HomeMy WebLinkAbout866752L66I `VI iogo130 PPP isms Sutn!Z dduy °H tug 041 .xapun siu j -op `ddu L66I `bi Jagoio0 pmpisrui, Sutnrj ddu,j, •H tugill1M aqi xapun aistuZ -off `dduZ gaoQ %aaagj sjuampuaurg fug pug `L661 `VI Jac opo PojuP `ZSRZLL OAIIAPI ddDLL '11 IANITIIM aqj xapun jsnaj ut saossaaans map ao `saajsna.L tea Z VM1IIOQ Pug ddRLL 'a Alma!' `&mu "I COQ °uoiigoguaA stgf rig pafoaRr st goigM pug `dtgsJaumo sgq `L661 `t'i aag polyp `isnt,j, 2uinrj ddud, •H tuutll aqi goiq' ut Afaadoid pal umf ao jo uoiiduosap pgaI u si 'palm! fagd g apgut aouoioja t stgf &q pug `020x04 pagogifg i q,L g :sr 01 po uo;ox aq JaivgaJoq Ilggs fsmf pigs `aouapuodsa°uoo Ituuo; pug `fsnxi alp of Amaxtp SxaJSUgxf `suotiuuSisap £tgtogauaq 'gassy ismf of aim Sutpioq jo sasodxnd xoj iggZ •isnxf plus Jo uoa1Jt3 ajoif1V Jo °o•£ uotioas 411M aougpx000g ut IIg `fsnxf pigs xapun dduZ °H ui ijjiAA3o dtgsaaisnxf mil of pap0000ns pug •'j ruuoQ pug dduZ gxoQ dduZ 'H =HIM .1 gigap aqf uodn fogs 030104 pagogiig qwo( Jo aiuogp tai spi Jo &doo aqf Aq pafoguoi pp `m `sus' JO ARP 438z 011 uo `SuiutofiM `/ifunoD Ja f1MfaaMs ig paip ddu1, •jj =guilt forts Z ojaaa sjuaurpuamg fug pug `L66I `P1 aag Pajup LSR2I L DmAn ddJU L 'H wyI'I'IIAA aqj xapun `jsnaj m saossaaans .nagj ao `saajsna1 `lama COQ Pug ddIEL 'H L�ITIIAA su of pa°uojar uaaq arojoiaraq suq `sasodxnd Igtuxoj x03 `isnxi gotgM `fsn1Z Su!Ary ddt°t1, •H =HUM 041 guifgaxo fuatua0JSg up ofui paxafua `saafsnxl, su Sutfog `dduZ gxoQ putt dduZ H =HIM pug `xoiffas Su Sutfar `dduZ H tuutll!M `L66I `xagofo0 Jo Alp gfbi aqf uo fuq.L i ONI1"1OAM '83831/013>1 :sMOIIo3 sg aims pug Ani.iao `Mr! of Sutpx000g sgigo ta tt+ d ittoggiXpip log Sutag 'Ina guuou pug `dduZ •-j gxoQ :6 WV 6 Uoroo ?SL998 ..10 AIi411O 0 2IOSSa33RS 30 NOILVDI3RIIA O3AI333i 0 0 aOVd lid )1008 Donna L. Earl, Co- Trustee under the William H. Tripp Living Trust dated October 14, 1997 The State of Wyoming ss. County of Sweetwater The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 26th day of June, 2000, by Dora L. Tripp, co- Trustee of the William H. Tripp Living Trust dated October 14, 1997. The State of Wyoming ss. County of Sweetwater The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 26 day of June, 2000, by Jerry E. Tripp, co- Trustee of the William H. Tripp Living Trust dated October 14, 1997. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: �O 5 01 008 SUSAN L. MITCHELL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF SWEETWATER MY COMMISSION EXPIRES STATE OF WYOMING ary P SUSAN L. MITCHELL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF SWEETWATER WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 600 ONIWOAM AO 31YJ S301dx3 No19YIWWO3 AN N31YM133MO AO A1N000 3IlBf d ANION -113H3iLW 1 Ntl803 Ell sa ttdxa uotsstu woo AIN lugs p !oJ3o pug pm{ but ssau;m L661 j7 J Jogo3op poirp isn ts ffutAri ddus, H umtiiiM 0111 Jo aa3sflJ j -oo i.z�g -i uuuo j Xq `0002 'gun!. 3o Sup q,9Z siq; gut aiojoq paRpaimou3jog seen 1uautnAsut gutoSa toJ au, •ss JOWWmpams Jo AlunoD aututoi(1 jo owls au 1.9980 0866752 ATTACHMENT 010 The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE' /4NW /4) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEl SW /4) of Section Ten (10), in Township Nineteen (19) North, Range One Hundred Twelve (112), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon and all easements and appurtenances belonging or appertaining thereto. Also, but without thereby limiting the generality of the foregoing, all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights, reservoirs and reservoir rights and the rights to the use of all water, ditches and reservoirs used in connection with or appertaining to the above described lands, or any of them, regardless of where located; and All mineral interests in the following described real property: A one -half (1/2) interest in the minerals in the NEl /4SW and the NWV4SE /4 of Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 111 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, and the NW1/4SW /4 and the SWl/4SW /4 of Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 111 West of the 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 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