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Agreement made and entered into this day of
2000, by and between Thomas S. Taliaferro,
IV, also known as T.S. Taliaferro, IV, and Linda
Taliaferro, husband and wife, whose mailing address is 337
Virginia Circle, Green River, Wyoming 82935, hereinafter
called Lessor, and Baseline Minerals, Inc., a Colorado
Corporation, duly qualified to do business in the State of
Wyoming, the address of which for the purposes of this
Agreement is 1645 Court Place, Suite 422, Denver, Colorado,
80202, hereinafter called Lessee;
50 GK 4 48 PR PAGE 72!
1. Lessor, for and in consideration of $10.00
and more cash and other good and valuable consideration, in
hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and
of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on
the part of the Lessee to be paid, kept and performed, has
granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does
grant, demise, lease and let exclusively unto said Lessee,
with the exclusive right of mining, exploring by
geophysical and other methods and operating for and
producing therefrom oil and all gas of whatsoever nature or
kind and to produce, save, market and take care of said
products, without warranty of any nature whatsoever, all
that certain tract or those certain tracts of land situate
in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described as
follows, to wit:
In Township 23 North, Range 115 West, 6th P. M.:
Section 27: NE /4NE /4.
Section 33: SE /4SE /4.
Section 34: S /2S/2.
Section 35: SW /4NE /4; SE /4NW /4; SW /4; W /2SE /4.
Containing 560.00 net mineral acres, more or less
aossa2 oq A d TTpgs aassaT pup :aanaosgpui gsoo aaggo iup
ao 'gaxapw ao3 TTo agq. 6uTapdaad asTmaaugo ao '6uTssaadwoo
'6uT1paaq '6uTgpapiLuap '6uTgpapdas '6uTgaxapw '6uTaag1P6 3o
lsoa )up s�soa uoTganpoad 'uoTg2 ;TuITT gnoglTM '6uTpnTouT
'AlTpioa lions oq GTgpgnqTaqqp saxpq gdaoxG 'aanaosgpgM
;sop JUP ao3 uoTganpaa jrloIflTM 'sxupq a6paogs oquT
ao auTTadTd aq1 oquT una sT TTo gons App aq; uo paonpoad
aaagM pTGT3 aqn uT 6uTTTpnaad A 1A I6 pup G ppa6 aiTT 3
TTo ao3 GoTad gGxapw 3o (oL9'91) q ;xis -auo oq Tpnba qunoui
UP pupT pTps uioag paonpoad TTo Aup ao3 'AgTpAoa SP 'aossaq
o; bpd TTpgs GassGrl '3oaaaq uoT ;paap1suo uI °8
°spuwT pTps 30 gapd p ao IIp sapntouT goTgM
;Tun gons Jup woa3 ao sasTwaad paspaT woa3 paanpoad
sT sp6 ao TTo SP aa.3paaagq 6uoT os Gaza; uT GnuTquoo TTpgs
asPGT sigq 'aspaT sTgq 3o uzaaq AapwTad aq; 3o uoTTpaTdxa
aq� aag3P ao 4p paxaomaa ao paTTTap 6uT9q 'paITTap s1T9M
ao 'Liam
gons Jup woa3 paanpoad pup paaanoasTp aq TTpgs
sp6 ao TTo 3I °TT aaggoup 30 6uTxaomaa ao 6uTTITap aq�
ao3 suoTTpaado 30 6uTuuT6aq au; pup TTGM auo 3o quauiuopupgp
ao uoTgaTduioo aqq uGGmgGq asdpTG TTpgs sApp (08T) 'gg6Ta
pup paapunH aup upgq aaow lou 3T pagnoasoad ATsnonuTwoo aq
0 paaapTsuoo aq TTpgs suoTgpaado 6uTp{aoMaa ao 6uTTITap pup
:pupT pips 30 4apd p ao TTp sapn1ouT gpTgM gTun 6uT ;paado
ao quawdoTanap ao 6uTTTTap P U0 ao pupT pTps U0 pa ;noasoad
ITsnonuTquoo 6uTaq Gap suoTTpaado 6uTxaomaa JO 6uTIITap
SP aag3paaagq 6uoT os Gaa03 uT anuT ;uoa TTpgs GSPGT STg4
uagq 'uoaaag4 SUOTTPJGdO 6uTxaoMaa ao 6uTIITap uT pa6p6uG
uagq sT aassa7 qnq 'sasTwaad pazTlTun ao paTood pTps
JO pupT pTps woa3 ao uo paanpoad 6uTaq qou sT sp6 ao TTo
'aspaT sTgl 3o waa; AiemTad aq; 3o uoTgpaTdxa aq; '3I
°aapunaaaq nJnp ;ap uT qou sT aassa7 3T waa; AapwTad aq; 3
uoT ;paTdxa TTqun agpuTwaaq you TTpgs (waa; JapwTad au.
