HomeMy WebLinkAbout867592DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: Dana L. Clark 515- 224 -7100 Nationwide Home Mortgage Company P.O. Box 919000 Des Moines, IA 50391 -9000 AFTER RECORDING Dated this 4TH day of AUGUST 2000 STATE OF IOWA )SS POLK COUNTY ���Nlf fffli11p1 11 is redeemed, paid off, satisfied and discharged in full. 867592 �ORTG M 9c' ••cam Return to: e S PAUL AND MISTY SANDERSON 11251 SOUTH STATE #L107 SANDY UT 84070 S M0 \1.\' ACCOUNT 1415488 RELEASE AND SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Borah L. Iglehart ice President Dri, K///". DANA L. CLARK, Notary Public My commission expires: July 30, 2001 7FC TIVF1.) 00 AUG 17 I 0 JLA1' Nt': !'3 E(MMERER. tk ft 4G ROOK 450 PR PAGE 4 1 6 NATIONWIDE HOME MORTGAGE COMPANY F /K/A ALLIED GROUP MORTGAGE COMPANY does hereby acknowledge and certify that a certain mortgage bearing the date of the 9TH day of DECEMBER, 1998 made and executed by PAUL WILLIS SANDERSON AND MISTY SANDERSON, H W, to MAJOR MORTGAGE, and recorded in the records of the office of the County Recorder of LINCOLN County State of WYOMING, in BK 422 PG 681 DOC 855343 on the 10TH day of DECEMBER, 1998, and assigned to the said ALLIED GROUP MORTGAGE COMPANY, being more particularly described as: PART OF LOT 3 OF BLOCK 9 OF THE TOWN OF AFTON, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 4 RODS E OF THE SW CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 AND RUNNING THENCE E 4 RODS; THENCE N 6 RODS; THENCE W 4 RODS; THENCE S 6 Jt..- RODS TO THE POINT OF 'NW BEGINNING. NATIONWIDE HOME MORTGAGE COMPANY BY: Oatsn,,..l._ t l,.r:,.,f BY:L— f� Lisa L. Modlin, Assoc. Vice President/Asst. Secretary On this 4TH day of AUGUST 2000, before me, a notary public in and for Polk County, Iowa, personally appeared Deborah L. Iglehart and Lisa L. Modlin, who being duly sworn, did under oath, say they are the Vice President and Assoc. Vice President/Asst. Secretary, of said Nationwide Home Mortgage Company, that its corporate seal has been affixed, that said instrument was signed in behalf of said Nationwide Home Mortgage Company by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Deborah L. Iglehart and Lisa L. Modlin acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said company by it voluntarily executed. t s F)ANA L. CLARK r COMMISSION EXPIRES