HomeMy WebLinkAbout867026067026 RECEIVED _INCOLN COW BOOK 44&PR PAGE 6 4 5 This mortgage is madAikiroiliiita VaDtWof November, 1999, between arles H. Dana and Elaine H. Dana, Trustees, or their successors in Trust, of Charles H. Dana Revocable Trust dated August 8, 1990 and any endments thereto, (collectively the "Mortgagor and Hugh Gardner Soest Donna Marie Soest, as Trustees of The Green Hills Revocable Living st, f /b /o Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, dated June 30th, 89, Lawrence S. Rodeck and Sandra S. Rodeck, as Custodians for Malcolm J. odeck, under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, Lawrence S. Rodeck and Sandra S. Rodeck, as Custodians for Cameron M. Rodeck, under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act and Lawrence S. Rodeck and Sandra S. Rodeck, as Custodians for Sara M. Rodeck, under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, as tenants in common (the "Mortgagee WITNESSETH, that to secure the payment of the principal sum of One Hundred Sixty Three Thousand One Hundred Sixteen Dollars ($163,116.00), or so much thereof that may be advanced, together with interest thereon at ten percent (10 per annum, with interest accruing from the date of advances on the outstanding principal balance, and interest being due and payable monthly beginning July 31st, 2000, and continuing until August 31st, 2000, when the entire amount hereof, principal and interest then remaining unpaid, shall be due and payable; interest being calculated on the unpaid principal to the date each payment is received and the payment made credited first to the discharge of any late charges due hereunder and then to accrued interest and the balance to the reduction of this principal; provided that failure to pay an interest installment as and when due prior to maturity shall not constitute an event of default, but in the event any interest installment is not paid within ten (10) days of when due it shall be added to the principal balance outstanding as of the due date and shall draw interest thereafter at the same rate as principal, all as evidenced by a Promissory Note of even date herewith (the ultimate maturity date of which is the 31st day of August, 2000) and all renewals, modifications and extensions thereof, the Mortgagor hereby mortgages to the Mortgagee the following described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to -wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Together with and including all buildings and improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights and rights -of -way of sight and /or record (the "Property And the Mortgagor covenants with the Mortgagee as follows: Z pus Tsdpupd ;o slug ulle4sui zsjn2az) zapunazatq ajgsXsd zo pampas XgazatT lunouzs Pius ;o luauxXsd alp ui Ijns;ap uodn (e) :aaSeSpow aril ;o uotldo aril le ajgsXsd pus anp auzoaaq !jugs Xgazatq pampas ssaupalgapui azilua eq j •uotlszajaaai pus Ijns;aQ •6 •klzadozd of aim atjl slU U M zogs2IzoyAT a1TJ XluszzeM 00L0 90y£8 oq pl 'sited ousel 00LOS xofl •O•d pluJ Xusduzoj 2 uosjnod 'uasua j 'TTizzay�j uasua j lsauzg o/D :aa2s2Izow LZZ£8 2utuzo&M _'auXsq j L6Z xog •O•d saalsnzy 'susQ •H autsTg pus susQ •H sajzstTj :zo2s2Izoyq :uiazaq papinozd se zauusuz autss ut 2uili1M ut aurtl oI aurtl uzoz; Aped za nta &q palsuaisap aq Amu se aasjd Jay() trans Is JO SMOTJO; ss passazpps aq Hells pus 'pajisuz ua4M uan!S pauzaap aq !Tells 'Hew pat3ilzaa Xq was aq Hugs saailou TTv •aailoN 'G •a2eSpow sry Xq pampas ssaupalgaput ay uo 2uipus4s4no lunouts a41 SulSpaIMOU)Tas pus 2uTIi ;izan pa2pajMOUvs Ajnp luauzalsls uall!IM 4stuzn; !um 'Tisum Xq lsanbaz uodn &isp (0£) X4iiq up.liM JO uoszad ut Isanbaz uodn