uTggTM ag qT 3T) ao 'aa ;3paaagq sjpp (08T) Agg6TH paapunH
aup uTq 1TM suoTTpaado 6uTxaomaa ao 6uTITTap TpuoTgTppp
saauawwoa aassari 3T GgPuTwaaq lou TT pgs GS GT STg;
'asnpo iup ao3 aspao pTnogs saT ;Tqupnb 6uTIpd uT uoTganpoad
'sp6 ao TTo 30 AaanoasTp aag3p 3T ao 'uoaaagq saTog
10 aToq 1Cap p TITIP TTpgs GGSSar '1Gg3pUTaaaq papTnoad
SP q 4TMaaagq pazT ;Tun ao paTood a6paaop uo ao 'pup' pTps uo
sp6 ao TTo 30 JaanoosTp oq aoTad 3T °aaq;puTaaaq papTnoad
SP panuTquoo Gap suoT ;paado 6uTTTTap ao as ;3puTaaaq
papTnoad SP q ;TMaaag4 pazT ;Tun ao paTood sasTwaad
woa3 ao pupT pTps woa3 paonpoad sT wag; 3o aaqDTG ao ggoq
JO 'pup{ ao aangpu aanaosJpgM 3o sp6 ao
e.fi0 4950
'ITO SP aGg3paaaq;
O i 7O :'7
for gas of whatsoever nature or kind produced and sold or
used on the leased premises, or used in the manufacture of
any products therefrom an amount equal to one -sixth
(16.67 of the market price for gas prevailing in the
field, where produced, on the day such gas leaves the well
to be sold, used on or off the leased premises, or in the
manufacture of products therefrom, without reduction for
any cost whatsoever, except taxes attributable to such
royalty, from such gross proceeds, including, without
limitation, production costs, any cost of gathering,
marketing, separating, dehydration, treating, compressing,
sweetening or otherwise preparing the gas for market, or
any other cost whatsoever. In the event gas from a well
producing gas is not sold or used, Lessee may pay a shut -in
rental payment in lieu of royalty, subject to the following
a. If the shut -in occurs and continues from
completion of the well, such that no royalty
payment has ever been paid on such well's
production, the payment of such shut -in rental in
lieu of royalty on such well may not maintain
this lease in effect for a period of more than
three years from the date of the shut -in of such
well, and such shut -in rentals in lieu of royalty
shall be paid, in advance, as follows, it being
provided, however, that the first such rental
shall be paid on or before the anniversary date
next ensuing after the expiration of Ninety (90)
days from the date the well is shut -in:
(i) $1.25 per net mineral acre per month of
the first year of such shut -in (this
equals $15.00 per year);
(ii) $1.67 per net mineral acre per month of
the second year of such shut -in (this
equals $20.04 per year); and
(iii)$2.09 per net mineral acre per month of
the third year of such shut -in (this
equals $25.08 per year).
b. If the shut -in occurs after royalty
payments on production have been made (i.e., such
sTgq 6uTpaoaad ATaTsTpawwT gdsa6sasdgns
agq uT pagTaosap poTaad alp puoAaq sanuT ;uoa
uT -gngs alp go waaq alp gI (AT)
pus :gdsa6sasdgns sTgq
aapun pTsd 4unows agq aossar oq squawisd
AlTsAoa uoTgonpoad sqT woo; pTo14Li4TM
oq 4Li6Ta aLi4 aAPLi TTsus aassaZ 'poTaad
gquow aATaMq 6uTnsua alp 6uTanp paauawwooaa
aq uoTgonpoad pTnogs 'aaAaMOLi 'papp.oad
£assaT alp go saaos TsaauTw qau alp iq
paTTdTlinw 00'SZ$ oq Tsnba qunows us aossar'
Asd 'agsp uoTTsnuTquoo alp go sksp (0E)
t��aTLiy uTggTM 'TTPgs aassaZ 'Lidsa6sasdgns
sTgq 6uTpaoaad ATagsTpawwT gdsa6sasdgns
aLil uT pagTaosap poTaad aLiq puoAaq sanuTquoo
uT -gngs aIq Jo waaq agq 3I (TTT)
pus !gdsa6sasdgns sTgp aapun pTsd qunows
alp aossaq oq quawisd A1Tsjoa uoTlonpoad syT
woa4 pTOLiggTM gg oTo. ans4 TTsus aassaZ
'poTaad Liluow aATaMq 6uTnsua 6uTanp
paouawwooaa aq uoTgonpoad pTnogs 'aanaioi
'papTAoad :assaT alp go saaos TsaauTw
qau 1q paTTdTTTnw 00'OZ$ 0 Tsnba
qunows us aossaq I d 'a sp uoTgsnuTquoo
aliq Jo sAsp (0E) ITaTT,L uTTITM 'TT sus aassaZ
:4d2a6sasdgns sTgp 6uTpaoaad JTagsTpawwT
gdsa6sasdgns alp uT pagTaosap poTaad alp
puoAaq sanuTquoo uT -gngs aLi4 3I (TT)
assaT a n ;o saaos TsaatTu qau 01-1q q
paTTdTgInw 00'ST$ 04 Tsnba qunows us 'poTaad
eons go pua aLip qs aossar oq iCsd TTsgs
aassaZ 'sLiluow aATgnoasuoo aATaMq go poTaad
P JO; sanuTquoo uT -4ngs gI (T)
:sMOTTo; SP pTsd aq TTsgs A4Tsioa
go naTT uT sTsquaa UT -gngs Lions pus 'TTaM cans
go uT -gngs uoTwnpoad go uoTgdnaaaquT go azsp alp
woiJ sasaJ aaagp usgp aaow go poTaad s ao; g0a3ga
UT assaT sT4q UTsWTsw qou Jsw TTaM lions uo
ATTsAoa go naTT uT Tsquaa uT -4ngs lions go quawisd
'(uoTgonpoad 3o uoTgdnaaaquT us ST uT -gnLis
0 &67047
subparagraph, this lease shall immediately
4. If operations for the drilling of a well for
oil or gas are not commenced or if there is no oil and gas
being produced on said land or on acreage pooled or
unitized therewith as hereinafter provided on or before
five years from the date hereof, this lease shall terminate
as to both parties.
