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Form RD 1927 -1 WY
(Rev. 11 -97)
THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by EARL D. JENKINS and JILL JENKINS, husband and wife
residing in
address is 10840 HWY 238, AFTON Wyoming 83110
herein called `Borrower," and the United States of America, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, herein called
the "Government," and:
WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to the Government as evidenced by one or more promissory notes or assumption agreements or
any shared appreciation or recapture agreement, herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of
the Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by Borrower, and
is described as follows:
Annual Rate Due Date of Final
Date of Instrument Principal Amount of Interest Installment
July 7, 2000 $132,000.00 7% July 7, 2040
(The interest rate for limited resource farm ownership or limited resource operating loans secured by this instrument may be
increased as provided in the Government regulations and the note.)
And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note pursuant to the Consolidated
Farm and Rural Development Act, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any other statute administered by the Government;
And it is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among other things, at all times when the note is held by the Government,
or in the event the Government should assign this instrument, this instrument shall secure payment of the note;
And this instrument also secures any amounts due under any Shared Appreciation Agreement/Recapture Agreement entered into
pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 2001.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loans and (a) at all times when the note is held by the Government, or in the event
the Government should assign this instrument to secure prompt payment of the note and any renewals and extensions thereof and any
agreements contained therein, and (b) to secure the prompt payment of all advances and expenditures made by the Government, with
interest, as hereinafter described, and the performance of every covenant and agreement of Borrower contained herein or in any
supplementary agreement, Boirower does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, mortgage, and assign unto the Government the following
property situated in the State of Wyoming, County or Counties of LINCOLN
See Exhibit "A"
Position 5
13 0 O K =4 P __y
County, Wyoming, whose post office
00 JUL -7 P H 14: 3 2
RD 1927 -1 WY (Rev. 11 -97)
08th O3
together with all rights (including the rights to mining products, gravel, oil, gas, coal or other minerals), interests, easements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, the rents, issues, and profits thereof and revenues, income and insurance proceeds therefrom,
all improvements, all water, water rights, water stock and irrigation equipment pertaining thereto, and all payments at any time owing
to Borrower by virtue of any sale, lease, transfer, conveyance, loss by fire or other hazard, or condemnation of any part thereof or
interest therein -all of which are herein called "the property";
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property unto the Government and its assigns forever in fee simple.
BORROWER for Borrower's self, Borrower's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns WARRANTS THE
TITLE to the property to the Government against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever except any liens, encumbrances,
easements, reservations, or conveyances specified hereinabove, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as follows:
(1) To pay promptly when due any indebtedness to the Government hereby secured.
(2) To pay to the Government such fees and other charges as may now or hereafter be required by Government regulations.
(3) If required by the Government, to make additional monthly payments of 1/12 of the estimated annual taxes, assessments,
insurance premiums and other charges upon the mortgaged premises.
(4) The Government may at any time pay any other amounts including advances for payment of prior or junior liens, required
herein to be paid by Borrower and not paid by Borrower when due, as well as any costs and expenses for the preservation, protection,
or enforcement of this lien, as advances for Borrower's account. All such advances shall bear interest at the rate borne by the note
which has the highest interest rate.
(5) All advances by the Government, including advances for payment of prior or junior liens, in addition to any advances
required by the terms of the note, as described by this instrument, with interest shall be immediately due and payable by Borrower to
the Government without demand at the place designated in the latest note and shall be secured hereby. No such advance by the
Government shall relieve Borrower from breach of Borrower's covenant to pay. Any payment made by Borrower may be applied on the
note or any indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, in any order the Government determines.
(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed against the
property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock pertaining to or reasonably
necessary to the use of the real property described above, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing
such payments.
(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its request,
to deliver such policies to the Government.