sAsp (oz) AluaMl urtnIM 'zo2s2IzoyAj a4J •luauzalsls •9 pang amp aril ;o se AlTzotzd uliM Xlzadozd aql 4sUts2s uatj s alnlilsuoa Hugs awes ay pus 'tunuus lad %gi) luaazad uaaw2Ia ;o alsz attl Is Isazalui gliM aa$sSlzoyAI gig papuadxa sums trans asznguziaz oI saaBs pus slusuanoa zogsSIzow •auzss iced Amu 'uoilazasip pus uoildo Nos sli le 'aa2uS4Joyq 'suzniuzazd aausznsui JO Xlzadozd aql Isuis2s saEzs4a Tn ;MST Pius ;o waltz/Cud aul ui s4Tnsrap zas24zoy I Iuana uT •aags24zoyAj Xq sluatuXsd •g •klzadozd aril IsuisSs JO U0 sagzsiTa Tn3MeT Jay° pus (sluauzssasss uoilsposss zauMOauzotT '•.*•a) sa2i q Tsluauzuzano2 -tssnb 'Tsluauzuzano2 TTs 'salsz zalEM 'sluaz zaMas 'slua ussasss 'saxsl 'sluaz punoz2 tTe Led Hulls zo2s24zoJA! a4J sagzsnJ Jay° pus saxsy •l; •asuadxa sp. Is zoSESIzoyAI Xq uoilipuoa pus zisdaz 'zap() X ly2Is pus pool ui 'pautsluisuz XTsnonutluoa aq Hurls Xlzadozd ay pus Xlzadozd ;o uoilszotzalap JO 'Iuauzzisdutt 'alsuM Aus za;;ns JO liuzzad 'ltuzuzoa lou Illm zoSaIzoyAT zapunazatq Xliznaas s,aa2e24Joyq ztsduzi Xsuz tTattgM /Wadozd ay IIIIM uoilaauuoa UT JO uo 2uigiXus op Iou jTsgs zogs$lzoy\T aqj •Xlzadozd JO uotlsnzasazd •anp uagM ;o zapzo aszanut aril ui jsdputzd oI aausjsq pus ;sazalut panzaas oI Iszi; palipaza aq !jells luatukedazd trans Pius 4e44 par paaBe pus poolszapun st It pus 'pup! Pius ;o Aljsuad JO uzniuzazd InogTTM auzil Aug Is 'Isazalui panzaas snjd sums Tsdpuizd Suicsd ;o gajinizd ay anst4 jjstts Jo2s$41o1A! a4J •luauIXsdazd •Z pampas Xgazatq ssaupalgapui aril /cud TjstTs zoss2410 au Iuauz /csd •Z 9 17 9 9 0867026 647 interest, late charges, lawful charges against the Property, amounts paid by Mortgagee, attorney fees, collection costs, etc.) and failure to cure such payment default within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof; or (b) After failure to exhibit to the Mortgagee, within thirty (30) days after demand, receipts showing payment of all ground rents, taxes, water rates, sewer rents, governmental charges, quasi governmental charges and assessments; or (c) After the assignment of the rents of the Property or any part thereof without the written consent of the Mortgagee, except as otherwise provided herein; or (d) If the Mortgagor fails to keep, observe and perform any of the other covenants, conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage (not cured within prescribed time limits); or (e) After failure to comply with any requirement or order or notice of violation of law or ordinance issued by any governmental or quasi governmental authority claiming jurisdiction over the Property within three (3) months from the issuance thereof; or (f) Upon sale or transfer of an interest in the Property without Mortgagee's consent as herein provided; or 10. Foreclosure Upon Default. In the event of default and acceleration as herein provided, the Mortgagee may proceed, pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming by judicial foreclosure or advertisement and sale, to foreclose on and sell the Property, and out of the proceeds of such sale shall pay all sums secured hereby, including all costs and expenses of the foreclosure proceeding. 11. Remedies. All remedies provided in this mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy under this mortgage or afforded by law or equity which may be exercised concurrently, independently or successively. Any forbearance by Mortgagee in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be deemed a waiver or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy at any time. 12. Receiver. The holder of this mortgage, in any action or procedure to foreclose it (judicial, by power of sale or otherwise), shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver. The Mortgagor hereby consents that, in the event a receiver is appointed, Mortgagee may be the receiver. 