5. Lessee, at its option, is hereby given the
right and power at any time and from time to time as a
recurring right, either before or after production, as to
all or any part of the land described herein and as to any
one or more of the formations hereunder to pool or unitize
the leasehold estate and the mineral estate covered by this
lease with other land, lease or leases in the immediate
vicinity for the production of oil and gas, or separately
for the production of either, when in Lessee's judgment it
is necessary or advisable to do so, and irrespective of
whether authority similar to this exists with respect to
such other land, lease or leases. Likewise, units
previously formed to include formations not producing oil
or gas, may be reformed to exclude such non producing
formations. The forming or reforming of any unit shall be
accomplished by Lessee executing and filing of record a
declaration of such Unitization or reformation, which
declaration shall describe the unit. Any unit may include
land upon which a well has theretofore been completed, or
upon which operations for drilling have theretofore been
commenced, or land where the drilling of a well is planned
for in the near future. Production, drilling or reworking
operations anywhere on a unit which includes all or a part
of this lease shall be treated as if it were production,
drilling or reworking under this lease. In lieu of the
royalties elsewhere herein specified, Lessor shall receive
on production from the unit, so pooled, royalties only on
the portion of such production allocated to the lease; such
allocation shall be that proportion of the unit production
that the total number of surface acres covered by this
lease and included in the unit bears to the total number of
surface acres in such unit. In addition to the foregoing,
Lessee shall have the right to unitize, pool or combine all
or any part of the above described land as to one or more
of the formations thereunder with other land in the same
aopjans eons Aq pauMO spupT Tip pup AUP saanoo wawaaabp
LioTLiM uTaaag pagTaosap spupT au; go a ;pgsa aDPJans au;
go aaUMO aul LilTM quawaaabp S,1auMO aopgans p oquT paaa4ua
1 \-PT-1 TT pus aassaq Tflun pup ssaTun aspaT sTU; aapun aassaq
Aq paouawwoo aq TTpus saT ;TAT ;op aopjans oN °9
°pauTP ;uTew
asTMaaggo buTaq qou pup sgTun ao ;Tun Lions AUP UT papnTouT
qou saaop TPaauTw qau go aagwnu auk oq ATaJpuoT,aodoad
paonpaa aq TTpus sTpquaa 'squawked Tpivaa Aq aq iT JT
;Pg. papTnoad '10j papTnoad uTaaaq aauupw AUP uT pauTp ;uTpw
aq kpw aspaT sTgq 's ;Tun ao gTun Lions AUP uT papnTouT qou
pup kgaaaq paaanoo spupT oq SP pup 's ;Tun ao gTurt Lions AUP
uT papnTouT uTaaaq pagTaosap pupT auq go uoT ;aod Teuq oq
SP iTUO GDJOJ uT aspaT sTgq uTp ;uTpw TTpus uTaaau pagTaosap
spupT atl go gapd ao TTp 6uTaanoo pup goaaag suoTsTnoad auq
g;TM aouppa000p uT pawaog S TUf ao TTun AUP woaj uoTgonpoad
ao uo suoTgpaado 6 uTTTTaC °TTpnaad TTpus aspaT S1L
go kpoq au; uT suoTsTnoad pup swaa; au; 'aspaT sT4; Jo kpoq
awl uT pau1pquoo suoTsTnoad ao swaaq AUP LigTM qua3sTsuoouT
a1P UOT ;paadO ao quawdoTanap go upTd ;Tun ao aAT ;paad000
Lions go suoTsTnoad pup swaaq agq gT Tel; apTnoad TTpus
aossaq kq uoTJ,DTJTgpa Lions AUP Tpu; papTnoad aassaq go
gsanbaa uodn awes auq 6uT ;noaxa Aq kouabp Tpquawuaano6 AUP
Aq panoadde pup aassaq kq pagdopp uoTgpaado ao quawdoTanap
go upTd Tun JO aATTpaad000 kup o; quasuoo $,aossaq ssaadxa
JTTswao; TT pus aossaq °pagpooTTp os Sp iTuo uoT Ionpoad
uodn paspq aq TTpus aossaq o; aapunaaau appw aq o; squawkpd
kgTpkoa auq pup pupT go ;opa; aaLi;O AUP o; ;ou pup
pa ;pooTTP sT ;T goTgM oq pupT go gopaq a2TnoTgapd atl wo1J
paonpoad uaaq 6uTnpq sp pepapbaa aq 'aossaq oq aapunaaau
pTpd aq og kgTpkoa au; buTgndwoo go asodand aLi; ao3
