iluno3 ow eiojeq paieedde Apeuosied 1 6r Uu1 8 1e!Ru OmIWOM'l `uallaw)I 1 :1n 8t 1ptsai s, qnj ktnloN T p_ (3uew6pGIMOIDIad JO; eull 8141 Moleg eaedSl 00/, '1'1 iN3WfW.SNI WUOAINA DOW •IPP•dMM puu, AIIwed e16U!S-ONIWOAM L99689L000 :1egwnN ueoi 6002 Z T ISIl0I1v sandxa uotsstuluroo iJA •awes eyl pelnoexe Aayl/eys /ay min ow of pe6pamou oe Ainp own 'luewnJlsul anoge ayl jo (s)Jau6is ayl US 11308V9 1 031 000Z 'OA/ IfSOne lo ABP RIOT eyl uo N100NI1 dO A1N9O3 :ss ONIb1IOAM JO 1LV1S us a3 8d8 3.1. X 7 1 9..� •at rp!M papiooaa pug .ramoITog ,Cq paanoaxa (s)iapu Cue ui pug auatuluisui ICIprioas sup ut paureauoo siueuanoo pug suuaa alp o} s0a121 pug sldaooe zamozzog `MOZREI JNINOIS Ag ffunuo,CM Jo sMei uoilduuaxa pumsaruoq alp Jo amps. hi pug .spun sig3u iie sanIum pug saseaiaz zamoraog •s ranieAti 7Z ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 WY 0867506' SCHEDULE C 192 Commitment No.: FA 7062 OM The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: A portion of the NWiNE% of Section 24, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln county, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe set in the South line of a County Road 1639.28 feet S 89 °51' W, and 33.00 feet S 0 °09' E, from the Northeast corner of said Section 24; thence S 0 °09' E, 367.50 feet; thence S 89 °51' W, 113.96 feet; thence N 01 °34'30" W, 367.61 feet, along the west line of the land contained in Warranty Deed to Bruce M. Davis and Betty B. Davis recorded in Book 145PR on page 438 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk; thence N 89 °51' E, 123.10 feet to the point of beginning. c\P