HomeMy WebLinkAbout867714450 24 BOOK PR PAGE 867714 RECORDING INFORMATION ABOVE EASEMENT The undersigned Grantor for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto Qwest Corporation, a Colorado corporation, hereafter referred to as "Grantee whose address is 1801 California St., Suite 5100, Denver, CO 80202, its successors, assigns, lessees, licensees, and agents a perpetual easement to construct, reconstruct, modify, change, operate, maintain, and remove certain telecommunications facilities and appurtenances thereto, from time to time, consisting of a single buried cable upon, over, under and across the following described land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, which the Grantor owns or in which the Grantor has any interest, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Grantor further conveys to Grantee the following incidental rights: (1) A temporary right -of -way to be used during all periods of construction, reconstruction, reinforcement, repair and removal upon a strip of land 8 feet wide on the east side of, and a strip of land 8 feet wide on the west side of said easement. (2) The right of ingress and egress over and across the lands of Grantor to and from the above described property and the right to clear and keep cleared all trees and other obstructions as may be necessary for the Grantee's use and enjoyment of the easement area. Grantee shall indemnify Grantor for all damages caused to Grantor as a result of Grantee's negligent exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted. Grantee shall have no responsibility for pre- existing environmental contamination or liabilities. Grantor reserves the right to occupy, use and cultivate said easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the rights herein granted. Grantor hereby covenants that no excavation, building, structure or obstruction will be constructed, erected, built or permitted on said easement area and no change will be made by grading or otherwise to the surface or subsurface of the easement area or to the ground immediately adjacent to the easement area. Part of said easement is being used as a gun club and shooting range. GRANTEE TO ENTER AT ITS OWN RISK. Page 1 of 2 RECEIVED uu "{:FG 4 R/W# 3 tial 1-1, 09 '7 02uux ?g �.tngsllid agy jo Sq `OOOZ `tsnSny jo Sup :saatdxa uotsstuttuoo SIN oggnd kreloN 1". u1:3ili?.tod to3 o k ulaaoas lsatly ['was] G9 z to z aud digsun&oy ,1 31 `�'ruotloaS uo riot SlunoJ /o'J 1(i 9Y auugoxg ns �I //L 'O es its #Mix wow "0 do O d 48 ta0 ss{ .000Z `lsany jo Cup HAOHV NOLLVIARIOINI ONIQ1IOOg2I ('Ivgs) •uogu iod too agt jo Iiugaq uo `uoguiodioo !Jno s!N a op &uium pop SuMp!JA b 2 sail aut aaojaq paSpainnouxau sun& luatunttsut SutoSaJoj agy aOHVdyxy dO A.LNf1O3 OQy'OTIO3 dO aivis .1%17 D 1 slI gig (uoitu.zodaoo to iiut?dmoo jo autuu it?togl0) '03 OAIIMII'I 'IVOD AVM IAT O»IfISSLIId aH,L sigt paluU •paluooi sr Spadoad alp aaagM Slunoo alp ut palonpuoo aq Hugs uog iiigiu agy •3oa.tatil uoiloipsi.mf 2uinug linoo Sue m paaatua aq Sum Jolu.gigau aril Aq pa.tapuai paun&u alp uodn luauapnf puu `uoiluioossy uouualigay uuouatuy agl jo saint aiquoiiddu agt thin& aouupi000u ut uouuittgau Xq pailtas aq Hugs luau.t0012y snit jo lno Suist.tu alndsip .io Ssaanoatuoo `unuio Suy •olatag sailaud anttoadsat quo su2issu puu siossaoons `stotuttsiuiuzpu `saolnoaxa 'snag agl uodautpuiq aq puu to lgauag alp of ainui hugs luatuasua stg4 Jo suotsinoad pug suoitipuoo agy O8C7?14 TYPICAL R/W R/W 8 —C /L R/W Date In J 1 C» Job No. Oa,"7A\Lo5O RL No. ga' TRACT 55 0 fi e BLM 2 4 1 P &M 0 +00 1�i2 +98.95 1 END 37 +6 PI 6 8I8'18'48'1 808.11' PI 7 P &M TRACT 49 eo•08'01t'1 8881.18' TIE PI 8 '8 er x, 888.08" pp 100 1 110.84' 1•8i 3 t 1 988.88' TIE N52•29'57 "W, BC BC STONE TOTAL ON P M 13,252.13 FT =803.2 RODS= 4.868 ACRES SURVEYORS STATEMENT DlIDDDT i QI4TT17 D. AQQ1I(' DA WI ilIQ Wvr..,_.. Tun BC 25 P &M BC I, Martin A. Pedersen, of Rawlins, Wyo., hereby state that this map was made from notes taken on a survey made by me or under my supervision, and that it correctly represents Ate location of tha propose 'catle or facility. 510'33'13 "E, 4512.27' 879.59' WY0 HIGHWAY 189 235' R/W 626 Inn 1Jn '7ctifl Se C 24, 25,36 TR. 49 T— 22 —N R 118 W scale 1 "a 2000' U 5 WEST Communications, Inc. EXHIBIT FOR RIGHT OF WAY NO. 31 I S a GRANTOR p M COAT.