'TTpus pupT go gopal apTnoT ;apd AUP o; pa ;pooTTp uoT ;onpoad
au; uaq; 'upTd pips kq paaanoo pupT agq go suoTgaod
quaaa ;Tp o; pa ;PooTTP sT woagaaagq uoTgonpoad aLiq kgaaagt
uoTJpaado ao 'quawdoTanap go upTd ;Tun ao aAT3paad000 lions
AUP aapun pagpaado aq asg4Psaaq TTpus goaaauq. gapd AUP ao
pupT pagTaosap anogp pTps ;P4; quana aql uI •TTpnaad TTpus
aspaT sTUn go Apoq uT suoTsTnoad pup swaai aq; 'aspaT
sTqq go kpoq aLi; uT pauTpquoo SuoTsTnoad ao swaa; AUP
u ;TM quaqsTsuoouT aap uoTgpaado ao quawdoTanap go upTd ;Tun
JO aATJpaad000 Lions go suoTSTnoad pup swag; au; gT :pil
'aanaMOq 'papTnoad 'quawaaa&p ao upTd Lions AUP a,puTwaaq
JO aBupuo 'kgTpow o; 'Tpnoaddp uoTTpaado ao wawdoTanap
go upTd ;Tun ao aATTpaad000 p oquT 6uTaawa kq poop Tpaauab
0 &67047
owner and which overlie any mineral estate whatsoever
leased in whole or in part by Lessee, whether such mineral
estate is severed from such surface estate or not, and even
if such surface estate is not described herein; provided,
however, that if Lessee shall provide evidence to Lessor
that the Lessee has in good faith attempted to enter into a
surface owner's agreement with such owner of the surface
estate and has been unable to reach agreement with such
surface owner, Lessor, upon the written request' of Lessee,
may consent to waiver of this provision, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
7. No well drilled by Lessee hereunder shall be
abandoned by Lessee until Lessee has given written notice
to Lessor of Lessee's intention to abandon and has given
Lessor an opportunity to acquire and assume responsibility
and liability and acquire any bonding required by the State
of Wyoming for the plugging and abandoning costs of such
well. Should Lessor not respond within 30 days of said
written notice or fail to assume said responsibility and
liability or fail to provide proof of bonding in said 30
days, Lessee shall be entitled to abandon such well.
8. If requested in writing by Lessor during the
term of this lease, Lessee shall fence all sump holes on
the lands covered by this lease which have been caused by
Lessee's operations.
9. Upon expiration or sooner termination of this
lease, Lessee shall quietly and peaceably surrender
possession of the premises to Lessor and shall deliver to
Lessor a good and sufficient release of oil and gas lease
so as to, effectively clear title to said premises from any
interest of Lessee therein and Lessee shall fill all sump
holes caused by Lessee's operations and restore the surface
of the ground to its original condition, as nearly as
possible. Lessee shall have the right for a period of One
(1) year after the expiration of this lease to remove all
property and fixtures placed by Lessee on said land,
including the right to draw and remove all casing. Lessee
may at any time or times execute and deliver to Lessor or
place of record a release or releases covering any portion
or portions and be relieved of all obligations as to the
acreage surrendered and thereafter the rentals payable
uT ;nus eons 'E udPa6paPd oq luPnsand AgTPiLoa uoTgonpoad
go naTT uT TPquaa uT -gnus go quawipd Aq pauTP ;uTpw 6uiaq
sT asp3T GU; 'aqPp lions aagJ2 ao uo JT 'aa1q.ang papTnoad
°aspaTaa uaggTaM pips aossaq oq aaATTap pup agnoaxa
rr�Lis aassaq awiq LiaTgM qP 'TTaM TUT aLiq go quawuopuegs
ao uoTgardwoo a4q. aaq ;P sAPp (08T) 'g46TS pug paapunH
au0 go pua auq. TTlun pup suoTgpaado 6UTTTTap lions 6uzanp
goaJJa pup aD10 TTng uT uTauaa TT2us aseaT pTps 'sAPp
(08T) igg puP paapunH au0 upgq aa6uoT aoj uoTqpssao
AUP nOqTM Liq.TMaaagq. pazT1Tun JO paTood puPT ao aSPaT pTps
uo aoua6TTTp aTgpuospaa gq.TM pup LiDTp3 pooh uT suoTgpaado
6 uTTTTap s1onpuoo 1CTsnonuTluoo ao 'TTaM 6uTpaoaad
