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00 JUL 5 AN
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered this 27th day of June, 2000,
by and between PATRICIA E. LOONEY, a single woman of Pinedale, Wy.,
Party of the First Part and hereinafter called the "Seller and
JON F. CORONA and CYNTHIA R. CORONA, husband and wife, of Rock
Springs, Wyoming, Parties of the Second Part and hereinafter called
the "Purchaser
W I T N E S S E T H:
Seller agrees to sell unto Purchaser and Purchaser agrees
to buy from Seller the following described real estate situate
in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to -wit:
Lot 46 of the Viola Subdivision, as the said subdivision
appears on the plat and map thereof on file and of record
in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County,Wy., and
TOGETHER WITH all buildings, fences and improvements situate
thereon or appurtenant thereto, AND TOGETHER WITH all water
and water rights, ditch and ditch rights, and reservoir and
reservoir rights situate thereon or appurtenant thereto;
BUT SUBJECT, NEVERTHELESS, TO the provisions of United States
patents, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO easements and rights of way
of record or in actual use for telephone transmission lines,
electric transmission lines, irrigation ditches and canals,
and roads and ways, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO all outstanding
mineral interests. AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO accrued and accruing
and for said real estate Purchaser shall pay, and Seller shall
amount Purchaser has this day paid Three Thousand Three Hundred
Dollars ($3,300), receipt whereof by Seller is hereby acknowledged,
and the balance of said purchase price together with interest accruing
thereon at the rate of Eight Per Cent (8 Per Annum from and after
the 15th day of July, 2000, shall be paid by 120 monthly install-
ments, each in the amount of $120.12 commencing on the 15th day of
August, 2000, and continuing on the 15th day of each month thereafter
succeeding until said purchase price and all interest has been fully
All of the aforesaid installments shall be made to Seller
at Pinedale, Wyoming, or such other place as Seller may hereafter
4- Timely performance default.
Time is of the essence of this agreement and Purchaser shall
make all payments promptly as herein provided; Purchaser expressly
understands and agrees that if Purchaser shall fail to make any of the
aforesaid payments to Seller, in the amount, manner and within
the time herein provided, or should Purchaser fail to perform any
of the other terms and conditions hereof, in the manner and within
the time provided, and shall fail to make said delinquent payments
and otherwise remedy the default of other terms and conditions
WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS after written notice thereof is deposited
in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to
Purchaser at the following address of the Purchaser, to -wit:
389 Hillcrest Lane
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
the Seller may at the option of Seller declare this contract ended,
cancelled and of no further force and effect, and Seller may file
for record in the office of the County Clerk a declaration of
forfeiture (setting forth the facts of such failure on the part
of Purchaser) and the same shall be sufficient to cancel all
obligation hereunder on the part of Seller and shall fully reinvest
Seller with all rights, title and interest hereby agreed to be sold,
conveyed or delivered and Purchaser shall forfeit all sums paid
hereunder; Purchaser shall further forfeit all right, title and
interest in and to the above property including any and all
improvements and Seller shall have the right to re -enter and take
possession, without demand, of the above described real property
and all improvements thereon, including those erected or placed
thereon by Purchaser and in event of such repossession Seller may
keep said real property as Seller's own and absolute property bein
hereby released from all obligation at law and in equity to convey
said property, and in such case all monies forfeited as described
above shall be considered as rental for said property and as
liquidated damages for failure on the part of Purchaser to perform
and comply with the terms of this agreement;
5- Construction.
All words used in this agreement including the words "Purchaser"
and "Seller" shall be construed to include the plural as well as
the singular number and words used herein in the present tense
shall include the future as well as the present and words used
in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter;
6- Effect of waiver.
The waiver of Seller of any covenant, condition or agreement
herein contained shall not vitiate the same and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth herein shall apply, inure to
and bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the
respective parties hereto;
7- Persons bound.
All provisions hereof shall extend to, inure to the benefit
of and be binding upon the respective parties and their heirs,
devisees, personal representatives and assigns;
8- Litigation allowance of attorney's fees to prevailing party.
If any action is brought to enforce this agreement or any
provision hereof, to rescind the same, to collect damages for s an
alleged breach hereof, or for declaratory judgment hereunder, the
Page Three
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:saxp4 TOOZ 3o TTe dpd TTegs
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dpd dew aaTTas os op o'3 aanTTe3 uodn pup awps am. aiTosstp pup
dpd iTe4PTpawwT TTegs aasegoand 110e44e 10 anaoop TTegs awps ago
auana uT pup 3oaaag waaq age Outanp Agaadoad anoge am. oq. goeggp
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fuoT4Tpuoo quaseid s4T uT daaadoad age sq.daoop pup
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:eotad aspgoand
agq. oq. aoupTpq am. pup gsaaaquT panzoop age o' pagTpaao gsaT; aq
TTegs spew os squawdpd TT2 :paaTnbaa pup ggao3 4es anogputaaaq se
gsaaaqut pup aotad aspgaand go squaUTTeq.sut age 0 uo uT pup
anoge pup aan0 quawdpd axew asTMaamo dew ao 'quawded go agpp 04
panaoop gsaaaquT age ggTM aamaEog. aDTad aspgoand am. go aoueTeq
pTpdun uam egg- 'd4Tpued 4nomTri 'dpd aaspgaand go uoTgdo am. qp dew
aasega and 'TOOZ 'dapnupf go App gsaTJ age aaggP 4p144 saaabp aaTTaS
'aanaAOq 'q.daoxa 'maoJ 4as anogputaaag squnowp am. uT pup sauT4
am. qp 1.daoxe gsaaaquT pup wns TpdTouTad.am. JO squauTTp4sut
utoEaao3 am. go due gdaoop oq paq.pETTgo aq 'ou TTegs aaTTaS
The foregoing instrument.3as acknowled ed before me by
Patricia E. Looney, this day of 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
0TA y •44.
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My commission
expires :Al z;'f0
My commission
expires: 9-
7, ,(4
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Notary Public
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
Jon F. Corona and Cynthia R. Corona, this 2O4 -h day of
Tn� 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
Page Five
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