(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property in a good and
husbandmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans as the Government
from time to time may prescribe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or impairment of the security
covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Govemment, cut, remove, or lease any timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, or other
minerals except as may be neccessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
RD 1927 -1 WY (11 -97), Page 2
a ucl `(L6 I) AM I CDI
°utSuo jeuopuu so au 'sums lgtjtwe3 'dgoipugq `xas `uo!Stlai
`Jojo: `aar,, 01 Supejal Sut[[aMp ayi uo Sluevan00 anrlotlisal Aug aoiojua Ol ldwalle Jo yl[M A[dwo0 1ou !pm pug `stuff psip Agaiaq pug
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idraoal mug !pm 1aMOilog 103 log Ol pazuoying auoiug JoU IaMOIJOH .layllau (e) os op of luasuo0 sduawulanoD ay1 pautelgo s q pug
Suylamp alp 1ua1 pas of spualut 10MOI10g 3! pug Suylamp ay1„ papeo utalaq) Bwllamp patdn000 -laumo ue se pasn aq of Aliadoid
3o Itgdal 10 uoponrisuoo `asegoind ail aoueug o1 pasn aq pugs uani2 sr luawnllsut stye gotgM io3 ueo! alp jo i d Aug 3I (oz)
2mtuoAM 3o sMgl uopdwaxa pealsawoy alit jo anlnn Aq pug iapun sigSu jle santeM pug sonata! Agamg IaMOilog •sA e! alels
ions Aug 3o lgauaq ail san!UM Aissaidxa IaMOUGH ianloliog Mau g Ol Aliadoid ail jo iajsu i g Sutnoldde 3o uotltpuo0 g sg `aSleyO
Amu 1! ale.' 1sa1a1ut ayi Sutpnput 'asodwr uopuinSai Aq Aew luawulanoO aql gotgM suourpuoo alp Suutwtl (j) 10 'slum 01 pappua st
luawulanoO ay1 aiopq lant0001 g 3 luawluroddg 10 i iadold ayi jo uorssassod Buulnbal (a) 'am ainsopaio3 Aug 2utmojlo3 umssassod
JO uondwapai 3o igSu Ave SulMO[[e (p) `suouguwq jo aims Iaylo Aue Swquos id (o) g2noiq aq Amu uollog lions goigM urgpM
awtl ag110 3oa1agl lunowg ail 2uruwtl Io 1uaw2pnf Aouatogap a io3 uotlog ug jo aougumutew Suutgtyoid (q) 'Alladoid ay13o lesteldde
10 u011gnjgn 303 Bwptnold (g) 'smut ainln3 10 luasald Aug Aq punoq aq IOU !pm luawulano9 alp lug) saa.x2e iaMoilog (6I)
anoge paquosald laplo aq1 ut 'luawuianoO ail 01 Butmo
Iamo.uog jo slgap Aug uo lunowg gons 2uutpal0 Aq aoud asegoind ay1 jo mugs sduawulano9 alit And Arm pug 1a2umis a s aseq ind
pug ptq Amu slua u s)! pug mamma/too am `(liadold agl jo p d Aug jo lIe jo ales ia IO alnsol0aio3 ly •iaMoiiog Ol 00uejeq Aug
(j) pug 'mawulanoO aql 01 Sutmo 1aMO11og jo ssaupalgaput Iaglo Aug `uoido s,luawulano9 ag1 m (a) 'pled os aq o1 lino° lualadwoo
U 10 muj Aq pannbai plooal jo suap IouaJut (p) ',Nang pamoas luawu1anoO ail 01 ssaupalgaput qg pue alou alp Aq paouaptna
Nap ay1(0) 'mud os aq o1 linoo lualadwoo g s0 mg! Aq pannbai suaq loud ,Cue (q) '3oalaq suotsrnold ag1 guff SurAldwoo 10 Saioiojua o1
luaptout sasuadxa pug woo (g) :jo luawAed ail of iaplo 2utMoIlo3 alp ut patjddg aq pegs ajes amsopaio3 jo spaaoold a4 j (8 t)
°Mej ainln3 10 luasaid Aq 10 uralay paptnold sotpawal pug sigSu Iagio IIg pug Aug a =ioNu° (S) pug
'Ai.ladoJd ail jo ued Aue JO Ile 2uuano0 IaMOIIOI Ag pauMO ump app jo smEnsgg IIg pug Aug luawulano9 ail 01 lapuauns o1 IaMOnOg