aqq go quawuopuegP ao uoTiaTdwoo aLiq. woag sLpp (0$1) I ;u6Ta
pup paapunH au0 uTUq-TM Tram TaUOTgTppP UL go 6 uTTTTap
saouawwoo aassaq 'sTTaM ao TTam cans go quawuopupgp
ao uoTgaTdwoo aqq aaq ;P 'jT pup 'aoua6TTTp aTgPuosPaa
ggTM pagnoasoad aap sTTaM JO TTaM pTps uo suoT.Qaado
lions SP 6uoT os aoaog uT UT8waa TTPgs asPsT aaTqua
puP pauodjsod aq TTpus asparaa Lions go ICaaATTap pup
uoT ;noaxa auq. JO; agpp aLiq. 'gJTMaaauf pazTgTun ao paTood
spupT uo ao sasTwaad @spat all uo suoTgpaado 6uTNaoMaa
10 6uTTITap uT pa6p6ua osTf sT aassaq pup '8 gdea6paid oq
wsnsand apiw uaaq 3APu squawipd uT -gnus 3T ao 'uoTgonpoad
GOUPITUG JO a10 Sal oq gaogga UP UT z udP.z6L1Ld Oq
quansand uoaaaLiq pagonpuoo 6uTaq aap suoTgpaado uoTgaTdwoo
-aa ao 6uTxoPagapTs '6uTuadaap '6uTNaomaa '6uTITTap
jT ao 'sasTwaad pazTgTun ao paTood pTps ao pup[ pTps wo1J
JO uo paonpoad 6uTaq sT sp6 pue TTo agep Lions qp gT gaLiq
'aanamou 'papTnoad :TT se6 6uTonpoad uoaa 6uTpunoaans
aoupaaro; %01 snid saaop 091 puP TTaM TTo 6uTonpoad
uoPa 6uTpunoaans aouPaaroq %0T snid sa1DP 0 °09T 'TTaM
asPsT P sT TT GM 6uTonpoad Lions gT ao sTTaM ao TTam Lions aoj
pagPaao 'MoTaq pauTgap SP PGJP 6uTgpdTOTgapd ao gTun paTood
P uT uoTsnTouT Aq sTTaM ao TTaM 6utonpoad P oq pagpooTTP
uaaq aAPLi goTgM sasTwaad @spat go uoTjaod qPgq aapun
puP uT pa TTT.zp ao 6uTonpoad uaLq. uoTleuao; gsadaap a4q
go aspq aqq Moraq Haag OOT jo quaTPATnba oTLidpa6Tqeags auq
'MOTaq qou qnq 'oq uMOp aosjans auq woaj sgt6Ta sP6 puP TTo
W0EaREHEL ZdIOXS QNV aJWS Agaaaq paaanoo puPT aLiq go TTP go
assaraa UGggTam L aossaq 01 aaATTap pup agnoaxa oq saaa6a
pup S UPU Aoo aassaq 'goaaag uaaq )11PWTad aLiq. go uoT ;PaTdxa
a1q aaggP aPaJ (1) olio go pua aLiq qv °01
sasParaa ao a9POTa1 pTPS Aq paonpaa sT JCgaaaq paaaAoo
a6PaaoP agq go uoTgaodoad aLiq. uT paonpaa aq TTPus aapunaaag
0 &6704,
rental shall maintain the lease as to all acreage allocated
to a producing well or wells and limited as to depth as
hereinabove provided. "Pooled unit" or "participating
area" shall be defined as that acreage included in an
individual producing unit or producing area in which lessor
is receiving his proportionate share of the revenue from
all production from all wells in said pooled unit or
participating area.
11. In the event the Lessor at any time
considers that operations are not being conducted in
compliance with this lease and that such constitutes a
default or breach of any of the conditions herein contained
to be kept on the part of the Lessee, Lessor may, at the
election of Lessor, declare this oil and gas lease
terminated and said oil and gas lease shall thereafter be
null and void and of no further force and effect, provided,
however, anything herein contained to the contrary
notwithstanding, Lessor shall not exercise such
termination, unless and until the Lessor shall have given
the Lessee written notice, by certified mail, of the facts
relied upon as constituting such default or breach, and
unless the Lessee shall have failed to commence any
operations that are then legally necessary to remedy such
default or breach within a period of Sixty (60) days after
the mailing of such notice, it being intended that service
of said notice and the lapse of Sixty (60) days without
Lessee's meeting or commencing to meet the alleged breaches
shall be a condition precedent to any action by Lessor for
any cause hereunder, and provided further, that any
indemnification provision hereunder shall survive such
termination. It is provided, however, that after
production of oil and gas has been obtained from the land
covered hereby or on land pooled or unitized therewith (or
with any part hereof), this lease shall not be subject to
forfeiture or loss, insofar only as it covers lands
included in a pooled unit or participating area as defined
