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Insurance. As collateral and further security for the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, Mortgagor shall keep the improvements now existing or hereinafter erected on said premises insured against loss caused by the elements, fire, earthquake, and other calamities, with extended coverage provisions, to the full insurable value thereof for the term of this Mortgage, and will pay when due all premiums on such insurance. All insurance shall be carried in responsible insurance companies licensed in Wyoming and the policies and renewals thereof shall have attached thereto by rider or otherwise loss payable clauses in favor of the Mortgagee. A copy of said policy or any renewal documents pertaining thereto shall be supplied to the Mortgagee within 30 days after the date of execution of this mortgage and thereafter within 10 days of any renewal of or amendment to such policy. The insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may, at the option of the Mortgagor, be applied either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or used in reconstruction. In the event of foreclosure of this mortgage or other transfer of title to the said premises in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or grantee. 7. Mortgagee Authorized to Make Payments. If Mortgagor defaults in the payment of the taxes, assessments or other lawful charges, including any construction loan payments or fails to keep the improvements on said premises insured as herein provided, the Mortgagee may, without notice or demand, pay the same, and if the Mortgagor fails to keep said property in good repair, the Mortgagee may make such repairs as may be necessary to protect the property, all at the expense of the Mortgagor. The Mortgagor covenants and agrees that all such sums of money so expended, together with all costs of enforcement or foreclosure, and a reasonable attorney fee, shall be added to the debt hereby secured, and agrees to repay the same and all expenses so incurred by the Mortgagee, with interest thereon from the date of payment at the same rate as provided in the note hereby secured, until repaid, and the same shall be a lien on all of said property and be secured by this Mortgage. 8. Default. If the Mortgagor defaults in the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice, or fails to keep the improvements on said premises insured as herein provided, or in case of breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured hereby, both principal and interest, together with all other sums payable 3 aal ;u '3oaaatp s4t;oad pus sansst 'squat Hp pup A4aadoad pies zo; zantaaag paI }t }ua aq Hugs aaSu24zoyyI •2utpaaaoad JO uoBap '4tns appdoaddu riue Aq aage$pow alp Xq paazo;ua aq Aeuz siggoad pus sansst 'qua," 'uotssassod cans jo Xaantlap alp 'Iesn3az up •isanbaa uo aaBe2pzoN alp 04 Ala4utpauzuzn pazantlap aq Ilsgs s4t;oad pus sansst 's�uaa 'uotssassod cans pus 'uogduzapaa jo potaad alp pus s2uipaaaozd aansopazo3 jo Xauapuad all; 2utanp pus 41.12u cans jo Su naaae alp uzoa3 '3oaaatl} sod pup sansst 'qua.' Its o} pus 'pTusaao ;p Xlzadoad IIu 3o luaulAo[ua pus •asn 'uotssassod anisnlaxa 04 pal4t4ua auzoaaq aauo �u Hulls aa2s$4zoyAI aip 'aapunaaatl TIneJap Niue jo ijnsaa a sp sanaaae aansolaaao3 30 4q p alp 3I •s4uaJ 30 }uauzatssV •0T quaul2pnt Aauapyap p 04 pal4l4ua aq Hulls aa2p2pow ail4 pus 'aauuleq ptudun a44 