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Carl F. Moser and }4a~y LOt~ Mosar, husband and wife ............
Gz'antors of Thayne, ~unty of Lincoln, ~tat~ cf Wyoming
hereby CO~EY and WAP.~NT
and Mary Lou Mo~er, T.rust~a~ of th~ ~ary Lou Moser Family Tr~s:~ date~ Jun~
20, 1985, an undivided on~-hal, f (1/2) in;ere$~
Grantees of Box 958, Thayne, WY 8~127
the folio'win9 das~ribed traez of land in Lincoln County, H~ase of Wyoming,
hereby releasing and waiving all ri~h~s under and by virtue of ~ke
~xamDz~on law~ of the ~ta~.e, to-wt~:
Lo~ 93, Pra~er Canyon EzZat~, Uniu 4, ~s sho%~ by ~he official pla~.
8ubdiv~bion filed 6 July 197'0 as filing no. 423838 in zhe Offica of the
County' Cl~rk o~ Lincoln County, Wyoming.
S%~bj~t to r~servation~ and restrict'ie~s contained in ~he Uniu~d
Pat~n~ and to easements an~ riCh,s-of-way of r~ord or in usa.
~o~ether with all improvem~u~ and aPPUrtenances thereon,
WITNESS, ~ke hand of ~aid grantors, this day of' , A.D, 2001
Carl F
Mary L~Moser
STATE OF WYOMING, - ...................... - ......
On the~ day of ~ A.C. 2001, p~on~lly a~peared before me, Carl
F. ~os~r and ~ary Lou fgoser, known or identified to me to be tho persons
whos~ names are s~scribed zo the within ins~rt:~en~, and acknowled~e~
that they executed the
n ~.~y or ~ State of
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