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LIEN INSTRUMENT MORTGAGEE DATE OF INSTRUMENT DATE FILED RECORD OR FILE NO. BOOK NUMBER PAGE NUMBER REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE USDA/FICA 6/30/67 7/19/67 402820 79 PR 203 SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHE) HERETO USDA Form RD 460 -4 (Rev. 4 -97) n0 following- described lien instruments, made and executed by or filed in County of LINCOLN of MAY Page 1 of 2 RECEIVED SATISFACTION OF LIEN Position 1 (Chattel Security) Position 5 (Real Estate Security) State of WYOMING satisfies and discharges this lien instruments. The United States of America, acting through the United States Depart'nent of Agriculture as owner and holder of the NORTH ETNA SPRINKLER CO. BOOK, PR PAGE 7 4 and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the United States of America has caused this satisfaction to be signed the 30TH 2000 pursuant to delegation of authority published in 7 C.F.R. part 1900; subpart UNITED STAT?KS OF WITNESSES: -11 GORDON G NEBEKER Title DISTRI T DIRECTOR United States Department of Agriculture and recorded day RD 460 -4 (Rev. 4 -97) STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF FREMONT GORDON G. NEBEKER [SEAL] Kathleen C. Young Notary Public County of State of Fremont Wyoming My Commission Exp res Sept. 18, 2002 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0867053 On this 30TH day of MAY 2000 before me, the subscriber, a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the above county and State, appeared known tome to be DISTRICT DIRECTOR United States Department of Agriculture, and the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he /she acknowledged to Me that he /she executed the same as the free act and deed of the United States of America, for the uses the purposes mentioned in it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal at the day and year liste iubove. My commission expires RIVERTON, WY (Signature) 75v Page 2 of 2 RD 460 -4 (Rev. 4 -97) ay3 oa 'paaTmTt aou anq '2uTpnt3uT 'measts pies gaTM uoTausuuoo uT peen saq$Ta goaTP Pus segoaTP `sag2Ta saasM pus saavm Its g3TM sagaa2os :so2v2aaom aye 4q p9umo Agaedoad tvuossad pus Tags Its pus measAs pTss oa 9psm asa3e9aaq eq £vm g3TgM sau9me2avtue pus suoTsu9axv &ue BuTpntouT 'gaTMasaga uoTaovuuoo uT peen ao oaaasga ausuaasnddv s9sTg3uss3 pus 'sesuseTl 'srTmaed '93u9m9999 'd914 3o s342T3 Its gaTM x °m9asLg pulps 3o aTun gaaoN aqa 2uTsTadmoe 'as9M 611 Owl `gaaON 9E dTgsw o 'LZ Pas `£Z `tr suoT33sg uT aoacaad pus ao3 seuTTedTd age ;o suoTavool sip 2uTaq suoT3dTaosep pTes 'lea; SZ11 asea .oz gaaoN aouaga ase; OS91 g2soN aouega molls pus Sae; OZ£1 zoom 2UTnuTauO3 omega au Tod sTga mos3 aauaga 'ass; OZ9£ asem aousga ogre auTod emus aqa mos3 pus 3993 090£ g4uos eouaga '399; 099 zsam omega 4 3 93 3 061 '399M e£Z 4410N aouaga Lemq 3TH 69 °S °n eng 3sem 91 13 03 3 OStt 'aset 09L gams eouaga HuTnuns uoTsaaATp 30 auTod aqa moa; osTw pus pang Aquno0 aqa ®a 2993.06L asea eouaga 2uTuuna pue Ivuso PT's moan uoTsasAlp T© auTod aqa sT pug IvuvO apTg asva eqa 3e ivq asaM 9q2 no sT anTod quTgq a 6t.1 eguva g3aoN 9£ dTgsu o/ a £Z uOT339g s9Uao0 assaganog aql moa3 3993 SILT '3S3 qt£ gasoI 9Tu8T29g 0Siv fi®a3sLs pTvs ;o nun gang eqa so; su 9uTiedTd eqa SuTaq uoTadTaws9p PTss `3993 3uTod amss aqa moa3 ggaoj a3naga OBI, pus 4993 OM gang omega '3993 OSL asem a3Uag4 SuTuuna osty pug 3993 009 £vMOTq aqa ;o epT9 3s94 9113 2noTv "3ssH a£Z gams eeuega 2uTuuna.auTod sTg3 moa3 pus 11319N 69 6eMg8Tg °g •n 39 epTs 3$9M 9q3 0 SEC M SUTUUna UOTSaaATP ;o auTod eg3.mOa3 only `2993 OZLT gzsOH 413U9g3 4 3 99 3 OZt 3sva 93Uaga $'Tuana pulp Tvuv3 pTes mon uOTsa9ATp 3o auTod sgz sT pus rvusp 9PTS von 943 30 jowl 3sam eq3 no sT auTod geTgi '499A 611 92U911 'y310N 9£ dTgsun/ `9Z UO3 Tasg aeuao0 !Ea age mos3 ape; 06 '2s9M ,S oL g3a®N 3uTod v as 3UTuuT eq 'pea3naastoo 9q trim ao pe ons3smoo sT sums age sv '2o2v23aom 9q 3o mvasLs euTtadTd ktddns aa3lpM aqy uTmoLm 3o 048a8 utooun 3o (saT) lt�unoO aq4 uT ps4sngTs fSZ ION