in Paragraph 10 above or, if the producing well is
classified as a lease well, 160.0 acres plus 10% tolerance
surrounding each producing oil well and 160.0 acres plus
10% tolerance surrounding each producing gas well, for the
failure to comply with the express or implied obligations
of this lease except after final judicial ascertainment of
such failure and Lessee has been given a period of Sixty
(60) days after such final judicial ascertainment to
TTqun aassaZ uo 6uTpuTq aq TTsgs ssazpps sTgq uT a5usgo ON
'SE6Z8 6uTwoAM 'zaATE uaazp 'aiDaTD sTuT51TA LEE qs zossaZ
o� aTgsisd aq TTsgs asaaT STgD zapun anp squawked zaggo
pus sTsluaz 'saTgTsAoz ITV •SuTgTtt uT Agzsd aTTsoddo
age go uoTT2DT ;Tgou Aq asaaT ss5 pus TTo sTqP go sasodznd
agq zo; pa5usgo aq rCsw sassazpps aAOgs agq. !TTsw iq
uanT6 aoTgou SP gD3JJa awls agq ansg TTsgs aoTgou uaggT1M
Tans go AzanTTap Tsuoszad :saTgzsd aqTSOddo agq go azow JO
auo Jus o- paTTsw pus squa6s zTagq. zo saTgzsd 6uTi ;Tgou agq
go azow zo auo iCus Aq pau6Ts uagM assaT ss5 pus TTo sTgq
go swzaq alp uTq TM quaTDT ;ns aq TTsgs saoTgou TTs 'a3T440
gsod SagWWS pagTun agq uT pagTSodap sT aoTgou agq. goTgM
uo agsp aqa. aq TTsgs aoTnzas gons go agsp agq ':sassazpps
a nogs agq qs aassaZ zo zossaq agq. oq passazpps 'TTsw saga1S
pa 'ITun paT ;Tgzao iq was uagi uanT6 ATzadozd uaaq ansq
oq pawaap aq TTsgs uTazag paggTwzad zo paaTnbaz saoTqou Tie
'papTnozd asTMZaggo uTazag aq Asw SP gdaoxg "VT
pus aozo; TITIJ uT uTSwaz pus anuTiuoo TTsgs awss agq qnq
'a6aTTnTzd zo gg6Tz 'uoTsTnozd 'uoTgTpuoo gons .bus SuTJTsM
zaq ;sazagq SP panagsuoo aq qou TTsgs 'pazza ;uoo uTazaq
a6aTTnTzd zo g1.16Tz Ius aSTozaxa oq zo asaaT Ss6 pus TTo
sTgq go SuoTSTnozd zo suoTlTpuoo agq 3o JUP go aouswzo ;zad
agq uodn 'azow zo aousgsuT auo iCus uT 'gsTsuT oq aassaZ
zo zossa1 zagqTa go aznTTP; age 'uoTgTpuoo pTss go sagosazq
JO gosazq azngn; Jus aAT2M oq pawaap aq zo agpzado qou
TTsgs pus aousgsuT zs[noTjzsd aqq oq pagTwTT aq TTsgs asaaT
ss5 pus TTo sigq go uoTSTnozd zo uoTTTpuoo ius go Tosazq
Jus Jo aassaq zo zossa7 zaglTa 1q zaATsM '8T
•aouswzogaad pus uoTgsgazdzaquT oq ss Tgoq '6uTwoAM go
egsgs aqq go SMST aqf Aq pauzano6 aq TTsgs asaaT ST-I Tsgq
p9a15s pus poogszapun JTTsnlnw sT qT pus f6uTwoAM jo aT2 S
aqq go s4znoo 041 uT ATuo pagnqTgsuT aq TTsgs asaaT ss6
pus TTo STgq go Tosazq izana pus AUs z0J sgTns Tip pus ius
Tsgq aai5s saTgzsd agy •aassaZ Aq ;oazaq gosazq AUs zog
a6swsp JUP Jo AI@AODaz agq. UT pazznouT zo aassaq lsuTs6s
asaaT sTgl go uoTgzod )LIP go quawaozogua agq uT zossaq
Aq pazznouT 'saa; s,Aauzoggs aTgsuossaz 6uTpnTouT 'sasuadxa
pus sgsoo aTgsuossaz TIP ksd TTsgs aassaq "ZT
•gTns ;ap uT aq oq pauTwzagap ATTPToTpnc
uaaq ssq aassaZ ToTgM oq SP uoTgs6TTgo agq. 6uT6zsgosTp
pus ggTM SuTpTdwoo &q azngTa ;zo; zo ssoT Tons luanazd
0 JG '7(4
30 days after Lessee has received notice of such change as
herein provided.
15. The rights of Lessor and Lessee hereunder
may be assigned in whole or in part. No changes in
ownership of Lessor's interest (by assignment or otherwise)
shall be binding on Lessee until Lessee has been furnished
with notice, consisting of certified copies of all recorded
instruments or documents and other information necessary to
establish a complete chain of record title from Lessor, and
then only with respect to payments thereafter made. No
other kind of notice, whether actual or constructive, shall
be binding on Lessee and Lessee may continue to make
payments precisely as if no change had occurred. No
present or future division of Lessor's ownership as to
different portions or parcels of said land shall operate to
enlarge the obligations or diminish the right of Lessee and
Lessee's operations may be conducted without regard to any
such division.