annbal (3) 'mg! Aq 10 utalaq paptnold se luawnllsut stye asopalo3 (a) 'saseo MUl ut SIOAt00013o slaMOd jensn am tinm 'Auadoid agl Io3
palutodde 1an1aoal g aney `uopropddg Pws jo Supgaq jo aouou inogliM pug aouaptna 10410 lnoyltm `a$e$llow slit 3o uotlonpoid pug n
Aq uotieot[dde uodn (p) 'panlaoal A[jenlog OM se siunowe gons Apo io3 algelun000e may aq [leis pue `awoout laglo .101va11oallo0 0 1
ainjte3 io3 a[get[ aq s0 pannbai aq 1ou pegs inq `palutodde uaaq aney [legs IOATOoal a 20u 10 laylagM ssaupalgaput pamoas ail lsuteSe 11
Alddg pue Aliadold alp w013 slgold pue awoout Iaglo pug sjgluai ay1 loajloo (o) `Alladoid ay1 lual 10 mwado '3o uorssassod a)jel pue jo
aoueualutew to pedal Io3 sasuadxa algeuoseai Arc! pue Inoue Iamouog 3 lun000e ail Io3 (q) 'ajgeAed pue anp Ajaletpawwt palnoas Agalag
luawulanoO am 01 ssaupalgaput Aug pue aloe am lapun ptedun lunowe aiuua ail =map (e) :Arm aotlou 1nogl!M 10 4IIM `uoudo s1t
ig luawuianoO ail 'sloltpaio 3 lgauaq ay11o3 luawuStssg ue a)jew 10 luanjosut ue pampa!) 10 Aoldnixueq ur paSieyostp aq laMOUOg
se paweu sallied alp jo au0 Aue pjnoys l0 'lualadutooui palepap aq 10 alp IaMOI1OH se paweu sallied aql pinoys to 'luawnllsut
styl Aq palnoas 10 luawnllsut stye ut uopeStlgo Atm 3o aBigyostp l0 aouewiO3iad ail ut in000 KIfly3HQ GlIlOHS (LI)
•Iapunalay 1[nBJap alnitlsuo0
Reis luawnllsut Altinoas iaglo !Ions Ave lapun 1pejap pug '1amo11og Aq pawnsse to painoaxa pue luawuiaAOD alp Aq play luawnllsut
Alunoas Iaymo to Aiiadold Ieuosiad Aug lapun so 'alma leai 1ay10 Aim lapun 1ingjap mnlpsuoo pegs Iapunalay i[nejaa (9t)
ego! dons 4IIM uopoauuoo ui Aouaag Sutpual
anpelad0oo a ul pasegoind aq o1 Aigssaoau )pots Aug 103 Agd 01 pug Agaiaq pamoas ssaupalgaput Aug pue aloe aq1 Aed Ol lunowe
luato ns ut ugol gons ldaooe pue 103 kiddy 'lsanbal s,luawulanoO am uodn `IIiM IaMO.uog 'amp jo spouad pug sosodind iepwts
103 sueo[ io3 swim pug Salem .alquuoseai le 'aoInOs lrpalo alentld to anpeiad000 ajgisuodsal Iag10 10 ')lueg puej jelapa3 e `uotleIOosse
imam uotlonpold a wol3 ueoj a utmgo 01 alge aq Amu 1OMo1log leyl mammanoo ay1 01 ieadde jlet{s 11 awp Aug le 3I (St)
•Apawal l0 1441 ions Aug 3o astolaxa alp opnjoald
s0 JO lanteM a aq IOU [legs 'Mei ajgeotldde Aq papio33e astMlaylo Jo luawnllsut stye iapun Apawal 10 142!1 Aue Sutsrolaxa ut —ua13o
10 00u0 laylagM- 1uawuian09 aq1 Aq aoueieagio3 Aug '2IHAHMOH °2ur1!IM ur astMlaglo SAES luawuianoO alp ssalun luawnllsut
slit Ag palnoas Nap 10 aloe ag1jo 1uawAed Io3 IUawulano9 ail 01 Altitgeq s,,Ciled laylo Aug 10 s,iamollog 10 luawnllsut stye 3o Altloud
ail 10 uatl ag1 2uuoa33e inoglM auop aq [j1M pug ueo stye [[e pug Auy °luawnllsut st[jl Iapun s142U slt 3o Iaglo Aue anIeM (j) pue 'trap slt
aleutplogns pug Aliadoid alp 3o suoniod aseajai (a) 'luawuianoD ail 01 A13[tge1l wo13 leap alp 1o310 aloe ay1 iapun am!' s! o4M A11gd
Aug amp.' (p) 'luawnllsut stgl Aq pamoas laawulanoO am 01 ssaupalgaput Aug io aloe 0141 Aq paouaptna leap ail 'uo sluawAed ail
alnpayosal pue Maual pug '3o A1unlgui ail Jam i0 pualxa (o) `aoueleq jedtoutid Surpuelslno am uo lsaimur paua3ap o1 jenba lunowg ue
Aq aSRSuow alp asealout (q) 'ueo! alp uo anp aoueleq 10 swim luawAed'ale1 Isolalut am lsnfpe (e) Aew mammanoO ail, (bt)