Xud o} punoq XIlpuosaad aq hurls AminDas ST a2p24JoyAI sm4 1pIgM ao3 sa }ou JO a }ou alp Sut4naaxa a0.2e2}aoyAI all} 'pampas iigazaq ssaupalgapul Ie404 alp Xud o; ;uapi33nsut axe spaaaoad all} pue aznsopazo3 zapun plos sl utaaatl pagtzasap X }aadoad atli 3l •spaaaoad aansopazod 3o riauapt33ns 6 -J eSpoTAT alp 04. pled aq hugs 'Xuu 3l 'snldans alp pup pains Xgaaaq ssaupa ;gapul aip uo asaaa ;ut pup Iedputad jo lunoaap uo aa2p2poj, j anp aauuleq a44 'pzttl4 '3oaaaq uatl atp 04 aoiaadns aae tIat4M plus uo suall pup stump 's4uautssasse 'saxp; ptudun IIe 'puoDas :aM4aow sT44 3o suotstnoad alp o} ;uensand aa2a4Joy\I ate} Xq paaupnpe JO papuadxa sXauouz IIp puu 'aa3 Xauao ;u algpuospaa 2utpnput 'alas puu aansopaao3 aq; jo sasuadxa pup s}soa aq4 '4sal3 :30 }uauwXed alp 04 patlddu aq Mulls ales Clans utoz3 spaaaoad 4au atls •s4lnu4ap JO linu3ap aatl ;an3 40 asua ut asolaazo3 04 442ta JO 4InuJap Hans 40 aauunupuoa alp Bulanp aaljuazatll asolaaao3 04 aa2p24zoyAI plus jo 41424.1 Alm aatpnlazd ;ou hells unuJap s uodn ail ;duzoad asopazo3 04 aage24aoyAI all} 3o aanjle3 atlZ •aa3 Xauaol4p alquuospaa e 2ulpnlaul 'aansopaao3 JO 4uauzaaao3ua 3o s}soa IIp Xsd 04 saaage aoge24JoyAI atl1 •filanlssaaans JO ail ;uapuadaput 'dl ;uaaanauoa paspaaxa aq Amu pup X4tnba 10 Muj Xq papao33e JO a2vSpow sTgl aapun Xpauzaa JO 4t4Sta aatl40 Xup 04 ant1pinuzna pup pugstp ate a2u24aow snip ut paptnoad satpautaa fl a }n�e�s Aq paptnoad se alas pup 4uatuaspaanpe Xq asolaazo3 04 aaMOd atl4 aaM4aoyAI all} s4upz2 Xgazatl zo2e24aoyq ally -Nos os .ti ;aadoad all; 3o aaueAanuoa 3o paap zadoad u alas aansopaao3 iiue 4e saasutlaand JO zasuglaand 044 04 paaantlap pus pa}naaxa aq o4 asnea puu 'X44nba III JO Mel 4e Sulpaaaozd JO uo4Pu ;Ins a }etzdozddu Aq a2e24aoyAI x144 'asolaazo3 JO '30 suotstnoad all} aaaoJua /ieuz aa2EE4aoyAI 044 •TIn1Jap luanbasgns Niue 30 }uana aip ut auzes a4 4 aspaaxa 04 4100 alp 3o aan!uM p ammsuoa lou hugs not }do pies aspaaxa 04 aanite3 pup '%utpuu }sq; M ;ou Xaua ;uoa alp 04 a40U plus ut JO 1140104 Sunl4iiue 'alquAed pup anp /ila }utpauzull auzoaaq 'aage .24aoyAI 044 40 uol ;do all; }e 'Ilpis '400104 Rps suotstnoad alp 04 4uensznd tRG99S() 0S66Ws4 5 49 any such default, including the time covered by foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, and without regard to the solvency or insolvency of the Mortgagor, or the then owner of said property, and without regard to the value of said property, or the sufficiency thereof to discharge the Mortgage debt and foreclosure costs, fees and expense. Such Receiver may be appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction upon ex parte application, notice being hereby expressly waived, and the appointment of any such Receiver on any such application without notice is hereby consented to by the Mortgagor. All rents, issues and profits, income and revenue of said property shall be applied by such Receiver according to law and the orders and directions of the court. 11. Inspection. Mortgagee may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the property, provided that Mortgagee shall give Mortgagor notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Mortgagee's interest in the property. 12. