HomeMy WebLinkAbout867016WITNESS our hands as of this 10th day of July, 2000.
Ted R. Jorgensen and Frances A. Jorgensen, Trustees of the Ted R. Jorgensen
and Frances A. Jorgensen Revocable Trust dated January 12, 1993, of PO Box 816, Afton,
WY 83110, grantors, for and in consideration of TEN AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($10.00),
and other valuable considerations, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
CONVEY and WARRANT to Boyd L. Eddins and Jane P. Eddins, Trustees of the Boyd
L. Eddins and Jane P. Eddins Family Revocable Trust dated July 21, 1997, of Flying E
Ranch HCR 85 #2, Smoot, WY 83126, grantees, the following described real estate,
situate in Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights
under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit:
Lot 52 of Block 40 of the South Kennington Court of the Kennington Addition
to the Afton, Wyoming, Townsite, according to plat thereof recorded in the
Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, and subject to the Protective Covenants of record.
SUBJECT TO all covenants, easements, exceptions, restrictions,
reservations and rights of way of sight or record.
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