•pawiojlad Suioq ale luawaa1Se Aleluawalddns Aue ut IO Malay pauteluoo sluawaai$e
pug slueuan03 ail laylagM uteliaose o1 Ailadold ayi loadsul Arm sluaSe si! pug luawuianoO alp sawn algeuoseai Ile 2V (El)
•j0010l sigauaq Aug 10
earl am 01 10 ut Isamu!! 10 ajlp 'Wu Aug aney pegs lapjoy painsut ou pug `uotloejstles pug `suoueutplogns 'sasealai leliled 'sluasuoo
1ue12 01 laMOd alp 01 pauultj lou lnq Sutpnlou! `iapunaiay aaBe2llow se sigSu antsnjoxa pug alos ail aney pugs mamma/too au,
•luawulanoO ayi 30 lease°° uai1IJM ay1 lnogltM 'astMlaylo 10 A[11giunjon `palogwnoua 10 `pauajsue11 'pjos 'pauSisse `paseaj aq Ijeys
ulalay2 Isamu!! 10 j001041 uotllod Aug IOU Alladold ay1 Iayllau `suopejfSal mammanoo Aq paptnold astMlaylo se ida°xH (ZI)
111ado1d aql Mit/Canuoo pug Imps `Surstllanpe jo sasuadxa pug 'moo lino° `saa3 saalsnll 'saa3 sAaulolle `sluawnllsut 10410 pun stye
Sulplooaa 3o moo 'Alladoid ayi 3o Aanlns pug o1 app 3o aouaptna 3o slsoo 01 paltwtl lou inq 2u1pnloul `(1[ngJap nog 10 alojaq laylagM)
luawamag Aleluawa[ddns Ave pue mot! alp 3o pue 3oalag suotstnoid agl gItM aouetldwoo am JO JO luawaoloJua ag102 pun pang Aluoud
pug uatl alp jo uotloaioid ail 01 Ieluaptout 10 Alessaoau Algeuosea1 sasuadxa 103 luammanoO ay1 asingwtal 10 Aed oj, (I1)
•Alladold am 2uuoa33e summit pug 'saougu*nlo 'smut !je g1!M Ajdwoo o.L (0I)
O tiG90;3 3 92
(21) Borrower further agrees that the loan proceeds secured by this instrument will be in default should any loan proceeds be
used for a purpose that will contribute to excessive erosion of highly erodible land or to the conversion of wetlands to produce an
agricultural commodity, as prohibited by 7 C.F.R. part 1940, subpart G.
(22) At the option of the Government this mortgage may be foreclosed by action or advertisement under Power of Sale as
provided by law and statute, and Borrower here irrevocably vests in the Government the statutory Power of Sale.
(23) Borrower hereby assigns to the Government all borrower's rights under Wyoming Statutes 34 -4 -113 to surplus proceeds
and /or surplus money remaining after sale of the property under statutory Power of Sale or any foreclosure sale or similar sale
exercised by any foreclosing party or other party and hereby waives any claim against the officer or person making such sale for paying
said surplus on demand of the Government.
(24) Borrower hereby assigns or waives in favor of the Government all grazing privileges, permits, licenses, or leases appurtenant
to or used in connection with said land, and Borrower further covenants and agrees to execute any and all forms and documents that
may be necessary and/or required by Government to effect said assignment or waiver and further covenants and agrees to procure
renewals thereof prior to their expiration and to pay all fees and charges and to perform all acts and do all things necessary to keep and
preserve all said grazing rights and renewals thereof, and in the event of the failure of Borrower to do any of these things the Government
may do so on behalf of Borrower, including advancing such sums as may be necessary for this purpose, and such funds advanced shall
be secured by this instrument.