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of the property, or part hereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Mortgagee. In the event of a total taking of the property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage with the excess, if any, paid to Mortgagor. In the event of a partial taking of the property, unless Mortgagor and Mortgagee otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market value of the property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds paid to Mortgagor. If the property is abandoned by Mortgagor, or if, after notice by Mortgagee to Mortgagor that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages, Mortgagor fails to respond to Mortgagee within 30 days after the date such notice is mailed, Mortgagee is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Mortgagee's option, either to restoration or repair of the property or to reduce the sums secured by this Mortgage. Unless Mortgagee and Mortgagor otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the installments referred to above or change the amount of such installments. 13. Statement. That the Mortgagee, within ten (10) days upon request in person or within thirty (30) days upon request by mail, will furnish a written 5 9 •ual;i1M anoge lsxt; xeaX pue kelp au; s;uasaxd asatl; paps put. pau2Ts o;unaxaq se Jo2eS;xoyAl pass 044 'dOd2IIHM SSUNIIM NI •utuzoXM jo alu ;s all jo smel uotlduzaxa pealsauzotl alp jo an ;ptn Xq pue xapun s442p lie santeM pup sagsmbutlax Xgaxatl xoM;xoJAJ •pealsauzoH jo aantep •gt °iiue 3T 'uot;epxoaa t 3o s;soa Itu ded Hells ao2e2 ;xow xo�e 2;xow lnotl;TM a2e2laoyA snl; asealaa pegs aage2 ;xow 1 a2e2lxow sn.I; Xq pampas sums lle jo luauzXed uodn •asealau .LT •utaxatp pauipluoa suoilipuoa pue suzxal aul jo aaue}daaae up aq hugs aage2;xoyAl au; Xq 'saxnaas li sa ;ou xo a;ou au; pup age24xotu sttl; jo aaueldaaae aiTj pas of xaMod alp 2uipnlaut 'sa;nle ;s SutuzoXM Xq papinoxd xalJeaxaq JO MOU xauueux xatl ;o Niue ITT xo 'sastumaxd pips jo alps pue ;uauzasi;xanpe Xq io 'iilinba ut jo noel ;u 2uipaaaoxd JO not ;au ;ins Aup Aq axnsolaaxoj 3o apnlaut hells 'uiaxaq pasn su „asolaaxoJ„ pup „sainsojaaxo3„ suua; aqj °auo uutll axout 31 pagixasap utaxaq salon llp sapnlau; „a ;ou„ uzxa; ally •sxapua2 lle apnlaut pugs xapua2 3o asn aql pue 'xuln2uis a T; Ipxnld alp 'Iexnjd alp apnlaut hurls xaquznu xpinBuIs au; pasn xanauat4M °o ;axatl sallied au; Jo suatsse pue sxossaaans 'sxo;ealsiutuzpe 'sxolnaaxa 'saa;aal 'saastnap 'sxiaq anpaadsax au; '04 axnuI Hells sage;uenpu pup s ;t auaq alp pue 'puiq Hugs pauie ;uoa uiaxatl s;uuuanoa a4J uot;anxlsuoj pue pa ;g 2utputg •9I •uot ;anx ;suoa s ;T ut pasn aq o; ;ou axp pup Apo aauatuanuoa JO; are a2e2;xoyAl situ ut pasn s2uipuaq a4J •s2uipeaH •5I 8I IE8 ACM 'eu;g xog •O •d ZOOE8 1CM 'uos)lae j i78L9 xog °O d :aaguBlxow :xoge2 ;xoN :2utluM ut aleu2tsap amp of auzil 'map Amu Aped xagl ;ta su ssaxppe xatllo tlms le JO sMol4O3 se passaxppe aq pegs pup paliuuz uaqM uani2 pauzaap aq 'legs aapou 'pa ;sanbax ;diaaax uxnlax 'pew patji;xaa Aq JO uosxad ut xatl ;ta panxas aq Xeuz pue 2ui;i1M LIT aq pegs ;sanbax JO pueuzap pue aat ;ou 1pus °saapoN •igap a2e2;xouz au; Tsutp2e ;sixa sasuajap JO slasllo iiuu xatlla4M pup a2eSpow snl; uo anp lunoute alp 3o papaimou)Iap App ;uauta ;els 0 S S t'% f 99I O 0866934 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF TETON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 V day of July, 2000 by Robert C. Humpherys. WITNESS my hand and official seal. E. FitM4 h ,',,.,.t Pu: Teton Stu: ct County of My COMMIS516n Er A;;s^ ^t 1 zpk, PO4) C g Robert C. Humpherys Notary Public My Commission Expires: 2 551