16. Lessee shall keep accurate written books and
records of all oil and gas removed, used or sold by Lessee
hereunder, including books and records showing the basis on
which royalty payments are made to Lessor. Lessor shall
have the right hereunder to employ accountants, engineers
and other professionals necessary for the purpose of
verifying performance by Lessee hereunder, and Lessee
agrees that such professionals employed by Lessor for such
purposes shall have access to the premises and to the
records of Lessee necessary for such verification, at
Lessor's risk and without liability to Lessee, at all
reasonable times and upon reasonable notice in writing to
Lessee, for the purpose of making such verification; and
Lessee shall furnish all reasonable assistance that may be
required in such verification; and such verification audit
shall be limited to the 36 months preceding the date of the
audit and such audits shall not be conducted more
frequently than once each calendar year; in the event that
any such verification inspection shall reveal that the
total payments actually made to lessor by Lessee hereunder
is less than Eighty Percent (80 of the total payments
which should have been made hereunder, Lessee shall,
immediately upon demand reimburse Lessor the reasonable
expenses to Lessor for such professionals for such
inspection and for any enforcement hereof resulting
auk gp quana auk uI 'aPGA papuagxa 6uTpaaoons uopa go pua
auk aaogaq ao uo urns aNTT p go quemApd auk Aq ui.zaq papualxa
a1f go pua auk TTqun apai oq apaA woa; uoTTpuTwaaq tans
ApTap A u pup apart gsaT; pips go pua auk aao,gaq ao uo aaap
TpaauTW qau aad 00 3o urns agq aossa7 ol quawApd aq; Aq
apart TpuoTgTppp auo aog uoTgpuTwaaq Lions ApTap U1 aassaZ
qPilq aaugang papTAoad aTpuTwaaa. TT PITS aspaT sT p 'uraa�
papuagxa auq go apart gsaTg auk uT TTaM TTo 6uTonpoad
P TTT'P 0. 4 sTTp3 aassaZ JT g2gP 'aanaMOq 'papTAoad
'aapunaaaq p1oU oq anuTquoo oq sgoaTa aassaZ gaTUM
pupT au go gapd ao Tip ao; aaop TpaauTu qau aad (00'86$)
sapTToQ 00T /oN pup 4146Ta- JCgauTN 3o urns aqc aspaT siu
3o apart tggTg aqq go uoTipaTdxa auk aao;aq ao 'uo aossaq
oq 6uTaapuaq ao 6uTApd Aq sapaA (0T) uay oq sapaA
SATE woa3 aspaT alp Jo waag AapuTad auk puagxa oq uoTldo
pup gg6Ta auk aassaZ oq squpab AgaaaU aossaq '6T
°amps aoaogua oq TU5Ta
agq ggTM uaTT tons 0. 4 pagp6oagns aq TTpgs pur? aapunaaaq
6UTnaoap saTllpAoa AUP uroag grasgT asanqu1Taa kpw pup
uoTTpoTpnCpp ao Gips xpq iup qp aaspgoand iup uroa; Gulps agp
waapea Apw ao 'pup' pips uodn uaTT aauo ao a6p6iaow 'xpq.
iup capd uT ao aTogM uT abaptasTp ao asptoand Apw uoTgdo
sqT Jp aassaZ •1TTpuoTgaodoad paanpaa aq TTpgs aossa7
pTpd aq oq siuquaa pup saTgTpAoa atn 'uTaaagq gsaaaquT
aassaT p SUMO aossaj ;T pup saoupgsgns paspaT auk uT
a1pgsa aaTqua auk oq gaadsaa uTM pauTUraagap Gap papTAoad
anogpuTaaaq sTpivaa pup saT4TpIoa aqy '8T
•pa1T3 ao gg6noaq ITTn36uoaM ao 1 TTngggETa
Gap SUOTgap ao suTPID guns aaua1M 'aapunaaaq suoTTpaado
pup saTTTAT4ap s,aassaT WO.J 6uTginsaa ao oq goadsaa q rrM
aossaq gsuTpbp paTTg suoTcop ao gg6noaq swTpTo iCup gsuTpbp
pua ;ap of saaa6p aauang aassaZ :aapunaaaq saT ;TiTgop pup
suoTTpaado s,aassal woa; asTap ao iynsaa Apw goT1M se
s,rCauaoqgp aTgpuospaa pup sq.soo .anoo 6uTpnTouT 'aanTpu
aanaosTpi1 go sasuadxa pup sgsoo 'spupwap IsarTpio 'a6pwpp
'sso- TTTgpTT TTp pup AUP gsuTpbp pup wo.J aoss41
ssa1wap1 plot pup AgTuwapuT oq saaa6p aassaZ -LT
•sgquow (98) xis- AgaTq,L go poTaad p
aoJ aspaT sTLJ go uoTgpuTwaaq age puoAaq puaqxa TTpgs gTpnp
oq Tg6Ta pTpsaaogP Guy •goaaag: ssaugoaaaoa ate uoTgsanb
JO gsagoad oq aossaq go gg6Ta aTq aoTpnCaad qou TTpgs aspaT
sTU aapun quawripd AgTpAoa Rup Jo aOUpgdaaoy* •wo1Jaaagq
0 &6'047
lease is extended for only part of the acreage recited
herein, the applicable provisions of paragraphs 9, 11, 12
and 17 hereof shall continue to apply to the lands not
extended, but with no greater right to Lessor as to said
lands and provisions than if the entire lease had expired.
