HomeMy WebLinkAbout866955Recorded at Request of at .M. Fee Paid by Dep. Book Page Ref.: Mail tax notice to Evern Cherril Draney Address 1930 Buchanan Ave., Ogden, Utah 84401 QUIT -CLAIM DEED EVERN W. DRANEY and CHERRIL B. DRANEY, GRANTOR(S) OF OGDEN County of WEBER State of Utah, hereby QUIT -CLAIM to EVERN WELKER DRANEY AND CHERRIL BAGLEY DRANEY JOINT n LIVING TRUST, Evern Cherril Draney, Trustees grantee(s) of OGDEN, WVER COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the following described tract of land in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming. Beginning at a point forty (40) Rods South and Twenty (20) Rods West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Ten (10) in Township Thirty -one (31) North of Range One Hundred Nineteen (119) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Wyoming running thence West Twenty (20) Rods; thence south Twenty (20) rods; thence East twenty (20) Rods; thence North Twenty (20) Rods to the place of beginning. Being a rectangular piece of land containing two and one -half (2-1/2) Acres of land together with all improvements. WITNESS the hand of said grantor(s), this l iv e -M y; A.D. two thousand Signed in the presence of STATE OF UTAH 1.0,,ItL A/DA.tza r EVERN DRANEY AND CHERRIL DRANEY LIMO' 131- CURRIER 25TH ST «r 20 >z UT 34401 I 1" :1Sit.:,ta EXPIRES 23, 2001 BOOKAASPR PAGE_AZE day of RECEIVED ...1NCOk_N CP..iNTY C;.. 00 JUL 1 2 PMI 1 1 3 )ss. County of Weber 866955 On theivelfth day of May A.D. Two thousand, pOK06, before me the signer(s) of the foregoing instrument, who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same.