HomeMy WebLinkAbout866801448 133 BOOK __PR PAGE_ grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO NORMAN R. OVERACKER AND ELAINE J. OVERACKER, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is P.O. Box 646, Thayne, Wy 83127 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: Parcel 1 That part of Section 6, T3ON R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Paul A. Scherbel Scherbel labeled "American National Bank Vale E. Harris Tract W revised 19 February 1987" dated February 16, 1987. Parcel 2 Part of Section 6, T3ON R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 593.726 feet South and 536 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 6 and running thence West 784 feet, more or less to the West line of the NE 1/ NE 1 4a of said Section 6; thence South 189.75 feet; thence East 784 feet; thence North 189.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. WITNESS our hands this 30th day of June, 2000. State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Val E. Harris and Debra G. Harris this 30th day of June, 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED VAL E. HARRIS AND DEBRA G. HARRIS, Husband and Wife, February 2, 2002 866801 RECEIVED ..INC(1. N C T,ITy n 1..�. 00 JUN 30 Fri II: 23 4EAN UE f'f' GNER KEMMERER, WYOMING Val E. Harris Debra G. Harris pEr .Wtva (haUSaN) t ZO'I 9 T V ZISIHXH „N aa.n. «n po App su uiwut uene,q..q fi.ao6..ep •Vt po rim Au, w uat.,ppoyt„ tenoyt9; so pagl23sap auTT- 2alua3 ail NITA buTm0AM 'Aluno3 itoauT'1 'MOMT11 'NOEL '9 uoT13aS ;0 (NONti3N) 107 10 12vd 6 uTaq 41pTA uT 1011 (OT) u11 putt Jo dT2ls v tsnoTTo; so p ;gTlasap /Tan 2alvn v asn of 107z aql put auTT 1011A t 20; luamasta uv 4ITA 113N.L3D0.L 113021 6UTo&a2o; ail To auTT 1o17a 0y1 01 10oT ►0'OCL- 'M a3uail 19 00113aS 137.0 10 24u303 lsvayl1ou ayI wog; 1001 9C'06S 'M,9'10 -.LOS 'OZC Abed uo sp2ooa)( 3Tlvls0104J 10 Sgt loon uT aoTI70 PTeg 041 uT P1o302 70 13021 1041 10 2au1o3 levayliou aya iv DNINNI030 *motto; vv ptgTz "sap auTT 4120u 0t11 y1TA 6ulIORM 'Aluno3 uToOuTI 'MOttm 'NOC.L '9 uoTaoaS 70 (ti3Ny3N) t 107 ;0 12vd 6 uTaq 41PTn uT 1 (OL) Aluanl puvt ;o dTz1e V r1uaatae 6ulA T Otto; o4; 6uoty sea26a puo osa26u 10 146; vsa3ov pagl2os0p '11T' 1131113DOJ Inset 20 03om '0230 (t) auo 70 tazt uv ouissvdw03N3 19SL 061d uo sp2o3011 oT1 1 60E 100fl uT 1071 ;0 P1vo 041 uT p2ovaz 30 flour( 2anod tv3T213aTa 207 luawasva uv 01 Z33rans fI,St .00N ow 9 uoTaoaS pTve ;o aUTT lava aya ;o flay auo 111300 ;141 buTaq Awns, e141 20; 6uTztaq aeoq 0'I1 f.ZNI04 AlAvnS ►9TS111 'Ia61I3n3S 'N '1AYd. Pagt=oeul 'duo pilaw y1TA buoy ,►L alvle pedvws -y Tools v y1TA pal2vw ,luTod, q va f.069S1/3d. p 'clop 3Tlav1d AOtTaR y1TA did uo1T .T t yaTA pal2ow ,20u203, y3va IONINNID30 d0 ZNIOd ail 01 1007 Ct'06T 'H,T'Ct -.00N a3uatf1 fluTOd v 01 aunt a3ua; 6uTIUTxa ue puv 10021 PTvs 7o our( t(lnov 041 6uoTv lap; WC'Ott '3.L'14-.60N aottanl 121u203 1sa?yfno1 aya 01 aoua; 6uTlsTxa uv pity 13021 PTvs ;o auTT ;son oql 6uott 1101 00'06T '3, ►'00 -.00S a3Uai1 t13v21 pits ;o 2aU]03 lsanylJou awl 01 0ouo; 6ulloTxa uv put 13/21 plus ;0 atilt gl2ou aql buoys 1007 S0'OCL 'M,E'►► -.605 6uTnuIluo3 opuat11 IONINNiO3O d0 ZNIOd aya 01 auTT *DUD; 6uTlslxa uv puv 10121 pats ;o auTT 112ou owl buoy/ loo; ►O'Ott 'M,Z'►► -60S a3up 110 7110 P1 aq1 ut P a 113T ;T12a3 Uo TI /p 30311f 2auio3 puv? PoTJT11a3 141 uT Paq;lDsap ow puno; 9 uoTloog pion ;o ]aU103 1eva471ou 0141 mot; 100; 9t'06S '11,9'T0-.LOS 'S9T loos uT p103a1 30 13121 1141 ;o 1au203 levayl1ou 041 11 ONI3N3WWOO $1M01107 so pagT23sap 'OTC o6od no 0p2o3aJ 3Tlvlsoloyd 10 Sgt 1000 uT Aluno3 uto3uT7 ;o 12ai3 0111 )o a3T1 ;0 0 41 uT p2ooa2 30 13121 1 7 l2vd pus, 6uTwoAM 'Aluno3 uio3uT1 'MOtflf 'NOt.L '9 uOTI3IS 10 03N33N) t 107 ;0 1zvd Ivyy -L86T R 6T P0UTA011-- NOI•L32S MOtTN 'NOES 11 Z3vN•L .SIHNVU 6 7 'TVA 1NYfl 'IYNOIZYW N1v3IH7NY SOA NOIdaIu3S90 t1TA -0Z 16 February 1987 harrinw -den DEU1HNINC at a place NOO'- 13.1'N, 17 feet, more or leas, from the southeast point of the aforenald described tract► thence S09'- 32,3'I, 175 feet, more or lees, along an existing pipe line to and including the water well, all In accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the paid Office, titled 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK VAL E. HARRIS PLAT OP TfACTS WITHIN LOT 1 (NEIINEI1) SECTION 6 T3ON, R110W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING' dated 13 February 1987. 2 "Modil.e,tion In any wny of the tonal,/ d.wiption terminates liability el 1M wa.yor"