(25) If any provision of this instrument or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity
will not affect other provisions or applications of the instrument which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,
and to that end the provisions hereof are declared to be severable.
(26) This instrument shall be subject to the present regulations of the Government, and to its future regulations not inconsistent
with the express provisions hereof.
(27) Notices given hereunder shall be sent by certified mail, unless otherwise required by law, and addressed, unless and until
some other address is designated in a notice so given, in the case of the Government to FARM SERVIC AGENCY
P.O. BOX 369, AFTON, WY 83110 and in the case of Borrower at the address shown in the Government's
Finance Office records (which normally will be the same as the post office shown above).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has hereunto set Borrower's hands and seals this 7th day of
JULY ,u2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
COUNTY OF 'r.eclu ss:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by 0.r
cJenk4fts GlncI 3 1) d
My commission expires: ..lA 171a G. t ado g RD 1927 -1 WY (11- 91'),, Page 4
day of
Notary Public.
`ONINNIOgg 30 INIOd 01 11 0l `ssaj Jo a10111 1203 T£T `1sua aouagp
S£ uopoas p!Es jo aup Lzgpunoq two's' aqp o1 `ssaj JO 010u1 `1003 6tZ 1111°N aouall
`3223 86 Isom aoualp
:1223 t8 11noS aouagl
%r 3N %z gN pigs jo autj £Igpunog Isom all of spa! Z lsam aouagl
spa! 0! !Duos aouall 8uiuuna pu `S£ uopoas pigs 3 %t gN %T gN a l l JO JOUJO3 2saMl31oN
jo lsgg spot Z si lugl S£ uopoas pigs 3o au!! £i punog giioN a!1 uo luiod g 1g ONINNIOgH
:sMojjo3 sg pagi1osap Apeinopiud a1o11x gulag $uiuzoicAk
`Aluno0 ujoouFl IAI'd 29 01 I1 3 MAT RI NZ£Z `S£ uopoas 3o Ind 1d1OXH (ENV SS
3pa10 Aluno3 ujoourj al1jo spiooa! am Jo OTT a8gd uo gdi4 T
ajoog ut 8L6T `T 113m1/1 papmoaz paaQ Awn% ut pautgluoo pug! all 1.dgDX3 Mid SSH'I
30 INIOd a!1 01 `ssaj Jo a10WI `spot ZZ `auij ilgpunoq two's' pigs guojE `1sua aouagl
S£ uoioas plus jo autj £gpunoq glioN agl o1 `ssaj Jo a10W `spot tz gl.ioN aouall
`.spa! OT lsgg aouagl
`spa! SOT luoN ammo
!spa' OE IS ammo
!spa' 16 liON aouagl
!spa! 09 lsgg aouagl
!Val TM 11310N aouag1
!spa! OZT `gull £iEpunoq !Duos pigs guojE Isom aouag1
`•S£ uopoas
pigs 3o auf iiigpunoq linos all of `ssaj Jo a10W VIII O T£ `plEMglnos papualxa am!
igpunog DsaM pigs guojg pug to aloi gN pigs jo aup £gpunoq 1saM all guop `linos axiom
!PA aN �/i gN Pigs 3o auij LEpunoq Isom, all 01 spa! z 1saM, aouagp
:spa! OT linos aouagl 2uiuunz pug S£ uopoaS pigs 30 %gN %$N alp 30 1auaoo 1saMl1JoN
alp 3o psgg spa! Z si Imp `S£ uopoaS pigs 3o au!! kiIpunoq P alp uo luiod E 1g ONINNIOgg
sMOjjo3 sg pagposap &j1 jnoi11 d
a10w 8upg &qW0 /Cm `Aluno0 ujoouri `i'Fd 119 all 30 M61RI NZEL `S£ uopoas 3O 31gd
C 6 C
gupuoICM `1uno0 ujooui'I `'•1i'd 1 119 mil 30 t1A6T III NZ£.L `LZ uopoaS 3o %gN %A1AN LL
I mica
SWUM(' Ilif pue suppla f pea
io3 uopdtaasaa team