13. Possession. In the event of default by Mortgagor, the Mortgagee is entitled to possession of the Property during the pendency of any foreclosure proceedings and during any period of redemption, if applicable, under the statutes of the State of Wyoming. 14. Attorney and Foreclosure Expenses. If any action or proceeding be commenced, to which action or proceeding the Mortgagee is made a party due to its interest in the Property, or in which it becomes necessary to initiate collection of the indebtedness hereby secured or foreclosure proceedings (whether or not suit is necessary), all sums paid by the Mortgagee for the 3 869 j7 paoM aul pug „saoSg$laoN„ pgaa It ;t se panalsuoa aq !Imp „ao2gB4aoyAI„ p1OM aqj •a264aou1 sell ;o saaplou luanbasgns !Iv pug 'aa2g2poytI au} ;o su2Issg pug saossaaans 'santluluasaadaa lguosaad all 'aa2v2poyvi all ;o )t ;auaq alp of aanu! jlgtls pug 'Xlaadoad 044 ;o slugualgns pug slugual 'saaaugaquznaua 'saauMO luanbasgns up pug 'ao2g24aoj, aul jo satssg pug saossaaans 'satali aul 'aoSuSpow 044 puiq pug pug! all tlltM una !imp a2g2laouz sttll ut pautgluoa suotltpuoa pug sluauzaaagg 'sluguanoa au -Aurae palgutuual JO paSugua aq lou Xguz a2g24aouz sttl.L •snoaugjlaastJAI •61 •dgaaall pampas slunouzg 4sutg2g s4.42Ta agjtu Is Aug ao ;o -40s of pantlua aq lou Ilgtls aag24aoysI •3 ;0 •St •alquAgd pug anp Xlalgtpauzurt aq of Agaaaq pampas sums Hu aagpap 'uotldo Nos s,a0SO4aoN lg 'Aga! aaSuSpow 'asulpand of uotldo ug 2utureluoa lou ssaj ao sagaA aaatll ;o Xlaadoad all 04 lsaaalut pjogasgaj Aug ;o lugaS all (a) JO 'aauMO Aug jo tReap 044 uodn Mg! aul jo uotlgaado ao astnap 'luaasap gig as ;sugal g (q) 'sapugtlddg 1O; lsaaalut XltanDas Xauouz asuipand g ;o uotlgaaa atll (g) 2utpnpxa Xlgguosuaaun aq lou Hugs 1IanlM 'luasuoa ualltaM ao!ad s,aa2g24101A1 lnotlltM ao2g24aoyAI Xq paaaa;sugal as1Maallo ao plos st utaaalp lsaaalut IgpIjauaq ao aiggltnba Aug ao klaadoad all ;o laud Aug ao Iig 3I 'aa;sugas- uo -anQ •LZ •luauI pnf Xauapt ;ap g of pailtlua aq !um aagg2laow pug aaugigq ptgdun aul ao; aiggti utgutaa Hulls ao2g24aow 'Lgaaaq pampas ssaupalgaput all Xgd of luapt ;nsut axe :spaaaoad all pug (Mg! 04 21.1tpaoaag asTMaalIlo ao 'alus ;o aaMOd 'lgptpnf) aansolaaao; Ig Nos St &laadoad all luana all uI •Xauatat;aQ •91 •aatlou Inotll4M 'aapunaaaq (potaad amp aiquatlddg 044 unllTM palm lou) ling;ap Aug uodn aagg2laoyAI all Xq pa>Ionaa aq Amu ao$g24aoyAI aul ;o 4444 Mans lgul paptnoad 'slt ;oad pug sansst 'sluaa ptgs antaaaa 04 pug laa!!oa 04 paptlua aq uggs ao2u2laow alp pug 'slt ;oad pug sansst 'sluaa pigs 2utlaaIT0a JO asodand aul ao; Xlaadoad all uodn aalua of 442ta aril santgM iigaaaq aaSg24a0y1 atl1 •ptgd aag aSu24aouz stul gig paanaas sums !Iv !pun 1aa33a ut anutluoa llglIs lugaS pug luauzu$tssg sp.!' •paanaas Xgaaaq ssaupalgaput alp ;o lunoaag uo 'sasuadxa pug saSagua Xagssaaau jig ;o luatuAed aa4Ju 'slt ;oad pug sansst 'sluaa all Xiddu 04 pug 1001044 laud Aug ao X}aadoa j atll uodn aalua of 44Sta 044 aa2g24aow 044 04 sluga2 ao2uSlaow all pug 'Xgaaaq pampas ssaupalgaput alit ;o luau1Xud 044 ao; Xltanaas aatpan; sg Xlaadoad 044 jo 'Aug ;t 'slt ;oad pug sansst 'sluaa all 00$g2410J, aul 04 suBIssg Xgaaaq 102g24101,1 atl1 •slua'J ;o luauzuSIssV •5t •a2g2laouz gip Xq pampas aq of pauzaap aq imp pug 'a2g24aouz spl ;o uatj 044 04 luanbasgns 2utnaaag ao 2uttlag}lg Xlaadoad atll uodn urtgla JO ut lsaaalut '04 ailtl ao '44u Aug of aopd 'Xlaadoad all uo uatl g ag jiggs uoaaau4 Isaaalut aul pug sums Mans Aug pug 'umuug aad (%91) luaaaad uaa44Sta ;o alga all lg uoaaa44 lsaaalut 41!M 1040ol 'ao2uSlaow atll gig