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Deedue4ve a Ws, uh4ah 4a N se 361 rode 0 feat std t rods from the Southwest earner of Section 25, T 32 N, 1 119 V, 6th P.K., ruing, and running tl$nce North 10 rods, thence asst 5 rods. thence South 10 rods. thence Hest 5 rods to the point of boginning, conveyed to Terry Allred and Miry Francis Allred, husband and wife, the entireties, grantees, by liarnanty Dead dated December recorded lecamber 11, 1964, in leek 68 of P.L. logo 329. lecording Mo. 386143. tr ios No. 2: Beginning at a point Which is last 246 rods 211 feet and tb 2 rods from tbs Southwest Cotner of Section 25, T 32 N, 1 119 ii of the 6th P.H., Ong, and running thence North 10 rods, thence last 5 rods, thence South 10 Moab, thalnce Heat 5 rods to the point of beginning, iugether with such wtor rightp as s on record for hnfortd i of of a is conveyed to Albert J. Dory of estate by the entireties, with rights and recorded o April 25, grantees, T6. by l Warranty lead dated Dscesbsc 46, 1972, look I11 of P.R.. Fagot 483, Recording No. 456068 air-W Nu. 3: Beginning at a pint which is ism 256 redo 2t foot owl 2 rods tree the nouthuest Gornsr or foot, Section 3, T thence 32 N 11 1 97 feet, thence P.N., Wooing, and running thetas North 165 thence South *RM feet. then* Tire' 1 7 fret rn rho mint of hasfimint. conveyed to John E. Nield and Dona Nield, husband and wife, es joint tenants vita right of survivorship and not as tenants in comma, grantees, by Warranty Datarl dated July 27, 1979, and recorded 0ctobwr 9, 1979, in Book 160 of P.1., Page 546, Wording tb, 531215. "4" 423 0866917 (Seal) THE STAIt OF WYOMING )ss. County of Lincoln PROOF OF PUBLICATION ,C7/4" 0171 first duly sworn deposes and says that she/he is -ewer of the LITTLE CHICAGO REVIEW, a newspaper of general, circulation, published at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, in the State of Wyoming. "That the notice, a true copy of wjiich is hereto attached, was pub- lished on the day of lished in each succeeding week until the (--?e y j day of 2 7O being a period of 1 successive weeks. That said news- paper is published weekly, on e y Ai gr week. 2 PJ•e and was pub- ubscribed and sworn to befor me, the V r day of ,21 N tary Pub c, coln County., Wyoming My commission expires> /4 0203 COPY OF NOTICE Q bb91.7i 424 Diana Lynn Mackinen Notary Public County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires =d-?'' THE "LITTLE CHICAGO" REVIEW, KEMMERER, WYOMING, WEDNESDAY Notice of Foreclosure A default has occurred through Mortgagor's and/or subsequent owner's failure to pay that Promissory Note in the orig- inal amount of $36,000.00, secured by a Mortgage dated October 23,1992; recorded November 16,1992, Book 320PR, Page 438, R ption No. 757226 (re- recording info.:N /A), in LINCOLN County, Wyoming; given by DRU S. ASTLE, mortgagors, to WALLICK AND VOLK, INC., as mortgagee; and subsequently, through one or more recorded mort- gagee; and subsequently, through one or more recorded assignments, assigned to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT- GAGE ASSOCIATION; securing property described as: Exhibit "A" Commencing at a point which is 267 rods East from the Southwest comer of Section 25, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North 261 feet; thence West 344 feet; thence South 261 feet; thence East 344 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following tracts of land: Exception No. 1: Beginning at a point which is East 251 rods 21/2 feet and North 2 rods from the Southwest corner of Section 25, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North 10 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence South 10 rods; thence West 5 rods to the point of beginning, conveyed to Terry Allred and Mary Fran- cis Allred, husband and wife, by the entireties, grantee, by Warranty Deed dated December 2, 1964, and recorded De- cember 11, 1964 in Book 68PR on page 529, Recording No. 386143. Exception No. 2_: Beginning at a point which is East 246 rods 21/2 feet and North 2 rods from the Southwest corner of Section 25, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North 10 rods; thence East 5 rods; thence South 10 rods; thence West 5 rods to the point of beginning, conveyed to Albert J. Dory and Noma E. Dory, husband and wife, as an estate by the entireties, with rights of survivorship, grantees, by Warranty Deed dated December 16, 1972 and recorded April 25, 1974 in Book 111PR on page 483, Recording No. 456068. Exception No. 3: Belmning at a point which is East 256 rods 21/2 feet and North 2 rods from the Southwest corner of Section 25, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North 165 feet; thence East 122.7 feet; thence South 165 feet; thence West 122.7 feet to the point of beginning, conveyed to John E. Nield and Dona Nield, husband and wife, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship and not as tenants in common, grantees, by Warranty Deed dated July 27, 1979 and recorded October 9, 1979 in Book 160PR on page 546, Recording No. 531215. PURPORTED COMMON ADDRESS: 556 LINCOLN STREET, r1FTON, WYOMING Mortgagee has declared the unpaid balance of $32,979.32, PLUS interest, advances, fees and costs, due and payable in full, and is advertising to sell said property to satisfy the same: and WHEREAS, no suit or proceeding has been insti- tuted at Law to recover any part of the debt remaining; and WHEREAS, the Mortgagee has given notice of its inten lion to foreclose, NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff's office of LINCOLN County, Wyoming, to the highest bidder, for cash at public venue at the front door of the Courthouse in LINCOLN County, Wyoming at 10:00 a.m. on July 10, 2000. The Sheriff is not authorized to sell the property without a written bid from our office, and an authorized representative in attendance on the lender's behalf. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee Meinhold, Stawiarski, Shapiro, Codilis, LLP Attorney for Mortgagee 9200 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 350 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 799 -0083 June 7 28