20. Notwithstanding anything that may be
contained in this lease to the contrary, when this lease is
being maintained by production of minerals from the land
covered hereby or from land pooled or unitized therewith,
it is agreed that if royalties pursuant to this lease for
any annual period commencing on the first day of the month
following the month in which such mineral production first
began and annually thereafter (each such period of time for
each year hereof being hereinafter called the "annual
period do not amount to the sum of at least $10.00 per
net acre contained within this lease, i.e., Fifty Six
Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($5,600.00) (such sum being
hereinafter called the "minimum royalty sum then the
difference between the total amount so paid to Lessor
during the applicable period and said minimum royalty sum
shall be paid to lessor within Sixty (60) days after the
end of the applicable annual period. In the event Lessor,
during any annual period in which this lease is in effect,
shall receive hereunder from the aggregate royalty
(including shut -in well rental) a sum greater than said
minimum royalty sum, such excess shall not be applied to
make up any difference due to Lessor for any preceding or
succeeding year. In the event of any assignment of this
lease as to a portion of the land covered hereby, each
Lessee shall be responsible for his or its part of the
minimum royalty sum payable hereunder to be apportioned on
an acreage basis. It is agreed that whenever this lease
shall be terminated or subject to termination, in whole or
in part, under the other provisions of this lease, the
payment of minimum royalty sum provided for in this
paragraph shall not delay nor prevent such termination. As
indicated above, it is understood that the aggregate amount
of all shut -in well rentals and all production proceeds
attributable to Lessor's royalty interest, as obtained from
all wells located on the land covered by this lease and
land pooled or unitized therewith, shall determine whether
or not, for any annual period, Lessor has been paid said
minimum royalty sum. All minimum royalty sums payable to
1uapTsaad 's- weq,1,
'oaaa3eTTps epu
aassaq 'u! -aodao opsa. op
P *DUI saauTW Eases
aageTTes •S sewogs
•uaggzaM anogs gsaz3 asaA pup yep aqq spueq aTagq.
has anpg o ;aaag sazlaed age '3032i3HM SSHNZIM NI
os op
o� auTw.zagap pTnogs 'paooaa 3o aseaT sTgq. SuzoeId aaq.eT
woa3 aassaq izgzgoad qou TTsgs wnpueaowaw s Lions gsanbaa oq
uoTloaTa s,aassaq :paooaa 3o pod aq oq wao3 quaTOZ33ns
uz '3oaaag waaq agq pup 'aapunaaag paszwap agegsa
agq. 3o uoigdziOSap p '3oaaaq uozgdTaosap TsbaT agq 'oqaaaq
sazgaed aqq BuTqeoTpuT aseaT 3o wnpueaowaN p agnoaxa
oq 'aassaZ 3o gsanbaa uodn 'saaabe aossaq 'paooaa 3o
aseaT sTLil aDe1d qou goaTa aassaq pTnogS •ZZ
saeaA aaagq. paeoxe oq qou pozaad s oq pagTwzT aq
TTsgs gdea &saed ST4q 3o SuoTSTnoad age 'aaAamog 'papTAoad
•buzpua4sggTMrou AasaWoo aqa. oq aseaT szgq uz SuTggAue
'aassaZ gsute6e paqunoo aq qou TTsgs pe uanaad os sz aassaq
aTTLiM awTr agq pup :ggTmaaagq pazTgTun ao paTood pueT
ao saszwaad aseaT agq woa3 spy ao TTo SuTOnpoad woa3 ao uo
suoTgeaado SuTNaoMaa ao SITTT Suzgnnpuoz mot esnso lions
)up Iq paquanaad sT aassaZ Sp SuoT os pue aTzgM papuagxa
aq TTegs aseaT szgq pus 'ggiraaag. JCTdwoo oq aanIzs3
103 sa6ewep uT aTgezT aq qou TTsgs aassaZ pup 'papuadsns
aq TTsgs qusua.noo Lions ggTM ATdwoo oq uoTgeSTTgo s,aassaq
'pacuaAaad os aTzgM uagl 'aassaq 3o Toaquoo agq puoAaq
asneo aag4o Lup ao uoTgegaodsuea; ao (s)gTwaad '$IPTaagew
'uaw aanoas oq. AgTTzgeuz ao 1 M 'sa '3ndszp aogsT 'uoTgeTnBaa
JO aapao 'MST IP gUGMUaano5 'pop 3o JoV aaggo ao 'waogs
'pooT3 'aaT3 3o uoseaa Aq moagaaaqq seb ao Tzo SuzonpOld
W013 JO uoaaagf suoTJeaado SuTNaoMaa ao SuITTTap SuTgonpuoo
woa3 'aseaT sTgq 3o queuaAo3 paTTdwT ao ssaadxa AUP ggTM
SuTATdwoo woa3 paquaAaad aq aassaZ pTnogS CZ
•3oaaaq gT gdea5eaed uz pauTequoo SUOT$Tnoad uoTJonpaa
ageuozgaodoad aqq oq goaCgns aq TTsgs aapunaaag aossaq
The State of Wyoming
County of Sweetwater
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before
me by Thomas S. Taliaferro, IV and Linda Taliaferro this
Ap\ day of 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires:
The State of Colorado
County of Denver
Notary Public
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before
me by Joseph W. Thames, President of Baseline Minerals,
Inc., this .1.1W-day of /L,L 2000.
'-1 1 Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
ion Expires: 3 7-t9A