ptgd aq !!puts '(saa; ,sXauaollg algguosvaa 2utpnpu!) pampas Xgaaaq ssaupalgaput aul laaJIOD 04 .10 aSg2laouz stul asolaaJO; 04 JO a2g2laouz stul iiq paluaaa uatl pug s442ta aul pua;ap 04 JO alnaasoad 04 2utpaaaoad ao uotlg291! Aug ;o asuadxa 9 ~01.49f0 U1 UU li.uaam hr am-MULLIKIN LARSON SWIFT LLC +3077333947 T -404 P.I8 /20 F -137 0867026 6 4 9 "Mortgagee" shall be construed as if it read "Mortgagees" whenever the sense of this mortgage so requires. Whenever used, the singular shall include the plural, the plural the singular and the use of any gender shall include all gender,. This mortgage shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this mortgage has been duly executed by the Mortgagor, hereby relinquishing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. STATE OF WYOMING ss.. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: (1).13 ,Zdeis dl Charles H. Dana, Trustee of the Charles H. Dana Revocable Trust dated August 8, 1990 Notary Public 5 Elaine Dana, Trustee of the Charles H. Dana Revocable Trust dated August 8, 1990 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Charles H. Dana and Elaine H. Dana, Tr stees of t e C arles H. 'Dana Revocable Trust dated this _thr.. day of 2000. izo T 0 c1 O S 9 9%0 9N() EO d 1IMS NOM NIA11111V1-ol mid 909'ZIC Us wild uV H�o N has mod' u u0 03 SL' j `fit 0r� a g8n°'g1 �(�i on; fl..SbS SSW I�'�9E.L Io8 t 30 aim °°t� 1ld I 8ao�t x to b IPA a 00'091 o Sa ��11! o- �d a J0ar 2 Ai 'd u mod a pre Pen Plss� nu= 3 P p 1 p n aril o� �g LI'6�Z 11i 8�ew pcaiag acUd °wed 3"1i3a *MU" P�30 Cori Op O.b�SRS aaaagi °H" ����aaol� "to `%YiL8 raniP sfrITtNV/ nx P1 uoN Itri 3UUawayl ral 711119suilimuN aq3 wag L MitteLS Paj 91 P� 41 &1 S 0 123° 'I aoing0 st w aiod a }oe Box zd *pussy/ v o4 st loos 19'61.4 gulag 101od PPr'Cip 020 41 Vale *meur of to itvu m Pel3 V 1. 'a u 'ma PR mos =Prep genti o Aiplacand >a' doezd Pas nPIQe'3 slog zlQSli 'D Pna 01 poq p pgeijo Pond urea mu° kaumg apu4Plod tissas odcdUO2Yug PP Il lulIFIWIP stand aalz atLL 00 Faluor3P WIEWP £poiowgulag o uo o►Iq P 1 9 Zp,1a► &61 Iii 0EL'W 3o q p v luo a y *VP II�od y £0'd 8T0' °N £:ST 86.TO 38 c1 8661 4 0T mot ,rs1z;�aame�- o Sii3MNION3 1 SIOMAIHIS 5 31 10059111 VOW "8 CIAO T1 8818EE110E1 -w wdOZ ;60 88 -10 -ZI PaAlemoN 4. Itr S at 337 W Rl 9 J t g 0Z z T n a. 04—C Ti O P4 Z3o Teed ■.v.. SIaTHXIC 98T9££210£T:131 dWOJ 311I1 QNd1 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 08(0.702G Description Thayne Village Center Lot E 20,566.08 Sq. Ft. or 0.472 Acres A portion of the NW 1 /4SE1 /4 of Sectinn 23, T34N, RI 19W, (gibe 6th. P.M., located in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: The True Point of Beginning being an iron Pipe set at a point in the Easterly line of that certain parcel of land described in Deed No, 815012 from Franklin and McGinnis properties, a partnership, to !high Gardner Soest and Dona Marie Soest, Trustees tiled February 02, 1996 in Book 379PR, Page 643, said point being 879.69 feet Easi to a Magnetic PK Nail set at a point in the Center line of the Dana Street Right of-Way and 319.30 feet 87°2821"E from the Knowlton's B,L.M, type Monument marking the Northwest corner of said NW 1 /4NE 1/4; thence 97°28'21"E, continuing along said Easterly line, 100.86 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast corner of Lot D; thence West, along tlrc North line of said Lot D, 212.21 feet to an Iron Pipe found 'narking the Northwest corner of said Lot 1), said point also being a point in the East Right-of-Way line of Village Parkway; thence North, along said East Right -of -Way line 100.00 feet to an iron Pipe set; thence East 199,09 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, 65.1